A foreigner's journey

Chapter 69 [Light Egg] VS [Hundred Styles Guanyin]

While in mid-air, Nitro's thoughts flowed all over his body as naturally as running water, and as slowly as the clouds in the sky.

At least that's how it seemed to Heather.

When Heather couldn't react at all, Nitro completed the hand gesture of [Praying with Prayer Prayerfully].

At the same moment, the huge and brilliant Hundred-Armed Avalokitesvara appeared behind Nitro, with hundreds of narrow arms with doll-like ball joints spread out in the shape of a Buddha plate.

Then, Nitro flew up with his palms and struck four palms towards Heiseu who was five meters away. The Guanyin statue behind her was neither sad nor happy, with four long and narrow arms slashing at Heather from four blind corners in a hand-knife stance!

【Hundred Styles Guanyin·Siqie Lun】!

Everything happened in an instant. Heather had never fought an opponent so fast. Even his superhuman reflexes could not catch the movements of Nitro and Guanyin.

But just because he couldn't react, it didn't mean that [Light Egg] couldn't do it.

The four scarabs flew directly to the corresponding four positions at a speed close to [teleport] at the moment when the Hundred-Style Guanyin Hand Sword was struck. The Gubarot runes on their backs lit up golden fluorescence at the same time, and the light immediately turned into a package of sacred scarabs. The spherical protective cover of the beetle's body.

[Absolute defense system against mind energy·Four Holy Heavenly Gates]!

The indestructible Guanyin hand sword struck firmly on the protective shield formed by the condensed light. With the huge echo as big as a bell, all four hand swords were bounced away. For the first time in the seventy years since the emergence of the world, the Hundred Style Guanyin's hand sword was ineffective. And back!

Nitro raised his eyebrows, almost losing his composure. What the hell is this? Didn’t it mean that the artifact he held was ‘absolute royal power’? What are these four little bugs?

Only then did Heather come back to his senses. The feedback from [Light Egg] told him that Nitro had used the 'Hundred Styles of Guanyin' to attack one round at a speed that he could not react to.

As expected of being the [person with the strongest telekinesis ability in the world], it would be really difficult to handle it if he only held ‘absolute royal power’. But my own [Mythical Weapon Catalog] is a type where the more weapons you register, the stronger your combat power will be.

Heather took advantage of the moment of respite that the light egg had bought for herself, and crashed straight into Nitro. He clenched his hands into claws, and the violent thought energy covered them and turned into terrifying thought claws, which swept towards Nitro.


Nitro, who was in mid-air, half-twirled his feet and kicked Heather's wrists with great precision, instantly knocking Heather out of her posture.

Put your palms together! Take action!

The Hundred-Style Guanyin Statue reappeared, with eight arms in the shape of a [meter], blocking all of Heather's paths. The thumbs of all hands, holding their index and ring fingers, struck at Heather!

[Hundred Styles of Guanyin·Eight Candle Fingers]!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Heather's eyes, which should have been unresponsive in Nitro's eyes, suddenly moved. To be precise, in this moment of almost infinite stillness, she looked at the Hundred-Shiki Guanyin who should have disappeared in an instant.

Heather has begun to grow up to adapt to Nitro's super speed.

As soon as the eight palms invaded within three meters of Heather's body, the four suspended scarabs immediately moved.

They curled up into stone balls and rotated at high speed. They immediately turned into four high-speed rotating balls of light that circled irregularly around Heather, just like satellites guarding the mother star.

[Absolute defense system against mental energy·Star-ringing sky rail]!

The speed of the eight palm attacks was actually extremely close to synchronization, but the light eggs still noticed that there was a difference in speed. They quickly circled around Heather and bounced all the incoming palms away one by one. At the same time, due to its high-speed rotation, cracks appeared on the fingers of Baishi Guanyin that were hit.

[Light Egg] is undoubtedly the strongest defensive artifact against mental energy in ancient mythology. The 'absolute defense system' is not something to talk about for fun.

Tsk! Four troublesome little bugs!

Before Nitro could take action, he found that Heather had already appeared beside him. The fingers of his right hand were connected with the knife, and he stabbed his waist diagonally from below.

Put your palms together! Take action!

After all, Nitro is Nitro. The starting moves of this [Hundred-Shiki Guanyin] are so fast that even the extremely powerful Chimera Ant King 'Meruem' in the comics cannot crack it. He can only rely on his own extreme strength. With his physical strength, he was forced to perform thousands of Guanyin moves, and then he took advantage of the slight flaw in Nitro's move to seize his right leg and left arm.

Just as Heather was about to attack, a huge Guanyin palm suddenly appeared from below, and she made an unrivaled sharp diagonal slash with her hand knife from bottom to top!

The two scarabs moved up and down, respectively blocking the hand knife coming from below and the heavy punch that quietly gathered from behind.

The feint is ineffective!

But this was also part of Nitro's calculations. He kicked Heather in the chest. This time, the light egg did not block it, relying solely on Heather's own amazing mental energy to defend it. But he was kicked hard and fell backwards, and was pulled ten meters away by Nitro again.

Oh ho? Why wasn't it stopped this time? Is it too late? Or is it because... this is not a telekinesis attack?

Nitro is so experienced that he immediately judged the weakness of the light egg.

No matter how strong the defense of [Light Egg] is, it is 'absolute defense against mental energy' after all, and it is powerless against pure physical attacks.

Taking advantage of the flaw exposed when Heather was kicked away from her defensive stance, Nitro put his left foot on the ground and crossed his right leg the moment he landed on the ground, clasping his palms together in a unique praying posture. Then he separated his palms and took a stance, violently hitting countless palm shadows in the direction of Heather!

Put your palms together! Take action!

Hundreds of Guanyin's dozens of arms were curled up, and then they violently bombarded Heather! Every punch of the palm brings violent wind pressure, like a storm!

[Hundred-Style Guanyin·Ninety-nine Palms]!

For a moment, Heather could see the illusory golden Guanyin statue, what a magnificent and powerful telekinesis ability! But seeing it is one thing, and physically reacting is another. His self-growth is not enough for him to dodge the full attack of Bai Shi Guanyin.

The scarabs are on the move again.

Three scarabs curled up into stone balls and flew at high speed from three directions: [top], [bottom left], and [bottom right], and suddenly collided with each other in the center in front of Heather.

Accompanied by the huge bells, the three stone balls flew back along the original path with the recoil of the collision, but this time three illusory lines of thoughts were connected between the three stone balls, forming a triangular pair of thoughts. Qi attacks the defensive formation wall.

[Absolute defense system against mental energy·Trinity]!

The palm shadows sloping down like a sudden rain submerged Heather's position. For a moment, bricks and stones flew everywhere, and smoke and dust flew everywhere!

No matter how fierce the Hundred-Style Guanyin's palm was, the walls of the triangular defense array remained motionless. The three scarabs constantly adjusted the size and shape of the triangular defense according to the angle and speed of the incoming palm.

Heather raised her hand to block the flying gravel, and suddenly noticed someone intruding in the [circle].


The violent air waves instantly dispersed the smoke and dust, and Heather raised her left arm to block Nitro's secretly attacking hand knife.

The two of them separated at the first touch and jumped to both ends.

"Oh, did you react quickly?"

Nitro scratched the short beard on his chin and chuckled: "You deserve a few compliments."

Heather shook her left hand and said with a relaxed expression: "Ah? Is the warm-up over? I'm a little sleepy, please work harder, old man."

Haha... Nitro lowered his body slightly and stretched his posture with his palms forward and back.

It looks like it will be a protracted battle.

PS: Why is [Crazy 1 Wind 1 Storm 1 Rain] also included in the blocked words? ?

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