A foreigner's journey

Chapter 941 Blood Red

The first person to notice something was wrong was the Marquis Vauban.

Originally, he was concentrating on admiring the brutal fight between the two demon wolves. Suddenly, the oldest god-killer in the world looked up at the sky.

The dark night sky was shrouded in black clouds, and the endless black clouds twisted into huge whirlpools. The wind howled and the air became extremely moist.

A huge storm is coming.

As was the case then... was it Heather's power? It's really similar to my 'Wind and Raging Waves'. Marquis Vauban smiled secretly, and then looked back at the two earth-shaking giant demonic wolves.

It seems that this kid is already sure of winning. If that's the case, I don't need to play the annoying role. Today's young people are all so powerful, and I have to lament that I am really getting old.

The Jotunheimen Valley has become a mess, and the Golden Thunder Duke and Fenrir are fighting inextricably.

Fenrir relied on his greater strength, speed, stronger defense and immortality to fight head-on with Golden Thunder Lord in close combat, but he couldn't defeat Golden Thunder Lord for a while.

The old wolf's fighting awareness is too strong, and Xanthus is standing by to predict the future scene three seconds later when the cooldown time is up and transmit it to the old wolf. There is also Barrios who is causing trouble with earthquakes and meteor bombings. One wolf and two horses were evenly matched with the trinity Fenrir.

On the other side, Fenrir became more and more impatient. The total lunar eclipse should have disappeared long ago. He used his divine power to forcibly control the moon phases to ensure that 'Anubis' could borrow power.

If he didn't use a special move, he would be unable to do anything to the opponent for a while, and the God Killer wouldn't be able to kill him.

Thinking of this, Fenrir took a deep breath, his upper body expanded rapidly, and scarlet flames spread uncontrollably around his mouth.

Seeing the future scene transmitted in his mind, Jin Lei Gong immediately thought of a countermeasure. He saw it shaking all over, and a large number of golden super-electric lightning bugs flew out from its crackling electrified mane.

Thousands of golden super-electric lightning bugs formed a huge lightning defense field, and then the earth rose, and boulders formed a second wave of barriers.

On the opposite side, Fenrir also accumulated energy, and his long mouth suddenly spit out a terrifying stream of scarlet flames in the direction of Golden Thunder Lord!

Such a huge crimson flame stream instantly flooded the entire Jotunheimen Valley. The ultra-electric lightning insect defense field flashed brightly and dimly, stubbornly blocking the gap between the scarlet flames and the golden thunder god.

In the sea of ​​fire, Fenrir looked up to the sky and let out a miserable wolf howl. The scarlet flames condensed into calf-sized flame demon wolves as if they were alive. Hundreds of flame demon wolves pounced towards Jin Lei Gong.

Bang! Jin Lei Gong put his right paw on the ground and raised his body to a handstand with one arm, and began to spin rapidly with his right arm as the center.

The giant tail covered with sharp spines, the hind claws, and the crazy whirlpool of lightning overflowing all wrapped the Golden Thunder God into a rapidly rotating golden thunder tornado!

The flame demon wolves were pierced by golden lightning before they even got close, and exploded into the most primitive flames.

Then with an explosion, the golden tornado soared into the sky, drawing a huge arc in the sky and slamming into Fenrir.

[Tornado Charge Tornado]!

Fenrir saw this and immediately put his arms in front of him.

Bang! Trinity Fenrir was pushed back by the powerful impact, and continued to slide back for hundreds of meters before coming to a stop. His two claws plowed two deep ravines on the ground, and there were still odors in the ravines. Amazingly hot.

With his steel and iron bones, Fenrir blocked the blow.

It grabbed the horns on Jin Lei Gong's head with its backhand, raised it high into the sky and then knocked it down hard!

boom--! The ground in the valley immediately sunk downwards, creating a large crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The violent impact and earthquake caused even the remaining peaks around it to collapse and shatter.

"It's over, Godslayer!"

Fenrir let out a wild roar, opened his mouth and spat out the inevitable flames of destruction into the pit!

The ground around the large pothole immediately glowed with a strange dark red light. A fire broke through the ground and spurted upward from the crack. Then came the second, third... countless fires rising into the sky, lighting up the black sky above. The clouds turned dark red, which was exactly the scene of Ragnarok.

The giant werewolf stood in front of the melted dark red pit and looked down, but did not find any corpses related to the enemy.

Completely melted? Fenrir's werewolf face revealed human doubt.

"Fenrir, look here!"

Heather's voice came from above. Fenrir looked up and saw Heather riding Xanthus holding a murderous knife and striking at Fenrir's head at an alarming speed!

laugh! The blade sliced ​​across Fenrir's forehead cleanly, bringing up a large amount of blood. All the blood evaporated and turned into blood mist before it hit the ground, and then wrapped around Fenrir's fur, dyeing his black wolf mane dark red.

"As expected. The ordinary 'wolf-headed man' and 'moonless night' are not qualified to cross such a distant mythological system to borrow the power of Anubis."

Heather looked at Fenrir, who was covered in dark red, and blinked:

"You are Fenrir, the demon wolf that devours the God King. You are also Garm, the hellhound that guards the underworld."

Garm is mentioned in the Grímnismál of the Poetic Edda. Fingergam is to dogs what Odin is to gods and Yggdrasil is to trees, the greatest of them all, the role model:

The best tree is the World Tree;

Skid Platney is the best boat;

Odin is the greatest of the gods;

Sleipnir is the best of horses;

The Rainbow Bridge among bridges, Brachi among poets;

Habrok, the king of falcons, and Garm, the leader of hounds.

In Nordic mythology, Garm guards the "Hell Underworld", the country of the dead. Its image is always blood-red, its chest is full of dried blood of the dead or the living, and its eyes shine with a cold and biting light in the darkness. Its roar is chilling, and it can spit cruel fire from its mouth. It is the fateful enemy of Tyr, the god of war.

Although the description of Garm in "Grímnismál" is called "dog", the word "wolf" is used in "Vluspá". In addition, it comes from Norse mythology, and it is also closely related to the war god Tyr. Contact, so some Nordic regions believe that Garm and Fenrir are the same existence.

In this way, it seems natural that the hellhound Garm, as the guardian of the underworld, would awaken and communicate the power of Anubis.

It's not the trinity of Fenrir, but the quaternity of 'World-Eating Wolf Fenrir', 'Oldest Werewolf Lykaon', 'Cerber Hound Garm', and 'God of the Underworld Anubis'. God!

Heather didn't dare to think about how chaotic the power pool would be when the power was extracted.

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