A foreigner's journey

Chapter 815 Leave it to me

Urahara Kisuke led everyone into the store and lifted a floor to reveal a ladder leading underground.

"So you really dug a huge space underground? Are you sure you didn't damage water pipes or gas lines or anything like that?"

Heather stood in a vast and huge underground space thirty meters high and looked at Urahara Kisuke:

"You should know this is illegal."

This underground space is unusually empty. It not only imitates the wilderness with earth slopes and dead trees, but also makes the top ceiling look like a self-illuminating sky, with even white clouds floating slowly.

Urahara Kisuke waved his fan with a proud look on his face: "Ah haha! Mr. Heather, you are too disappointed. This is the [Super Training Room] that I completed in one day by integrating the essence of super technology! You must know Mr. Kurosaki When I entered this practice room for the first time, I was so surprised that I screamed!"

"Not at all!" Kurosaki Ichigo loudly defended his face.

Kisuke Urahara ignored Kurosaki Ichigo's self-defense and pointed to the ceiling: "Look, I very thoughtfully made the top look like the sky to reduce the feeling of depression."

Chadu Taihu nodded: "This is what prisons do too."

Urahara Kisuke pointed to the surrounding trees again: "Trees were planted to beautify the environment!"

Ishida Uryu pushed up the frame of his glasses: "They are all dead."

Urahara Kisuke was still arguing, but was interrupted by a black cat walking slowly.

"Kisuke, stop talking nonsense and get to the point."

The black cat spoke human words in a low voice.

Ishida Uryuu was so frightened that he almost jumped: "Cat! Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat can talk! What's going on!?"

Sadatora Taihu also looked surprised, but after being bombarded with information about the historical deeds of the 'Spirit Wave Ken' that Heather had fabricated, he was not as horrified as Ishida Uryū.

"What's so strange about cats talking?" Orihime tilted her head. She was originally very nervous, and because she was exposed to the supernatural world too early, she was the calmest one among all the people.

"Yorichi~~ Lift it high!" Kisuke Urahara lifted the black cat up, then looked at everyone: "He is [Yorichi], and he will be your guide to Soul Society."

"Let the cat be a guide?" Kurosaki Ichigo was still frightened by the black cat speaking and was breathing rapidly.

"Please don't underestimate Yoruichi, he is very powerful."

Kisuke Urahara put the black cat back on the ground with a smile and snapped his fingers: "Please look over here."


With the sound of snapping fingers, four door pillars covered with talismans suddenly appeared in the empty wilderness and quickly formed a large door frame.

Urahara Kisuke introduced with a smile: "This is the [Boundary Crossing Gate]. This door is usually installed with a spirit conversion machine on top of the boundary crossing gate, and then fixed with a binding talisman."

Kurosaki Ichigo touched the door frame: "What is the spirit converting machine?"

The black cat suddenly jumped on top of Ichigo and said:

"Let's put it this way, Soul Society is a world of souls. If you want to enter, you must become a soul. But the only one who can move as a soul is Kurosaki Ichigo, a god of death.

Even if other people's souls leave their bodies, they will still be bound by the chains of cause and effect and cannot move, let alone go to Soul Society. "

"BINGO! That's why we need the [Spirit Conversion Machine]!"

Urahara Kisuke pointed to the boundary gate:

"This thing can convert the [vessel] that makes up all matter in the world into the main material that makes up the soul [spirit]."

Heather looked away from the world-crossing door: "In other words, the soul does not have to leave the body. As long as you pass through this door, you can go to Soul Society in its original form as a soul. But going to Soul Society will definitely not Is it that simple?"

"Mr. Heather is right. There is no difficulty in passing through this door, and there is no pain in the soul transformation. You only need to move forward to reach Soul Society. The problem is [time]."

Urahara Kisuke's expression became serious:

"The gate that leads directly to Soul Society is only open for four minutes. Once the time has passed, the gate will close, and you will be locked in the gap between the present world and Soul Society [Breaking World] forever."

Yoruichi continued: "In order to prevent the intrusion of imaginary foreign enemies in the broken world, it is filled with air currents called 'detention flow' that can make the soul unable to move. Once entangled, it is almost impossible to leave the broken world within a limited time. ”

"So you need Yoruichi to be your guide. Don't be confused, don't be afraid, don't stop, don't look back, as long as you move forward, you will be able to reach Soul Society smoothly."

Urahara Kisuke waved the civilized staff in his hand:

"At this point I still have to ask, is anyone planning to quit?"

Heather suddenly laughed: "Are you kidding? How can I quit such a great summer vacation trip!"

Inoue Orihime patted the tower and exhaled: "I also want to do my part to rescue Kuchiki-san."

Chadata Taihu crossed his arms in front of him without saying a word, and his firm attitude had already explained his thoughts.

Ishida Uryu pushed up his glasses frame: "No need to say anything more."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked firm: "Those who can gather here are naturally determined. If you don't succeed, you will be successful!"

"well said."

Urahara Kisuke suddenly pressed the civilized staff against Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead, and his body immediately collapsed to the ground. Kurosaki Ichigo appeared on the spot wearing a death tyrant suit and carrying a huge Zanpakutō.

Then Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Nuribo held down the door frame on both sides of the boundary gate and began to transmit spiritual power. They turned to look at everyone: "Are you ready? As soon as the door opens, you rush in immediately."

"Understood." Kurosaki Ichigo nodded with a serious look on his face.

Urahara Kisuke blinked and asked again: "And... Kurosaki, are you really not going to go home and get the salute? I see that everyone else has brought the salute. Children who don't fit in will be isolated..."

Before he finished speaking, Ichigo Kurosaki interrupted angrily: "No need! You have ruined the atmosphere. Open the door immediately!"


An air flow full of spiritual energy began to come from the door frame, and a vague vortex appeared in the center of the door frame.

"Now, everyone, come on!" Urahara Kisuke shouted.

Five people and one cat immediately rushed into the world-piercing gate.

What came into view was a dark and strange space. The ground was paved with countless skeletal fragments. The surrounding walls looked like candles, but upon closer inspection, they discovered that they were actually thick white mist.

Thick white mist continued to drip down from the dark sky, pouring on the surface of the huge skeleton that was more than ten meters high. The skeleton, which was drenched by more and more white mist, eventually turned into a candle-like wall.

Huge candle walls on both sides guarded a narrow road of bones, and a door appeared at the end of the road. This was the door-through-world road leading directly to Soul Society.

"Don't be stunned, run!"

Yoruichi shouted and ran towards the door at the end of the road first. Everyone came to their senses and immediately started running after Yoruichi.

Heather ran and looked around, looking like a tourist. This is a rare sight for living people, and the beautiful scenery of the broken world alone makes the trip worthwhile.

Thick white mist-like ‘juliu’ kept falling from the sky, trying to entangle this group of people.

Ye shouted while running: "Don't get entangled in the flow, don't use Zanpakutō and other close attack methods, otherwise you will not be able to protect yourself!"

Everyone tried their best to dodge the entanglement of Juliu. Just as they were running halfway, a loud noise like a train whistle suddenly came from behind.

A huge 'creature' composed entirely of Jiaoliu broke through the walls on both sides and rushed towards everyone with a crushing force. There was a huge light spot on top of its head that looked like a one-eye, and noises like train whistles were constantly coming from this light spot. Out, the beam of light reflected in the light spot locked everyone firmly.

As soon as Kurosaki Ichigo turned around, he was so frightened that he shouted: "What the hell is that?"

Yoruichi ran faster: "That's [Jutu]! The scavenger only appears once every seven days, but it just happened to appear at this time! Run away, once this guy catches up we will be dead!"

[Jutu] Not only does it look like a train, it sounds like a train, and it also speeds like a train!

In the blink of an eye, Jutu has greatly shortened the distance between the two parties. If this continues, everyone will be overtaken by Jutu before they reach the exit.

The exit was right in front of us, but Kutu was about to catch up with everyone.

Orihime turned pale with fright: "It's too late! We will be caught up soon!"

"Take it." Heather took off her sun hat and threw it to Orihime, then turned to look at Kutu who was getting closer and closer.

I saw him holding a pistol shooting posture with his left hand and holding his left wrist with his right hand, aiming at the light spot above Jutu's head in the distance, showing a confident smile:

"give it to me."

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