A foreigner's journey

Chapter 68 Hundred Styles of Guanyin

The reason why the world respects Nitro as "the person with the strongest telekinesis ability in the world" is because of his absolute and unquestionable "power".

[Powerful] that will definitely win victory.

【Hundred-Style Guanyin】, strengthens the ability to connect thoughts.

When Nitro puts his palms together, he can materialize a huge physical statue of Guanyin behind him. Clap your hands reverently, release your palms with gratitude, and clasp your hands reverently again. As long as Nitro completes this set of actions, he can control the Hundred-Style Guanyin behind him to perform the corresponding moves.

Sound cumbersome and cumbersome? Indeed, it would take at least a second for a normal person to perform this set of actions [Closing Palms, Opening Palms, and then Closing Palms], and it would take even longer if you include the prerequisite [Piety]. But Nitro was able to complete this set of actions at a speed that surpassed everyone's five senses. The time it took for the Hundred-Style Guanyin behind him to go from materializing to attacking to disappearing couldn't even be noticed by an expert at the level of [Twelve Earthly Branches].


Nitro's strength is too strong, and coupled with the restriction of [Gashou], his enhancement type can also manifest a huge human form like the Hundred-Shiki Guanyin. The Hundred-Shiki Guanyin does not have any fancy special abilities. It simply amplifies Nitro's own power and speed, and unleashes a devastating blow beyond the speed of sound on the enemy at an astonishing distance.

[Chen] Porter Bai is one of the few strong people in the world who has experienced hundreds of styles of Guanyin and survived to this day. He didn't think much of Heather at first. The cultivation of Nian ability relied on hard work. No matter how strong his [talent] was, it could not make up for the gap between training time and experience.

But he trusted Nitro's judgment. President Nitro used the Hundred Styles of Guanyin as soon as he came up, which had never happened before.

President Nitro recognized Heather's strength and regarded her as a powerful enemy that could threaten him!

Potter, who understood this truth, had a slight sweat on his forehead. It turns out that when [talent] is strong to a certain level, it is indeed enough to make up for the lack of [time] and [experience]. The reason why I fell into a misunderstanding was simply because such a terrifying genius had never appeared before.

However, the [power] of the president can suppress the proud heads of countless geniuses and make them willingly bow their heads in submission. Heather, who ate the Hundred-Style Guanyin [One Palm] head-on, will have to shed her skin even if she doesn’t die, right?


Fine stones continued to roll down, and the smoke and dust lingering around were blown away by the powerful thought energy in the pit. Heather, who was unscathed, jumped back from the pit to the duel arena.

"How is it possible! Unscathed?" There was a commotion in the audience, and the [Twelve Earthly Branches] were all shocked. Suffering such a heavy blow and smashing a huge crater into the hard and thick curved wall, even a top-level enhancement type can't bear it, right? What did this kid grow up on?

Nitro narrowed his eyes slightly and scratched the short beard on his chin. He didn't let go just now. [One Palm] hit Heather for sure, but he was unscathed at this time... Haha, interesting.

"It's really [super high speed]. Even I couldn't detect your starting move, President Nitro."

Heather adjusted the frame on the bridge of her nose and smiled gradually: "But you are old and frail, can you really break through my [defense]?"

Hehe... brat. Nitro had a sneer on his face, clasped his palms together, crossed his right leg and bent his left leg, and supported his body firmly with his left foot. Magnificent thoughts began to burst out from his body, and the weak would even have the urge to kowtow to him.

It’s for [Guanyin]!

Among the [Twelve Earthly Branches], the weaker ones [Mao] and [You] involuntarily retreated. This is the fear and avoidance instinct of creatures towards beings higher up in the food chain. Even [Shen] and [Yin] from the martial arts faction were sweating on their foreheads. It was the first time they had seen such a serious president. He was so powerful!

The group of Heather's relatives and friends was even more unbearable. Kurapika, who was in the state of flaming eyes, let out a soft cry, covered his eyes and stepped back. Just by looking directly at Nitro's mental energy, Kurapika was forced to exit from the flaming eyes state and return to normal.

Xiaogang, who was originally lying in front of the glass, fell to the ground all of a sudden, with cold sweat on his head and face. He was really frightened because of his natural sensitivity. Just now, he seemed to have turned into an ant and looked up in despair at the Hundred-Handed Guanyin sitting high in the clouds, showing no sorrow or joy.

Leorio, who only had thick lines, was confused: "What's wrong? What's going on with you two?"

Before the two of them could explain to Leoli, a second stream of thought energy shot up into the sky!

The stern and majestic thoughts broke through the restraints and suppression, and exploded in all directions with violent flames! The entire Hunter Association building trembled slightly, and the professional hunters inside the building seemed to be completely enveloped in flames. Although there was no burning sensation, it still made their legs and feet weak.

Outside the building, the hunters looked up in shock and saw a huge pillar of fire that penetrated the sky and the earth and swept through the entire Hunter Association building, reflecting brilliant colors in the dark night.

Most of the people in the [Twelve Earthly Branches] who were in the corridor of the underground duel arena retreated backwards. This kind of terrifying thought energy... cannot be the posture that [human beings] should have!

"Dou Mian! Immediately notify all personnel in the Hunter Association building to evacuate! Immediately!" Milston immediately took out his mobile phone and called the president's secretary, Dou Mian. A duel of this level may even affect buildings and people on the ground, and safety evacuation plans must be taken immediately.

Chidor nervously threw himself in front of the glass and stared at the black-haired young man in the center of the flames. Impossible. He didn't have such strong mental energy during the hunter test a month ago. Could it be that he was still suppressing his mental energy when facing Pariston and the president? This is all his true thoughts!

On the other side, Kurapika, who did not dare to open his fiery red eyes, looked in the direction of Heather, with a look of joy on his face. Senior brother has become stronger again! Izenabi is right. The so-called practice of telekinesis is not 'exercise' for Heather, but 'recovery'. Senior brother is gradually regaining the powerful posture he should have through daily practice of mindfulness.

Xiaogang returned to the glass window and looked at Nitro and Heather with a look of innocence and a hint of longing. Is this the real strong man? I also want to be such a telepathic person.

In the [Xinyuan Arena], two huge and strong thoughts were fighting against each other, constantly colliding and squeezing each other.

Brat... Nitro was about to say something when his eyes suddenly froze.

Four stone balls appeared around Heather. With a slight crackling sound, the stone balls slowly unfolded and transformed into four weird-looking but sacred insects. Each strange insect stared at Nitro with its big compound eyes, indifferently.

"Old man, let's stop talking trash and have a good fight with real swords and guns!"

Heather, who took off her glasses, had no trace of gentleness on her face anymore, only a manic fighting spirit remained:

"This will be my first full-out attack since I was born, so don't die, old man!"

"Hehe, you've been underestimated... Come on, let me teach you a lesson, you brat!"

Nitro laughed loudly, and the huge statue of Guanyin with One Hundred Hands loomed behind him.


Heather and Nitro moved at the same time, and their figures instantly appeared in the sky above the center of the duel field.

The duel officially begins!

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