A foreigner's journey

Chapter 799 The good days are over

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

This is a sturdy man with blue broken hair. The bony mask on the right side of his face is lined with teeth. He is wearing an open white top and trousers. He has a long knife on his waist, with holes in his chest and abdomen, and his hands Kabuto looked at Kaidou without saying a word, his eyes full of fighting intent and provocation.

Ten Blades NO.8, Grimmjow Jakarjak!

As soon as Grimmjow appeared, the attendant Arrancars present immediately fell silent. Grimmjow is an Achukas-level Arrancar, and has absolute suppression power over the weak Daxon and lower-level Daxons.

He stopped when he was about ten meters away from the seaway and looked straight at the seaway.

The man in front of him was sitting on a chair with a golden sword, and his three-meter-tall strong body was like a majestic mountain.

Heavy and oppressive.

Grimmjow felt chills all over his body just by looking at him. This is the intuition from the beast, the suppression from above. The opponent is the highest-level Vastod-level Daxu, there is no doubt about it!

Kaidou took the wine bottle from the hand of the beautiful Arrancar next to him, raised his neck and took a few sips. The wine flowed from the corners of his stubble-covered mouth to his open, strong chest muscles.

He casually grabbed the clothes of a beautiful Arrancar and wiped his mouth, causing a cooing cry. Kaidou then looked at Grimmjow indifferently: "Humph, it seems you are not drinking with me. After all, you old bastard What do you want to do this time?"

"I want to fight you again! No... I want to have a good fight with you!"

Grimmjow leaned forward slightly, showing a strong desire to fight that could not be concealed:

"I will definitely defeat you this time! Then I will spare your life with contempt, just like you did when you humiliated me before!"

The strong fighting spirit turned into terrifying spiritual pressure that filled the entire palace. Some of the weaker Arrancars even bent down involuntarily, obviously unable to withstand such heavy spiritual pressure.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! This idiot who can't even control his own spiritual pressure has the guts to challenge me?"

Crazy laughter like a dragon's roar rang out, and the materialized overlord's domineering energy and spiritual pressure collided together to make a dull loud noise and impact. The glass on the table exploded instantly, and even the wall where the spiritual son materialized was shattered. Trembling. Under the impact of such terrifying Overlord-colored Haki, Grimmjow's heavy spiritual pressure suddenly disappeared.

Kaido possesses both the strong body of the young version of Kaido and the fighting experience of the old version of Kaido. He is the undoubted overlord! In comparison, Grimmjow was far inferior in every aspect.

Under the pressure of Kaidou's momentum, sweat dripped from Grimmjow's forehead, and he even took half a step back involuntarily.

"You're already scared before you take action. There's still a long way to go, kid. Go back and practice for another ten years!"

Kaidou was too lazy to talk to Grimmjow anymore, so he held the waists of the two beautiful Arrancars beside him and pulled them in front of him, asking them to feed him fruits.

"You!" Grimmjow gritted his teeth, looking down on people so much!

Isn't his own Ten Blades more important than a jug of good wine in his eyes? asshole!

Grimmjow, who was getting angrier as he thought about it, put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, wanting to directly transform into his return blade form and forcefully fight Kaidou.

At this moment, a lazy voice came from behind him:

"Grimmjow, Kaidou has rejected your challenge. It would be too ugly if he continues to entangle with you."

Grimmjow slowly turned his head: "...What are you doing here?"

A figure walked out of the shadows at the door. This was a middle-aged man with a short beard on his chin, a head full of dark brown curly hair, and a lazy look with his hands in his pockets.

The No. 1 Ten Blades, Kotaiya Stark!

Grimmjow stretched out his arms in a fighting stance, bared his teeth like a beast and showed a threatening face: "Haido is my prey! If you want to steal food, don't blame me for killing you!"

"Tsk, why are everyone so troublesome? I'm not here to fight, I'm here to drink."

Stark scratched the back of his head, looking helpless:

"And Aizen-sama does not allow open internal fighting between the Ten Blades. You won't forget this rule, right?"

"Kaido is not the Ten Blades!"

"Having said that, let's settle it with me. Although Aizen-sama is not in Hueco Mundo now, it will be very troublesome if he comes back and finds out that I had a fight with you."


Boom! The flagon slammed down on the table in front of Kaidou, interrupting the argument between Grimmjow and Stark.

"Oh, cluck, cluck! Stark, are you here to drink with me? Come on, come on! I have a lot of good wine here that I bought from this world!"

Kaidou laughed and waved to the attendants to get the wine: "Don't worry about this little leopard, we won't come back until we get drunk!"

Stark immediately trotted all the way to Kaidou. He and Kaidou had a similar odor. Ever since they met at Xuye Palace, they knew that everyone was a master of laziness. Stark would come to Kaidou from time to time to drink.

Grimmjow saw that the two of them didn't take him seriously at all, and his anger could no longer be suppressed. He roared and grabbed the handle of the knife at his waist: "You bastards! I'm going to kill you!!"


A white bone sword was placed on Grimmjow's neck.

"Grimmjow Jakajak, don't make any noise here, it will disturb Kaidou-sama's drinking pleasure." A cold female voice sounded from behind Grimmjow.

"It's you! Tia Harribel!"

Daxu, a blond and brown-skinned woman, stood behind Grimmjow. Her whole body was wrapped in a white bone shell, leaving only the area above the bridge of her nose. Even so, she was still able to highlight her amazing figure that stood out among the other females.

Grimmjow gritted his teeth and spoke word by word: "As a Vastod-level Daxu, you would actually succumb to Kaidou and become his subordinate officer! Do you still have any integrity at all?" The shame of the strong!?"

"It is my honor to serve Kaidou-sama."

Harribel's eyes were cold, and the sword transformed from the bone armor in her right hand remained motionless: "It's you, why don't you get out?"

In the far corner of the palace, the old wolf's originally narrowed eyes had opened and looked at Grimmjow, purring dissatisfied. The massage service he was enjoying was interrupted, which made Lao Lang very unhappy.

Nelu had stopped putting her chubby hand into the bag of potato chips and looked at Grimmjow blankly.

There is also a line of spiritual pressure rising further away, that is Kaidou's fourth subordinate officer.

Plus Stark, who was having a drink with Kaidou... Tsk, it seems that the fight today is impossible.

Grimmjow removed his hand from the hilt of the sword at his waist, and Harribel also moved the sword away, watching the former leave the palace with his hands in his pockets and a look of displeasure on his face.

Not far away, Kaidou raised his wine glass and laughed at Harribel: "Oh, Harribel! You are back, come and drink with me!"

Harribel stepped forward, waved away the female Arrancar beside Kaidou, and then picked up the jug and filled the wine glass in Kaidou's hand. Her voice was much softer than before: "Master Kaidou, please drink. Too much."

"Bullshit! If you drink what you like, how can you drink too much...burp!"

Kaidou burped and waved his hand randomly.

Harribel is the No. 3 Ten Blades in the original manga. Perhaps it was because Kaidou came to Hueco Mundo too early. At this time, Harribel was still wandering around Hueco Mundo with her three animal-shaped subordinates.

When Kaidou met Harribel, she happened to encounter an enemy she could not resist - a shark-shaped Daxu in a semi-arrancar state. Harribel was hit by the opponent's attack to cover her three companions, and fell into a life-threatening situation. crisis.

Based on the principle that "a good woman is worth saving", Kaidou took the initiative and hammered the Arrancar shark into shark paste with a few swings of the stick.

Grateful for Kaidou's life-saving grace, and curious about why Kaidou was so powerful, Harribel volunteered to follow Kaidou and become his subordinate officer. In the past month, she finally recovered from her injuries, and began to practice 'Haki' under Kaidou's guidance. Her strength has grown rapidly, and is not much worse than her post-arrancar state in the comics.

What Kaidou didn't understand was that Grimmjow had completed the Arrancar, but Harribel had not. After asking Stark, he learned that Grimmjow was one of the first Daxons to undergo Aizen's experimental Arrancar transformation, and was very lucky to succeed.

Aizen selected the strongest ones from the successful ones and formed the "Ten Blades" together with the strong men like Stark who he had recruited before.

There are so many weak Arrancars in Xuye Palace now. They are all experimental subjects who survived at that time. However, they are not strong enough, so they can only serve as attendants for the Ten Blades for fun.

The original manga did not mention the time of Harribel's Arrancar, but based on the time, it should be that Aizen officially became an Arrancar after he obtained Hongyoku and defected to Hueco Mundo. During that time, Aizen created a large number of powerful Arrancars and rearranged the Ten Blades.

Those Ten Blades that I defeated before, such as NO.3, NO.5 and NO.7, should also have been eliminated from the ranks of the Ten Blades due to lack of strength during this period.

Ever since Kaidou invaded Kyūya Palace and occupied a palace until now, Aizen and his two followers have not appeared once. It seems that he is still in Soul Society. Gee, I really want to wait for Aizen for a while to see if he can resist a full blow.

Kaidou lay lazily on the soft and spacious chair, holding Harribel in his left arm and holding the wine glass in his right hand, sipping the wine one by one, feeling at ease.

Hueco Mundo did not have decent food as Heather expected. Small Hollows survive by sucking spirit seeds in the air, while Large Hollows survive by devouring the flesh and blood of Small Hollows and their kind.

After Kaidou took control of the palace, the first thing he did was to send his Arrancars to sneak into the real world, seize money from the evil humans, and then use the money to buy food and drink.

Bastard Aizen should have done the same thing, otherwise it would be impossible to explain where he got the food in Xuye Palace after he defected to Hueco Mundo. Could it be that the old boy used the mirror flower and water moon to hypnotize the convenience store clerk, and then he and Ichimaru Gin and Tosen had to empty out the convenience store one after another?

Gee, that picture is unimaginable.

Just as Kaidou was sipping the wine, his movements suddenly froze. At the same time, the old wolf who was enjoying the scale polishing service in the corner of the palace also trembled.

There's a message from Heather.

The good times are over!

PS: According to Harribel’s memories in Animation 284, when she met Aizen, he had already slicked back and was wearing the same white trench coat as Hueco Mundo. It is tentatively assumed that Harribel only broke through after Aizen defected.

PS: The last subordinate officer is also an Arrancar who appeared in the original work.

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