A foreigner's journey

Chapter 387 Bonfire Night Talk

After careful inspection by Alice, the 'team doctor', she found that no one was injured in the previous battle. Only Tifa needed to rest for two days due to excessive consumption of mind energy and injuries to her arm from the anti-shock force.

After a short rest, the team set off again.

Leaving the dead wood forest full of corpses of demon wolves and giant snakes, we continued to move southwest along the road built around the mountain. As for the nameless dead wood forest filled with horrific corpses, after a long time, maybe it will be called the "Forest of Skeletons" in awe by passers-by?

The location of the Mithril Mine is at the foot of the Mithril Mine. The highway built by Shinra Company completely relies on the mine to circle around. Along the way, they would occasionally encounter hungry monsters or robbers with evil intentions, but none of them were any match for Heather and his party.

It was already a day after stopping and walking, crossing the pasture area and the mithril mine and arriving at the Junon area.

A bonfire was lit in the wilderness under the night sky. Several tents were set up around the bonfire, leaning on vehicles. Everyone was eating and chatting around the bonfire.

Heather was in charge of cooking. He took out the ham and vegetables he had brought from Old Bill's place and made a steaming pot of stew. At this time, he was taking the bowls passed by everyone and filling the rice one by one.

The stew in the pot is stewed with gogu beans, Lucis tomatoes, fanglione mushrooms, red potatoes and chopped ham ham. Both the ham and the vegetables are stewed until soft. It is rotten and exudes a rich aroma.

Tifa walked to the storage box where the ingredients were stored and looked at it: "There are not many vegetables and meat in stock. If there are no more supplies, we will have to get some ingredients in the wild."

Heather sat in front of the campfire and served herself a bowl of stew. She was not alarmed by the shortage of ingredients: "There are many sword-tailed birds nearby, and you can use their meat and eggs for cooking. Of course, the eggs of elephant birds are more It’s delicious, but it’s hard to find wild elephant birds in the Junon region. In addition, Egil cabbage and coo beans are everywhere, so as long as you stay far away from Midgar, you don’t have to worry about foraging in the wild.”

"Wow, you are indeed the boss Heather who has traveled all over the world, so cool!" Jesse said flatteringly.

Barrett scooped up a large spoonful of stew, blew it and put it into his mouth. While chewing it, he breathed out the heat and said vaguely: "Where is Claude? Haha - you have been with the army for so many years, you should Xiha—you also know a lot of Xiha—skills in surviving in the wild, right?”

Claude, who waited for the stew to cool down before eating, tilted his head: "No, because the Shinra Army will prepare the logistics. Especially for the special forces, their treatment will be much better than that of ordinary soldiers, and there will even be a special mobile kitchen and Cooks for Special Forces units.”

"How does it taste?" Alice asked curiously.

Claude recalled it and frowned: "...It's hard to describe in words."

Heather explained to him: "That's because the food supplied to Shinra soldiers is all synthetic food. Whether it is cooked or eaten, it must be cooked and eaten as quickly as possible. Coupled with the restrictions on transportation, the taste will definitely not be much better."

Tifa sat next to Heather, took the bowl filled with stew from him and thanked her, then looked at Yuffie and asked curiously: "Yuffie, where is your Wutai? Do you have a cooking style?" Big difference?"

Yuffie, whose face was all mushy after eating, wiped his mouth casually: "It's totally different! The food here in Midgar is sweeter, the food is frighteningly high in calories, and the cooking methods are also very poor. There are so many different cooking techniques here that we can’t finish them all in a day or night.”

Tifa looked at Heather, who made a mouth gesture - [bragging].

Noticing Heather's mouth shape, Yuffie's face turned red with anger: "I'm not bragging! Wutai's cuisine is the best!"

Heather curled her lips: "You think I've never been to Wutai, right? It's either raw or stewed. Compared to Midgar, it's just the same."

Seeing that Yuffie was so angry that she was going crazy, Tifa quickly poked Heather. Heather "tsk" and stopped her venomous tongue, concentrating on eating the stew.

Seeing that everyone was being led astray by Heather, Yuffie wanted to correct Wutai's image in everyone's minds, so she fumbled around behind her for a while and held what she found out in her hand like a treasure and showed it to everyone: "Look, This is Wutai’s famous product - big beans."

Everyone came together and found that these were several cooked soybeans, which looked very much like the coo beans they usually eat.

"Where did you get this thing from? You didn't bring any luggage at all, right?" Heather looked at Yuffie suspiciously.

Yuffie raised her eyebrows proudly: "Salute? There is no such thing. It would be too embarrassing for a descendant of ninja to carry big and small bags. Okay, come and try it."

As she spoke, she diligently stuffed a large bean into each person's hand, and then looked at them expectantly.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't help but eat it under such expectant eyes, so they had no choice but to put it into their mouths and bite it.

Then a series of heart-wrenching sounds were heard.

Jesse was about to burst into tears. He covered his mouth and said unclearly: "This... what is this? Is it really food?"

Tifa covered her cheeks and looked at Alice sadly, who was holding a large bean and trying to crack it open with her front teeth, but the sound sounded like she was cracking a steel plate.

"Did you mistake the five special bullets for the Big Bean?" Barrett took the Big Bean and knocked it on the arm-mounted machine gun, making a sound of metal colliding with metal.

Claude spit the beans back into his palm and said hesitantly: "If Wutai had such bullets, how could Shinra win?"

Yuffie looked strange, and threw a few large beans into his mouth, biting them loudly: "That's right, this is portable food for ninjas when they go out. It's nutritious, easy to carry, and delicious! Yes! ,Delicious."

Heather threw the big bean into her mouth and crushed it with her strong teeth and bite force. Once bit into it, it does have a strong aroma. By the way, isn't this thing a super enhanced version of Tianjin Tie Bendou?

After encountering a setback on Daqiaodou's side, everyone changed the topic decisively and tacitly. Claude took a spoonful of the stew bowl and put it into his mouth. He used the delicious stew to relieve the torture of his mouth. He chewed for a few mouthfuls before looking at Heather: "So, the direction Sephiroth is going. Is it also Port Junong?”

Heather nodded: "This is the only port that can allow him to cross the sea. If he only relies on his small wings, he may fall into the sea before he is halfway through the flight."

"With so many of us and vehicles, it's difficult to get the official qualifications to cross the sea, right?" Alice said worriedly: "After all, we are all wanted criminals of Shinra Company now."

Heather took out her phone from her pocket and shook it:

"At this time, the new president of Shinra Corporation is needed to solve the problem."

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