A foreigner's journey

Chapter 798 Kaidou’s Hueco Mundo Adventure

Kaidou and Lao Lang are very happy now.

They have always been suppressed and cannot be beaten. Suddenly being placed in Hueco Mundo is like letting the tiger return to the forest.

You can fight to your heart's content every day, and there is an endless stream of guys who come to ask for a beating. After all, Hueco Mundo lacks everything except Xu. These two guys were so happy that one dragon and one wolf began to wreak havoc on Hueco Mundo. When they saw Xueco Mundo, they would start fighting as long as the other party had the intention to fight.

At first, they were afraid that beating them too hard would make the Xus on guard and stop attacking them, but within a few days they found that the number of Xus coming here was increasing instead of decreasing. Among them, there are many Daxu of Kilian and even Yachukas level. Perhaps in their view, as long as they devour Kaidou and Laolang who show sufficient strength, they can evolve to a higher level.

The old wolf was the most thief. He took off a mask from the face of a wolf-shaped Daxu of similar size to himself and covered his face. Then he found some mask fragments for Kaidou and pasted them on both sides of his forehead. Its horns are disguised as an Arrancar mask.

One dragon and one wolf asked Qingxu the direction of the Night Palace from his defeated generals, and then killed them all the way there, picking up a few Xudang followers on the way.

"Yes! That's Nulu!"

The green and furry little head popped out from Kaidou's collar and shouted triumphantly.

This is a little girl wearing gray-green coarse cloth, with a mask on her head and a scar on her forehead. Her short green hair is as messy as grass, and there is a dark red horizontal facial stripe between the bridge of her nose.

She sat on Kaidou's shoulder, her chubby hand rubbing her chin with a proud look on her face: "Nero will protect Lord Kaidou's back! I am one of the three subordinate officers under Lord Kaidou, and Nero is also ! Please give me more... Wow!"

Kaido pinched Nilu's back collar with two thick fingers and lifted her in front of him, staring: "Why don't I remember that there is a subordinate officer like you?"

Nilu was so angry that her limbs were kicking in the air: "Obviously it was Nilu who led Mr. Kaidou to Xuye Palace! Moreover, Nilu helped Mr. Kaidou to warn and remind him many times that Tiruti, one of the ten blades, He was also defeated by Nilu! No matter what, Nilu must be the subordinate officer of Kaidou-sama!"

"Your power recovery depends on the chance. It's too unreliable, so you can only be counted as half a subordinate officer. The adult version counts, but the child version doesn't! Okay, go and eat potato chips. I brought you from this world specially. Yours, oooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

Kaidou threw Nero towards the girl Arrancar next to him and burst into laughter.

He picked up Nilu in the wilds of Hueco Mundo. At that time, she was playing the 'catch game' with two weird-looking guys. The old wolf, who always cared about children, almost crushed the two weird guys to pieces with his claws. In the end, it was Nilu's desperate plea that finally gave her a clear explanation.

Knowing that Kaidou and Lao Lang were going to Xuye Palace, Nilu volunteered. The two weird guys who claimed to be Nilu's brothers had no choice but to go with them because they couldn't dissuade them.

As a result, when they arrived at Xuye Palace, after Kaidou and Lao Lang defeated more than a dozen guarding Arrancars, the Ten Blades appeared.

At the beginning, there was a strong man with a red afro named Guntenbion Mosqueda. He claimed to be the No. 7 of the Ten Blades and used the 'Returning Blade Dragon Fist' to fight Kaidou. The result was that Kaidou stood there and let him punch him ten times, and nothing happened. Then Kaidou gave him a stick with a backhand, and NO.7 lost.

The next person to appear was No. 3, a middle-aged man with a mustache. His name was so long that Kaidou couldn't even remember it. He only remembered the name Dorudoni at the beginning. This guy is indeed better than that No. 7, but that's only a little bit better. After fighting with Haido for more than ten rounds, Haido seized the opportunity and hit him with a thunderous bagua, knocking him unconscious. The two subordinate officers he brought with him were also easily knocked down by the old wolf.

The third person to appear was a female Arrancar with a good figure, named Tiruti Sandavich, the No. 5 Ten Blades. She is very alert, and as soon as she comes up, she immediately transforms into a "wheel iron swallow" in the form of a large moth. She relies on her high mobility and long-range spirit attack to annoy Lao Lang and Kaidou.

Just when Kaidou planned to stop acting and start fighting directly, Nilu saw that Kaidou and Laolang, who had taken great care of her along the way (from a one-sided perspective), encountered a big crisis. She was so excited that she inspired her own power and became a An adult woman with an extremely hot body.

It turns out that Nilu was the original No. 3 of the Ten Blades. Her real name was Niliel Du Oudeshevank. She was attacked by Nnoitra and Sal Apollo, who were both Ten Blades, and her mask was destroyed. Her spiritual power was also destroyed. She hit rock bottom and lost all her memories. Her two former subordinate officers had no choice but to protect Nilu incognito and claim that Nilu was their sister.

Nelu, who had regained her strength, instantly killed the No. 5 Tiruti. She clearly remembered everything that the child version of her had experienced, and she was very affectionate towards Kaidou and the old wolf. But after a while, all the spiritual power she had finally accumulated was used up, and she returned to her child form again.

"It was at this time that the No. 8 Grimmjow appeared! This guy is simply a fighting maniac, and his strength is completely different from the previous three Ten Blades!"

Nelu sat in the arms of a female Arrancar holding a large bag of potato chips. She ate until her mouth was full of potato chip crumbs and shouted:

"As soon as he appeared on the scene, he rushed straight towards Kaidou-sama, shouting, 'Kill him, Leopard King'! Hula, this guy suddenly turned into a half-man, half-leopard posture, and the spiritual pressure was so strong that Xuye Palace's The ground is shaking!"

Nilu had a talent for telling stories, and several female Arrancars around her exclaimed in surprise. Even the strong Arrancars who were trying hard to clean the old wolf's scales quietly pricked up their ears to eavesdrop.

"Lord King Oga (the alias of the old wolf) stood in front of Lord Kaidou and fought with Grimmjow. The battle between the wolf and the leopard turned the palace where we were into ruins in an instant. Fortunately, there was Kaidou. With your protection, we were not stoned to death. Even though King Oga-sama did not have an Arrancar or a Zanpakutō, he still relied on his super fighting talent to fight Grimmjow on an equal footing. Until Grimmjow Joe pulled that move!"

Nelu jumped up from the female Arrancar's arms, her two chubby hands clasped into claws in front of her, and her face simulated the arrogant attitude of Grimmjow at that time:

"[Leopard King's Claw]! King Oga-sama was accidentally injured by this sinister and vicious move. How despicable and shameless! Just when Grimmjow was about to pursue the victory, Kaidou-sama couldn't stand his love anymore. After being sneak-attacked by such a sinister villain, Jiang finally used his ultimate sword, which was shocking... woo woo woo!"

Kaidou couldn't bear to listen to Nero's praise, so he could only stuff an apple into her mouth, and then threw her to the female Arrancars: "Don't let her continue talking nonsense, feed her."

Then, he turned his head and looked into the darkness at the entrance of the palace, with a ferocious smile on his face:

"It's boring to stand there and eavesdrop. Come here. Either drink with me or get beaten up by me. Choose for yourself...

Grimmjow. "

Thanks to the fallen angel holding the kitchen knife for the reward of 1,000 starting coins

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