A foreigner's journey

Chapter 717 Begin

The Kingdom of Grass is a sad little country sandwiched between the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Earth. Its geographical location is as bad as the Kingdom of Rain.

There is Sanshoyu Hanzo in front of Amegakure Village and Six Paths Payne behind it as the backbone. This allows Amegakure Village to gain a foothold among the three major countries, while Sogakuretsu Village has nothing.

In order to survive, Caoyin Village began despicable acts of 'piracy'. They secretly captured ninjas from other ninja villages and wandering ninjas to learn their ninjutsu, and then executed these ninjas from other villages on the spot after learning. It is precisely by relying on these miscellaneous ninjutsu and the large amount of precious information obtained from these ninjas for sale that Caoyin Village can barely survive in the cracks of the great powers.

Even so, Caoyin Village still has no say in front of the big powers.

After the Chunin Examination, Konoha Village directly used the reason that "Kusagakure Village genin Kaoru died unexpectedly during the trial" and withheld Kaoru, who had the cherished Uzumaki clan bloodline, and refused to return it. Caoyin Village initially planned to ask for an explanation using official reasons, so that no matter what happened, they could get some compensation and benefits.

But as soon as they heard that the powerful Ninja World's "Misfortune Eyes Quick Slash" unilaterally kept Xiang Rin, no one in the huge Ninja Village dared to say anything about recapturing Xiang Rin or asking for compensation. Come.

In the world of ninjas, strength is the biggest say.

A mere Kusagakure village, even if it comes out in full force, is probably not enough for Uchiha Suzan alone. After all, the opponent is a top powerhouse who can defeat the three tailed beasts.

Later, after the Fourth Ninja War broke out, Kusagakure Village joined the alliance of Iwagakure Village. On the one hand, it was forced by the fourth generation Tsuchikage Diaz, and on the other hand, it was the hatred of Kusakure Village towards Uchiha Quick Sword.

We in Kusagakure Village are not your opponents in Konoha Village, so what if we climb on the lap of the alliance between Iwagakure Village, Kumogakure Village, Sunagakure Village and Amegakure Village?

In order to take revenge and gain a foothold in the future ninja world, Kusakure Village made what they thought was the right choice.

Then, at this moment, the Land of Grass became the battlefield for the final decisive battle of the Fourth Ninja War.

This is the Black Mist Forest in the Country of Grass. The mountains and forests here are dense and the hills are undulating. As a battlefield, it is complex and changeable, making it an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack site.

It's cloudy today, and the wind is blowing the grass into waves.

Suzhan stood on the top of the hill and stared into the distance, his black cloak with the words Hokage printed on it rustling in the wind.

Behind him was a large black mass of Konoha and Kirigakure ninja coalition forces. In order to win this battle, the two allies spent almost everything they had. At this time, Kirigakure's defense force remained in the village with less than twenty ninjas.

In Konoha, only Mito Kadoyan and other elders and dozens of necessary ninjas were left to garrison. The remaining combat forces, led by the Fifth Hokage Quick Sword, came to the Country of Grass to start the final decisive battle with the enemy.

Of course, there are concerns in the village about Yunyin Village who has not yet appeared. However, Hokage Kuzhan was very sure that Kumogakure's troops would be intercepted by reinforcements at the border of the Land of Fire. As for who the reinforcements were, he didn't say much. Now that the Hokage has said so, the village will say no more.

In front of the distant forest opposite Suzhan, four ninjas stood.

A skinny old man wearing a robe, a bandage on his head and long white eyebrows - the consultant elder of Sunagakure Village [Ebizo].

Wearing an eyepatch on his left eye, a tall, middle-aged man with a beard like a weed, holding a chain scythe - the leader of the Ninja Village of Kusagakure Village [Yi Ming Gen Shirou].

Wearing the unique breathing mask of Amegakure Village, with long purple hair tied into a ponytail, and carrying a pair of swords, the female ninja with sharp eyes is the top master of Amegakure Village [Ame Qianliu].

A young man with sunken eyes, wearing a brown Tsuchikage cloak, and short brown hair - the fourth Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village [Kamiyuri Diaz].

The four of them were all representatives of their respective ninja villages, and they stood quietly in front of the forest, looking at Su Zhan from afar. At such a long distance, even the quick-cut Sharingan genjutsu has no effect.

Terumi Mei, who was wearing a blue dress, jumped to Suzan's side and said, "Hokage-sama, the army has been assembled."

"Well, thank you for your hard work Mizukage."

Su Zhan nodded slightly, and then looked at Xiu Shui Diaz:

"Ohnoki is dead? What a pity. He is the only opponent I can still respect in Iwagakure."

Diaz showed a gloomy smile: "You still have the guts to make fun of us in the face of the five-nation coalition army, as expected of you, Uchiha Quick Slash!"

"Five countries?" Su Zhan looked around and said, "I only saw four clowns."

"Quantero is leading four thousand elite Kumogakure troops towards Konoha. They should have crossed the Fire Country border by now."

Diaz smiled more and more gloomily:

"Uchiha Suzan, how many troops have you left in the village? In other words, do you expect Hyakuju Kaido to repel the incoming troops alone? I admit that Hyakuju Kaido is indeed special, but Quantero is more special than him. As long as If Quantero is willing, he can even destroy the entire Konoha Village in an instant without leaving a single tile behind."

"Oh, is this the [concept] you are talking about?" Su Zhan looked calm.

Did Hyakju Kaido even say this? Diaz frowned slightly and then figured it out. Uchiha Suzan's combat power is comparable to that of foreigners. In order to cooperate with Uchiha Suzan to the maximum extent, Kaidou will reveal his trump card to show his trust.

However, Hyakuju Kaido now has to stay in Konoha in order to stop Quantero. I am not a loser like Paz, and Uchiha Suzan alone cannot compete with me. Not only because I have [Ace], but [Akatsuki Organization] is also lurking nearby, ready to launch a fatal attack on Uchiha Suzan at any time.

According to the agreement, after the combined forces of Konoha and Kirigakure are eliminated, the Akatsuki organization will assist them in killing Quantero. When everything is settled, Diaz will make the decision to hand over the Kingdom of Thunder, which has lost its resistance, to Payne of the Six Paths. Rain Hidden Village will have a brand new village, country and resources.

With so many tailed beasts dead, Uchiha Madara's Eye of the Moon plan was completely finished, Uchiha Obito was no threat, and Otsutsuki Kaguya could only stay in the moon and be her moon rabbit.

The right time, the right place, the right people, and all the people are all on my side, and I have decided on the S-level mission!

Thinking of this, Diaz looked at Su Zhan with a sinister look. It is worth noting that only one person, Uchiha Quick Slayer, was killed by Metkai before he could activate the Eight Gate Armor. The rest of them were not worth mentioning, even Terumi Mizukage.

Just when Diaz raised his hand to send an attack signal to the ambushed coalition masters and Akatsuki organization, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

A huge dragon shadow soared in the sky, and the wild dragon roar resounded across the sky.

impossible! Hyakuju Kaido didn’t stay in Konoha Village? Doesn't he know that once Konoha Village is destroyed, he will never have the chance to find the next shinobi village to complete his mission?

He appears here, so who is going to stop Quantro's Kumogakure troops? A big open door... Deliberately attracting Quantero to attack Konoha Village, and then Konoha concentrated its firepower to defeat its own side first?

I am being looked down upon...

The thousand-meter green-scaled giant dragon in the sky laughed wildly and swooped down quickly.

Su Zhan held the hilt of the sword at his waist with his backhand.

The brown cloak behind Diaz was squirming, as if something was hatching.

The war begins!

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