A foreigner's journey

Chapter 736 Budu Yuhun

The rain came in heavy torrents and soon turned into a violent storm.

The same concept of [rain] can only be used by Ruan Wenyu with the help of naturally falling raindrops, but Payne has the 'Rain Tiger Free Technique' that can activate the power of the concept at any time and rapidly expand the force of rain, and even make [rain] 】The concept also extends to a very wide range.

"Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zan, you are indeed very powerful. But you should remain in awe when facing the power of God!"

Payne raised his hand, and forty-four black balls rushed into the layers of rain clouds above. The black clouds immediately stirred up the same number of vortices. The rain and black clouds were absorbed by the black balls and turned into huge black clouds and water balls. Suspended in the sky.

Snapped! Tiandao Payne suddenly clasped his hands in front of him and shouted:

"[Zhenyu Tianxing]!"

Forty-four huge black water balls immediately fell rapidly towards Susanoo with a violent whistling sound.

This is not over yet, Hell Path Payne also clasped his hands together and activated his conceptual power with all his strength. These forty-four huge falling water balls were given the definition of [rain], and they all fell into the control of Hell Path Payne.

Susanoo raised his head to look at the dozens of water balls attacking above his head. He clenched the wine gourd in his hand and poured a large amount of eye power and chakra into it. Blue flames spewed out from the gourd mouth again and formed a flaming blade that was sharper and more ferocious than before.

The sword flashed, and the water ball that was first smashed down was directly chopped and exploded by the Ten Fist Sword. Part of it was evaporated by the high temperature, but more rainwater no longer had a fixed shape but suddenly exploded and fell downwards, forming a rain curtain all over the sky.

The dense rain curtain turned into countless sharp blades, striking at Susanoo and Juken Sword wildly.

It's just that this time Susanoo and the Juken Sword were not harmed, as if their sturdiness had increased by several levels, and even conceptual power could not have an impact for the time being.

Swinging his sword again to split two giant water balls, Susanoo's free left hand struck together with the claw at the top of his left wing. When he opened it again, a long string of huge blue magatama appeared between his palms.

With a sudden wave of his hand, hundreds of Yasaka magatama flew towards other water balls in the sky like a meteor shower.

【Yasaka Magatama·Five Hundreds of Jin】!

Hell Road Payne's eyes lit up, he was waiting for now! I saw him stretching out his arms towards the huge magatama that was spinning rapidly, his hands clenching into claws and clenching them tightly.

The movement of hundreds of Yasaka magatama stagnates for a moment, then changes direction and falls towards Susanoo.

Even if it is an enemy's weapon, can it be used for one's own use as long as it meets the definition of "rain"? It seems that [Gohyakuzu] is considered a 'meteor shower' because it is a flying prop and there are too many of them, which is also included in the scope of rain.

Susanoo had no intention of resisting at all, and allowed these Yasaka magatama to fall on the surface of his body. The magatama shattered into pieces, the Karasu Tengu armor was intact, and Susanoo didn't even move.

Isn’t this powerful enough? Tiandao Pain was shocked. The power was too small. This was not in line with the combat power shown by Uchiha Speed ​​Slash before.

But the flying speed of these Yasaka Magatama is here. No matter how weak it is, it cannot be much weaker. It is obviously that something has affected its power.

Could it be the effect of Uchiha Speed ​​Slash's pupil technique?

Suddenly, a blue fire flashed in front of Payne's eyes.

He almost subconsciously activated the maximum Shinra Tensei instantly, and at the same time, Hell Path Payne also arranged the raindrops in front of him to form a spherical protective shield.


Hungry Ghost Path Payne was stabbed by the huge bright blue flaming sword blade. The blade did not penetrate into Hungry Ghost Path's body, but Hungry Ghost Path's body instantly turned into liquid and merged into the flame sword body.

How is this distance possible? Tiandao Payne looked down in shock.

The blade of the Juken Sword in Susanoo's hand was instantly extended for thousands of meters, and it accurately hit Pain, the Hungry Ghost, high in the sky. This time, Hungry Ghost Dao was sealed without even having time to use the 'Sealing Technique'.

"Second, how many clones do you have that I can seal?"

Susanoo opened his mouth and made a quick slashing sound, indifferent and ruthless.

Apart from the Heavenly Path and the Hell Path, the Hungry Ghost Path and the Shura Path, which are the most threatening, have been sealed. The remaining Animal Path and the Human Path are pure waste and not worth mentioning in the face of Susanoo.

Stop playing with those imaginary things, and use the concepts you stole from outsiders to fight with me with real swords and guns.

"How dare you be so disobedient in the face of gods... Okay, very good. Uchiha Quick Cut, I will let you experience a real disastrous defeat. At that time, you will cry and beg me to give you a good pleasure!"

Tendo Pain looked down at Susanoo with a cold tone.

"Really? Then don't be a coward and face me in person like a real man."

The voice of Uchiha Quick Cut suddenly appeared next to Tendo Payne!

What? As soon as Tiandao Payne turned around, he saw the oncoming sword light. He subconsciously activated the Shinra Tensei, but this time the Shinra Tensions did not bounce the enemy away, but instead drew Pain himself towards the opponent!

No, it’s [Du Moujie]! He used [Dumugai] to reverse the characteristics of Shinra Tenzheng! ?

This clone of Tendo Payne, made from the corpse of Nagato's close friend 'Yahiko', was instantly chopped into dozens of pieces by [Super Speed ​​Slash], and the flames engulfed all the body parts along the cuts.

Before they could resist, Payne of the human world and Payne of the beast were struck by the Ten Fist Sword, and were sealed in the sword body one after another.

Now only one of Pain's six realms is left in the hell realm.

A ball shape formed in front of the hell path, and a large number of shurikens and kunai were blocked outside and shattered into pieces. He watched in silence as Susanoo flapped his wings and soared high into the sky. The quick slash in the pentagonal gem in front of his forehead looked at Hell Path Payne and said:

"Sure enough, you have abandoned the identity and body of [Nagato]. Hell Path Payne is your true body, right?"

"Hmph... Uchiha Quick Cut, as a native, you are already very good."

Hell Dao Payne, who was facing Ruan Wenyu's face, changed his silent nature and let out a gloomy laugh. His pair of purple wavy-patterned reincarnation eyes stared at Su Zhan indifferently:

"At the cost of the wastes of the Akatsuki organization and a few insignificant clones, I also figured out the effects of your two pupil techniques. Your left eye can reverse the rules of all things, and your right eye can reverse your own. Full range of weapon customization.”

Su Zhan didn't answer, but the blood stain at the corner of his right eye couldn't be faked.

Mangekyo Sharingan Eye Technique, [Budou Taminghun].

The pupil technique of this right eye is different from the simple and direct one of the left eye, and is relatively complicated.

[Budou Yuhun] can digitize the weapons mastered by Quick Slash and completely customize them.

For example, for the Ten Fist Sword, once [Budou Yuhun] is turned on, the various abilities of the Ten Fist Sword will be digitized in Su Zhan's eyes - power 8 speed 5 length 4 weight 1 solid 5 seal 7.

Quick Slash can redistribute the values ​​​​of the Ten Fist Sword through the pupil technique. The previous data when it stabbed the hungry ghost path from a thousand meters away was power 1 speed 9 length 9 weight 1 solid 1 seal 9.

No matter the length, extension speed or sealing strength are increased to the limit, the sharpness and solidity are greatly reduced accordingly.

In the same way, Susanoo can also be regarded as a weapon by Quick Slash. After being greatly strengthened, even raindrops with enhanced concepts cannot harm it.

The Yasaka Magatama used for testing has its power weakened to the limit. Even if it is controlled by the hell realm and attacks Susanoo in turn, it will have no effect at all.

In addition, [Budou Yuhun] can also be combined with [Dumu Gai] to give the weapon a new attribute. Choose one from [Special Effect Replacement], [Damage Replacement], and [Space Replacement]. Its attributes can be passed through Reduce other attributes of the weapon to add points.

The effect of [Special Effect Replacement] is very simple. It temporarily replaces the 'special effect' of the enemy's weapon with an attribute of your own weapon.

The explosion effect of Deidara's C3 No. 18 and the sealing effect of Uchiha Itachi's Ten Fist Sword were stolen through [Special Effect Replacement]. Quick Slash lowered the attributes of his own weapon to the lowest and then replaced it with the opponent's weapon. He also took The most useful effect of the opponent's weapon is reached.

From this point of view, Uchiha Itachi's guess was not wrong.

This is a terrifying pupil technique that only Uchiha Quick Sword can fully display in battle.

PS: To put it simply, [Budu Yuhun] is equivalent to a weapon attribute editor. The left and right eyes can also be used to edit enemy weapons to a certain extent.

The concept of [Rain] is not as weak as imagined, and it is actually very powerful in operation. It's just that Ruan Wenyu himself is too weak to use it. I recommend Baidu to search for the stand-in [Touch the Rainbow] in JOJO7, which will make you fly.

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