A foreigner's journey

Chapter 608 Beheading the Hand (2)

The pitch-black berserker stood on a land of charred flesh and thick smoke. Under his feet lay countless pieces of broken monster flesh, and the blood formed a shallow lake.

These ten-meter monsters seemed endless to kill. Whenever Heather cut one head into two pieces, they would turn into two identical monsters and continue to rush toward Heather without fear of death.

Is it because of Slan’s domain? [The Prostitute of the Fetal Sea], she turned this land into her own domain [Dark Womb], where all unconscious flesh and blood will be controlled by her and transformed into new life, so it is called the 'Dark Fetus' .

Once these monsters are killed, the flesh and blood that has lost its life and consciousness will be turned into nutrient soil to regenerate stronger monsters.

It is worthy of being an A-level mission [Hand of God]. It is so difficult to pick up any one. Such a terrifying infinite resurrection effect has surpassed the one deployed by Caster Nicholas Flamel in the Holy Grail world using thousands of Philosopher's Stones. The formed Noble Phantasm domain is enchanted.

Silan's seductive laughter kept ringing in the empty dark wilderness around him: "Hehehe, young master, every time you swing your sharp claws, it seems to scratch someone's heart deeply. Use harder, use a little harder, People just like rough types like you, hehehe~"

Bang! !

Dozens of monsters swarmed up and tried to pin Heather down, but were cut into countless pieces by the five-pass leeches. Heather took the opportunity to soar into the sky, and the black cloak behind her suddenly unfolded into the shape of a giant bat wing, and flew towards the dark sky.

At this time, the sky of Etch is filled with invisible virus toxins. Ordinary people will immediately rot and melt into pus even if they stay here for a second. However, four light spots flashed on Heather's chest, and the surface of her body burned with a golden glow. . This is the light egg exerting its own effect, firmly expelling all germs and toxins that threaten Heather's safety from the body.

The scarlet gaze under the berserker's armor visor scanned the dark space, and Heather's mind changed rapidly. This should be Conrad's ability. In the original work, the author has very little description of the abilities of the five God's Hands. As a result, Heather now needs to collect intelligence when fighting them, and then use her own mythical weapons to target them.

It seems that Slan and Conrad's abilities both affect [matter].

Silan can affect unconscious flesh and blood and incite the desires of intelligent creatures, and has special resistance and manipulation of 'fire'.

Conrad is the personification of disease, poison, and death, as well as the ruler of beetles and rats.

In this way, the cooperation between Conrad and Slan is extremely terrifying. Slan can create powerful life forms from the unconscious flesh and blood hotbed to fight the enemy. If these artificial life forms die, new ones will be produced from the broken limbs. At the same time, the energy fluctuations caused by death will provide a steady stream of assistance to Conrad, thereby providing a flesh and blood hotbed for Slan, thus forming a cycle that cannot be broken.

Ubik is manipulating the apostles to try to continue killing the members of the Eagle Group, while Porter is entangled by the Skeleton Knight... Humph, do you think there is no chance of overturning with the hands of two gods against me?

So naive, Hands of God. Let me teach you a lesson about what it means to be a "despicable foreigner"!

The pieces of meat chopped into pieces by Heather fell into the bloody water, splashing with scarlet water. Immediately afterwards, more and bigger deformed monsters stood up from the bloody water. Silan stood among these monsters and laughed seductively: "Young master, don't waste your efforts. Every time you kill a 'fetus' They will provide more flesh and blood breeding ground for this womb, can you kill me... huh?"

Silan was suddenly stunned. In her perception, a large number of monsters suddenly cut off contact with her [Dark Womb]. What happened?

"And there are troublemakers? Hum, go my children, kill all the intruders."

As Silan pointed forward, the monsters roared and rushed towards the boundless darkness. But as soon as he entered, there was no sound, and everything was cut off from the dark realm of Silan.

what happened? Silan's expression changed slightly, and he raised his hand to summon more terrifying monsters on the flesh and blood hotbed under the bloody water. This time she didn't send the monster out but kept it within her own domain.

At this time, a gentle sigh suddenly came from the darkness, and then a cold and elegant female voice sounded: "What a shame, I thought I could get more toys."

"Who!" Slan's voice became sharp.

There were more and more footsteps in the darkness, and the monsters that had been sent out appeared one after another. It's just that they were originally artificial life forms created by Silan, but at this moment they were looking at their creator with ferocious and greedy eyes, salivation at the corners of their mouths.

On the shoulders of the tallest monster, stood a black-haired girl in a white dress, none other than Qin Qishi.

Her stunningly beautiful face is still indifferent and elegant. Standing barefoot on the monster does not damage her whiteness and sanctity. Her beautiful big eyes stare at Silan indifferently: "Although he is a troublesome and talkative master, since the master has given the order Of course, my sword must go all out to complete the order. Then, can you please die?"

Silan no longer had the relaxed smile on his face, but frowned: "...What did you do to my children?"

"What a stupid question. Weeds are growing on my path. I have to either step on them or cut them off. It's a very reasonable behavior, isn't it?"

The corners of Yan Qishi's mouth turned up, revealing a malicious smile:

"You are just a slightly thicker weed. Ah, weeding might become more interesting."

"Kill her!!" Silan screamed, and tens of thousands of monsters crawled out of the bloody water or the flesh-and-blood earth, rushing towards the hundreds of monsters controlled by Rong Qishi, and the earth was overwhelming. The monster trembled violently in the tide.

But before they could get close, thousands of identical knives appeared behind Rin Qishi, unfolding to form a chilling sword array.

"[God's Thousand Swords·Thousand Branches]."

An increasing number of Thousand Swordsmen, far exceeding the number of Thousand Blades, continued to appear next to Rong Qishi and projected forward on their own. Waves of air and whistling sounds continued to explode in the air. The bodies of the monsters were chopped into pieces, leaving flesh and blood. The broken pieces fell to the ground one after another.

"Hehehe, it's useless. The more you kill, the stronger my children will become."

Just as Slan said, those monster limbs squirmed and formed new monsters as soon as they fell to the ground. But before they could take shape, they were hit by a white stream of light that flew by rapidly, and they immediately froze and were unable to move.

Yan Qishi's figure was incredibly fast, and he was constantly jumping between each Thousand Swordsman. She was using the enhanced ability of [God Thousand Swordsmen] to counter-summon, allowing herself to appear at any location where one of the God's Thousand Swordsmen was. Because Jianjigu's eyes can see the overall situation, Yin Qishi can accurately control the position of tens of thousands of thousands of swords and jump one by one.

Every time she jumped to a place, she would wave another kunai-like short knife in her hand to draw a blood mark on the unborn monster. As the black electric current spread to the monster's body along the wound, the new monster, which had not yet completely gained life, fell into the control of Rong Qishi.

[The Evil Sword·The Awakening of the Bones].

The meat piece controlled by the evil sword immediately turned into a monster that obeyed Qishi's orders. The human sea tactic made no sense to her.

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