A foreigner's journey

Chapter 760 Sukiyaki is the epitome of life


Putting the luggage bag on the tatami, Denci looked around the room with a 'wow' look on his face: "Brother Fu, your home is quite luxurious, isn't it?"

With a tired look on his face, Mr. Fu hung his coat on the hanger in the entrance hall and loosened his tie: "As promised before, you can stay at my house, but you must abide by the rules..."

"I know, I know. Bath frequently, change clothes frequently, don't be picky about food, share housework, and don't occupy the bathroom for more than 30 minutes in the morning. I'm not allowed to enter your bedroom, and you're not allowed to touch the second drawer of the bookcase."

Denji waved his hand perfunctorily:

"I remember it all. Brother Fu, you are so long-winded. You said it five times along the way."

Mr. Fu sighed inwardly, feeling even more tired. There is no way, this is Mr. Kuzan's commission, saying that it is not a long-term solution for Denji to live alone in the apartment of the police demon hunter, and Denji is theoretically neither a human nor a demon. If other people living in the apartment find out, it will Very troublesome.

So Mr. Suzhan hopes that he can let Denci borrow the house for a while, and then move out after Denci saves enough money.

Sigh... Although it is foreseeable that it will become very troublesome in the next period of time, who asked his respected boss to speak?

He had no idea that Su Zhan was throwing the trouble that Heather threw at him onto himself, and deep down in his heart he was still vaguely complacent about Mr. Su Zhan's trust in him.

In this way, Denji packed his bags and moved into Mr. Fu's luxury apartment in Shinjuku District.

After getting along for a few days, Mr. Fu felt that Denci was not as difficult to deal with as he had imagined.

First of all, Denci is not picky about his food at all, he really eats whatever is given to him. This makes sense considering what Mr. Kuzan told him about Denji's previous tragic life experience.

Then, Denci unexpectedly talked about hygiene and cleanliness. When I first met Denji in Mr. Suzhan's office, he was just a dirty and smelly sloppy kid. Now it seems that I can understand it a little better. After all, it is only possible to survive in such an extremely depressing living environment. It’s very difficult, how can we talk about hygiene?

Finally, Denci is very diligent in doing housework. A washing machine that you don't know how to use can be used after being taught it twice. Then Mr. Fu sets up a table for household chores such as washing dishes, mopping the floor, and washing clothes. The two of them have their own number of duty days per week.

From this point of view, Mr. Fu felt that he had raised a quite obedient son, but he had never read a book and had no common sense. It doesn't matter, these can be taught slowly. Mr. Fu is confident that he can teach Denci to become a qualified police demon hunter.

As long as I can survive until that time.

On the dining table, the steaming sukiyaki pot is emitting steam and rich aroma.

"I'm starting!" Denci shouted perfunctorily with his hands clasped together, and then he couldn't wait to pick up a large piece of beef soaked in soup with his chopsticks, dip it in the egg liquid, and then put the whole piece of beef into his mouth. , suddenly it was so hot that he grinned.

"Young man, please dip more egg liquid into it to cool down before eating." Mr. Fu, who was sitting opposite, had a glass of beer in front of him and kept switching TV channels with the remote control: "Is the sukiyaki hotpot delicious?"

"It's so delicious! It's so delicious!" There were tears in the corners of Denci's eyes, and he didn't know whether they were moved or burned: "Brother Fu, can I eat this every day from now on?"

"Idiot, how can you eat every day? Eating once in a while is already a luxury."

Selecting TV Tokyo, which was broadcasting the news, Mr. Fu also picked up a chopstick of beef, soaked it in the egg liquid for a few seconds, waited for it to cool down, then put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly: "Well, it's delicious."

There was oolong tea in Denci's cup. He picked up the cup and touched it with Mr. Fu, then raised his neck and drank half of the cup. Seeing that Mr. Fu was watching TV, he poured all the good stuff from the Sukiyaki pot into his own bowl. folder.

beef! What a big piece! One more slice! Take this piece away too!

Tofu? Hmm, clip it over too...ah, it fell on the table.

Cabbage, take it away!

shrimp? Brother Fu definitely doesn’t like eating, so I’ll help him eat!

The voice of the anchor reciting the news came from the TV——[Zurich, Switzerland, officially held a press conference today to announce that the six explorers who disappeared on the Matterhorn four days ago were all successfully rescued thanks to the efforts of the Swiss private rescue team. . The leader of this Swiss private rescue team is the famous Dr. Mosch, who published...]

Mr. Fu took a sip of beer and looked at the TV screen, lost in thought.

"What are you looking at, Brother Fu?" Denci asked curiously after finally swallowing the cabbage stuffed in his mouth.

"I'm looking at this Dr. Moxi." Mr. Fu pointed with his chopsticks at a photo of a silver-haired beauty that appeared on the TV.

"Wow, what a beautiful beauty." Denji's eyes widened: "Brother Fu, do you know her?"

"No, but I know her."

Mr. Fu took another sip of beer and then put down his glass:

"Moshe Ziegler became famous as a Swiss folk demon hunter two years ago. It is said that she signed a contract with a very powerful demon and was able to control its power. This woman not only obtained multiple medical-related doctorates, I also founded the 'Cradle of Mercy', a non-governmental relief organization to fight against evil, half a month ago, and I have been very active during this period."

"Do we even have to take care of the Swiss side? We are very busy with the Demon Special Class."

"Although we are all demon hunters, we are also competitors. After all, we represent our respective countries and interests. When necessary, we may even become mortal enemies facing each other with swords. You must remember this, Denji."

"Hey hey hey, can I have a glass of juice?"

"No, you drank four bottles of orange juice today. You have already consumed enough juice."

"whispering sound!"

"Wait, where's the beef? And my favorite cabbage! Ah! Why did the tofu fall on the table? What a waste!"

"I don't know, but I feel like a gluttonous demon just slipped in and ate everything."

"Even if there is a devil, it's not a gluttonous devil, it's a lying devil!! Damn it, I just ate a piece of beef, and I paid a lot of money to buy the top of the beef..."

Mr. Fu looked at the pot sadly, only the mushrooms and green onions were left.

Denci Xianbao pushed the pot towards Mr. Fu: "Brother Fu, the green onions are delicious, do you want to try them?"

At this moment, the anchor's voice came from the TV again——

[Four days ago, our reporter encountered a sudden demon attack at Fusfu Plaza in Shinjuku District. He witnessed death threats and beatings from police demon hunters, and witnessed an innocent citizen being framed as an accomplice of the demon. Here, our station issues a solemn statement...]

As the anchor made a righteous complaint, the TV screen turned into a constantly shaking and dim underground parking lot scene.

Mr. Fu and Denji only watched it for a while and discovered that the video had been heavily edited. There was no scene of Mr. Fu and others fighting desperately. Only the unfavorable scene of Uchiha Speedbreaker beating a man and threatening the hostage was left. Fu The brief scene of the gentlemen and the others negotiating a deal with the car demon ended up in the vicious scene of Denji transforming into a chainsaw man and looking like a demon.

Mr. Fu dropped the chopsticks in his hand on the table. He was stunned for a few seconds and then rushed to the phone, picked up the receiver, and started dialing tremblingly. The response he received from the receiver was that the other party was busy.

Denji, lying in front of the TV, watched intoxicatedly as he transformed into the Chainsaw Man on the screen, and kept mumbling: "So handsome! So cool! I'm so handsome? Pochita, have you seen it?" When the two of us joined forces, it became really popular!"

At the same time, in Su Zhan's office, he was sitting on the sofa chair with a phone receiver in hand, with an indifferent expression on his face:

"Did you do it, Makima?"

A chuckle came from the other side: "Mr. Su Zhan, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Tepco doesn't have the guts to broadcast this news. It's true that you are interfering in the decision-making of the higher-ups."

"News? What are you talking about? I'm getting more and more confused..."

Click! The phone was hung up.

Su Zhan stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, where several birds fluttered past.

As expected, Machima couldn't help but take action.

On the one hand, she wants to suppress herself and the peculiar class, and on the other hand, she takes the initiative to announce the existence of Denji to the demons and demon hunters around the world.

Now, the whole world knows that [Chainsaw Man] is in Japan.

Playing right into Heather's hands.

Now, Denci is temporarily out of Makima's control. Makima enters the game to get the Chainsaw Man. She thinks her opponent is Quick Slash, but she doesn't know that there is someone more sinister hiding behind the scenes to watch the show.

The first phase of development unfolded exactly as Heather had planned, and it was time to move on to the next step.

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