A foreigner's journey

Chapter 816 Blocker, Challenger

Jutu was getting closer and closer, and Heather, who had transformed into a spirit child, could even feel the scorching wind.

Jutu is completely composed of fluid state of Juliu, and its whole body is covered with deadly fluid white mist. Once any spirit body touches it, it will immediately be entangled and consumed and dissolved into a part of Jutu. It can be called the natural enemy of all spiritual bodies.

But this doesn't bother Heather.

Seeing Heather stop and look back, Yoruichi couldn't help but yelled: "Heather! Come back quickly!"

Kurosaki Ichigo, whose body was one step faster than his mind, turned around and grabbed Heather without saying a word, trying to pull him back. Ishida Uryu also shakes off the Quincy necklace and turns it into a spiritual bow to attack Kutu.

But Sadatora opened his arms and directly hugged Ichigo and Ishida Uryu and pushed them towards the exit: "Please believe in Master's decision."

Although they didn't get along for a very long time, Chadota Taihu was very good at observing a person's inner self. He knew how determined Master Heather's heart was, and he would never do anything he wasn't sure of.

At the same moment, Heather spread his legs and stepped steadily. The intense spiritual energy gathered at the tip of his left index finger almost instantly, turning into a huge spiritual pill visible to the naked eye!

The demonic ability of the gun is activated! [The next spiritual pill will have an explosion effect], [The flight speed of the next spiritual pill will be reduced to 1/3].


A huge spirit pill shot towards Kutu! Although the large bright blue ball of light is huge in size, it flies relatively slowly.

Yoruichi took one look and made a judgment in his heart. The power of this hair spirit pill can deal with any hollow below the level of a big hollow, but it will never hurt Kutu! He couldn't even stop the opponent.

Then he saw Heather's fingertips shining with the blue spirit light again.

Do you still want to launch another spirit pill to attack Jutu? No, no, his target is...

I saw that the spiritual pill on Heather's fingertip was relatively small, but the gathered spiritual power increased significantly, and even produced shock ripples visible to the naked eye in the space around the fingertip.

The demonic ability of the gun continues to activate! [The flying speed of the next spiritual pill is doubled], [The power of the next spiritual pill is doubled], [The target is locked on the ‘spiritual pill’]!

Bang! Another spirit pill was launched. This spirit pill flew so fast that it could not even be caught with the naked eye, and it instantly collided with the previous spirit pill.

A violent explosion broke out immediately!

The storm generated by the shock wave caused the flow on the surface of Jutu's body to tremble continuously, slowing down its movement.

At the same time, the impact storm also caught a group of people in it and rolled them towards the exit.

With the help of this violent explosion, the group of people successfully rushed out of the exit and came to the sky of Soul Society where the sun was shining brightly.

Orihime saw the right moment and immediately summoned the shield Shun Rikka: "I refuse to form a shield for three days!"

A triangular light shield appeared under everyone as a shield, which greatly slowed down the falling momentum and impact of the fall.

"Do, well done, Inoue..."

Everyone's falling posture was not very graceful. Ishida Uryu lay sprawled on the ground, almost breaking his glasses.

With a click, Heather landed lightly on the ground, looking up at the boundary-piercing gate that was gradually disappearing in the sky: "It's really four minutes, not a second more or less... I really have you, Urahara Kisuke."

The black cat fell to the ground gracefully. He looked at Heather and murmured secretly in his heart. This kid has an incredibly sensitive sense of combat, and is especially skilled at controlling the flying prop technique called the 'Spirit Pill'. He can actually master the explosive characteristics, explosion range and power of the spirit bomb, and even control its speed.

Although the explosion storm just now seemed strong, it was only aimed at Jutu and did no harm to the group of them at all. Such control over the spirit... few people even at the captain level can achieve it, right?

It's really amazing, the contemporary successor of [Spirit Wave Fist].

After the Hollow Gathering incident, Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke worked hard to collect some information about the dark martial arts world and the spiritual light wave Ken. If you don't check it, you will be shocked. It turns out that there was such a terrifying underground force in this world. The [martial arts] practiced by mortals can actually resist evil spirits and hollows, especially the spiritual light wave fist that specializes in spiritual power is the best among them.

Ichigo Kurosaki got up in disgrace after falling onto his butt, and patted Heather on the shoulder with excitement: "Good guy! Heather, that move you just made was really powerful."

"That move is more than just 'powerful', Kurosaki."

As a Quincy, Uryū Ishida is more sensitive to spirit children, so he can see some of Heather's tricks. Even if he is as proud as he is, he has to admit that if Heather becomes a Quincy, she will definitely be more powerful than him.

Black Cat Ye walked up to Heather and was a little curious: "Is that also one of the application techniques of [Spirit Pill]?"

In the original work, Ye Yi is the most representative character of "Baida", so he is naturally very interested in the martial arts genre.

"That's right. The first shot is [Chong Ling Pill], which can explode. The latter shot is [Xun Ling Pill], which is used for surprise attacks."

Heather took the straw hat from Orihime and put it on her head, looking around:

"This is Soul Society? I feel cheated."

Several other people also looked around and found that this place seemed no different from the real world.

Trees, land, weeds, distant hills, and simple wooden houses built in the civilian style of Japan's Edo period.

Black Cat Yoichi explained: "This is Kuwai District, also known as 'Rukongai'. The souls who were guided to Soul Society originally lived here. It is located outside the residence of the God of Death, 'Seireitei'. The soul world is the poorest, freest, and also the place where the most souls live."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked around: "So it just looks like a common people's simple architectural style... Oh! What's the matter? Isn't it the same as the street we live on?"

He pointed to the land not far away, where there was a clear boundary. On the other end of the boundary was a clean and tidy street. The surface of the street was paved with stone floors. The high-rise and elegant houses were lined up in rows, as if they were similar to the simple ancient times here. Houses are not in a world.

"I understand, that must be the shrine where the God of Death lives, right?" Ichigo excitedly was about to rush over but was grabbed by Heather.

"Don't be so impulsive, Kurosaki."

Heather pursed her lips in that direction: "Such an obvious [boundary], it's obvious that no one will rush past it easily."

"Heather is right. Ichigo, it is very dangerous to approach there rashly. This is the [White Road Gate], so it naturally has its guardians."

Black Cat Yeyi looked at the sky and murmured:

"Look, it's coming."

The sound of your fierce sound breaking through the sky was heard in the sky, and walls fell from the sky one after another, accurately landing on the broad [boundary], forming a thirty-meter-high wall.

Directly in front of the crowd was a huge gate. A ten-meter-tall tall man stood in front of the gate, looking down at the crowd, and said angrily:

"You guys who want to force your way into the Seireitei, I, I-Kisaki Danbo, can help you through some tricks!"

Heather was silent for a few seconds, then turned to look at Ye Yi: "Who is this big guy who fell from the sky and talked to himself? He looks so familiar!"

Yoruichi said in a deep voice: "His name is Ikansaka Danbo. He is one of the heroes selected by the Soul Society. He is also the guardian of the west gate [White Road Gate] among the four pure spirit gates. Don't be careless, he handles This gate has been around for three hundred years, and no one has ever been able to forcefully break through the White Gate."

"Is he so powerful?" Uryū Ishida swallowed.

Ye Yi nodded: "Legend has it that he is so powerful that he can kill thirty Hollows with just one swing of his axe. Everyone, retreat first and prepare a plan before taking action."

Not far away, Si Danfang, who was as tall as a mountain, picked up a giant ax with the word "兕" engraved on it and slammed it on the ground, causing the ground to tremble and the trees to shake:

"What, are you discussing an escape route? It doesn't matter, I won't stop you. But as long as you want to break in from my 'Baidao Gate', you will have to face my axe."

"Hey, big guy!"

Heather suddenly shouted to Sidanfang:

"As long as I beat you, I can get over it, right?"

"This is natural. Although I really want to ask you all to come together, you must abide by the rules of the city in the city. [A duel is a one-on-one duel]. You can send a representative out. I think you are quite good. Strong, are you interested?"

"Personally, I don't hate your silly and provocative behavior, but your opponent is not me."

Heather turned her head and snapped her fingers behind her:

"Chadu, take care of him."

Taihu Sadatari, who had been taciturn since landing, walked forward silently, raised his head and looked at Si Danfang from afar.

Yoruichi didn't know if there was an hallucination in his eyes. He just saw a touch of metallic black color on the arms of Sadat Taihu.

what is that? Is it also a boxing technique of [Spirit Wave Fist]?

PS: It is expected that there will be updates on the night of New Year’s Eve, and I will start saving articles on the weekend!

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