A foreigner's journey

Chapter 940 Fenrir’s true face

Fenrir's hind legs became thicker and thicker, and the muscles all over his body swelled to the extreme. His upper body became stronger and larger, taking on the shape of an inverted triangle. His extremely broad shoulders and arms also became longer and thicker.

The two wolf claws no longer looked like wolves but became more like human fingers. The fingers were extremely long and the black nails on the fingertips were like jet black iron knives made of steel.

Its two ears stood up, and its face became somewhat human-like compared to the previous wolf appearance.

Senbai's sharp long teeth protruded from his lips, appearing ferociously staggered.

The only thing that didn't change was its pair of wolf eyes that were shining with a fierce scarlet light.

A seventy-meter-tall pitch-black werewolf stood on the battlefield in the Yotongheimen Valley. Its majestic power was even better than the previous wolf form.

In the distance, Marquis Vauban's eyes widened and he murmured to himself: "Fenrir in myths and legends has never shown such power... Could it be that it doesn't simply occupy the mythical source of 'Fenrir'?"

The ‘myths’ in the world of God Killers are all fabricated by humans to bind the gods.

The myths of some regions are somewhat similar. That is because the gods, as their own bodies, walk on the earth and are endowed with different myths and legends by the humans in these regions and countries.

When it is fed back to the God of Disobedience, it will be shown that the God of Disobedience has the power of more than one god, just like Fenrir in front of him.

But which other god's power does this disobedient Fenrir possess?

As Fenrir's opponent, Heather can best appreciate the strength of his opponent at this time.

If Fenrir was still on par with Golden Thunder Lord before, then Fenrir, who appears in a new attitude at this moment, has reached a level close to Zeus.

The mere existence itself exerts a huge sense of oppression on the surrounding space.

The Golden Thunder Lord, who was a head shorter, rushed towards Fenrir bravely. His muscles stimulated by the thunder and lightning moved very fast, and his attack was the most classic "Farmer's Three Punch Style No. 1" of the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Then, his entire head was caught by Fenrir's giant claws, and he was suddenly slammed to the ground.

Boom! The entire Jotunheimen Valley immediately began to tremble violently, with Golden Thunder God and Fenrir as the center erupting with a strong earthquake equivalent to magnitude six on the Li-type earthquake scale.

Many smaller peaks began to collapse and rock walls collapsed. Jin Lei Gong was pressed deeply into the huge pit, and countless cracks spread outward from the center of the pit.

What a powerful force! The pure strength and speed have surpassed Jin Lei Gong. Heather controlled Golden Thunder Lord to struggle hard, but the opponent's huge werewolf claws tightly grabbed Golden Thunder Lord, and five sharp nails like steel hooks pierced Golden Thunder Lord's carapace scales and penetrated into the flesh.

Outside the pit, the huge black-maned werewolf raised its other claw high, with scarlet flames lingering between its claws, as if it was holding the sun in its hands.

Anyone could see that Fenrir was holding back his ultimate move, and it was a move with extremely destructive power.

Marquis Vauban threw off his expensive black trench coat and began to mobilize the power of the spell to activate his power.

But just when he was about to take action, two meteors slammed into Fenrir one after another!

Bang! Bang! Two meteors hit Fenrir's chest, only causing him to stagger, but there were no other injuries.

Fenrir used his extremely strong body to withstand the meteor bombardment of Barius and Xanthus. His long wolf tail rolled towards the two divine horses, preparing to mince them into meat paste on the spot.

All this has been seen by Xanthus with future vision and the picture was transferred to Barrios. The two horses were at a perfect angle to avoid the wolf's tail strangulation.

Xanthus once again entered the realm of divine speed, turning into a golden gust of wind and slamming into Fenrir. This time Fenrir couldn't help staggering back half a step, and the claws holding the scarlet sun couldn't hit it.

Taking this opportunity, Barrios raised his front hooves high and then stomped on the ground.

The ground under Fenrir's feet suddenly bulged diagonally backward, pushing the giant seventy-meter-high werewolf back, and at the same time pushing the Golden Thunder Lord deep in the pit out of the ground.

As soon as Jin Lei Gong escaped from the ground, he jumped back quickly, and the five bleeding holes on his body began to heal quickly.

"A werewolf? This is not the myth that Fenrir should have."

Jin Lei Gong kept saying that as the 'Thunder Wolf Dragon', he had reached his limit, and the other party was indeed better.

However, Heather still has ‘conceptual power’ to use.

"Replacement, Old Wolf." I shouted in my heart, and immediately got a wolf howl in response. Obviously, Old Wolf had long been impatient as an auxiliary machine.

The conceptual power is part of you, allowing you to use all your power.

After getting Heather's permission, Jin Lei Gong's eyes first flickered a few times, and then suddenly burst out with thunder!

Um? Different? Both Fenrir as the opponent and Marquis Vauban as the audience were subtly aware of the changes in the way Golden Thunder Lord acted.

Although Heather has never admitted it, in terms of combat intuition and instinct, the old wolf is stronger than him.

Golden Thunder Lord stood on all fours and turned into golden lightning, rushing towards Fenrir at lightning speed.

Repeating old tricks? Fenrir, just like before, stretched out his sharp claws towards the Golden Thunder Lord at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, preparing to catch it again.

But just when the werewolf's claws were about to grasp Jin Lei Gong, the latter's speed suddenly surged to an incredible level.

The violent golden thunder exploded with a bang, and an unprecedented impact erupted from the old wolf's claws, causing it to draw sharp lightning trails.

boom--! In a flash of lightning, the Golden Thunder Lord appeared hundreds of meters behind Fenrir, and deep claw marks with golden thunder appeared on Fenrir's chest!

[Thunder Bagua·Big Thunder]!

Kaido, the developer of the move, may not be able to use Thunder Bagua with his bare hands, but Lao Lang can use this move as a flat A.

The Golden Thunder Lord, who appeared several hundred meters behind Fenrir, turned around suddenly before he landed completely, slammed his huge tail on the ground, and then used the principles of moon walking and shaving to forcefully reverse the direction and move towards Fenrir's back again. Pounce.

boom! The second [Thunder Bagua·Fire Thunder] hit Fenrir hard on the back.

The third mark [Black Thunder], right shoulder.

The fourth record is [Zhi Lei], throat.

The fifth record is [Mountain Thunder], above the head.

The sixth record [earth thunder], hind legs.

The seventh record [Wild Thunder], on the back of the neck.

Everything happened in an instant. Even the Marquis who used the Eyes of Sodom only saw seven irregular golden lightning trails emerging on the battlefield in the valley.

There are more and more golden claw marks on Fenrir's body, and flesh and blood are everywhere.

After blasting out the Thunder Bagua seven times in a row, Golden Thunder King finally smashed his giant claw on Fenrir's chest, [Thunder Bagua·Fu Lei]!

The huge impact sent the huge werewolf flying far away.

The werewolf rolled and smashed into several mountain peaks one after another, and then became deeply embedded in the rock wall.

After using the combo of [Thunder Bagua·Eight Thunder Lords], the old wolf suddenly stopped while he was still waiting to pursue.

Because it discovered that the huge werewolf originally embedded on the rock wall was missing, leaving only a huge depression seventy meters long.

"Back up!" Xanthus's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Jin Lei Gong rolled back without hesitation, and almost at the same time, a huge scarlet sun fell from the sky and hit the spot where Jin Lei Gong was before.

First there was a burst of dazzling red light, then there was the overwhelming heat wave and shock wave, and finally there was the roar of the explosion.

About a third of the Jotunheimen Valley was melted by this move!

The rolling heat wave distorted the scene in the air into a weird look. The werewolf Fenrir slowly stood up straight in the sea of ​​magma and fire. All the claw marks on his body from the Eight Thunder Lords had been healed.

"How do you fight this thing?"

Heather squatted on the top of a distant peak, her right thumb and index finger curled up in a circle and placed in front of her eyes as a telescope.

Good guy, steel and iron bones, divine speed, huge body and great strength, scarlet sun, super-speed self-healing power... Fenrir, are you cheating?

At this time, Qishi's voice sounded in his ears——

[Master, I seem to know its true identity. 】

"Don't be so pretentious at this time, my dear."

[Fenrir’s posture at this time can be said to represent the oldest werewolf ‘Lykaon’. It was a king in ancient Greece who was turned into a werewolf because he angered Zeus.

At the same time, it is also the king of England, John Lakeland, who became a werewolf because he was poisoned by monks containing aconite.

But these are only the basis for the establishment of the concept of "wolf head and body". What really allows Fenrir to exert his powerful combat power is another myth and legend related to "wolf" - Anubis. 】

"Anubis? One is the god-eating wolf in Norse mythology, and the other is the god of death in Egyptian mythology. How can these two be the same?"

[The biggest connection point is the 'wolf head and body', followed by the moonless night. Legend has it that the blood moon that appears on the night of the lunar eclipse will cause the dead to resurrect from the underworld. Today happens to be a lunar eclipse, and Fenrir appeared. The posture of the moon-eating wolf. 】

Qishi's voice said unhurriedly——

[The moonlight dissipates, Sirius shines, and the Moon-Eating Demon Wolf successfully temporarily connects to the myth of Anubis with the help of the celestial phenomena of the moonless night and the posture of the wolf's head and body. After all, in this world, myths are 'rituals' used to bind gods, and they are 'coats' that can be woven and modified. After reaching certain key points, it is not impossible to borrow the power of other myths. 】

"I see. Did you copy the 'immortal realm' controlled by Anubis and apply it to yourself? No wonder it doesn't really get hurt no matter how hard you get beaten."

[Please note that the scarlet flame is Fenrir's own power. The greatly enhanced physical ability is obtained from the strengthening of the oldest werewolf Lykaon. The immortal body that will never die is the power of Anubis. Fenrir is currently in the strongest form. If you defeat him in this form, you may be able to seize an extremely powerful composite power like the 'Golden West Wind and Silver Sea'. 】

"I understand, let's kill the BOSS quickly before the lunar eclipse is over, right?"

A murderous knife appears in Heather's hand, and strong winds and heavy rain are coming.

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