A foreigner's journey

Chapter 735 Payne’s concept

The Akatsuki organization has such an existence, and there are many ways to obtain information, so it is natural that it has some understanding of Uchiha Speed ​​Slash's Kaleidoscope Eye Technique.

Perhaps out of caution, perhaps because the opponent is not overwhelmingly powerful, in short, Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zan did not show the second kaleidoscope eye technique during the collapse of Konoha, and only revealed the [Mushikari] that can reverse the rules of all things. .

Some Mangekyō Sharingan do not have different eyes in both eyes, such as Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito. Their Mangekyō Sharingan has unified eyes, but there is a slight difference in effectiveness.

Because it is too difficult to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, it not only requires the holder to undergo a huge mental impact, but also requires very strict qualifications for the holder. Historically, there were not many Uchiha people with kaleidoscopes.

This involves a question - is the eye technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan unique to each holder?

The answer is no.

Uchiha Itachi's Amaterasu and Uchiha Sasuke's Kagome Tomei have all appeared in the thousand-year history of the ninja world. The Second Hokage even saw with his own eyes other Uchiha clansmen who held Kagomei.

But Uchiha Speed ​​Slash's pupil technique is different. Even if Uchiha Madara is reincarnated, he would not dare to say that he has seen such a kaleidoscope pupil technique.

Now, Nagato doesn't know what the pupil technique of Uchiha Suzan's other eye is, and Suzan also needs to find out in actual combat what kind of conceptual power Nagato obtained from the unlucky foreigner.

Whoever obtains key intelligence first will be able to take the initiative in the subsequent battle.

The completed Susanoo spread out its wings, covering the sky and the sun, and continuously attacked Pain's Six Paths at an unimaginable super speed.

Each swing of the two long knives in its hands split the storm and formed a vacuum blade. The aftermath of the swing was enough to split mountains and seas, and the surrounding mountains turned into pieces as early as the moment the two of them fought.

And Heavenly Path Pain and Hell Path Pain were floating in the sky, working together to resist Susanoo's slashing attack. Payne, who gained the concept power of the Outlander, seems to have tapped the power of the Rinnegan to its limit. Even a simple [Shinra Tensei] can be turned into a shield to resist Susanoo's blade.

boom--! !

Susanoo clenched his Juken sword and swung forward to slash across a wide range.

The mountains in the distance were immediately cut in half by the sword light, and the mountains were turned into countless gravel and dust in the storm of sword pressure that followed.

Tendo Payne was caught off guard and was defeated by Shinra Tenzheng's defensive shield. At the critical moment, he summoned Hungry Ghost Payne to appear in front of him. Hungry Ghost raised his arms to block the chakra giant sword, like a mantis using its arms as a cart. .

laugh! Most of the chakra giant sword was absorbed into the body by Hungry Demon. Although the following sword pressure storm tore Hungry Demon into pieces, the chakra sword in Susanoo's left hand was destroyed.

Hell Path Payne grabbed a fragment of Hungry Ghost Path Payne and threw it into the mouth of Hell King behind him. Hell Hell King just chewed it a few times before spitting out a complete Hungry Ghost Path Payne.

The quick slash in the pentagonal gem in front of Susanoo's forehead frowned slightly. Sure enough, the hell realm was the most troublesome, and he had to be dealt with first.

This was not over yet, Shura Dao Payne quietly appeared in mid-air next to Susanoo. He tore the red cloud black robe on his body to reveal modified weapons all over his body. I saw Shura Dao's arms coming together and transforming into a rapidly rotating energy cannon, with a buzzing energy flow gathering at the muzzle.

Buzz—! ! The bluish-white energy beam cannon bombarded Susanoo's body with real force. Even the completed Susanoo, which was hundreds of meters high, was pushed back continuously by this powerful blow.

In Ultra Storm 4, this move can directly penetrate even the Earth Explosion Sky Star and blow it to pieces. In Nagato's opinion, Susanoo simply cannot resist such a powerful attack.

The stream of light continued to bombard Susanoo, and when he was about to break through the Karastengu armor, the light cannon was interrupted.

Because the blade of the Ten Fist Sword penetrated Shura Dao Pain from top to bottom, his body immediately turned into a liquid the moment the blade of the Ten Fist Sword touched it, merged into the blade, and was sucked into the wine gourd.

Tiandao Pain didn't care about the life and death of Shura Dao. He could just make another irrelevant clone later. His focus was that the swing speed and sealing speed of the Ten Fist Sword had become faster.

What's going on? The Ten Fists Sword just now would never be able to seal at such a fast speed.

Without any time to think, the blade of the Ten Fist Sword was swung out again, aiming directly at Hell Path Payne.

The Hungry Ghost Dao Pain standing next to the Hell Dao did not resist. The Hell Dao Pain, made by the outsider Ruan Wenyu, opened his arms expressionlessly. The Ten Fist Sword's blades became pitted before it touched him, and eventually eroded. Break into two pieces.

Susanoo immediately retreated, his mind racing with the quick slash in the gem on his forehead.

The concept is corrosion? It's not like, if it is really corroded, then the wine gourd in Susanoo's hand cannot be saved.

Something tiny penetrated the blade of the Juken Sword. It was the same reason that Susanoo was punched through countless holes just now.

The opponent was very smart and did not use the Hungry Ghost Way to resist the Ten Fist Sword. He did not dare to gamble on whether the [Sealing Technique Seal] of the Samsara Eye could be stronger than the [Drunken Dream Seal] of the Ten Fist Sword?

So far, both sides are testing, but Payne is starting to get a little anxious.

One of Pain's six paths was missing and became five. Maybe after a few more hits, it would turn into two. Although other clones except the hell realm and the heaven realm don't matter, but he, a superior god, is treated like this by a damn native... he can't continue to play.

Tendo Payne immediately threw several black balls. The black balls attracted the gravel and turned into several huge meteorites, which hit Susanoo hard.

Susanoo kept swinging his chakra sword to chop up the incoming meteorites, and the delay gave Pain a perfect opportunity.

Hell Road Payne opened his arms again, the storm gradually subsided, and the sky above the battlefield was shrouded in layers of lead clouds.

Su Zhan raised his eyebrows, this beginning looks familiar?

Soon, the wind picked up, and the raindrops fell downward into a downpour.

As soon as the raindrops fell on Susanoo, Suzan felt like he had turned into a frog stuck in the quagmire, and the raindrops became the biggest resistance restricting Susanoo's progress. Not only that, these raindrops also made countless craters on the surface of Susanoo's indestructible Karastengu armor.

I see...I know what your concept is. Su Zhan finally figured out what concept the other party had taken from the outsider——


The broken rocks and broken trees in the previous storm met the definition of "raindrops", so they were manipulated by Pain to cause heavy damage to Susanoo.

The way to break the Ten Fist Sword is to hover the 'raindrops' in the air and turn them into a large-scale shield. The Ten Fist Sword will be damaged and eventually break when it encounters these dense raindrops.

The operation method is very similar to Blackmore's stand-in [Touch the Rainbow] in JOJO.

[Touch the Rainbow] can fix the raindrops it touches in the air. The raindrops are not affected by gravity and are sharp and pointed. Any object passing through the rain curtain will be severely damaged by thousands of arrows. The faster or larger the person, the more likely they are to be affected.

It’s just that the outsider’s concept [rain] is much more powerful than the stand-in [touching the rainbow], and any phenomenon that meets the definition of ‘rain’ can be used by it.

From this point of view, Suzan also understood how the other party unknowingly made all members of the Akatsuki organization, including Itachi Uchiha, fall into the illusion and fall deeply into the illusion.

Light pollution such as neon lights is prevalent in Yuyin Village. As long as the rain and neon lights are cleverly refracted, the hypnotic illusion effect of changing the deep consciousness can be achieved.

With the control power of Nagato's Rinnegan and the concept of an outsider, this is not difficult to do.

I already know what your concept is, so have you figured out the effect of my eye surgery?

If you haven't figured it out yet, then please go die with your foreigner clone.

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