A foreigner's journey

Chapter 687 Who do you think you are?

Behind the curtain, the two guards brought by each shadow were waiting quietly.

They have only one duty, and that is to protect the leader of their village at any cost, even if it costs their lives.

Metkai looked around intently, always ready to uncover any imaginary enemies who were trying to harm the Hokage.

Kakashi Hatake was half-lying on the second-floor platform with a bored expression, reading the novel "Intimacy Tactics". Although he appeared lazy, in fact he had been paying close attention to the movements around him and in the conference hall, so that he could Support Naruto as quickly as possible.

In the conference hall, the fourth Five Shadows Talks officially began.

The Sandaime Tsuchikage Onoki could only barely poke his head out from the table because he was too short, but his momentum was not weaker than anyone present, and his voice was loud:

"Since this is a meeting convened by me, let me speak first. All of you, please be quiet and listen to me..."

"Onoki, when did the Five Kage Conference become the one-spoken hall of your Iwagakure Village?"

The Fifth Hokage Uchiha Suzan interrupted Ohnoki's words unhurriedly:

"The theme of this meeting is to discuss Sunagakure's compensation for the huge losses suffered by Konoha as a victim and public apology. Due to emotion and reason, it is not your Iwagakure village's turn to control the topic."

"Hehe, this brat like Uchiha Suzawa is still so rude."

Onoki looked unhappy: "Do you understand what it means to respect seniors?"

"Old senior? Are you?" Uchiha Kuzan sneered: "I only see an old stubborn who is unwilling to abdicate. It is really unlucky for an old guy like you to be a Tsuchikage in Iwagakure Village."

The Godaime Mizukage Terumi Mei who was sitting aside did not speak, but her sexy lips painted with lipstick were raised, obviously she was amused.

I have long heard that all the men of the Uchiha clan are handsome, but I didn't expect that this Uchiha Suzan not only looks very handsome to his liking, but also speaks with no mercy and harsh words, which really suits his fighting style.

Ohnoki didn't really get angry when he heard Kuzan's taunt, he just sneered: "What an arrogant boy, I should have killed you completely in the third Ninja War."

"Only people with dementia would desperately recall the past and sigh with regrets, right Ohnoki?" Suzhan didn't suffer at all, and he would respond to Ohnoki's words.

At this time, the old woman [Chiyo], the agent Kazekage sitting next to Terumi Mei, said: "Is Konoha so aggressive no matter which village it is? I feel more and more that the original alliance with Konoha was a wrong choice."

The Godaime Raikage Quantero suddenly laughed: "Old woman, of course you think it was a mistake, didn't you know it from your sneak attack on Konoha? It's just that the teeth of this old dog Sunagakure are not as good as Konoha's. The skin of the wild boar is so hard that the meat was not chewed off but the teeth in the mouth were broken, hahaha!"

Terumi Mei sighed and said displeasedly: "In my opinion, the Five Kage Conference should be a more sacred and solemn meeting, rather than the chaotic quarrel in the market like now."

"The weakest Kirigakure will just be your audience. Why don't you even have a tailed beast Jinchūriki guarding you in your village?"

Although Quantro looked like a young gangster who had overindulged in sexual activities, the feeling of oppression rising on his body at this moment frightened everyone present. His eyes swept around Terumi Mei's body unscrupulously, and he licked his lips:

"If you look closely, you will see that she is indeed a rare beauty. Kirigakure's Terumi Mei, are you interested in marrying me?"

Terumi Mei's pretty face was frosty, and she said seriously: "I am the Fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure. Please maintain the minimum respect for me, Raikage-sama. In addition, I have no interest in you."

Quantro laughed and pointed at Terumi Mei: "Hahahaha! Women are just accessories to men, and beautiful women with certain strength like you are even better collections. My invitation to you is always valid, think about it carefully. Come on Terumi Mei!"

Terumi Mei frowned. She didn't expect that the fifth generation Raikage was such a ridiculous person. What was the fourth generation Raikage thinking? Why would he pass the position of Raikage to such a guy?

"Look at you old guys, you are just a bunch of stupid pigs who can only wallow in the mud! The so-called Five Shadows Talk is a joke. There is only one truest rule in the world, and that is [Only the strong have the right to speak" ]!"

Quantro did not care at all that the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village was his potential partner. He pointed at everyone and cursed unceremoniously:

"To be honest, attending this stupid meeting with you pigs is a waste of my time. If I didn't want to come and see Terumi Mei, I wouldn't be too lazy..."

"Shut up."

Quantro's arrogant words were interrupted by cold words.

Quantro narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Zhan, his thin and overindulged face was now filled with coldness: "You, tell me to shut up?"

Uchiha Quick Slash looked at Quantero and said unceremoniously:

"This is the Five Shadows Conference. Who do you think you are that dares to speak nonsense here?"

Was he... being ridiculed by the natives? Quantero's eyes narrowed and he stood up suddenly.

Behind the curtain, Kakashi closed the book: "Akai!"

Metkai also jumped forward at the same time: "Understood!"

Bang! !

The table in front of Quantro was directly blasted to pieces, and all the wooden table fragments automatically rotated as soon as they fell to the ground, pointing all the sharp front ends at the Uchiha Speed ​​Slash in a weird way.

But at the same time, the other Kage's guards all rushed out.

One of the two guards who acted for Chiyo Kazekage controlled a humanoid puppet and showed four arms and the weapons at the front of the arms to block Chiyo. The other guard took out a large ax covered with bandages and pointed it at Quantero.

One of Mizukage Terumi Mei's guards was wearing a one-eye patch engraved with a technique and was posing in a hand seal, while the other one opened his cloak and revealed the kunai and senbon held between his fingers.

One of Tsuchikage Onoki's guards is the hot Kurotsuchi. She puffs up her cheeks and assumes a hand seal pose, ready to spit out the melting ninjutsu in her mouth at any time. Upstream Diaz also pretended to extend his right hand to Quantero from a distance, and there was a slight buzzing sound in the cuff.

Kakashi Hatake, the guard of Hokage Uchiha Suzan, stood between Suzan and Quantero, opened his forehead protector, closed his right eye and only opened the Sharingan of his left eye. Metkai took a stance and would directly attack if Quantero made any further dangerous moves.

On the Raikage Quantro's side, the two collared guards, the blond beauty Sami and the former Raikage Ai, stood in front of Quantro with expressionless faces, showing great loyalty.

Mifune knocked on the table: "Please calm down, everyone. This is the Kingdom of Iron. You should know that fighting and fighting are not allowed during the Five Shadows Conference."

Quantro ignored Mifune at all. He stared at Suzan with bloodshot eyes and said with a ferocious smile: "Uchiha Suzan, you are so brave. How dare a mere native to mock me? Do you think these trash can protect you? ?”

There was no response as he expected. Uchiha Quick Cut didn't look at Quantero at all. Instead, he looked at the expressionless former Raikage standing in front of Quantero and frowned slightly:

"Ai the Fourth Raikage, what are you doing? I only recognize you as my opponent in Kumogakure Village, but I didn't expect you to actually delegate power to such a thing?"

"Uchiha Quick Slash, you..."

The former Raikage Ai did not expect that Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zhan, who had fought with him several times, would say such words that touched him. His whole body was shaking slightly, and he was about to say something, but Quantero behind him grabbed the metal collar around his neck.

"You are just my dog, you are not allowed to talk." Quantro's gloomy voice sounded. He tapped the metal collar twice with his fingers gently. The fourth generation Raikage immediately stiffened up, and the veins in his neck popped out, as if Forced to endure unimaginable torture.

The blond beauty Samui beside her couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but plead: "Please wait a moment, Raikage-sama, the Yondaime... ah!"

Her beautiful short blond hair was grabbed by Quantro and pulled back hard. Quantro's bloodshot eyes stared at Samyi and growled: "Are you looking down on me? You are just a person to vent your anger." How can you, a tool of desire, have the qualifications to plead for this dog!"

Hearing this, even Chiyo, as a potential ally, frowned slightly.

Terumi Mei's pretty face was even more frosty, but before she could scold Quantero angrily, the Uchiha Speedbreaker beside her slowly stood up.

"Hokage-sama, please calm down." Mifune reminded immediately.

"I'm very calm, calmer than everyone here."

Uchiha Suzan's eyes had quietly turned into red Sharingan eyes, and his tone was cold:

"I consider myself not a kind person, and I will kill enemies even if they are women. However, I will never allow anyone to insult women in front of me."

"The Fifth Hokage, are you being too lenient?" Tsuchikage Onoki suddenly said. There is no other way. Iwagakure Village and Kumogakure Village have secretly signed an agreement. Now they are tied to a boat and no one can escape. No matter how much Onoki despises Quantero, he must stand up for him.

Terumi Mei looked at Ohnoki and said in a bad tone: "Lord Tsuchikage, please keep this sentence to yourself."

Regarding this Five Shadows meeting, she has already made her own preliminary decision.

Quantro didn't care what others said. He grabbed Samyi's hair and lifted her up. He stuck out his tongue and licked her face unhurriedly, and then looked at Uchiha Suzan provocatively: "Oh? Now I'm humiliating her in front of you, right? Not only that, I can also give you a free show. What can you do to me, Uchiha Suzan?"

What responded to Quantro was the blazing blue chakra flame.

A blue skeleton began to gradually emerge, and Uchiha's Sharingan was like two scarlet starlights in the blue flames:

"Very well, let the Fourth Ninja War begin from this council chamber."

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