A foreigner's journey

Chapter 944 This is a chain and a rein

The black leather shoes made a squeaking sound on the charred gravel.

With his silver hair combed back into a meticulous back, Marquis Vauban strode among the ruins of the Jotunheimen Valley and took advantage of the situation to look at the tragic situation around him.

It's really amazing destructive power... It's not much better than my [Red Punishment].

The ability to control storms to form huge swords is by no means the power of Zeus and Achilles. It seems that his new compatriot has seized a super power that is very powerful and can determine victory or defeat with one blow.

The continuous drizzle falling in the sky does not make Marquis Vauban unhappy. He also has a similar weather power [Wind and Raging Waves]. He prefers thunderstorms to sunny days with bright sunshine.

Just bathed in the drizzle, Marquis Vauban arrived at the central area of ​​the battlefield, which was the most severely damaged, and there was no view of any scenery that could be called the 'Jotunheimen Valley'.

His new compatriot, 'Prince of the Star Sea' Heather, was standing on the scorched earth at the moment, with his eyes closed and his head slightly raised, as if he was enjoying being moistened by the rain.

Marquis Vauban was all too familiar with this state - Heather was experiencing her newfound power.

It really makes me a little envious. How strange and powerful will the power released by such a fierce and powerful four-in-one wolf god be?

After a while, Heather slowly opened her eyes. Whether it was an illusion or not, Marquis Vauban seemed to see the blazing red light in the depths of Heather's pupils that had not completely dissipated the moment he opened his eyes.

what is that?

Just looking at it, Marquis Vauban felt his whole body tremble. It was the wolf's instinct that felt a huge crisis.

Then, Marquis Vauban saw an uncontrollable smile blooming on Heather's face.

Humph, it seems that he has gained incredible power... Marquis Vauban was envious and jealous.

At this moment, Heather was praising Qi Shi for free in her heart: "Qi Shi! My dear! How do you think you will live if I am gone?"

[Such exaggerated and perfunctory words, I will take them as your compliment to me. 】Qishi's voice, as calm as water, came to his ears.

Heather, who was very familiar with Qishi's character, heard a small amount of pride in her words, tsk, this bad woman who talks a lot but doesn't mean what she means.

The "Catalogue of Mythical Weapons" turned to the page of 'God Killer Template', and a new power was added to it.

[This is a chain and a rein]!

Heather can summon a chain that is neither gold, silver, nor iron by consuming magic power. The length of the chain depends on the amount of magic power invested. This chain is both the ridiculous chain that once bound Fenrir and the shackles that bound the hell dog Garm. Therefore, this chain has two forms - the 'divine chain' and the 'spiritual chain'.

The chain in the Divine Lock state is extremely strong, and any creature bound by it for more than two turns will be imprisoned very powerfully. The chains in this form have a higher power bonus for [Beasts]. If the bound person changes shape and size, the chains will change with it.

The chain in the spirit chain state does not have an entity, but will forcibly seal an ability or power currently displayed by the target. As long as the chain remains, the sealed ability or power cannot be activated in any form.

There is no upper limit on the duration of the chain, but the mana consumption will increase proportionally as time goes by. Once the chain cancels the summons, it will enter a cooldown period, and the cooldown time is twice the duration of the summons. Both forms of chains share a cooldown.

When the chain is broken, it will be forced to enter the cooling time, and at the same time, the second stage of the ability will be activated - "Liberating the Reins of the Beast God".

This ability will randomly select one of the following abilities and cast it. The abilities are as follows:

The 'Five Finger Curse' - transforms Heather herself or the Thunder Wolf Dragon into a werewolf. The height of the werewolf can be changed, and the maximum cannot exceed fifty meters and the minimum cannot be less than three meters. Werewolves in this form have super strength, defense, regeneration, and combat intuition. If a werewolf is injured, its defense and attack power will be increased accordingly based on the extent of the injury.

‘The World of the Underworld’ – releasing the ice flames from the underworld in one breath will cause extremely terrifying destructive power, and its scope can cover large cities with a population of more than 1 million. Both the living and the spirits will suffer equal killing and destruction. The souls that died in the ice flames will be turned into fuel to replenish Heather's spell.

'The Final Painting of Ragnarok' - Force the weather to change to a solar eclipse/lunar eclipse, and at the same time suppress all divine powers or powers related to [Sun], [Moon], [Beast], and [War] on the battlefield. lowest, and correspondingly increase Heather's all-attribute abilities. This ability has high priority.

No matter which power is activated, it will greatly consume Heather's spell power and force the [This is a chain and a rein] power to enter a ten-day cooldown period.

The newly captured power turned out to be a super powerful compound power like the 'Golden West Wind and Silver Sea', which surprised Heather greatly.

After taking another look at the new power that appeared in the God Killer template, Heather looked at Marquis Vauban with satisfaction: "How about it? You won't have any doubts about what I promised you this time, right?"

Marquis Vauban was not at all annoyed by the ridicule in Heather's words. In his opinion, Heather was already a top powerhouse on the same level as himself, and could only be compared to the martial arts king far away in China. As for the other god-slayers, who dare to call me the King of Rakshasa with me, Wobang?

He nodded to Heather: "I also got that wolf fang a long time ago, but I found that I couldn't activate the divine power in it at all, let alone use it as bait to summon the disobedient Fenrir. After summoning the disobedient As for gods, I, Sacha de Jansdaal Vauban, admit that you are the strongest in the world, Heather."

As he spoke, he slowly smiled: "Speaking of which, what conditions are you going to put forward to summon the God of Disobedience for me? Territory, women, power... I can give you whatever you want."

"Don't underestimate me, Marquis."

Heather shook her finger:

"I value promises. Since I promised to return you a disobedient god, I will definitely do it. I will inform you of the specific location soon. I don't need you to provide any help or witch. Everything is up to me. Done.

If I were you, I would start to recharge my batteries from now on and prepare for the God of Steel who will appear in three months. Listen to my words of advice, Marquis, the God of Steel is not an ordinary god of disobedience. You may die if you are not careful. As a god-slayer, it would be too shameful to be killed by the God of Disobedience. "

Marquis Vauban was stunned for a moment, then laughed, without caring about the king's manners: "Hahaha!! How dare you say that! But a strong man like you who has killed more than one God of Steel is indeed qualified to persuade me. OK! I accept these words of advice with peace of mind."

He suddenly turned around, throwing away the back of his windbreaker in the wind and rain, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the rain curtain, leaving only one sentence:

"Then I'll wait for news from you, Heather."

After saying that, the whole person merged into the rain and disappeared completely.

Heather smiled and waved her hand towards the empty rain curtain: "No."

Soon, a large black cloud floated in the distant sky. It was a flock of countless black birds, flying towards here carrying Christina and others.

After stretching, Heather waved to Christina from a distance.

It's time to make a name for yourself in this world.

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