A foreigner's journey

Chapter 688 The pressure is on Mei Terumi’s side

Quantro thinks he is the real god!

Before his awakening, he was just an ordinary street gangster in Melbourne, Australia. I'm eighteen or nineteen years old, I don't have a formal job and I don't even want to work. I hang out on the streets all day long.

Dropping out of school early and uneducated, being a woman, having a bad taste, and having negligible self-esteem and inferiority in front of his peers, this has always been the portrayal of Quantro's life.

He is just a slutty little bastard who has accomplished nothing, and no one looks down upon him. In fact, even Quantro himself looked down on himself at that time and felt that he was a waste.

Until that day, Quantero was running around in a panic during a hunt for drug traffickers by the Australian police. As a result, he was blocked in a remote alley with no way to escape.

In despair, Quantro awakened to his own [concept].

Looking at the bloody stumps all over the alley, Quantero woke up. It turns out that these years of decadence and dissatisfaction were the 'test on the road to godhood'. I successfully passed the 'test', and this magical power was the proof that I had become a god.

Like many outsiders, he couldn't wait to use his conceptual abilities to mess up his home planet as soon as he awakened to concepts. How unsatisfactory his life was before, now Quantro is going to make those who look down on him pay a hundred times a thousand times the price!

As Quantro became more and more wanton and reckless, the world will of his home planet also began to strongly reject him.

Not long after, an invitation to play the Outlander game appeared in front of Quantero. Quantero, who had noticed that the world's will was increasingly rejecting him, decisively abandoned his home planet, which he had almost tormented, and embarked on a journey as a foreigner.

Along the way, Quantro has dominated many worlds with his unreasonably powerful [concepts].

He does not regard the residents of these worlds as human beings at all. To him, these are just NPCs for him to vent his abuse on, and they are all false.

As an Australian gangster with little education, he brought his street-savvy energy to the extreme. Coupled with the concept of being invincible, Quantero was rampant in these worlds.

Even if he occasionally met other outsiders, their conceptual power was not as good as Quantro's, and they were all defeated miserably at Quantro's feet.

Over time, Quantro became more and more arrogant. He didn't even pay attention to the legendary members of [Spiral]. He believed that with his own concept, he could completely defeat all competitors and win the last all-powerful wish.

You are born to enjoy everything and conquer everything.

After coming to the world of Naruto, Quantro encountered an S-class mission for the first time, but in his opinion, this was just a mission that could be completed easily. Since no outsider would be his opponent, he could just do the tasks easily while toying with these despicable natives as usual.

He quickly chose Kumo Hidden Village as his target because he felt that Kumo Hidden Village was more suitable to complete the task of dominating the ninja world than Konoha Village. Compared with Konoha Village, which pursues peace, and Sunagakure Village, which has reduced its military strength year by year, Kumo Hidden Village The village can receive full support from the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, and with the continuous supply of financial resources and materials, Yunyin Village's military strength has grown year after year.

Moreover, Kumogakure Village implements militarized management of ninjas, and the ninjas in the village are more united than other ninja villages. For Quantero, he is the strongest and best to control among the five ninja villages.

The most important thing is that the geographical location of Kumogakure is most suitable for Quantero's conceptual power.

As soon as he arrived at Yunyin Village, Quantero immediately used his conceptual power to 'kidnap' the entire villagers and ninjas of Yunyin Village. Faced with the irresistible strange power, a few unsubdued Kumoyin Village ninjas launched a surprise attack on Quantero under the leadership of the Fourth Raikage. As a result, all except the Fourth Raikage were killed.

[If you dare to resist again, I will destroy everything in Yunyin Village in front of you! 】 Quantero said.

The fourth generation Raikage, who cared more about Kumogakure than himself, saw the careless indifference in Quantro's eyes, just like a child's teasing when facing ants. The other party really didn't take so many lives seriously. To Quantro, this was just an interesting number. The Fourth Raikage retreated, and he had to succumb to Quantro, 'actively' abdicate and select Quantero as the Fifth Raikage.

In this way, one month before the start of the Five Kage Talks, Kumoyin Village completely fell into Quantero's hands, and all the ninjas and villagers in Kumoyin Village began to be forced to endure the inhumane abuse of this outsider.

Seeing the unruly Raikage in the original comic lowering his head to him, Quantro became more and more convinced that his own power was the greatest and most powerful existence in countless worlds. No one dared to disobey him, and no one could compete with him!

And now, at this moment, Uchiha Suzan, a despicable native, dared to refute and insult himself and humiliate the great god!

Quintero was almost going crazy. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was ferocious. The conference hall began to shake violently.

Not only the conference hall, but the entire Jianqiu pyramid building and even the huge North Langshou Mountains of Sanlang Mountain were shaking.

There was a terrifying roar between heaven and earth.

Tragically, Quantro was furious. Upstream Diaz sighed helplessly, and countless tiny bugs that were difficult to identify with the naked eye poured out of his sleeves, quietly protecting Onoki and Kurotsuchi.

Onoki is his teacher. Although he usually speaks harsh words, Diaz can feel the old man's concern for him. Not to mention that Kurotsuchi is his girlfriend. Diaz will naturally not sit back and watch the two of them die in Quantero. In strength.

As for the others, Diaz is not familiar with them, so he can only rely on their own destiny.

Besides, he doesn't think that Quantero's conceptual power will definitely defeat him. After all, he is the master of [Insects]!

Opposite Quantro, a huge bright blue skeleton giant quickly took shape, protecting Quick Slash within it.

The terrifying chakra materialized, blowing away all the surrounding gravel and sawdust. The other shadow guards also looked at the skeleton giant warily, their eyes full of confusion - what is this?

"Kai, Kakashi, stand down."

Uchiha Quick Sword threw the Hokage hat to Kakashi and began to untie the white Hokage robe wrapped around him. The surface of the Susanoo skeleton on the outside began to weave and spread muscle lines.

"Yes." Metkai and Kakashi had seen with their own eyes how powerful the Fifth Hokage was. They faced Susanoo's rear left and right sides respectively to ensure that no one else would interfere with the Fifth Hokage's battle.

Mifune frowned, stood up and said loudly: "Hokage-sama, Raikage-sama, please stay calm! This is the Five Shadows Conference, and no struggle is allowed!"

Mifune responded with several sharp rocks. Their tips were shot towards Mifune's throat and forehead, and then Mifune swung the katana at his waist and chopped them all cleanly.

Even with Mifune's calm personality, he couldn't help but get angry. He looked at Quantro: "Lord Raikage, why are you attacking me? Please give me an explanation!"

"Explain? Are you even worthy of me explaining to you! A bunch of ants!!"

Quantero let out a sharp roar, like a mad dog:

"Onoki and Diaz, you guys have forgotten about the contract? If you watch the show there again, I will kill you both!"

Onoki made a 'tsk' sound and turned to look at Diaz. The latter slowly shook his head, indicating not to anger Quantero too much for the time being.

In Diaz's view, Quintero is a complete psychopath who is capable of doing anything when he is emotionally excited.

Onoki's body floated slowly: "Okay, it seems that the Five Kage Talks have collapsed. First of all, let me state that Iwagakure and Kumogakure are stable allies, and we stand on the same front. Old lady Chiyo, you What do you mean? Do you plan to let Sunagakure Village continue to be Konoha's dog, or do you want to rise up and resist?"

Agent Kazekage Chiyo also stood up and took out a scroll from behind: "Konoha brutally killed more than 400 elite ninjas in Sunagakure Village, and now Sunagakure Village cannot even get the most basic compensation and negotiations. This way. I think it would be better for the barbaric and unreasonable Ninja Village to disappear completely."

Hearing the words of the Ninja Village leaders, the guards turned their weapons and aimed them at Konoha.

Wind, earth, and thunder form an alliance!

Now, the pressure is on Terumi Mei's side.

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