A foreigner's journey

Chapter 718 Long time no see

"[Hot Breath]!"

Baishou Kaidao was the first to take action, and the raging and blazing flame breath drew a path in the sky that was enough to burn the retina.

The cloak behind Diaz suddenly unfolded, revealing four squirming biological petri dishes on his back. Four small bugs composed of brains and lower bodies jumped out from them and formed a regular tetrahedral light cone space with one up and three down. , firmly blocking the unstoppable heat breath.

[The Holy Spirit of the Four Heavens is returned]!

The blazing flames were immediately dispersed by the radiant tetrahedron and turned into countless fire rains falling down.

But at the same time, Su Zhan also took action.

Eight shurikens wrapped in flames flew rapidly from various tricky angles, accurately nailing the four small insects that formed a tetrahedron. The zerg was suddenly injured and immediately let out a scream, and the light curtain that could block the heat breath also shattered.

[Fire Release· Impatiens Flower Claw Red].

"Stop him!" As Diaz roared, the other three Ninja Village representatives took action.

Sunagakure's Ebizo is the younger brother of Agent Kazekage Chiyo, and he also has superb puppet manipulation skills. He unfolded the huge scroll behind him with a swish, and seven strange-looking puppets appeared from the seal scroll and rushed toward Su Zhan.

The Bai Ming Shirou of Kusakure Village and Yu Qianliu of Amegakure Village quickly formed seals, and each used their own powerful ninjutsu on Suzan.

A dozen giant rock thorns sprang out from the ground under Su Zhan's feet, but they missed all. The next moment, Su Zhan's figure appeared in mid-air, and a large amount of water suddenly appeared above his head, forming a water dragon and falling downwards.

As soon as the water dragon started to fall, it was swallowed by another even bigger and more ferocious water dragon.

Terumi Mei used [Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet] and then continued to form seals. She puffed up her cheeks and then spit out orange-red acid slime cannons at Genseirou and Amesenryu.


Yu Qianliu immediately jumped to the side, but Bai Ming Huan Shi Lang couldn't dodge and was directly hit by the acid slime cannon. His body immediately began to melt, and the orange-red acid stuck firmly to his body and could not be shaken off, and began to spread and climb rapidly.

Bang! The half-melted body of Bai Mingxuanshilang suddenly exploded into smoke, revealing his shadow clone.

The figures of Huan Shilang and Yu Qianliu appeared not far away, preparing to continue forming seals and performing ninjutsu.

Ebizo controlled the puppets and continued to surround Suzhan. Behind him, there were six huge scrolls placed on the ground, which was obviously a war of attrition.

Click! Click! The quick slasher raised his sword and smashed the two puppets in front of him. He kicked the puppets rushing from behind and jumped into the air to look at Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei understood immediately, took a sharp breath and then spit out a huge orange-red acid rain on the battlefield.

[Melt Escape·The Technique of Melting Sea Monsters]!

Ebizo had just summoned the second batch of six puppets, but he couldn't dodge and was hit by the acid rain poured down by Kaotou. They were immediately melted into coke residue while emitting black smoke.

Huge blue ribs appeared on Suzhan's body, which was also within the attack range, and protected him within them, completely unaffected by the acidic mucus.

Terumi Mei's eyes lit up, she smiled coquettishly and stretched out her little finger to wipe away the remaining mucus from the corner of her mouth: "Haha, I like the most handsome men who don't melt easily."

Without the obstruction of the puppet, Su Zhan's figure blurred instantly, and he spanned hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. Ebizo didn't even have time to get the third sealing scroll. His whole body was cut in half by a flash of sword light, and then fierce flames ignited on both sides of the fracture, completely engulfing Ebizo's body.

This is the [Speed ​​Slash] that scares the ninja world!

"Is this... a quick slash? It's amazing..."

Ebizo leaned half of his body and fell heavily to the ground. He only had time to say half a sentence before he died, leaving only two burning corpses.

Ignoring Kaidou and Diaz who were fighting fiercely in the sky, Terumi Mei rushed forward a few steps and then jumped. When she landed, an infinite water wave appeared under her feet, carrying her towards the rain in the distance. Qianliu chased after him: "Amegakure's Yuqianliu, where do you want to go?"

"Terumi Mei of Kirigakure, I've wanted to meet you for a long time." Also a well-known female ninja in the ninja world, Ame Qianliu pulled out the two straight swords behind her and rushed directly towards Terumi Mei without dodging.

On the other side, Bai Ming Huan Shi Lang was just running forward with all his strength, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He just looked back and was immediately frightened, because Su Zhan's figure was two hundred meters away a second ago, and now he was less than ten meters away from him!

"Save me! Save me! Tsuchikage-sama!" The ninja leader of Kusakure Village was cruel and ruthless to the captured weak ninjas, but he showed his ugly face when facing a strong man like Kuzan.

Suzan had already caught up with Genseirou, and swung his sword behind him, aiming at the back of Genseirou's neck, and swung it downwards.

At this moment, the flow of time seemed to suddenly slow down.

A pure golden two-headed beetle slowly crawled out from the back collar of Bai Ming Huan Shi Lang, and its four compound eyes looked steadily at Su Zhan.

At this time, the sword blade in Kuzan's hand was only a little bit away from Huanseiro's neck.

What's this? Although Su Zhan inherited Heather's knowledge, he had no impression of the golden monster in front of him. Could it be a bug from a work that he didn't know about?

In the sluggish flow of time, the golden two-headed beetle flapped its wings and flew up, actively colliding with the blade swung by Quick Slash.

There was a flash of golden light, and Su Zhan immediately disappeared, leaving only Bai Mingxuan Shi Lang holding his head and looking panic-stricken.

"Hokage-sama!?" Terumi Mei and the Konoha Kirigakure ninjas who rushed up from behind suddenly exclaimed.

In the sky, the giant green-scaled dragon swung its tail and knocked Diaz, who had turned into a locust masked rider, away with a bad look on his face: "Where did you get my good brother?"

"Hmph, it seems that you don't know much about [Time-Lost Golden Emperor Kabuto]. This is good news."

Diaz grew three pairs of insect wings and vibrated rapidly, and a huge shadow began to take shape behind him:

"I have prepared a grand funeral for Uchiha Suzan, he will definitely like it."


The golden light gradually faded, and the quick slash feeling protected by Susanoo fell to the ground.

This place seems to still be within the Kingdom of Grass, but the environment is completely different from the Black Mist Forest. It is located next to a lake.

Thick fog covered the surface of the lake and its surroundings, the sky was covered by thick black lead clouds, and the air was thick with water vapor.

The bright blue Susanoo suddenly waved his arms, and the fierce strong wind immediately blew the mist around, revealing the surrounding scenery.

There are ruins of broken and collapsed buildings everywhere, and it seems to be a ruins of ancient ruins that were destroyed by war.

A figure stood at the highest point of the ruins, looking down at Uchiha Quick Slash.

The purple waves in his eyes were indifferent.

Six Paths of Pain... Uchiha Suzhan frowned slightly and glanced around.

One after another, figures appeared from all directions, completely surrounding Su Zhan.

There were nine people in total, and all members of the Akatsuki organization were dispatched, just to ambush and kill the Fifth Hokage Uchiha at the Lake of Life in the Land of Grass.

Tiandao Payne, who had short orange hair, stood at the highest point of the ruins, opened his arms and spoke in a cold tone:

"Uchiha Suzan, you are the last guardian of Destiny Child. As long as we kill you, no one can stop us anymore."


Su Zhan laughed rarely:

"I originally planned to wait until the war is over before causing trouble for you. Does this count as taking the initiative to advance?"

As he spoke, he turned to look at a figure on the right:

"Itachi, long time no see."

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