A foreigner's journey

Chapter 87 Want to learn?

The battle was one-sided.

Governor Swan fearfully took his daughter and squatted in the corner of the steps in the middle of the deck, while screaming naval soldiers kept flying above his head.

He never thought that [human beings] could have such terrifying fighting power!

Both swords and muskets are like toys to Heather. The swords can't hit him at all, and the moment the gunfire sounds, he will naturally avoid the trajectory of the bullets. Sometimes he will use the cross sword to kill the bullets. The incoming bullet split in half.

Because he was surrounded by friendly troops, Norrington did not dare to let the sailors fire too densely with muskets, for fear of accidentally injuring Governor Swann and Elizabeth.

Heather's figure is as fast as lightning, and every blow will directly knock down a sailor. The soldiers on the deck keep falling like dominoes. There were still a small number of sailors in the cabin. As soon as the first few climbed up, they were struck mercilessly by lightning. They rolled back to the cabin below the deck in a series of bones, and then the cabin door was suddenly closed tightly.

It only took four minutes for Heather to clear the deck of the Intrepid. Except for him, only Norrington and Jack were still standing. The others were all collapsed and unconscious or sitting on the deck, afraid to move.

Looking at Heather walking slowly towards him, Norrington nervously grasped the officer's sword, as if this could give him courage.

"What do you want to do?" Norrington asked the most urgent question in his heart. He didn't believe that it was because he ordered Heather to be beaten that he made the other party angry and fight back. There must be a deeper conspiracy!

Heather was wearing a military uniform and military boots ripped off from a sailor of similar stature to herself. She just folded her arms and was deep in thought, ignoring Norrington at all.

Through the warm-up exercise just now, he found that his physical fitness in all aspects has dropped a bit compared to when he fought Nitro. Is it because the change of world has caused changes in gravity, oxygen content and other factors?

If physical fitness will be affected, what about mental ability?

Absolute royal power can be materialized, but it is unknown how much of its 'supernatural nemesis' ability is left. In the same way, as the light egg is an absolute defense weapon against mental energy, does it no longer have the ability to provide absolute defense after leaving the Hunter World?

This is exactly what Heather has been worried about since traveling to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Otherwise, with Heather's speed, he could actually sneak in when the Black Pearl is approaching the island, and then use the "Absolute King's Power" to kill all the cursed immortals like Barbossa, thereby seizing the Black Pearl.

However, if the ability of 'Absolute King Power' fails, he will face the endless pursuit of dozens of undead who will not feel pain or fear. In addition, he will be on a deserted island with no place to escape. Heather will always There were times when I was consumed by them. That's why he waited patiently for Jack and Elizabeth to arrive on the island and leave on the Intrepid, which came to rescue them.

Speaking of which, although the absolute kingship cannot be tested for the time being, the same cannot be said for the light egg.

Thinking of this, he stepped on and broke the arm of the sailor closest to him. The sailor screamed in pain and then fainted from the pain.

This moment also frightened Jack who was about to speak, and he quickly shut his mouth.

When Norrington saw his soldiers suffering such torture, he immediately put aside his fear and stepped forward with his saber in hand to fight Heather desperately. After taking two steps out, he hesitated and stopped again.

He clearly saw four beetles emitting golden fluorescence appearing next to Heather. One of the beetles looked at him with its huge compound eyes and stopped paying attention after seeing that there was no threat.

God... what kind of witchcraft is this! Norrington only felt that his courage was fading from his body at an extremely fast speed. As a Royal Navy, he could accept a heroic death in battle, but the method of death did not include being cursed by a wizard. Who knows if God would Accept this curse-tainted soul?

Elizabeth covered her mouth in surprise, he really knew magic! The governor's daughter instantly imagined a whole storyline about a "noble Eastern wizard who fled to the Caribbean due to power struggles within the organization, just to find his destined love in this exotic sea."

Jack frowned, it looked a bit like the Magram tribe's unique insect voodoo witchcraft, but most of those insect voodoo witchcraft were evil and ferocious, and they definitely didn't have the luxury and sacredness of the four beetles in front of him.

When one of the beetles flew onto the sailor with a broken arm, Jack and others thought it was trying to suck the poor man's blood or even soul, or to perform some evil witchcraft.

The next second, the beetle's huge compound eyes flashed suddenly, and a bright light bloomed instantly.

This golden glow is not dazzling and does not have the temperature of sunlight, but it can make the tired soul feel comfortable and relaxed, just like soaking in warm water and bathing, cleansing away the stains on the soul.

The sailor's crushed and even twisted arm gradually corrected its shape in the golden light. It only took two or three seconds to regain its original shape. Presumably all the bones inside had also been restored.

With a clang, the sharp blade in Norrington's hand fell to the deck.

God loves the world, no matter what sins he commits... Yes, only the brilliance of God can be so holy and so merciful.

Elizabeth covered her mouth and didn't dare to scream. Is he an angel? Only an angel can have such an intoxicating appearance, as well as incredible fighting skills and powerful strength, not to mention the light of mercy that can heal injuries and forgive souls!

At this moment, whether it was Governor Swann, Miss Elizabeth, Commodore Norrington, or the sailors who were still awake on the deck, without exception, they all recognized Heather, who was bathed in the golden glow at this moment, as the messenger of God.

God must have sent him to the world to spread the light of mercy and the fire of revenge.

Unfortunately, Heather's power was broken as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Show! The healing power is even stronger than in the Hunter World!?" Heather teased the scarab next to her with excitement: "Hey, dad, I'm pointing at the four of you! Huh? What are you doing? ?”

He found Norrington and several others half-kneeling on the ground, the reverence on their faces had not yet faded.

"Are you a messenger sent by God? Are you punishing us because we don't worship the gods enough?" Norrington asked cautiously. Maybe the messenger's arrogant face just now was a test for them believers?

"...I haven't beaten you yet, why are you talking nonsense?"

Heather curled her lips, guessing that it was because of the healing power of the light eggs and the special effects of the holy light that they mistakenly thought they were Christian angels. Although the situation in England in the eighteenth century was much different than a hundred years ago when almost everyone believed in Christianity. It has been greatly reduced, but the number of believers is still very large.

Compared with pirates who are called deserts of faith, most of the British Royal Navy have received orthodox education and have many believers.

Don't take this matter for granted, otherwise the Spanish navy will come out to kill you in the name of jihad before you even start your mission.

"It may be similar to your religious beliefs, but this is a unique spell over there." Heather shook her finger: "Read..."

He stopped mid-sentence, and then began to circle around Jack, constantly looking at Jack.

Jack swallowed and said with a sneer: "Mr. Hai, I think we get along well on the desert island. If you need a pilot when you commandeer this ship, I will be obliged!"

His small arms and legs are not strong enough for Heather to slap him. Only when he can bend and stretch can he become a master. Moreover, Jack has been to Singapore and knows a little bit about the names of Asians, especially those in China. He knows that "Hai" in Heather's name is the surname.

Heather immediately hugged Jack's shoulders and asked with a smile: "Jack, isn't the healing ability of my scarab very rare and powerful?"

"More than powerful, simply..."

"Want to learn?"

Heather interrupted Jack's compliment with a smile:

"I teach you."

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