A foreigner's journey

Chapter 762 Big shots are coming in droves

In the dark room, a tall woman sat on the only chair in the center of the room.

She had silver hair tied up in braids and wore a black eyepatch over her right eye. She had a pretty face but no expression, and she just sat on the chair without looking away, waiting for something.

Step, step, step...

There was a sound of footsteps, and an official wearing a military hat appeared opposite the woman: "New mission, go to Japan to capture this saw-headed man."

As he said that, he threw a photo to the woman. The photo showed Denci appearing on TV in the form of a chainsaw man.

The woman let the photo fall to the ground in front of her and said calmly: "Remuneration?"

"This is by far the most dangerous job, so the Marshal is willing to accommodate your requirements as much as possible."

The woman's remaining left eye slightly raised: "Give my women human rights and compulsory education."

"Okay. But you have to remember that you have to capture the saw-headed man alive as much as possible. If it doesn't work, bring his heart back. But in this case, the reward will be reduced accordingly."

"When to set off?"


The officer wearing a military cap seemed to remember something and added:

"Oh, by the way, [Dragon Demon] is going to Japan with you this time. You two have the same goal. Who will get paid and who will be thrown into the scrapyard depends on your abilities... Guangxi."


"Guangxi is coming from heaven to assassinate Denji, and she will probably come with her four demon companions."

Makima was walking in the corridor of the headquarters, followed by a tall old man.

The old man has short white hair that is parted in the middle. There is a suture scar from the left corner of his mouth to his left cheek. His face is thin and covered with stubble. The speed of his walking perfectly matches the speed of Makima, neither a step faster nor a step slower. A slightly decadent voice sounded:

"I don't want to get close to that guy, that's a troublesome woman. If there is a competitive event that brings all mankind together to fight each other with bare hands, then Guangxi and Su Zhan will definitely decide a champion. Su Zhan hasn't come back yet?"

His name is Kishibe, he is the longest-serving and most powerful police demon hunter in the Anti-Demon Specialty Section, the captain of the First Anti-Demon Specialty Section, and Himeno’s master.

Makima still had that everlasting smile on her face: "Mr. Suzhan was 'persuaded' by the cabinet government men to take a paid vacation in Hokkaido, and he won't be able to come back for a while. Moreover, there are more than just big shots from China. Guangxi is alone."

"...[Dragon Demon]?"

An'an's brows furrowed slightly:

"Wasn't that lunatic sealed in Lingyin Temple by the Celestial Empire? He was actually released for the sake of Denci-kun. The Celestial Empire would have gone too far. Is the news accurate?"

"It's useless to warn Guangxi. The Dragon Demon is the biggest weapon in the Celestial Empire."

Makima smiled and said: "Fortunately, it's not just Tianchao who is eyeing Denji. We also need to be wary of other scary big shots."

"You mean..."

"Germany's Santa Claus."


Kishi's gaze did not waver: "Do you think he will come?"

"Who knows, there are rumors that he has died of old age." Machima shrugged: "But if he also joins the battle to fight for Denci, he can at least help us contain the Dragon Demon and Guangxi to a certain extent."

"Stop it, let Santa Claus use the devil and everyone will be ruined."

A low voice from the shore:

"Hopefully he has ascended to heaven."


On the north side of the Alpine lake, the town of Fussen is quiet and peaceful, with an ancient castle standing halfway up the mountain.

By the lake, a man in a coat walked to a public bench and sat on the left side. He said to himself: "It's a bit early to say this now, but it's almost Christmas."

On the other side of the chair, a bald old man in sportswear holding a newspaper turned a page of the newspaper and asked without looking up: "Who is the gift for?"

The man in the coat took out a photo and handed it to the old man: "Can you find the famous chainsaw devil in Japan?"

"What's the reward?" The old man just glanced at the photo and still didn't put down the newspaper.

The man looked very patient: "What do you want?"

The old man finally put down the newspaper this time, thought for a while and then said slowly: "The gender is optional, I want to adopt four handsome men and women as adopted children."

"Purpose?" It was the man's turn to ask.

The old man's voice was thick and long: "Three people are for contract, one is for interest."

"...I will prepare."

After saying that, the man stood up and left, leaving the old man sitting on the bench and continuing to read the newspaper.


New York, USA.

"I received a mission from the state. This time I am not hunting demons, but hunting humans."

Three young men with similar looks chatted casually while eating spaghetti with their shirtless bodies on.

The young man with long hair wiped ketchup from the corner of his mouth: "Hunting humans? When it comes to Japan, it's a woman!"

"Brothers, no matter which country you go to, you always think about women, right?" The young man with two scars on his right eye said helplessly.

The young man with bangs covering his eyes took a photo and clicked on the photo with his finger: "They said that if you kill this chainsaw man and bring his heart back to the United States, you can earn two million US dollars."

"Oh, it's a close call?" The long-haired young man raised his eyebrows.

The scarred man was a little nervous: "I guess I have to rob someone from the tightly guarded police and the police, and it will be over if my identity is exposed."

"It's over? We won't die." Liu Hainan approached the youngest brother and said seriously.

As the second brother, the long-haired man chuckled: "Yes, even if the whole family is bombed by the gun demon, we will not die, even if our parents are dead."

"I was eaten by a demon and didn't die."

"You didn't die even if there was a fire at home."

"We still survived when three people got food poisoning."

The three people in suits and ties walked towards the airport.

"So, we are immortal."


"The Three Immortal Brothers of the United States?" Kishibian took the folder handed over by Makima and opened the first page, which was Liu Hainan's photo: "Today I heard such thunderous names as Guangxi, Longmo, and Santa Claus one after another. Little punks like this can’t surprise me anymore.”

Machima pointed her finger at Liu Hainan's photo: "They may have average individual combat power, but they all signed a contract with the Skin Demon and can completely copy the appearance and voice of the corpse by touching the skin of the corpse. In other words, these three people They are masters of infiltration and assassination. The United States has high hopes for them."

"It's really disappointing that the mighty United States of America sent just three gangsters like this... Is there any back-up plan?"

"That's right. The Three Immortal Brothers are just bait thrown out by the United States, even if this bait is aimed at a very small number of organizations and people with excellent intelligence acquisition capabilities."

Makima put her hands behind her back and tilted her head slightly:

"[I heard] that the American high-level officials also hired a Swiss folk demon hunter, Moxi, with a very high salary."

"Wow, troublesome big shots are coming one after another. Is it too late to resign now?"

That's what he said, but Kishibian's tone was calm:

"If there is any other bad news, just tell it. I can bear it."

Makima stopped and turned to look at the shore: "Not for the time being, Mr. Kishibe. I hope you can form a team to snipe the [Vultures] wandering near the battlefield."

"Where's Denji-kun?"

"Leave it to me, I will form a good enough guard team to protect him." Makima raised the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Machima's expression, Kishibian said in a long, decadent voice: "...it seems like you already have someone chosen."

"Fushiwa Hioki from Tokyo Demons vs. Demons 1st Class, Aung from Kyoto Demons vs. Demons 1st Class, Kusaka and Tamaki from Miyagi Demons vs. Demons 2nd Class, Himeno, Hayakawa and Pava from Tokyo Demons vs. Demons 4th Class, Yoshida Hirofumi among the people I’ll also hire you for a month. In addition, I recently discovered a very promising folk seed.”

"Besides Yoshida Hirofumi, are there any other people in Tokyo who can impress you?" Kishibe was really surprised this time.

Makima opened the folder in Kanbian's hand, pointed to the photo of an ordinary man wearing glasses on page 16, and said with a smile:

"A folk demon hunter in the Tokyo area, Heather."

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