A foreigner's journey

Chapter 700 Happy Birthday

The scene turned into darkness again.

Uchiha Speedbreaker, who was about twenty-five years old, was walking in the forest wearing a black cloak, holding a package in his hand.

Naruto was still wondering what kind of plot this was without beginning and end, and the voice of Quick Slash sounded beside him——

“This was October 10th, 13 years ago.

Not long ago, I was sent to the border of the Kingdom of Earth for a mission, and it wasn’t until this day that I rushed back to the Kingdom of Fire.

I remember that Kushina was about to give birth at that time. However, the power of the seal will be greatly weakened by the female Kyuubi Jinchuuriki during childbirth. In order to prevent the Kyuubi from breaking away from the seal and other ambitious people taking the opportunity to cause trouble, Kushina's due date is highly confidential.

Except for your father, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, a handful of Anbu, and the Third Hokage and his wife Biwako, no one knows the due date, not even our very close partners and friends. We just know that Kushina is planning to name the newborn. Call Naruto.

Oh, in the past half month or so, Bo Feng Shuimen changed from his usual style and became a little nervous. I know this is because he is too worried about Kushina's safety. After all, once Kyuubi breaks away from the seal, Kushina, as a jinchuriki, will die immediately.

For some reason, I always had a bad feeling during that time, so I rushed back as soon as I completed the task.

Considering that Kushina was about to give birth, I also bought a gift for the newborn on the way. but……"

boom--! !

An astonishing bright light suddenly erupted between the mountains in the picture, followed by terrifying roars and strong shock waves. The jungle and the ground were shaking violently.

The young Uchiha Speedbreaker first looked at the direction of the strong light explosion in surprise, then his expression changed as if he remembered something, he threw away the package in his hand and turned into a swift shadow and rushed towards the direction of the strong light explosion.

Naruto watched in astonishment as the young Uncle Quick Slash figure in the picture continued to accelerate and accelerate again, and the speed of movement had reached a level that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. He even violated the ninja's rule of being quiet when moving. The branches he passed along the way were blown upside down and twisted by the air flow brought by the quick slash. In just a few seconds, the speed of the quick slash increased to the limit.

So is this the reason why Uncle Speed ​​Slash is called the "Ninja World's Most Speedy God"? He has never seen anyone as fast as Uncle Su Zhan.

As the bright light and storm in the direction of the advance dissipated, a huge red beast with many tails could be vaguely seen struggling in the mountains.

As soon as Naruto saw the red beast, he immediately recognized it. It was the strongest tailed beast [Nine-tailed Demon Fox] sealed in his body!

I saw that the nine-tailed demon fox, which was as big as a mountain, had many chains on its body, and then it shivered and suddenly shrank in size.

Naruto's face turned pale: "The nine-tailed demon fox has appeared, so mom, she..."

"Yes, as long as the tailed beast leaves the jinchuriki's body, it means that the jinchuriki must die."

Accompanied by Su Zhan's slightly sad voice, the young Su Zhan in the picture was running at a high speed, completely ignoring the physical exertion.

Uh-huh! His figure suddenly rushed out of the jungle and leaped into the air in an open area.

The huge nine-tailed demon fox had disappeared, leaving only messy indentations on the ground as it struggled. Not far away, several ninjas were gathered together. When they noticed any movement, they all turned around: "Who is it!?"

The young Suzan, who was breathing heavily, wiped the sweat from his face. That was... the Sandaime Hokage and the ninjas in the village. Why were their faces full of tears?

"Quick Slash? Are you back?" Sandaime still had tears on his face. He subconsciously took two steps forward but stopped.

A Konoha ninja with scars all over his body suddenly shouted: "Uchiha Quick Slash! This is a good thing you did! We have all seen it. The Sharingan mark in the eyes of the nine-tailed demon fox is only possessed by you among the Uchiha clan. ability……"

"Shut up! There is absolutely no way Su Zhan is the murderer!"

The Sandaime shouted loudly to stop the ninja's words, then looked at Suzan and hesitated:

"Su Zhan, you... you have to be mentally prepared."

As if he had thought of some unbelievable result, Kuzhan's face turned livid, he walked towards them quickly and pushed away several ninjas who tried to stop him.

"Uchiha kills quickly, don't get close..."

"Get away!!"

Except for the Sandaime Hokage, all the ninjas who tried to stop him fell to the ground instantly, and Suzan's eyes turned into scarlet and the three Magatama Sharingan rotated rapidly.

Then, his eyes fell on the place surrounded by these ninjas, where a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and two corpses lay quietly.

His steps became staggering, and the young Su Zhan stumbled to the two corpses and picked up the red-haired woman among them.

Tears flowed down Suzan's cheeks, and kept dripping on Kushina's pale and bloody pretty face.

The Third Hokage sighed: "Kushina gave birth today, but unexpectedly the seal weakened, causing the Nine-Tails to go berserk. Minato and Kushina gave their lives to seal the Nine-Tails, and their son Naruto is the third-generation Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. …”

Suddenly, he looked alertly at Suzan who was kneeling on the ground holding Kushina's body. Even though he was not a perceptive ninja, the Sandaime still felt for a moment that the quick-cut chakra became violent and unfamiliar, like an evil god awakening.

"...Jinchūriki...hehehe...if God really exists, then reverse all this. Wake up, Kushina..."

Suzhan muttered something to himself nervously, stretched out his hand to gently stroke Kushina's increasingly cold face, and carefully combed her red hair stuck to her face and forehead.

"Su Zhan, are you okay?"

The Sandaime took a tentative step forward, then immediately stopped.

Because Su Zhan turned slightly to look at him, his face shrouded in shadow was dark, only his eyes were shining with scarlet light.

There are no longer three magatama in the eyes, but three black zigzag lines spreading outward from the center of the scarlet pupils, and blood is dripping down the corners of the eyes.

Strange and strange.

The Sandaime felt chills all over his body just after being stared at by these eyes for just a second. It was a crazy warning from his intuition.

Kuzan slowly shifted his gaze to look at Kushina in his arms again. After a long time, he put her down and stood up.

Taking one last look at Kushina and the sleeping infant Naruto, Suzhan walked step by step into the depths of the dark jungle without looking back, until the darkness swallowed his entire figure.

At this time, the screen also completely fell into darkness, and then the Uchiha clan shrouded in night reappeared.

They returned from the illusion world to the real world.

"Speaking of irony, I awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan because I witnessed Kushina's death. The Mangekyō Eye Technique [Tumugaru] I obtained can reverse the rules of all things, but it cannot save your mother.

Paz is right. I am called the fastest in the ninja world, but I am always late at the most critical moment.

From then on, I became decadent and no longer cared about my family and village. I locked myself up and studied ninjutsu aimlessly.

Maybe at that time, deep down in my heart, I still hated your father and you.

When huddled in the darkness, I always wonder, without you, would Kushina not have to die?

If there were no tailed beasts, no wars, and no ambitions, would Kushina have grown up peacefully in Uzushio Village and spent her whole life?

There is also the Uchiha clan. During the Nine-Tails riot, many people saw the Sharingan mark in its eyes. It was indeed my clan that killed Kushina. This is hard for me to accept and I don’t know how to face my people.

But the destruction of the Uchiha clan five years ago made me completely sober up. Hiding in the darkness and licking my wounds alone would not help at all. It would only make those behind the scenes more rampant.

Ambition, fighting, war, I have lost many precious things in my life because of these cruel things, but because of this we must rise up to resist, so that our cherished treasures will not be taken away and destroyed by the enemy.

I will no longer evade or retreat, I will wave my sword towards the masterminds and careerists who killed Kushina. "

Looking at Naruto with tears streaming down his face, Suzhan's voice became gentle:

"Naruto, for the sake of everything you hold dear, cheer up!"


Naruto nodded heavily, his face full of tears. The strange thing is that Naruto no longer has the fear of war in his heart.

Uncle Suzhan is right, I want to protect the village that my parents cherish, and I want to protect the family I got with so much hard work!

If any enemy dares to threaten my treasure, I will tear their throats apart even with my claws and fangs!

Deep in the sealed prison in his heart, the huge orange beast pupils opened, and bursts of deep laughter came out——

[Yes Naruto, that's it. Hatred and anger are the food and weapons for your growth. If you meet that damn mastermind, I will help you... I will...]

Naruto was infected by the gradually rising tailed beast chakra of the nine tails in his body, his pupils turned into erect beast pupils, and his claws and teeth began to become sharp and sharp.

But at this moment, Su Zhan handed over a package: "Here you go."

Naruto suddenly returned to his original state and took the package curiously: "What is this, Uncle Suzhan?"

The package looked very old but spotless, and it didn't seem heavy or even light after receiving it.

After opening it, what comes into view is a small box made of wood.

"Is this... the package you were holding, Uncle Quick-Zhan in the illusion world?" Naruto suddenly remembered the package that Quick-Zhan carried when he came back from the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion. It was made of exactly the same cloth as this one.

Kuzhan motioned for Naruto to open the box.

The small wooden box was opened again after thirteen years. Inside lay a string of metal necklaces with the word "NARUTO" engraved on the necklace.

"A birthday present thirteen years late."

Su Zhan solemnly put the necklace on Naruto's neck, then smiled and rubbed his golden hedgehog head:

"Happy birthday, Naruto."

At this moment, Naruto's smile vaguely had the shadow of Minato and Kushina.

PS: Some readers said that the plot is embarrassing and bloody? That’s right, because this is Qi Shi’s passionate masterpiece!

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