A foreigner's journey

Chapter 88 Apprentice, Story


The tense atmosphere on the deck had long since disappeared. Heather had changed into formal clothes again and was sitting leisurely in the captain's cabin chatting with Jack and others.

Jack pronounced the word in a roundabout way, obviously unable to understand its meaning.

"There's nothing wrong with calling it SENSE, but I prefer to call it NEN."

Heather took a sip of a cup of steaming black tea, crossed her legs and sat on the captain's (or commodore's) exclusive luxurious chair, and talked:

"This is an extraordinary ability I learned from the local natives when I traveled to a certain place. You can think of it as a talent that everyone is born with. Ah, Governor Swan, Miss Elizabeth, please sit down wherever you like."

The door to the captain's cabin opened, and Governor Swan and Elizabeth walked in one after another. Compared to Governor Swan, who was a little timid, Elizabeth found a chair and sat down unceremoniously. For some reason, she stubbornly believed that Heather was a gentleman with a kinder face and a kinder heart.

Looting a Royal Navy battleship? Didn’t they say, [requisition]! Who is in a hurry? Besides, Heather didn't kill anyone, and the sailors injured by him were all cured, and some of them even recovered from their chronic diseases.

What a kind gentleman.

Jack, who was sitting across the table, made a meaningless gesture: "In other words, Mr. Hai, do you think I have the qualifications to learn this ability?"

Heather raised her eyebrows slightly: "No, I'm just asking about your willingness to become my disciple, I'm not forcing it."

Norrington, who was sitting in the corner of the room, straightened his posture and said in a serious tone: "Mr. Heather, I would like to ask, what kind of effect does this so-called telekinesis ability have? The beetles that treat marine soldiers' injuries also belong to it. Is it within your capabilities?”

“Strengthen your body and stay young, isn’t that enough?”

Heather put the teacup back on the table and shook her fingers: "If you can learn how to use your mind energy, you will naturally become immune to all diseases, and it won't be a problem to live to be a hundred years old."

Not only Norrington and Swann, but also Jack took a breath. In the eighteenth century, when the average life span was less than fifty years old, what did it mean to be one hundred years old?

And Elizabeth's eyes sparkled even more, she heard "Youth is forever"! What woman can resist such temptation?

"Mr. Heather, do you think I have the potential to learn this ability?" Elizabeth asked eagerly.

Heather looked Elizabeth up and down, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when her eyes swept over the white cliffs of Dover. What a good girl! It's a pity that it's too flat, too flat!

"Miss Elizabeth, regarding the qualifications for learning the ability to read, everyone actually has it."

Heather said gently: "But is it the same as taking fifty years to learn something? If you don't have enough talent, the learning process will become extremely dangerous."

"Dangerous? Are you saying that even learning this ability will bring danger to yourself?" Norrington was unwilling to let his sweetheart encounter any danger, so he hurriedly asked Elizabeth to find out.

Heather nodded slightly: "That's right. At the last moment of the learning process, as a person with telekinesis ability, I will pry the sperm holes in the apprentice's body to prompt the intensification of the flow of telepathy energy in the apprentice's body. If he cannot quickly grasp the trick, he will close the sperm holes on his own. , then the apprentice will lose all the life energy in his body and enter the end of death."

There was silence in the room, especially Jack, who looked panicked. It's so dangerous and you still want me to learn?

"Learning telekinesis does not happen overnight. Even if I really want to teach someone, I have to slowly examine the person's physical aptitude. But, Jack, I think you are very suitable for learning telekinesis. What do you think, do you want to learn it? "

Heather stood up and patted Jack's stiff shoulder: "Think about it, fifty years from now the legend of Captain Jack Sparrow will still be circulating on the sea, forever galloping on the Caribbean Sea, going on adventures as he pleases, Even a musketeer team composed of dozens of people can't catch you at all. Everyone who is lucky enough to see you will be amazed by your youthful appearance that has not changed in decades..."

"Forever...Captain Jack Sparrow!" Jack's eyes gradually lit up.

"That's right, Captain Jack Sparrow forever!" Heather's voice was like a bewitching devil whispering in Jack's ear: "Will anyone want to snatch the Black Pearl from you in the future? Sorry, they have to ask first. Your fist. The Black Pearl and the mighty and invincible Captain Jack Sparrow will be together forever, never to be separated again."

It has to be said that Heather's words hit home for Jack. There are only two things he loves most in his heart - [Adventure freely] and [Black Pearl].

If Hector Barbossa, who was the first officer of the Black Pearl when he launched a crew rebellion ten years ago, had a power as powerful as Heather, how could he lose his favorite ship and be exiled to a desert island?

"Uh... will the apprenticeship period be long?" Jack was a little moved.

"I believe that with your qualifications, you will be able to get started soon."

Heather patted Jack's shoulder again: "I'm optimistic about you."

Jack grinned, showing his big yellow teeth. He knew very well that this mysterious oriental man would not give him great benefits for no reason. He wanted to get greater benefits from himself.

But according to Jack's character of taking things step by step, if the sky falls, there will be a taller person. At worst, he will run away after learning the ability to read, just like he casually owed a bad debt to Davy Jones, the king of hell in the deep sea thirteen years ago.

"From now on, your wishes are my motivation, Master."

"Just call me Heather."

Heather smiled and took Jack's outstretched hand and shook it.

If there is anyone in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean who can learn telekinesis, Jack Sparrow, the absolute protagonist, must be the most qualified one. Just use him as an experiment to see if telekinesis can work in different worlds.

"So, when you 'command' this Dauntless, do you plan to return to Port Royal? Or go somewhere else?"

The impatient Brigadier General Norrington interrupted the tender scene between Heather and Jack.

"I plan to travel around the world as an explorer and occasionally play pirate role. For this, I need a good ship, right?"

Heather looked at Norrington strangely, as if the other party had asked a very stupid question: "When you say it's 'requisition', you can also understand it as 'plunder'. Well, all of you here, including the busy navy on the deck, The soldiers must serve me as prisoners. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome for me to control such a big ship by myself."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Heather, aren't you going to find Barbossa?"

Elizabeth's already fair face became even paler: "Will is still on the Black Pearl. If we don't save him..."

"Will? Who?"

Heather's voice was full of innocence: "Dear Miss Elizabeth, why do you think I would take this ship that already belongs to me and go all the way to find trouble with a notorious pirate gang that has no grudge against me? Especially? It’s these pirates who still possess the so-called immortality.”

Jack rolled his eyes and rushed to Heather before Elizabeth: "Tutor, I have a small suggestion. Can you please listen to it?"

"Oh, my dear apprentice, tell me."

Heather stroked her non-existent long beard, like a kind elder.

"That Will is certainly not worth mentioning." Jack held his orchid finger and walked around the small captain's room with small steps: "But my mentor, the Black Pearl is also in their hands!"

"Oh... Black Pearl." Heather seemed to suddenly realize.

"Yes, the Black Pearl!"

Jack hurriedly approached Heather: "Caribbean... no, the fastest ship in the world! With her, you can reach anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye. That despicable little Hector Barbossa How can a human being be a match for you, mentor, and those four noble, elegant, spiritual insects? What’s more, Barbossa’s hiding place also contains countless gold and silver jewels that he has plundered over the past ten years. With this money, mentor, you Your trip will be smoother and more comfortable, right?”

"Then what?"

"Then I volunteered myself, hoping to be the captain of the Black Pearl and join your fleet!"

Jack grinned excitedly and pointed at himself: "I am willing to hand over 15% of all plundered materials for you and become a little captain under you! Do you think this is feasible, my respected mentor?"

"Shut up! Jack Sparrow, you shameless scoundrel! The Dauntless will never turn into a pirate ship!"

Norrington was furious, and regardless of Heather being right next to him, he immediately rushed to Jack, grabbed the latter's collar and yelled.

He finally understood that Heather had planned to turn the Dauntless, which was top-notch in terms of firepower and speed, into a pirate ship from the very beginning. And Jack Sparrow plans to add the Black Pearl to Heather's command to turn it into a powerful pirate fleet.

The Dreadnought is the trust given to him by the Royal Navy, and it is also the flagship of his fleet, the pride of Port Royal! Norrington would rather the ship sink to the bottom of the ocean than have her become a pirate ship.

Jack spread his hands towards Heather and shrugged, looking innocent.

"Mr. Norrington, this Dauntless is now my property. Only I can decide her ownership and future destiny."

Heather gently pinched the wrists of Norrington's hands that were holding Jack's collar. Norrington felt numb all over his body, and he involuntarily took a few steps backwards and hit the wooden wall with a 'thud' sound.

Ignoring Jack, who had an inciting smile on his face, Heather touched her chin and looked at Elizabeth: "...You have a little lover named William Turner on the Black Pearl?"

"Not my little lover..." Elizabeth's voice quickly trailed off, but then she thought about it, it was wrong! I made an engagement with Norrington to save Will. Now that he is no longer the captain of the Dauntless, why should I care about him! ?

"Yes! Will is my sweetheart! He fell into Barbossa's hands to save me. I must save him!"

The girl made a brave declaration.

Next to her, Governor Swan felt his eyes darken. Oh my god, what kind of curse did that little blacksmith put on my daughter? Why does the dignified daughter of the governor have to chase a blacksmith!

It's not that Heather can't understand this. Although her appearance is somewhat different from that in the movie, Elizabeth's appearance vaguely resembles Keira Knightley's. In the same way, other people are somewhat similar to the characters in the movie. Thinking about it this way, what girl can refuse the elf prince version of blacksmith Will Turner?

But Brigadier Norrington's eyes were not black, but green. Happiness comes and goes quickly. If this is a dream, please wake up from this nightmare as soon as possible!

Heather looked at the father and daughter leisurely:

"So, Miss Elizabeth, Governor Swan, if I rescue Mr. William Turner and destroy Barbossa's gang, what kind of reward can I get?"

"What kind of reward do you want?" Elizabeth asked directly before Governor Swan could bargain.

"Weapons, cannons, living supplies... I want everything I need to sail on the sea."

Heather said bluntly that he did not hide his intention to become a pirate at all, and it seemed that he was not afraid of being wanted at all.

"In the name of the Governor of Port Royal, I agree to this transaction with you."

How much supplies can be loaded in the two ships? The relieved Governor Swan reluctantly straightened his collar and said seriously: "The specific content still requires a written contract. I wonder if you need me to do it for you?"

"If you are willing, that would be great." Heather stroked her chest and bowed slightly.

"Mentor, do you need me to go to the helmsman to guide him? The rocks where Barbossa is hiding are messy. Apart from him, only I can lead the ship through." Jack jumped in front of Heather, his eyebrows trembling. Like seagull wings flying up and down.

"Go, my apprentice." Heather stroked her non-existent long beard, satisfying the addiction of the white-bearded grandfather's mentor.

Soon, the Dauntless turned around and headed towards the island where Barbossa was hiding.


At the bottom of the Black Pearl's cabin, one cage holds the innocent sailors previously hired by Jack, and another cage holds Will alone.

Outside the cage, two pirates under Barbossa were mopping the floor.

"I'm curious..." Will put his hands on the gap in the cage and looked at one of the pirates who was mopping the floor: "Why did you betray Jack Sparrow before?"

The sailors in another cage also looked gossipy. Jack Sparrow's name resounded throughout the sea, but few people knew about the grudges between him and the former first mate Hector Barbossa.

The short bald pirate in question was named Pintel, and he was probably a chatterbox who couldn't hold back his words. After giving Will a vicious look, he couldn't help but say: "The thing you are asking about is that we, the original Only the old sailors on the Black Pearl know about it. Seeing that you are about to be in bad luck, there is no harm in telling you."

Pintel stood there leaning on the mop handle and fell into memories:

"Ten years ago, we admired Jack Sparrow's name and joined the Black Pearl one after another. The most famous among them was Captain Barbossa."

"First mate, he, he, he was still first mate at that time." Ragti, a tall and skinny pirate with a prosthetic eye in his right eye, stammered.

"Shut up! I know!" Pintel yelled viciously at his friend, then wiped his nose and continued to fall into memories:

"Barbossa was the pirate king of Caspian Sea at the time, and Jack's father, Old Teague, was the pirate king of the Caribbean. Caspian Sea was so poor, it was just a lake. Barbossa couldn't bear it and had no choice but to come and join Old Teague. Unexpectedly, Old Teague abdicated directly and gave up his position to his son Jack. Barbossa willingly assisted Jack and became the first mate of the Black Pearl."

"Honestly speaking, Barbossa is much more qualified as first mate than Jack as captain. Jack Sparrow, as the pirate king of the Caribbean, actually didn't rob merchant ships or hurt people, and even stopped us from doing piracy. Just minding my own business looking for treasures, exploring, and doing other things I don’t know.”

"Wait a minute, will Jack be like this at that time?" Will gestured to Jack's sissy orchid fingers and crazy steps.

"No, although young and impulsive, Jack was pretty normal back then."

Pintel shook his head and continued:

"One day, Jack came to us with a treasure map and said - 'Guys, we are going to make a fortune!' The guy was a clever navigator and led the ship in the direction indicated by the map. Started On the third day after the voyage, Barbossa, as the first mate, led the crew to find Jack-'Captain, as the crew of the Black Pearl, we at least want to know what the destination and goal are, instead of being so confused. sailing, it would have a huge impact on morale.'"

"Hey, hey, you have the style of captain Barbossa." Lagerty, Barbossa's loyal follower, laughed.

"I'm the one telling the story!"

Apart from roaring, Pintel had nothing to do with his funny-brained buddy, so he could only continue:

"Jack was young at the time and foolishly revealed the destination, which was the Treasure of Cortes, a mysterious treasure chest containing 882 Aztec gold coins. He even showed us the treasure map and claimed I want to share this huge treasure equally with everyone.”

Having said this, Pinter showed a sneer on his face:

"Captain Barbossa led the crew to mutiny that night. We captured the Black Pearl, then exiled Jack to a desert island and left him a musket with only one bullet in it. Yes, that's right, that's the one The desert island where Little Beauty and Jack were exiled.”

"...Is my father also a member of the rebellion?" Will's face turned pale.

He has always believed that his father was an upright and kind-hearted sailor, and the gold coin he sent to him was also a manifestation of his father's love. When Will received the gold coins ten years ago, his mother had been dead for many years, so Will took a merchant ship to the Caribbean to find traces of his father. Unexpectedly, the merchant ship was attacked by the Black Pearl on the way, except for Will. No one survived outside.

Fortunately, little Will was rescued by the warship Norrington was riding on, and little Elizabeth was also on it. Elizabeth, who discovered that Will was carrying pirate gold coins, hid the gold coins and begged her father and Norrington to take Will back to Port Royal, and their fate began.

Until she met Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth was kidnapped because of the gold coin, and she also learned her true identity from Jack Sparrow - the son of a pirate.

Will was very confused. He subconsciously refused to accept the fact that his father was a pirate, but he also looked forward to hearing that his father was a good man.

"'Boot Lace' Bill Turner, hum, you and old Bill look exactly the same, both so handsome, damn it!"

Pintel spat fiercely at Will: "Old Bill kept nagging Jack after he was exiled. Later we found out that as long as we took gold coins from that stone box, we would be cursed into immortal monsters. Old Bill then He was even more dissatisfied. He always said, 'This is not in compliance with the provisions of the Code'. He regretted the exile of Jack and publicly blamed Barbossa. So..."

"So, Captain Barbossa tied 'Boot Lace' Bill's boot straps to the cannon, pushed him into the ocean with the cannon and the man, and let him sink to the bottom of the sea (Davy Jones' Locker)! Tie the bootlaces to the cannon, hehehehe..."

Ragetti was still laughing at his witty jingle at first, but when he saw the angry face of his friend Pintel, he immediately lowered his head and started mopping the floor obediently.

"It's such a pity that we didn't know until later that if we wanted to remove the curse, we had to return the gold coins and pay the price of [blood]."

Pintel shrugged his shoulders, his expression gradually becoming ferocious:

"But by then we have lost one gold coin and Bill's [blood] forever, and it will be impossible to eliminate the curse. Fortunately, you came to our door yourself, Little Will. Bill always said at that time that we deserved to be cursed , and will never be freed, but at this time he is probably still sinking to the bottom of the sea with the cannon, and he is in pain and unable to die because of the curse of his immortal body, haha! He is a fool!"

"No, he's a good man!" In the cage next to him, Jack's current first mate Mr. Gibbs couldn't help but say.

Will, who had his head lowered, couldn't help but raise his head when he heard these words.

Pintel said angrily: "Don't be complacent, you will suffer soon. Let me tell you, Captain Barbossa can..."

Kick! Kick! Kick!

The sudden sound of footsteps interrupted Pintel's words. He knew who was coming just by hearing the footsteps, and hurriedly stood up straight.

Barbossa's figure appeared at the cabin stairs, holding a bunch of keys in his hand:

"Bring him out."

After a while, Will was tied up and escorted out of the cell, while the sailors in another cell were desperately waiting to become the sacrifices at the murderous banquet after Barbossa's gang eliminated the curse.

In the dark night, the Black Pearl is anchored next to an island shaped like a skull. This is the hiding place of Barbossa's gang and their treasure trove.

Barbossa, wearing a wide felt hat, strode through the long and narrow cave tunnel humming a song, tossing green apples in his hands. Apples were Barbossa's favorite. Being unable to taste fresh and juicy apples for ten years was tantamount to cruel punishment for him.

But it doesn't matter, tonight, right here, he will soon be able to taste the sweetness of apples again.

Behind him were the pirates of Wuyang Wuyang, holding torches and following Barbossa step by step.

Pintel dragged the tied-up Will and told him as he walked: "Don't worry, it's just a matter of cutting your finger and letting out some blood..."

At this time, a burly pirate wearing a turban behind pushed Pintel away, then grabbed Will's back collar and said viciously: "Don't make another mistake this time. He can only count half [Bill] Turner], we need to give him a big bloodletting!"

Looking at Will being escorted away, Pintel and Ragetti looked at each other and shrugged:

"It seems like there's really reason to worry?"

PS: Two chapters in one, 6,000 words. I can still write even though I have a lot of free time on the weekends (proud!) Then it’s the working day again. Usually I can only say that I will try to use my free time in the evening to write more. , at least one update is guaranteed. As for two updates...it depends on the status.

PS: Guess Jack’s telekinesis ability, it’s very interesting.

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