A foreigner's journey

Chapter 714 Do you like orangutans?

On the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Yu, countless tents and bonfires form dots of orange-red light at night.

"What? Uchiha Kuzan personally led the Konoha army to gather at the border of Grass Country?"

In the tent, Quantro grabbed Samyi's hair and threw her aside. He stood up naked with an angry look on his face:

"That damn Hyakju Kaido actually looks down on me!? Do you think the Kumogakure Village I lead is less threatening than that bug Diaz?"

At the door of the tent, the beautiful brown-skinned female Jonin Mabuyi half-knelt on the ground, lowered her head and said respectfully:

"Kusagakure Village and Amegakure Village announced their alliance with Iwagakure Village at the same time. In addition, Sunagakure Village vaguely intends to join Iwagakure. In Konoha's view, Iwagakure's threat may be temporarily greater than that of Kumogakure Village, which is far away. .”

"Hmph...Then they are totally wrong. This time I will attack directly into the core area of ​​Konoha, destroy the ugly Hokage Rock, and capture all the beautiful women of Konoha!"

Quantro hooked his fingers, and Samyi immediately knelt down to change his clothes, while Mabuyi knelt on the ground without raising his head.

It was not because of excessive self-confidence that Quantero brought four thousand Kumogakure ninjas this time, the two-tailed jinchūriki Yukito, the Yozuki clan, and many Kumogakure strongmen whose names were marked in the ninja manual.

Konoha Village, which had devoted all its military power to confront the Iwagakure Alliance, was extremely weak at this time and was unable to resist Kumogakure's invading troops.

Strong? Even the Hokage, Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zan, went to the front line in person. Who else could resist him who had mastered the concept of [direction]?

Thinking of this, Quantero couldn't help laughing wildly.

Suddenly, whether it was an illusion or not, he seemed to hear a sharp whistle.


Quintero frowned, squinted his eyes slightly, calmed down and listened, and then his eyes suddenly opened wide.

It's not an illusion! That sharp whistle is approaching!

In an instant, Quantero leaned back suddenly, but Samyi and Mabuyi didn't realize what happened.

Almost at the same time, the tent Quantero was in was directly smashed by the huge impact from the outside world. A blurry black shadow flew past Quantero's backward chest. Mabuyi and Samui were in the attack path. Maintaining an expression of shock, his upper body was completely torn into fine pieces of flesh and blood.

Quantero, who was only wearing pants, ignored the bursts of burning pain coming from his chest and immediately activated his conceptual body.

The next second, another blurry black shadow slammed towards Quantero, but together with the fierce wind pressure wrapped in the black shadow, it strangely reversed its direction and shot towards the night sky full of stars, bringing with it a sharp whistle. .

what? Quantero was shocked and angry. The impact of this thing was so strong that just changing its flight direction consumed 1% of his conceptual power!

The smoke gradually dissipated, leaving only half of the bodies of the two women twitching slightly. Quantero looked out of the tent alertly, and then his eyes widened.

The Kumogakure garrison where four thousand ninja troops were originally stationed was actually plowed into huge ravines one after another. The ravines were filled with scattered pieces of flesh and blood and tent debris. The scattered bonfire wood had not been completely extinguished and was burning. The firelight made the Kumogakure garrison filled with wails and roars look like a picture of hell.

Quantero did not dare to close his conceptual body and directly mixed his body into the smoke.

Over-the-horizon strikes are definitely not a power in the Naruto world, are they new aliens? Yes, it was hidden deep enough, and it’s only now that it’s willing to show up.

The whistle just now was the sound of air flow caused by the thing attacking me. Were you trying to determine your position before? No, you cannot rely on the sound to determine the location of the attacking object. By the time you hear the sound, it is already too late.

Now that the opponent is hiding at night, his 'Bulls Eye' ability must target something within his field of vision. Do you want to restrict me in this way?

So stupid.

I will make you pay for your arrogance and stupidity!

Quantro drives the invisible conceptual power to spread rapidly outwards with himself as the center. The conceptual power called [Direction] cannot be touched and cannot be seen, but at this moment it becomes under the control of Quantro. It looks like a layered spread of waves, with layers of fish scales on the surface.

【Direction Wave】!

The huge concept wave spread rapidly around and turned into an irregular spherical shape, recording everything within the range.

Four seconds later, a strong attack broke into this area.

Direction - four o'clock.

Size - the size of a baby's fist.

Speed ​​- 2260m/s.

It is expected to change direction when it is three meters away from the main body.

Scheduled change of direction to 'return to original route'.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. A blurry black shadow penetrated everything in its path, aiming directly at Quantero, who was hiding in the smoke.

Just when the black shadow was about to hit him, the direction suddenly changed strangely, and the black shadow continued to shoot away in the direction from which it came.

Only then did a sharp whistle sound.

The top of the distant hill suddenly exploded, splashing rubble all over the sky.

"Ha! There!"

Quantero roared excitedly and rushed towards the hill with bare feet.

But just as he started to leap forward, he suddenly stopped suddenly.

Because not far in front of him, a figure as fragile and beautiful as porcelain appeared quietly.

Ruan Qishi's hands were hanging by his sides, and he walked lightly in the camp filled with dead bodies and flames, looking like he was on a spring outing.

"Impossible...Ruan Qishi? Are you Rong Qishi?"

Quantro had an expression of disbelief on his face. He read many novels and anime before embarking on his journey as a stranger. "The Whisper of the Sword" from the island country happened to be one of the works he had read.

Why does an anime character appear here... No, the world I live in is also related to anime. I should say, why do two completely unrelated works come together?

About ten meters away from Quantero, Rong Qishi stopped, put his hands in front of him and bowed slightly, with a cold face:

"Ah, it looks like you know me. Great, that saves me the useless and annoying step of introducing myself."

Sweat dripped from Quantero's forehead. It was not unprecedented for plot characters to become strangers, and they were all very strong without exception. He knew very well how terrifying Rong Qishi was. If he wanted to defeat her, he had to seal those eyes called "Jianji Gu" first.

Change the direction of the light to interfere with her vision. Well, let’s do it!

Quantro thought about taking action, but Rong Qishi, who was opposite him, tilted his head and looked behind Quantro: "Would you please go first?"

Quintero was stiff and his hair stood on end.

Because his conceptual field suddenly noticed a strange signal appearing not far behind him.

The next moment, the exquisite and gorgeous golden cross sword blade was gently placed on Quantero's neck, and a gentle and magnetic female voice sounded behind him:

"Do you like orangutans?"

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