A foreigner's journey

Chapter 699 The Red Thread of Destiny

Needless to say, Naruto recognized the red-haired girl at a glance as his mother, Uzumaki Kushina.

"Wow! My mother was so cute and beautiful back then! Uncle, my mother must have been the most eye-catching and gentle beauty when she was in the ninja school!" Naruto gossiped excitedly.

Suzan's expression froze for a moment: "Well...it does attract a lot of attention. In fact, Kushina's nickname at the time was [Blood Red Pepper]."


"On the first day of school, Kushina announced her ambition to be the first female Hokage, but her classmates laughed at her for not overestimating her abilities and gave her the nickname "Tomato" because of her red hair and round face. This is The story spread like wildfire, even those in the grade above us knew about it.”

Su Zhan showed a rare awkward smile:

"This group of boys got more and more outrageous and made noise every day. As a result, Kushina followed these boys to a remote corner and grabbed them one by one, pushed them to the ground and beat them severely. So Kushina got a new nickname [Blood Red] chili】."

"..." Naruto also laughed twice, not knowing what to say.

Suzhan looked at the red-haired girl, his eyes full of nostalgia: "No matter what others say, in my opinion Kushina is a kind and enthusiastic cute girl. By the way, she was not born in Konoha Village, but from Uzumaki Village.”

"Uzumaki Village?" Naruto seemed to have heard Su Zhan say this name.

Suzan waved his hand and revealed a green vest of Konoha Jounin in front of Naruto and turned it over to reveal the whirlpool symbol on the back:

"Yes, the Uzushio Village of the Country of Uzumaki and the Konoha Village of the Country of Fire have been allies for generations. The Uzumaki logo behind the standard clothing of the Jounin and Chuunin of the Konoha Village is a reflection of the friendship between the two countries for generations. The orange coat you used to wear had a similar symbol on the back. The red hair is a characteristic of the Uzumaki clan."

"But why did mom come to Konoha Village? Wouldn't it be better to stay with her own people in Uzushio Village?"

"This starts with Uzumaki Mito. She is the wife of the First Hokage Senju Hashirama. In order to assist the First Hokage in sealing the Nine-Tails, she came to Konoha Village and became the first Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki."

Su Zhan pointed at Naruto's abdomen:

"Later, Uzumaki Mito was old, and Konoha Village had to find a second qualified jinchūriki before she died. So Uzumaki Kushina was selected and brought to Konoha Village."

"..." Naruto felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that his mother was being used.

"No need to put on that face, when Kushina came to Konoha Village, Uzushio Village had been destroyed, and Kushina didn't know her mission at first. After that happened, she began to understand about the Jinchuuriki and your own destiny.”

"That thing? What happened?" Naruto asked curiously.

"That was a kidnapping operation by Kumogakure Village against Kushina."

Su Zhan's expression became very serious:

"Because of the Uzumaki clan's strong vitality, huge chakra, and excellent special sealing techniques, the Uzumaki clan is recognized by the ninja world as the best candidates for Jinchūriki."

The scene in front of Naruto's eyes began to flash rapidly, and soon turned into a forest at night.

Kushina, who had obviously grown up, had her hands tied behind her back, and three strange ninjas wearing Kumogakure forehead protectors were leading her towards the depths of the distant forest.

"Asshole! Let mom go!"

Naruto was furious and subconsciously took out the Rasengan and threw it at the Kumogakure ninjas but missed. Then he remembered that he was in the illusion world of Uncle Quick Slash and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Kushina was kidnapped one night by three Kumogakure jounin and took her all the way to the border of the Land of Fire. After discovering it, Konoha immediately sent out pursuers to search for her, but found nothing."

Quick Slash points in the direction of the group of people:

"That's the border of the Land of Fire. Once you cross the border, Konoha will never find Kushina again."

"Then what should we do?" Naruto ran around anxiously.

Kuzhan squatted down and looked at an inconspicuous long red hair on the ground: "Kushina is very smart. She took advantage of the Kumo ninja who was escorting her not to pay attention, and kept pulling out her own hair and throwing it on the road to mark it. But because The Kumogakure ninjas are so cunning that their movements cannot be discovered in a short period of time."

Just when Kushina was about to be taken away from the border, Naruto noticed that there seemed to be a golden flash between the distant woods.

Immediately afterwards, two of the Kumogakure jounin were knocked down in an instant. The remaining Kumogakure Jōnin came to his senses and immediately held a kunai and slashed at the golden light. A dazzling and short-lived fire burst out in the dark forest.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The two figures kept fighting and intertwining, leaping upward quickly along the towering tree.

After another fight with fire, both sides landed on the thick branches on both sides of the towering tree.

The Kumogakure jounin on the left arched his body and assumed an attack stance, clenching the kunai in his hand. On the right was a blond boy, with that familiar handsome face that made Naruto shout excitedly——

"It's Dad! Dad is here to save Mom!"

I saw Minato wearing a Konoha forehead protector, and his expression was no longer a sunny smile but a cold and serious face. Even though he was only a teenage genin, his momentum was no less than those of Kumogakure jounin!

He turned the kunai upside down in his hand, and his body turned into a golden light again and flashed by. The Kumogakure jounin took off a little slower than Minato.

When masters compete with each other, even a small mistake can be enough to extend to the level of life and death.

Plop! The Kumogakure jounin was hit hard from a height and fell to the ground without any movement. There was blood flowing out from under his neck.

Minato breathed a long sigh of relief and jumped lightly from the top of the tree to Kushina.

Kushina is waiting for her fate to be judged, but what is waiting is the hero who saves her.

Namikaze Minato held Kushina across his arms and flew between the tree peaks under the moon. The girl's eyes towards the boy became soft and shy.

Seeing the two people on the screen zooming out, Naruto happily held his hands behind his head and let out a burst of silly laughter: "Hahaha! Dad and mom turned out to be together like this! It's so romantic!"

Suddenly, he looked at Su Zhan curiously: "Speaking of which, uncle Su Zhan, where were you at that time?"

You kid really doesn't know what to do... Su Zhan sighed helplessly and waved his hand.

The scene turned in vain and came to the top of a towering tree not far from Minato and Kushina.

The young man wearing a black cloak and holding a small sword in his hand, Su Zhan, was standing on the branch at the top of the tree, his black hair swaying in the night wind. He looked at the blond boy and red-haired girl in the distance with a slightly melancholy look, and blood slowly dripped from the tip of the hanging knife.

In his eyes, the Sharingan of the three magatama was slowly turning.

At the foot of the towering tree below him, the corpses of three Kumogakure ninjas collapsed on the ground, and blood was spreading from under them to the surroundings. That was the Jounin team used by Kumogakure Village to cover the retreat of the kidnapping troops. Even if Quick Slash took action, they had to fight with them for a long time before killing them all, so there was a delay.

Watching the figure of the boy and girl disappear into the distance, Su Zhan clenched a few long red hairs in his hand and jumped in the opposite direction.

The entire illusion space turned pure white again.

"Uncle Suzhan...have you found my mother too?" Naruto was stunned.

"Oh, I was one step behind your father. This is an indisputable fact. From then on, Kushina and your father Namikaze Minato were inseparable,"

Su Zhan shook his finger, and the picture changed again, and the still pictures began to be displayed one by one in front of the two of them like a slideshow.

Minato and Kushina gradually grew up, Minato became a ninja in his own right, and Kushina also successfully became the second Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki after becoming an adult.

From several scenes, you can see Kushina and Su Zhan chatting happily. At that time, Su Zhan's expression was surprisingly gentle. But anyone can see that in Kushina's opinion Kuzan is a very trustworthy senior and close friend, but there is no love factor. She has given all her love to Minato. Kuzan himself also knew this and was willing to protect Kushina silently.

Looking at these warm scenes, the uneasiness and fear in Naruto's heart due to the coming war gradually disappeared, and he felt that his heart was gradually filled with the love from his parents.

Gradually, Kushina's belly gradually grew bigger in the picture.

Naruto became nervous again, because he learned from Suzan that on the day he was born, the Nine-Tails caused trouble in Konoha Village, and both Minato Namikaze and his wife died.

Looking at Kushina who was still laughing and cuddling with Minato in the picture, Naruto clenched his fists and his voice was trembling: "Uncle Suzhan, what happened on the day I was born...?"

Su Zhan was silent for a while and then said, "Well, you do have the right to know what happened that night."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and the scene changed again.

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