A foreigner's journey

Chapter 759: Humacima is intercepted at the beginning, I forgot the rest

Step, step, step...

The sound of leather shoes colliding with the stone floor was heard one after another.

The two streets around Forsford Mall have been cleared and a cordon has been set up. The policemen were nervously talking on their walkie-talkies, and further away there were people standing outside the cordon watching the excitement.

Although I don’t know exactly what happened, such a large formation at the Police Department must be a big event. The onlookers were pointing and laughing at the police officers who were trying hard to maintain order.

"Sir, please don't come close." "Madam, this is very dangerous, please leave." The police took the trouble to persuade the onlookers over and over again, but very few people left, and more and more people gathered.

In this world, Japanese middle- and low-level police officers rarely carry guns. At the same time, the public's awareness of demons or crises such as natural and man-made disasters is also very low. This is all caused by the demon of guns.

Television news, the Internet, and print media all over the world are strictly censored, and news that is likely to cause panic is not allowed to be broadcast.

Only a few countries are not bound by these treaties.

This has caused the Japanese police force to be weak and spawned two departments: the Demon Anti-Demon Special Course and the Demon Exorcism Course. People do not take demons seriously, and regard them as extremely low-probability death events such as car accidents, and enjoy watching and talking about them. .

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers was squeezed out of the way, and several people set off a cordon and walked into Forsford Mall.

The police quickly stepped forward to stop him: "It's very dangerous ahead, please stay outside the cordon..."

Hayakawa Qiu, who was walking behind Makima, stepped forward quickly and without saying a word took out the ID of the Public Security Anti-Demon Special Section 4. The policeman was stunned for a moment and then saluted and stepped aside.

Makima put her hands behind her back and said to Jiye with a smile: "Jiye, please inform the police to evacuate all the vehicles in the two nearby streets. The police cars must also leave."

"All vehicles? Received~~"

She looked at Hiroshi Arai again: "Arai, go to the police and ask for two walkie-talkies to keep in touch with them at any time."


"Hayakawa, can you still keep in touch with the fox?"

"Yes, but she said that the smell of engine oil and rust here disgusts her, and she might be inactive."

"It doesn't matter, just let the fox stand in front if necessary."

"Yes. That...Miss Makima?"


"Why are four classes suddenly summoned to support one class?"

"Isn't it strange that the anti-monster classes help each other?"

"No, but I heard that the leader of the first class this time is Mr. Fu, and Miss Qianhe from the second class was also called. Logically speaking, it should be absolutely foolproof."



"When dealing with demons, there is never anything foolproof."

"I'm very sorry. I said the wrong thing."

"It's okay...ah, we're here."

While they were talking, several people had already arrived at the entrance to the underground parking lot of Forsford Mall. Hayakawa Qiu could even smell the strong smell of blood carried by the airflow inside.

At this time, Himeno and Arai, who had completed their respective tasks, also ran over quickly.

"What we have to deal with this time is the car demon...a new breed of demon that has never appeared before. As you can tell from the name, it is very powerful." Himeno touched the one-eye patch and said with a smile.

Arai, who had only been employed for half a year, swallowed nervously.

"That's why we set out urgently to support the first class. Look, the gun bastard's flesh is responding." Hayakawa Akira took out a strange bullet strung with a rope. This bullet seemed to be made of flesh and blood, swinging back and forth.

Machima looked at the bullet-shaped meat pieces of the Gun Demon: "It seems that the Car Demon swallowed the Gun Demon's meat pieces and became stronger. It will be difficult for the four people sent in one lesson to cope with it. I'm afraid they have failed now. But we must do our best to save those companions who may survive."

Hayakawa Qiu put the bullet piece of meat back into his pocket and held the handle of the knife: "Please give the order, Miss Makima."

Gently raising her palm, Makima said softly:

"Then, the fourth special lesson of the police against demons, the first lesson of supporting the police against demons and the operation of hunting car demons will start now..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Because there were bursts of footsteps coming from inside the entrance to the underground parking lot.

Hayakawa Akira immediately held the hand seal to summon the fox demon and prepared to attack. Himeno pressed the one-eye patch and stretched his arms forward to hold his five fingers. Arai tightened the katana in his hand.

Only Machima didn't make any move, but the smile on her face faded slightly.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then a large number of hostages whose bodies were stained with blood rushed out impatiently, their faces filled with the joy and fear of the aftermath of the disaster.

For some reason, when they saw Makima and her group wearing the uniforms of the Public Security Anti-Devil Class, instead of being happy or relaxed, they became more and more nervous. First they bowed slightly to them and then avoided Makima as if they were avoiding the plague. The four of them ran towards the police in the distance.

Hayakawa Akira and Himeno looked at each other in confusion. Are these... the hostages trapped in the underground parking lot by the car demon?

Has Mr. Fu defeated the car demon?

Hayakawa Akira was a little unbelievable, because according to common sense, the car demon should be a very powerful type of demon, and eating the gun demon's flesh would further strengthen the car demon's power.

I heard from Miss Makima that Mr. Fu and Miss Chizuru only brought Hioki Aung and Denji, one bean sprout and one bean sprout this time. Can such an unknown team really defeat the car demon that has been greatly strengthened by the gun demon meat slices?

Moreover, why are the hostages so wary and fearful of us?

Just as his mind was racing, there were footsteps coming from the entrance again.

When Hayakawa Qiu saw clearly who was coming, he immediately put his hands behind his back and bowed slightly. Himeno and Arai behind him also did the same.

Uchiha Suzan, who was wearing a black coat, was seen walking slowly at the front, with Denji and Chizuru supporting Hikiko and Mr. Fu respectively.

As soon as he walked out, Su Zhan saw Makima with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face. She said in a calm tone: "...The information is very good, Makima."

Machima smiled and said: "I felt something was wrong after seeing the intelligence, so I came with Section 4 to support me. I didn't expect you to come faster, Mr. Suzhan."

"After all, he is an idiot subordinate under my command. Of course he should be more worried."

Su Zhan put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and glanced at Hayakawa Qiu and others:

"Now that you're here, don't be idle. I'll leave it to you to clean up the battlefield inside. There is a human traitor on the third floor underground who is colluding with the demons. This time, we will not inform his family members. We should treat him as dead in the car demon." Take it in your hand."

"Traitor? Shouldn't we report first..."

Arai was still a little strange and wanted to ask, but Himeno beside him nervously grabbed his sleeve and pulled her hard. He suddenly woke up and quickly lowered his head and stopped talking. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You are so magnanimous, Mr. Su Zhan." The smile on Makima's face has not changed at all since Su Zhan appeared, like a fixed plaster mask: "There is something I need to inform you. The car demon that appeared this time is very... It's possible that he swallowed the flesh of the Gun Demon, so let's go on..."

She did not continue, because Su Zhan took out a small glass bottle from the pocket of his windbreaker and shook it. The three bullet pieces stuck together inside collided with the bottle wall and made a crisp sound.

"Okay, now I'll give you four lessons. I'm going to take these idiots back to the headquarters for treatment."

Su Zhan left the scene with the four people from the first class. Denji glanced at Makima and Jiye curiously as they passed each other. He remembered these two beauties who had appeared at the party. Both the former and the latter left a deep impression on him.

After they left, Makima greeted Hayakawa Qiu and others to the underground parking lot without changing her smile.

The crow squatting on the top of the telephone pole outside the mall let out a squawking sound, fluttering its wings and flying towards the police demon hunter headquarters in the distance.

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