A foreigner's journey

Chapter 715 Mercy

what's the situation? I have obviously opened the concept body, and can theoretically bounce back everything that is not on the 'white list'.


The golden flame ignited on the blade of the absolute royal power seemed to burn something, and at the same time Quantro felt a tingling sensation in his neck.

Concept expired? No, it was forcibly erased!

Quantero was so frightened that his scalp was numb, and he subconsciously output his concept [direction] with all his strength. With him as the center, an extremely strong repulsive ball suddenly appeared and spread rapidly. This was because he redirected the [gravity] in all areas around him and turned it into a repulsive force field.

A figure nimbly avoided the repulsive ball, drew a graceful arc in the air, and then landed on the top of a tent not far away.

Quantero first raised his hand and wiped it on his neck. There was a lot of blood on his hand. The conceptual body that had always been invincible failed, which made Quantero shocked and angry. He couldn't help gritting his teeth and looking at the figure.

This is a beautiful woman about 1.7 meters tall, about 25 to 30 years old. She was wearing a white robe, with waist-length silver hair fluttering in the wind. Even her eyebrows and eyelashes were silver-white. Her eyes were as blue as the sky and lakes. The tip of the golden cross sword in her hand was hanging down. At this moment, she was looking at Kuan Kuai with a warm smile. Tro.

Stranger! The first time he saw this woman, Quantro immediately felt a warning in his heart.

There was something strange about the sword in her hand, it actually burned her own concepts like firewood! What is her concept? 【flame】? Or [burning]? It can’t be a [sword], right?

Quantero was thinking crazily in his mind, and then he found that Rong Qishi was standing diagonally behind him, blocking the way.

These two people were working together. Quantero felt a chill in his heart at first, but then he cheered up. It's okay Quantero, your concept is unbeatable! You've encountered so many crises before, haven't you managed to get through them all with the help of your conceptual abilities? The crisis before us is just a test before reaching the top of the throne.

"Haha... I see, you can actually bear to show up at this time. I somewhat admire your endurance."

Quantro slowly grinned, showing his white teeth:

"Wouldn't it be better to just hide and wait until I get the S-level mission reward before leaving?"


The silver-haired woman couldn't help but cover her mouth and let out a chuckle. Her posture was elegant and full of all-embracing maternal brilliance, making people unable to think of any evil thoughts:

"Xiao, this child is really like what the beasts said, he is really unlikable."

The gentle voice full of magnetism made Quantero, who had not enjoyed maternal love since he was a child, a little dazed. Then he came back to his senses. Is this also the other person's conceptual ability? Words alone actually affect me! ?

Hearing the silver-haired woman's teasing, Rong Qishi rarely had a venomous tongue, but nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

The two beautiful women did not take Quintero seriously in a few words, but casually criticized him like naughty children. This made the already sensitive Quintero even more angry.

He clenched his fist fiercely, and blasted out layers of air waves again with him as the center. The gravity in the area was redirected and blasted away with the silver-haired woman in front of him as the target.

Then, golden sword light flashed, and the silver-haired woman just waved the golden cross sword in her hand casually and struck in front of the invisible gravity wave. The gravity wave that was forcibly gathered by the concept of direction melted immediately like spring snow encountering the blazing sun.


Quantero no longer cared to be wary of Qi Qishi. He only retained enough concepts to maintain the reflection of the conceptual body, and all the other concepts were mobilized by him. I saw him reaching out from a distance and pointing at the silver-haired woman, making it into a claw, and then suddenly clenched his fist.

[Wind], [Smoke], [Sand], [Gravel] and even everything around the silver-haired woman have their directions redefined.

But at the same time, four shining stone balls appeared around her, forming a tetrahedron with one up and three down structure, covering the silver-haired woman in the center.

Everything was blocked outside the wall of light, and the silver-haired woman was lifted up by the radiant tetrahedron and floated in mid-air, looking at the stunned Quantero below with interest.

"Four. The four-day holy spirit is returned?"

Quantero is also a wise man. He was stunned for a moment and then became furious. Because the Four Heavenly Holy Spirits are still one of Diaz's beast magic from the world of "3X3EYES", there is no second branch. With this animal magic appearing here, does it mean that Diaz betrayed his alliance and turned to these two women?

"Lord Moxi, it's time to take action." Rong Qishi, who was standing not far away, reminded.

Moxie, her name is Moxie? Mercy? Does this have anything to do with her conceptual abilities?

"Sorry, it's my first time fighting a foreigner, so I'm a little excited. So, BOY, you haven't answered my question yet -"

The silver-haired Moxi smiled, and invisible power began to spread around her:

"Do you like orangutans?"

Although I don’t know what kind of power this is, it is definitely not something fun. Quantro immediately set up a whitelist for his conceptual reflection list, retaining only the most basic elements for survival and combat, and transferring the rest.

There were surviving Kumogakure ninjas in the distant camp approaching here, but as soon as they approached, they held their heads in pain, and then started scratching their bodies crazily.

In Quantro's horrified eyes, these Kumogakure ninjas turned into chimpanzees wearing ninja costumes in just a few seconds! They seem to have completely lost their humanity and intelligence, jumping and roaring like real orangutans.

What is this? Degenerate halo? Even an uncultured bastard like Quintero knows that humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. What kind of degeneration is this?

Of course he doesn't know the reason, because this is what the light egg considers to be [forced downgrade].

Mercy is a brand new clone that Heather separated using her special telepathy ability [Living Face Yu] and based on [Absolute King Power] and [Light Egg].

This is also the first time that Heather uses two mythical weapons as the base at the same time, and the resulting Moxi is unexpectedly powerful. In her hands, the absolute royal power and the potential power of the light egg were fully developed.

When the absolute royal power is held and waved by Moxi, the original 'Destroy the Thought Qi' is upgraded to 'Destroy the Creations of Extraordinary Power', which can not only burn away phenomena and substances created by all extraordinary powers such as magic and superpowers, but also burn away foreign objects. [Conceptual bodies] shaped by human conceptual abilities can be fought against.

When the light eggs are driven by her, not only the healing and purification effects are greatly improved, but the four light eggs can be used as flying props by her for long-range bombardment beyond visual range. The previous destruction of the Kumogakure ninja camp was caused by the long-range bombardment of these four stone balls. . The most important thing is that [Forced Degradation] no longer requires the light egg to be attached to the surface of an individual, but can form a degenerative force field within a certain range. Once a creature that steps into this force field is not strong enough to resist the erosion of the force field, it will suffer forced degradation.

As for what you are forced to downgrade into, it all depends on what Light Egg thinks your degraded version is.

For example, now, Light Egg believes that the degraded version of humans should be chimpanzees.

If you may, Moxie doesn't actually like killing, just like her name suggests.

She prefers a more merciful approach, such as—

Change the target into another low-level creature that has no ability to resist.

This is the greatest mercy Moxi can show to his enemies.

Thanks to the Flamebringer for the 500 starting coins

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