A foreigner's journey

Chapter 609 Beheading the Hand (3)

Gus didn't know how many times he was hit.

Almost no part of the skin on the body is intact. There are wounds everywhere made by claws and teeth. In some places, you can even see the dense white bones inside.

What he held in his hand was no longer the broken horn before. The horn had been broken and could no longer be used. It was replaced by a new long horn. He didn't know which apostle it was broken from. In fact, he couldn't remember what the apostles he had fought looked like.

I feel so tired, so painful, and want to lie down and rest.

His body was sending signals to Gus, but he ignored them. He couldn't retreat because he had his lover behind him, Cascacia... Nothing would happen to Cascaia until he died!

Casca's armor was barely able to cover her body at this time, but she was not insulted under the protection of Gus, and instead picked up her sword and fought alongside Gus. She has made up her mind to go to hell with Gus.

For a moment before, Gus felt that the endless waves of monsters surrounding him and Casca were stagnant for a few seconds. This gave Gus and Casca a chance to breathe, and they had no time to care about why the monsters paused. In the blink of an eye, the monsters rushed towards Gus and Casca with more ferocity and cruelty, and groups of eagles continued to be heard in the distance. The members screamed.

Gradually, Gus' body reached its limit and could no longer support it. Once again, he waved his long horn and knocked the attacking monster to the ground. Gus was also hit hard by the opponent's long tail. The long horn suddenly fell from his hand, and Gus flew several meters away and then landed in the bloody lake with a thud. He struggled a few times but couldn't get up at all.

"Gus!" Casca screamed, ignoring the deep wounds on her back that were scratched by the monsters' claws. She rushed to Gus's side and swung her sword to avoid several smaller apostles who wanted to come over to pick up the leak. , crouching down while holding up the sword and swinging it nervously, while groping Gus's body with his free hand: "Can you still stand up, Gus?"


Gus didn't even have the strength to answer. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to support his arms to get up from the bloody water, but his body was riddled with holes and had already exceeded the limit of movement.

For the first time, she felt Gus was so powerless. With tears in her eyes, Casca forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so useless. But if we die together, maybe we can be companions on the road to death." ?”

The monsters had already surrounded Casca and Gus. They let out cruel laughter, showed their claws, fangs and tentacles, and headed towards Casca and Gus with whistling sounds.

Guts used his last strength to throw Casca down, using his tattered body as a shield.

Just when the monster's claws and teeth were about to fall on Gus, the sharp sword suddenly flashed!

The closest monsters were cut into several pieces neatly, and the monsters farther away could not escape the end of having their arms and legs chopped off.

Gus protected Casca under his body. After waiting for two seconds, he did not wait for the expected disembowelment, but instead heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice:

"Wolf, come and be safe."

Gus raised his head in shock and found that the arrogant monsters retreated in fear to make way for a wide passage. Twelve figures of knights riding majestic horses appeared in the hellish abyss, headed by The knight wearing dark blue ferocious armor and holding a blood-stained giant sword was none other than Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake.

Lancelot's scarlet-gleaming visor faced Gus and Casca, and his magnetic low voice made people feel reassured: "Is that your woman? You protected her very well. That's what I value." The wolf...well done."

"You, how could you..." Gus's eyes were blurred with blood and water. He didn't know if he was dreaming or why the great knight he admired and admired appeared in this hell.

Sensing that the apostles around him were getting ready to move, Lancelot pointed in the distance: "Run there. We have rescued a few of your companions over there. Go and join them."

Looking in the direction pointed by Lancelot, Gus and Casca were shocked to find that the hills and fields there were filled with the remains of various monsters. They could even see Rickett, Bibbin and Jidu in the distance. figure.

"That's great, Bibin, Jiedu, Rickett..." Casca burst into tears.

For a moment, Guts really wanted to stay and fight alongside these great knights. But feeling the body heat of Casca supporting him, Gus's hot heart gradually cooled down. He looked at Lancelot with a slight guilt: "...Please be careful. After I return safely, I want to compete with you again."

The scarlet light on Lancelot's helmet flashed, and he seemed to show a gentle smile: "There will be a day... Okay, go quickly!"


With Casca's support, Gus trotted in the direction of his surviving companions.

The monsters became agitated when they noticed that the two branded sacrifices were escaping. Some monsters couldn't hold themselves back and chased Casca and Gus, but they fell to the ground in pieces in the fierce sword light before they had taken a few steps.

"Make no mistake, your opponent is us."

With a flick of the blood beads on the blade, Lancelot solemnly raised the giant sword in front of him, and the eleven Knights of the Round Table behind him also followed suit:

"In the name of my god, I will kill all of you apostles of darkness today, leaving no trace behind!"

After walking a few dozen meters and realizing that there were no monsters pursuing him, Gus couldn't help but look back and saw the scene of twelve knights fighting with an endless tide of monsters.

This scene was like a picture of the knight of God fighting against the devil of hell, and he could not forget it even decades later.

Near the distant remains of the giant hand, the fierce battle between the Skeleton Knight and Archangel Porter continued.

Filthy and twisted space mirrors flashed all over Archangel Porter's body, absorbing all the fine slashes swung by the Skeleton Knight and sending them back to the Skeleton Knight at various tricky angles. The latter can always raise the fleur-de-lis shield just right to block his own slashes, with sparks flashing on the surface of the shield one after another.

"Overlord, can you still not let go of the grudges from thousands of years ago?" Archangel Porter's deep voice echoed in the sky: "How about you let go of the anger in your heart and raise the banner of God with us?"

"wishful thinking!"

The slash suddenly cut through the space summoned by Porter, and the blade of the water-calling sword turned into a faint blue light filled with twisted features and thorny thorns. This was the true form of the water-calling sword.

Just when the water-calling sword cut through the twisted space and was about to hit Porter's body, Archangel Porter suddenly opened his huge bat-winged arms and flew towards the sky quickly, and the skeletal war horse under the crotch of the Skeleton Knight also stepped into the air in violation of the principles of physics. OK, chase upwards.

"Have those innocent souls you sacrificed to become gods ever appeared in your dreams! Answer me, sage!" The water-calling sword smashed several distorted space mirrors with unstoppable momentum, pointing directly at the archangel. Porter.

But the invincible water-calling sword was avoided. Archangel Potter's body where struck by the water-calling sword was missing a large piece. It looked weird but reasonable, as if he was born to look like this. This is Archangel Porter using the weaving power of [Law of Cause and Effect] to rewrite his future after being struck by the water-calling sword.

"Dream? Wrong soul? What is that?"

Archangel Potter let out bursts of deep laughter, skeletal fingers caressing the water-calling sword that pierced him, and was not affected by the power of cutting space at all: "Overlord, the foreigner you have found is indeed something we cannot see. [Singularity] of the future and the past. But please remember that when power transcends too many levels, all strategies are false."


The Skeleton Knight's tone did not waver.

Um? Archangel Potter was horrified, and suddenly withdrew and flew rapidly into the distance. Only when you are far enough away from the Skeleton Knight, you have the opportunity to look at the sky in the distance. There is an extremely terrifying huge fluctuation coming from there. It is a supernatural phenomenon called [Great Nether World Roar]. Only the highest level spirits located in the deepest part of the Nether World can Physical death will cause this phenomenon.

Conrad is dead.

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