A foreigner's journey

Chapter 734 Their respective trump cards

Quantero's condition at this time is definitely not 'good'.

Blood was leaking from the corners of his eyes, nose, and mouth. This was because he overused his conceptual power and overloaded his body.

But in his opinion, as long as he catches all the outsiders present and gets the S-level mission reward, he will make a lot of money.

Even if it takes a few years or even decades to hibernate and recuperate in the next world, it's worth it. This is an S-level mission!

Seeing Quintero coming with the storm and strong vibrations, even Diaz, who was also his ally, was on guard.

After all, the alliance is only temporary. S-class missions only allow one winner. Instead of fighting Quantro to the death in the end, it is better to use the power of other outsiders now to make them both lose.

"Quantro! Have you betrayed our covenant?"

The Bancho Spikemon that Diaz transformed into shouted, his voice drowning out the sound of the storm.

Huchi... Huchi... Quantero panted heavily, scanning the foreigners and natives below with dark eyes, and finally turned his gaze to Moxi:

"Others will die, but you...if you are willing to come with me, I can give you a way to live."

His eyes were filled with possessiveness.


The giant blue-scaled dragon incarnated by Hyakusho Kaido silently glanced upward with his big eyes. Moxi would only bring a feeling of motherhood and love to others. How deep is this Oedipal complex for Quantro?

Standing next to Moxi, Rong Qishi also covered his mouth with his small hand, showing a suitably surprised expression: "As expected of you, Mr. Moxi, you have easily achieved the feat of 'capturing the enemy with your charm'. Can you sign it for me?" Name?"

The warm smile on Moxi's face was a bit unbearable. A golden cross sword appeared in his hand and he smiled stiffly: "It is inevitable for children to make mistakes when they grow up. Just correct them."

Hearing the conversation between the three people, Diaz felt a chill in his heart.

Are these three foreigners working together?

Quantero in the sky could no longer contain the madness in his heart and shouted: "If you are not willing to follow me, I will use force to take you away! You cannot resist the magnificent power of the rotation of the planet!"

He raised his arm and suddenly opened his fingers, and the violent storm immediately changed its direction, crushing the people below from all directions.

"It's about to take off, hurry up!" Hyakju Kaido immediately rolled up the dragon's body, carrying the ninjas of the Konoha Kirigakure coalition and flew upwards rapidly.

At the same time, Diaz also summoned an unusually large beetle and used its back shell to tightly wrap the Iwagakure Ninja to withstand the coming storm.

As for the other alliance ninjas Sunagakure, Amegakure and Kusagakure, Diaz didn't bother to care about their life or death.

The giant dragon climbed extremely fast and reached a thousand meters altitude in the blink of an eye. But how could Quantro let them leave? He set the Sea of ​​Beasts Channel as the coordinate point, and the infinite storm reversed its direction and rolled towards the giant dragon in the sky.

Moxi looked at Rong Qishi beside him: "I'll leave [Storm] to you, Rong."

Qishi nodded, jumped off the dragon's back, and his thin body fell into the endless storm without a trace.

Diaz frowned: "Suicide? No...what is that?"

An elegant dragon shadow vaguely appeared in the huge whirlpool of the storm. Quantero suddenly felt that his conceptual power to control the storm was plummeting, as if another conceptual force was competing with him for the dominance of the storm.

Diaz's eyes lit up, what a great opportunity!

It's time to use your trump card.

He lowered his body, the flesh and blood on his back kept rolling and squirming, and an insect egg quickly took shape.

Something started to break out of the shell.


On another battlefield, Tiandao Payne spread his arms and floated in the storm, with an intoxicated look on his face:

"Uchiha Suzan, do you believe in the existence of [God]?"

"God? If there really is such a thing, how can the world be filled with wars and wailing?"

The completed Susanoo holds the Juken Sword in his right hand, and the chakra giant sword in his left hand transforms into the shape of six side-edged "Seven-branched Swords", standing firm in the face of the storm. Countless rocks and broken wood rained down on Susanoo, but they were unable to injure him at all.

Suzan's voice came out through Susanoo, with a touch of sarcasm:

"You don't think you are a [god] just because you have the Samsara Eye, right? That would be too arrogant."

Tiandao Pain laughed more and more heartily: "You don't understand, you don't understand what [god] means at all. I have seen through these eyes all the false things. Konan, Yahiko, teacher, Xiao , and you, everything is fake!"

Countless rocks and broken wood rained down on Susanoo, but they were unable to injure him at all.

Su Zhan frowned slightly: "...Are you crazy?"

Clang! Susanoo waved his swords, spread his wings and rushed towards Tendou Pain.

On the distant hill, Uchiha Obito was quietly hiding in the shadows, watching this shocking duel with Zetsu.

"Uchiha Speed ​​Slash is more difficult than imagined. Even if you gather all the Mangekyō Sharingan, you still won't be his opponent." Zetsu said truthfully.

The kaleidoscope patterns in Uchiha Obito's eyes were slowly turning, and he said in a calm tone: "I have never thought about a head-on confrontation with Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zan. This guy's speed and Susanoo can perfectly restrain all types of enemies, even illusions. There is nothing we can do about him. In other words, looking at the entire ninja world, Uchiha Quick Sword is the well-deserved king of single combat."

"Then why are we still here?" Bai Jue asked strangely.

"After my eyes [divine power] are gathered together, I can enter and exit any space at will."

Uchiha Obito raised his thumb and pointed in the direction of his eyes: "As long as Uchiha Suzan and Nagato are both injured, I can get the Rinnegan Eye and Uchiha Suzan's Mangekyō Sharingan in one fell swoop. As long as this happens With the power, it will not be difficult to gather the nine tailed beasts again."

While the two were talking, a huge roar came from the distant battlefield.

Bang! The completed Susanoo hit the ground heavily, and the surface of the indestructible Karastengu armor was actually filled with dense pits, and the chakra giant sword held in his left hand was also corroded with large and small pits.

"It's impossible, right? Uchiha Speed ​​Slash's completed Susanoo is even more powerful than Madara, and he actually lost to Nagato?" Bai Zetsu opened his mouth in disbelief.

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly: "No...it's not the power of the Rinnegan."

"You mean?"

"Nagato showed a strange power when he surrounded me that time. It was very powerful. And I can be sure that it was definitely not the power of the Samsara Eye."

Uchiha Obito said affirmatively.

At this time, the six paths of Pain gathered together. Among them, Pain, the hell path made by the outsider Ruan Wenyu, opened his arms, and invisible power was radiating around him with him as the center.

"Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zhan, you think you are special? It's a pity that I am the most special existence!"

The purple wavy lines in Tiandao Payne's eyes are indifferent, like a superior god:

"I have transcended this world and moved towards the true throne of God!"

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore."

The holes on Susanoo's body were quickly filled up. The quick slash in the pentagonal gem in front of his forehead closed his left eye, and the three lightning zigzag patterns in his right eye began to rotate rapidly:

"This is a duel between eyes, come and try to crack my pupil technique!"

Kaleidoscope Eye Technique——[Budu Yuhun]!

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