A foreigner's journey

Chapter 388 Crossing the Sea

The huge fort of Junon Fortress is the most prominent landmark in the Junon area.

The giant 70-meter-high turret base is built near the sea, and the huge muzzle of more than 100 meters stretches across the sky. It is truly a turret mountain. Various Shinra military buildings were built on the base of the fort. From a distance, the Shinra soldiers coming and going looked like ants moving slowly on the fort mountain.

In the port town at the foot of the mountain, it is a different scene.

After parking the truck and motorcycle in the parking lot, Heather and others felt the desolation of Junon Town. The dilapidated and missing urban public facilities, the numb expressions of pedestrians, the old houses that have not been repaired, the dry plants and trees, the thick smoke that blocks the sky, and the seriously polluted coast are the first impression everyone has of Junong Port.

Alice looked around: "What's going on in this village? It's so dilapidated..."

"I heard that this place used to be a beautiful fishing village a long time ago, but since Shinra took over here and built the Mako Reactor and Cannon Fort, everything has changed. Hey, are you okay?"

Heather explained to everyone while patting Yuffie on the back. This fearless girl was holding her knees dizzy, looking like she wanted to vomit but couldn't.

Hearing Heather's question, she waved her hand weakly and covered her mouth just as she was about to speak. She suffers from severe motion sickness and gets dizzy whenever there is transportation. Boats, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and even chocobos may suffer from motion sickness as long as they do not move with their own legs.

Originally, riding the Chocobo from Midgar and sitting in the back seat of Hardy Daytona did not trigger the motion sickness effect. Yuffie thought that her motion sickness was cured without medication. Unexpectedly, after packing up her tent and setting off again in the early morning, she suddenly suffered from motion sickness, and now she looked half-dead.

Alice and Jesse were taking care of Yuffie, and the others gathered together to discuss the next steps.

Through contact via mobile phone, Rufus agreed to help them deploy a Shinra airship, but he certainly could not let Heather and others board the ship openly. After all, they were still on the wanted list of the Shinra Company. Rufas only gave the airship departure time and boarding method, as well as the shift change time of the duty personnel. His meaning couldn't be clearer - I've given you the method, it just depends on whether you can successfully board the boat.

Boarding the airship is very simple for Heather and others. The troublesome part is how to safely transport the vehicle and the red comet to the airship.

"We can't fight all the way in..." Claude is really unwilling to give up the heavy motorcycle Hardy Daytona, and his girlfriend Jesse will definitely not be able to let go of the Red Comet.

Heather touched her chin and said thoughtfully: "I'll give it a try."

"Huh?" The others were stunned. Can we try this?

Heather pointed to the sea: "There are only two ways to get to the Western Continent, either by boat or airship. Why not change the idea and transport the vehicle and the red comet to the Sun Coast of the Western Continent by cargo ship, and we can take it ourselves It won’t be over until the airship passes by.”

Tifa tilted her head: "But if the vehicle can be transported on a cargo ship, wouldn't it be great if we took the cargo ship together?"

"It's definitely not consigned using conventional methods, it's smuggling!"

Heather shook her finger:

"Although this small fishing village is shabby, there are existences like 'smuggling black traders' in the fortress above. The Shinra Company is so big, it is inevitable that there will be some moths. The smuggling and consignment methods of those black traders are not applicable. For humans, it can only transport cargo, so we still have to take the airship."

Barrett spread his hands: "But we just came here, where can we find the black smuggling dealer you mentioned?"

Heather chuckled: "Leave it to me. Six years ago, I dealt with several smugglers in Junon Fortress. As long as you have a good conversation, they will definitely listen to my opinions carefully."

Heather's 'have a good conversation'... Several people's faces darkened, and they couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for those smugglers.

"Teacher, if you want to go to the fortress above, can you only climb that high tower?" Alice pointed to the towering iron tower standing in the sky on the seaside in the distance. Many iron towers like this support cannon barrels. There is some dark red rust on the surface.

Heather curled her lips, seeming to recall something sad: "The lower half of the tower of that thing is charged with high-voltage electricity. Believe me, it will be very uncomfortable to climb up."

It turns out you really climbed it! Everyone complained in their hearts.

"Anyway, I have my own solution, don't worry. You go to the fishing village to rest for a while and replenish food and ammunition."

Heather looked confident. His teammates trusted him very much, so they calmly followed his instructions to replenish supplies.

It was already noon the next day by the time Heather came back.

He was indeed very powerful, and he actually got a ship to transport the vehicle and the red comet to the freighter that set sail four hours later.

"The smuggling dealer I found is quite reliable. The vehicle and the red comet will be safely delivered to the coastal warehouse on the Costa del Sol."

Because Tifa really liked the blue three-wheel truck, Heather had to work hard to find the most reliable smuggler and solve all the problems, big and small.

"As expected of Heather, you are so reliable!" Jesse's mouth was as sweet as honey, and he threw kind words at Heather for free.

"Okay, you can leave this to Claude."

Heather raised her eyebrows, and then her expression became more serious:

"I also got some information. The afternoon before yesterday, there was a tall man in black who took an airship to the Western Continent. Because of his outstanding appearance and generous spending, he left a deep impression on the black businessman."

"It's Sephiroth!" Cloud clenched his fists: "What on earth is he going to do in the Western Continent?"

"It doesn't matter what he wants to do, what's important is that we can't make him do it." Heather is very vengeful, and he keeps looking for opportunities to repay the grudge that Sephiroth made so messy before he was unblocked.

The departure time of the airship they want to take is exactly 9pm.

Step by step, we took the private cable car to reach the upper level of Junon Fortress. Everyone changed into the Shinra soldier uniforms that Heather had obtained. The group sneaked into the fortress and started wandering around while it was still early.

Junon Fortress has its own system inside, with all kinds of facilities and shops. There are even high-end apartments on the turret mountain.

Everyone enjoyed an authentic seafood dinner at the restaurant of Junon Fortress, hosted by Heather, of course. After eating and drinking, everyone sneaked into the airship airport according to the message sent by Rufus in advance.

The airships in Final Fantasy are very different from those in Hunter World.

The airships in Hunter World are actually hot-air balloon airships, but they are much more advanced than those on Earth.

The airship in the Final Fantasy world is a serious high-end aircraft. It has a streamlined hull made entirely of metal, an exaggerated sci-fi shape, and huge propellers on both sides of the rear of the hull. This is made by Shinra Company. The key to dominating the sky.

Only airships and ships have the ability to cross the sea and connect the east and west continents.

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