A foreigner's journey

Chapter 761 The Sound of Hell

In the empty and huge hall, Makima stood in the center of the hall with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.

Not far in front of her, there was a row of luxurious and expensive wooden long tables. Four old men, who could tell at a glance that they were high-ranking people, were sitting behind the tables, silently flipping through the reports placed on the table.

The silence in the room lasted for a long time. The old man sitting in the middle closed the report and looked up at Machima: "So, your request is to replace Uchiha Speedy Slayer and become the leader of the Anti-Devil Class?"

"Yes, I think Uchiha Kuzan is now facing pressure from public opinion from all over Japan and even the world. Temporarily removing him from the position of leader of the Anti-Demon Special Course is actually a kind of protection for him."

Makima spoke briskly.

Another old man threw the thick report on the table casually, and said in an unhappy tone: "What happened to Su Zhan? We should also deal with the reporter and cameraman. Leave a tail and make it difficult for us."

"Su Zhan has done a great job over the years. We can't remove him just because of such a trivial matter. It will chill the police demon hunters in the Tokyo area." The old man in the middle shook his head.

At this time, another old man spoke: "Although Su Zhan has made great achievements in battle over the years, he has also made troubles in private. Has our cabinet government wiped his butt too many times?"

"Yes, the Kyoto Circle has long been dissatisfied with Suzan. After all, Suzan relied on his own strength to seize the supplies and money allocated by the cabinet government to the Kyoto Circle to the Tokyo Circle many times."

"But you all know Su Zhan's temper. Will he resign directly?"

"Su Zhan wants to conquer the Demon of Guns. As long as this goal remains unchanged, he will not leave the public security department. Find an opportunity to invite Su Zhan out for a meal, comfort him, and the matter will be over."

"Yes, it's not like we are removing him from his post for a long time. We are just protecting him temporarily for a period of time. In next year's battle against the Demon of the Gun, quick execution will be the indispensable highest level of combat power."

After hearing the statements of several other senior cabinet officials, the old man in the middle was silent for a while, and looked at Makima sharply: "...Machima, two months at most, and then you have to return the Tokyo Anti-Magic Special Class I’ll give it a quick chop, is that okay?”

"No problem at all."

The smile on Makima's face did not diminish.

As long as Uchiha Suzan is still alive in two months, I will return the position to him.


Hayakawa Akira, who was wearing a black suit, strode down the street. Himeno, who was also wearing a police demon hunter uniform, followed behind him, panting: "Wait a minute, Akira-kun, don't walk so fast!"

She quickly ran forward and took Hayakawa Qiu's arm: "If you ask Miss Makima like this, it will only make it difficult for her."

"What's going on here...Why did Mr. Suzhan get fired from his position?"

Hayakawa Qiu's face was solemn, and his fists clenched loudly.

Although Hayakawa Qiuichi was initially in the Demon Exorcism Class 2 and was later recruited to the Special Class 4 by Magima, and had never really worked with Uchiha Suzan, every police demon hunter in the Tokyo area was proud of Mr. Suzan.

Even though the outside world is mostly afraid of Mr. Kuzan and has a bad reputation, Mr. Kuzan's love for his subordinates is obvious to all. The demons hiding in Tokyo will tremble when they hear the name Uchiha Kuzan.

In the eyes of the victims of the "Gun Demon Incident" represented by Hayakawa Akira, Uchiha Hayazhan is the strongest demon hunter in Japan who is most likely to conquer and defeat the Gun Demon.

But now, the cabinet government actually fired Mr. Suzhan from his position because of a piece of news? It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

Even if the person who takes over the position is Miss Makima, whom Hayakawa Akira admires.

Seeing Himeno's hesitant expression, Hayakawa Akira frowned: "Senior Himeno, what do you know? Tell me quickly."

"It is said, I mean 'supposedly'."

Jiye hesitated for a while, then whispered while stroking the one-eye patch:

"It is said that because of that news, demons and demon hunters all over the world are eyeing Denji-kun. It can be foreseen that countless strong people will come to Japan in the next period of time. The above may be to ensure speed Mr. Zhan will not keep him because of the loss of combat power in the ensuing fierce battles, and let Miss Machima replace Mr. Zhan as the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Demon Special Course during this period."

"Denji? Why him?"

Hayakawa Qiu thought of the previous dinner and the blond gangster he saw at the entrance of the Fosford underground parking lot. How could such a rookie let demons and demon hunters around the world focus on him?


"Why would the devil target 'Chainsaw'?"

Mr. Fu stood in front of an old cell door and asked.

This is the prison for contracted demons one hundred meters below the Inari Shrine in the Kyoto area, and the security is extremely tight.

It cost him a lot of favors to get in and get 10 minutes alone with the swamp devil.

There was a lot of mucus squirming sounds coming from the door, and these sounds converged into a dull voice:

"Fu...he has been acting really badly recently, and the sacrifices he offered are getting more and more unpalatable."

"Answer my question, Swamp Devil." Mr. Fu looked calm.

"Hehehe... Fu, you know, right? There is no real death for demons."

The squirming sound of mucus at the door became thicker and thicker:

"Even if it is broken down into ashes, as long as humans are still afraid of that name, the devil will be resurrected as another individual. But it will not be resurrected in this world, but in [Hell]."

Mr. Fu didn't speak, he just showed a 'what next' expression.

The swamp demon let out a gloomy laugh: "Then, I don't know whether it's true or not, it seems that the demons who died in hell will come to this world, which means that the demons will be reincarnated."

"What do you mean by 'seemingly'? Are you a devil? Don't you have any impression of hell?"

"Ha... Do you still remember when you were in your mother's womb? As long as you die once, the demon that is resurrected will be a brand new individual, and both memory and appearance will be reset."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Hehehe... What I tell you next will be very interesting, so don't tell anyone else."

The voice of the swamp devil echoed in the underground holding yard, eerie and depressing:

"It is true that we have no memory of being in Hell, but all the demons held here remember the sounds they heard when they were dying in Hell."

Mr. Fu's hand reaching for the cigarette case in his arms stopped and asked, "Sound?"

"Yes, the voice. The most interesting thing is that we all heard the same voice..."

The Swamp Devil's laughter gradually grew louder and became hysterical——

“That’s the hum of a chainsaw engine revving up!”

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