A foreigner's journey

Chapter 753 It’s impolite to talk about work at breakfast

Mr. Fu realized the strength of Denji on the second day of the dinner.

To be honest, anyone who suffered a brutal blow like Denci last night would be unable to recover for several days.

But Denji was different. When he woke up the next morning, he happily rushed to the cafeteria of the Tokyo Police Demon Hunter Headquarters, took four slices of toast and four jars of different jams, and really just sat there and ate them heartlessly. got up.

Until Mr. Fu sat down opposite Denci with a dinner plate, Denci was still concentrating on spreading jam one spoonful after another on the third slice of bread.

After picking up the coffee cup and taking a sip, Mr. Fu picked up the sandwich and said, "I woke up very early, Denji."

Denci concentrated on applying the fourth layer of jam without raising his head, as if on a pilgrimage: "Morning, Brother Fu."

Fu, Fu brother?

On the third day, I have been demoted from Mr. Fu to Brother Fu? If he is allowed to stay in the same class for two more days, will he become a little fu?

He put his hand to his mouth and coughed, and then said: "Dianji, the process is very urgent today, please eat faster."

"Oh s—!"

Even though it took a long time to spread the jam, Denci ate the bread very quickly. After three or four bites, he was all dazzled. His mouth was bulging and he said: "Jitie Jume Gingo?"


Denci chewed faster and asked again: "What's the mission today?"

"I'll take you on a formal mission for a real fight, and then I'll find a teacher for you based on the actual combat situation. Don't frown. This is Mr. Suzhan's order."

"I'm super powerful, there's no need for teachers or anything like that."

"Awesome? Who was knocked unconscious by the Crab Demon's pincers?"

"That's because I was merciful because I was afraid that the crab meat would not taste good if it was too chopped."

"I hope your skills will be as tough as your mouth in actual combat."

Mr. Fu raised his arm and looked at his watch: "It's almost time, let's go."


Denji is confidently preparing for his first battle as a formal member of the Anti-Demon Special Class.

At the same time, Heather was standing in a handmade udon self-service shop.

Unlike Japan, there are no roadside breakfast stalls in the morning. If you want to have breakfast, you have to prepare it at home or go to a convenience store to buy bread and rice balls. Only a few fast food shops are open in the morning.

The name of this store is ‘Xiangchuan’. The store is small and very clean. It is already full of people at this time.

But Heather is not worried about not having a seat, because this handmade udon buffet can be eaten standing up.

There were sounds of slurping and slurping, and the soup pot in front of the counter was steaming.

"Welcome, how many balls do you want?" The boss wiped his hands with a smile and asked Heather, who was looking at the layout of the store.

"Huh? How many balls?" Heather looked questioning.

The boss pointed to the top of his head, and the price list posted above clearly stated——

One group, 200 yuan; two groups, 300 yuan; three groups, 400 yuan, which seems to be the difference between large and small bowls in Lanzhou ramen shops.

There are also many side dishes (add-ons), tempura and fried beef hash browns are 90 yuan, raw eggs are 50 yuan, hot spring eggs are 80 yuan, and fried tofu sushi is 120 yuan.

Heather didn't have difficulty choosing, and immediately chose what she wanted to eat: "One ball, and an additional order of fried beef hash browns and hot spring eggs."

"Great deal for 370 yen."

Heather took out a few coins from her wallet and said, "I'll give you 400 yen."

"Looking for you 30 yen."

Instead of being served to you in a normal noodle shop, the handmade udon self-service shop will just put the noodles in a bowl and hand them to the customer, and then the customer has to do everything by themselves, so it is a 'self-service'.

Taking the noodle bowl, Heather was in trouble. She had never eaten self-service udon before. Everyone around her was immersed in eating. Who can show me how to do it?

Just when he was in trouble, a soft voice came from behind: "Excuse me, can I order food?"

Heather looked back and found a beautiful woman with a curvy figure wearing a black trench coat standing behind her. Her long orange-red hair was styled into braids. She tapped her chin lightly with her fingers while using her golden hoops. Look at the price list above your head.

Makima...came so quickly.

Heather held the noodle bowl aside and said nothing.

Soon Makima had chosen what she wanted to eat, a ball of udon and tempura.

Then she came to Heather with a noodle bowl and smiled in an inaudible voice: "It's very simple."

After saying that, Makima came to the counter and picked up the colander in the soup pot, poured the noodles in the noodle bowl into the colander and put the colander and noodles into the soup pot.

After cooking for four or five seconds, Makima picked up the colander to drain the water, and poured the hot noodles and hot soup into the noodle bowl. He went to the counter and put chopped green onions and fried bread crumbs into the bowl one after another. Finally, he took a piece of tempura from the counter and put it on an extra small plate.

Putting the noodle bowl and plate on the standing table, Makima smiled and made an elegant gesture of "please" to Heather.

Sigh... If he hadn't known her character and methods, Heather would have thought she was a well-educated, sensible and elegant beauty.

What a pity, what a pity.

Heather imitated Makima's operation in a decent manner, and then the two of them stood on both sides of the standing table, holding the noodle bowl and lowering their heads to slurp the noodles.

The taste was indeed good, and the noodles were very chewy. Heather took a few bites of the noodles and said without raising her head, "What a surprise. I thought a beauty like you wouldn't come to a handmade udon shop to eat."

"What do you think my eating style should be?" Makima seemed to think the noodles were a bit bland, so she sprinkled some more chili powder into it.

"The small cake is placed in a small porcelain plate with complicated patterns, and the exquisite teacup is held with orchid fingers to taste the black tea. There must also be a bouquet of freshly picked flowers in the morning on the table that are still wet with dew."

"You're talking about a 17th-century European noblewoman. In fact, I like to eat garlic ramen and fried pork cutlets, and I also like to drink draft beer."

"Hey, my fantasy about beautiful women has been ruthlessly destroyed by you!"

"You're welcome. Because you saved my colleague the day before yesterday, I won't charge you tuition."

Heather dazzled the noodles and fried beef hash browns three times, then picked up the noodle bowl and took a big sip of noodle soup, then put down the bowl with satisfaction: "Huh... not bad."

Taking the tissue from Makima, Heather wiped her mouth and looked across: "You are the famous Makima."

"First meeting, Mr. Heather."

Machima also put down the bowl and raised her chin outward: "A favor?"

The two walked out of the udon shop one after another, feeling the cool morning breeze and walking side by side on the street, just like a couple.

"Want one?"

"I like lime mustard gum, so you're welcome."

Heather chewed the gum and put the small box back into her pocket. As she walked along the street, she said in a casual tone: "So, you are here to give me a reward on behalf of Brother Fu? It's a bit troublesome for a big shot like you to bother me." I’m flattered.”

"That's one of the reasons."

Makima walked slowly beside Heather and said with a smile:

"On behalf of the police demon hunter, I would like to make a commission for you."

"Let's talk about it first."

"Listen to the reward first or the content of the commission first?"

"Is there any difference?"

Heather glanced sideways at Makima:

"If I refuse, you will definitely use the special privilege of "recruiting civilians during special periods" on me, right?"

"But you don't seem to care about this so-called privilege."

"I only do things out of interest, so you need to 'seduce' me with great rewards or commissioned content, Makima."

The corners of Heather's mouth slowly raised:

"Now, tell me."

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