A foreigner's journey

Chapter 754 lets say [NO], baby

Chapter 754 let's say [NO], baby

"Let's talk about the content of the commission first."

Makima held her hands behind her like a girl and walked briskly beside Heather:

"Powerful demons such as 'Poison', 'Heavy Rain', and 'Scorch' have appeared one after another in the Kyoto area recently. The Kyoto Demon Anti-Demon Special Course and Demon Exorcism Course there have been somewhat overwhelmed. I would like to hire you, Mr. Heather, as a private citizen." The special adviser to the Demons went to Kyoto to provide support and give them some guidance."

Heather kept walking and said in a calm tone: "Miss, are you kidding? The Kyoto Circle is much stronger than the Tokyo Circle. Every time, Kyoto comes to guide Tokyo and other regions. When will it be my turn as a fledgling civilian to guide me? The amazing Kyoto circle?"

"Those are all misunderstandings. The Kyoto Circle is rumored to be very evil among the people, but that's just because the anti-demon organization in the Kyoto Circle developed earlier."

"Is it just earlier? Then why are more than 80% of the official contracted demons contained in Inari Mountain in Kyoto? You can't even get double figures for the contracted demons in the Tokyo Circle Anti-Magic Class."

"Oh, Mr. Heather knows very well. This is all confidential information."

"Are you going to arrest me? Remember to use handcuffs and set the safe word now."

"...You can consider this harassment."

Machima stopped and looked at Heather with her golden circled eyes, meaningfully:

"How about it, do you want to hear about the reward next?"

Heather also stopped and sat down on a public bench on the street: "Let's talk about it."

Makima sat next to him, folded her legs, and raised a finger: "A [special weapon] made from the power of a certain demon. The specific shape can be customized."

Then, the second finger was raised: "A contract opportunity with a demon of your own choice within a limited range. You can transfer the opportunity to others, but only to one person."

Finally, the third finger was raised: "The guidance reward is 3 million yen. If you can hunt down the five demons of 'Poison', 'Heavy Rain', 'Scorch', 'Cockroach', and 'Fat', you will get one for every one killed." We will only pay you an additional 2 million yen."

After saying that, Machima tilted her head and looked at Heather: "Are you interested?"

"I see, the reward is indeed very generous. It's so generous that it makes me a little excited... How to calculate the travel expenses, food and accommodation expenses to Kyoto?"

"Of course, Tokyo Anti-Devil Class will reimburse you in full. You just need to provide a receipt when you come back."

"It's really good..."

"So, do you agree to this commission?"

"I have one more question." Heather leaned back on the public bench.

"Please speak." Makima responded with a smile.

Heather put her hands in her coat pockets, glanced at Makima behind her glasses, and smiled half-heartedly:

"Since it's all about cooperation, then why do I have to choose you, the [Witch], instead of Uchiha Quick Slash?"

The meaning couldn't be more obvious. Uchiha Speedy is the general leader in charge of Tokyo Anti-Demon Special Classes 1 to 4. You are at best a level boss with a bad reputation. Why should you compare with others?

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

The smile on Makima's face continued: "It seems that Mr. Heather has a deep prejudice against me."

"Do you think your nickname [Witch] was for nothing?" Heather sneered.

After entering this world, Heather specially asked Su Zhan to check the information on the Anti-Demon Special Class. If he didn't check it, he wouldn't know that it turned out that Machima stretched out his hand so long.

It seems that she is just the captain of the Anti-Devils Class 4. In fact, the Tokyo Anti-Demons Class 4 is a very special existence even in the demon elimination system of the Japanese public security system.

Because Makima is directly under the cabinet government and has a transcendent status, the grassroots police demon hunters do not even have the right to know what the devil in Makima's contract is.

This is a contract she signed with the Prime Minister of Japan as the Demon of Domination in order to gain extremely high status and power, because the core ability of the Demon of Domination is that she can dominate all those who consider themselves inferior to Magima and Ma Chima considers beings inferior to her.

As long as Makima is willing, she can control any mouse or bird in Japan and obtain information through their eyes and hearing.

In her eyes, all police demon hunters who are lower than her or directly under her command are dogs, and can be used as cannon fodder just by thinking about them.

Take Hayakawa Akira. He was originally a rising star in the second class of Demon Exorcism. However, he was recruited by Makima to specialize in the Demon Exorcist Class 4 and modified his memory. He believed that his life was saved by Makima, and his heart was full of love for Makima. and longing.

She also got alien beings such as shark demons, spider demons, angel demons, and blood demons from other places and incorporated them into special classes. Of course, they were all brainwashed by Makima.

She has many hidden plots in the other classes of the Anti-Demon Special Course and even the Demon Exorcism Course, and she will immediately break out into trouble when the right time comes.

Thanks to Kami Nanami's pupil technique [Ama Iwato] and Sharingan genjutsu, Suzan became the highest-level police demon hunter directly under the cabinet and gained management authority over the entire Tokyo Anti-Demon Special Course, surpassing Magima in status. On the other hand, Machima did not directly seize the authority and successfully controlled it.

Now, Machima found that there was one more person she could not see through and control.

Folk demon hunter, Heather.

What kind of secret do you hold?

If a fight really breaks out, Machima will naturally not be afraid of the so-called [Wolf Demon] and its contractor, even if the other party can instantly kill the Crab Demon and the Mantis Demon, the two she carefully selected to attack Mr. Fu. Powerful demon.

But if you reveal your strength now, it is very likely to attract the attention of powerful countries such as the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and Germany in advance. By then, you may not be able to successfully resist the siege of the incoming demons and powerful demon hunters.

The most important thing now is to bring [Chainsaw Man] under his control. Let Denci fall in love with him and be obedient to him, build everything he relies on for Denci - [Love], [Family], [Friendship], [Stable Life], and then put these in front of him. All good things are destroyed.

In this way, the contract between Denci and [Chainsaw Man] will be destroyed, and the superhero [Chainsaw Man] who makes the devils in hell will be completely liberated.

In order to complete her plan, Machima must use all means to eliminate unexpected factors that may hinder her plan, such as [Mr. Fu] and [Folk Demon Hunter Heather].

Finally, it was the turn of Uchiha Suzan, the troublesome existence. Suzan seemed to have realized the importance of Denci and Chainsaw Man, and was one step ahead of himself in every aspect. Makima believed that she would definitely have a battle with him.

Now, Machima stared at Heather, the smile at the corner of her mouth widening little by little:

"I order you to accept this commission."

This is her tried-and-tested move, which can command those creatures that admit that they are not as powerful as Magima.

As long as Heather nodded and agreed to Makima's [order], it meant that he would fall under Makima's control.

And Heather's answer was very simple -

"My favorite thing to do is to say to a self-righteous guy like you——

NO! "

PS: Yay! This chapter says that he is finally back!

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