A foreigner's journey

Chapter 945 Secret Talk in the Study Room

Japan, Sanban Street, Chiyo District, Saya Miya's villa.

In a simple study, a beauty dressed in men's clothing kneels in front of the tea table in a very formal posture, carefully pouring tea for the empty person opposite.

She was wearing a gray shirt, tie and men's suit. Her short hair and glasses did not hide her beautiful appearance, but instead brought out a different kind of style.

Director of the Tokyo Branch of the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee, Saya Miyazaki.

She looks like a beautiful boy who appears in shoujo comics, but she is the soul figure who holds the power of the Kanto Committee, and is the next generation commander-in-chief of the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee.

The famous aristocrats who lead the Japanese magic world are called the "Four Families", namely Saya Palace, Seishuin, Liancheng, and Jiubozhong.

Sayaka Miyazaki, Renjo Fuyuhime, Seishuin Ena, and Kuhozuka Mikihiko, these four people are the next generation heads of the four families respectively. Among them, Sayaka Miyazaki and Seishuin Ena are the most outstanding.

At this moment, Shaye Gongxin seemed to be entertaining invisible guests.

She poured the tea, respectfully pushed the tea cup to the opposite side of the tea table with both hands, knelt down and bowed: "My dear husband, please have some tea."

At first there was just silence, as if Sayaka Gongxin was talking to the air, but she did not have any embarrassed look, but maintained a low posture of bowing and saluting.

Soon, a cyclone began to flow in the study, and the cyclone turned into a strong wind, causing the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls of the study to rattle.

Finally, everything calmed down, because the strong wind turned into an unclear and illusory figure.

This was a strong old man who was over 1.8 meters tall. He was only wearing a rough kimono, and his strong body that was in no way consistent with his age was covered with muscles.

Behind the messy beard is a face that can be called 'stubborn', and eyes that seem to sparkle with a storm.

The place where he appeared was just on the other side of the tea table. The tall and strong old man looked down at Saya Gongxin, and his voice was as loud as rolling thunder: "Ha! I am becoming more and more proficient as a Yuan witch. The little girl from the Saya Palace family."

"My dear husband, I am so complimentary. If you were not willing to appreciate me, how could such spiritual magic summon you?" Shaye Gongxin did not show any happiness or pride in response to the praise of 'my husband'.

Husband Yu rubbed the beard on his chin that was like a messy wire, and the smile on his face gradually calmed down: "What a boring woman. As a Yuan witch, that stupid girl Huina is more lovable than you."

"Ena is the next head of the Seiakiuin family. Her ability as a Yuan shrine maiden far exceeds mine. I will never deny this."

"Tsk...so boring."

Mr. Yu sat carelessly at the tea table. He, who was supposed to be a shadow, actually grabbed the teacup and drank the hot tea in one gulp. After Ta Niu finished drinking this cup of good tea, he wiped his beard casually:

"Tell me, why did you summon me here?"

Shaye Gongxin picked up a letter next to her and handed it to her husband Yu with both hands: "This is information sent by the committee's spy in Greece at the risk of death. Please read it."

Husband Yu picked up the letter and shook it open, glanced at it casually, and raised his thick eyebrows: "...Oh? Summon the God of Disobedience?"

Crumpling the letter into a ball of paper and throwing it aside, Mr. Yu showed a nonchalant look: "A troublesome guy like the 'God of Disobedience' can't hide in time, but he actually plans to take the initiative to summon him? Sure enough, someone who can become the Lord of Rakshasa Everyone is a lunatic, without exception. Of course, these guys have their own arrogance in being so unscrupulous... Alas, the world is getting worse."

The implication is that if he likes to summon gods who don't obey, just let him go. Why are you so anxious?

Shaye Gongxin said softly: "Husband Yu, do you know anything about the ritual of summoning the God of Disobedience?"

"Well... I do know something. This ritual is actually not difficult. The key lies in three points - [Earth Lines], [Celestial Phenomenon], and [Media]."

Mr. Yu struggled to stroke his messy beard. The more he stroked it, the messier it became, so he gave up decisively. He changed his posture and sat at the tea table and talked:

"Celestial phenomena require the planets to be arranged in a certain order. This is not difficult, just wait for the opportunity to come.

The earth veins require a heavy spiritual land, and the energy of the earth veins in the heavy spiritual land must be saturated.

As a medium, the god of disobedience cannot be summoned by the divine skeleton alone. It also needs the assistance of mythical items or fixed experiences that match the divine skeleton. If there is no divine skeleton, a very outstanding shrine maiden will be needed to act as a medium. In this case, the summoned god of disobedience may not be who he is. "

As he spoke, he looked at Shaye Gongxin suspiciously: "Come to think of it, you are not the kind of good girl who is compassionate and compassionate, but you are so concerned about the God-killers abroad?"

"Because if nothing else happens, in three months' time, Hokkaido, Japan, will become the battlefield where the new king summons the God of Disobedience and fights with it."

Shaye Gongxin sat up straight and looked directly at her husband:

"You don't know yet, right? Just a week ago, the new king successfully summoned the disobedient god 'Fenrir' and fought with him in the Jotunheimen Mountains in Norway. On that day, Yotunheimen, which covers an area of ​​3,500 square kilometers, The Tonheimen Mountains were completely destroyed, a strong earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale occurred in Sognenfjordane, Norway, and the town of Lekanger was destroyed by tsunamis and earthquakes. The map of Norway needs to be redrawn.

Norway suffered this bad fate because the magicians of the previous Nordic magic society group "Yggdrasil" behaved rudely towards the new king. The new king is not only to summon the disobedient Fenrir, but also to issue a small punishment to the World Tree.

My dear husband, the new king has mastered the method of summoning the God of Disobedience. If left unchecked, Japan will become the next Norway. "

"Japan didn't provoke him, so how could he directly choose Hokkaido as his target?" Yu Husband was very confused. Even if the God-Slayers are all madmen, they still have to have a reason, right?

"It is said that the new king robbed the god of disobedience 'Achilles' summoned by the wolf king Vauban. As compensation, he promised to re-summon a god of disobedience and return it to the wolf king three months later. Listed as a candidate summoning site The main destinations are Rhodes Island in Greece, Cusco in Peru and Hokkaido in Japan.

The Greek magic association ‘Silver Owl’ was the first force to swear allegiance to the new king, so Greece was the first to be excluded.

Then came Peru and Japan. After receiving the information, the official history compilation committee immediately sent envoys to Rhodes Island in Greece to request an audience with the new king, but was rejected by the Silver Owl Commander-in-Chief Christina.

On the contrary, the Peruvian envoy, who arrived a day late, was able to enter the new king's palace in Rhodes Island, the 'Knight's Palace'.

My dear husband, there is not much time left for Japan. "

After listening to Saya Gongxin's words, Mr. Yu raised his eyebrows: "It sounds like this new king is not only reckless, but also seems to have some prejudice against Japan. Tell me specifically, what powers has this new king seized?"

"According to the known information and chronological order, the disobedient gods killed by the new king were the god-king of the Greek pantheon [Zeus], ​​the Greek immortal hero [Achilles], who started the Ragnarok battle in Norse mythology of [Fenrir].”

"Zeus... what an incredible young man. He actually lost to Zeus. So, he took his initial power from Zeus?"

"That's not the case, Mr. Yu. Although there is no specific information, it is speculated based on various intelligences that the god the new king killed initially was not Zeus, but the [God of Steel] like you. His name was Prince of the Star Sea."

Even the name of Zeus did not change the expression on Mr. Yu's face. It was not until Shaye Gongxin spit out the name "Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars" in his mouth that Mr. Yu's face twitched visibly.

That's the look of fear and fear.

"No wonder, no wonder...if we take away that guy's power, he will indeed be able to defeat a god-king like Zeus."

Husband Yu stroked his beard quickly, and then showed an incredible expression:

"No, how can any human be able to defeat the Star Sea Prince with a mortal body? Even among the Gods of Steel, the Star Sea Prince is one of the top and most prominent beings. I don't understand, I really don't understand..."

Seeing Mr. Yu falling into deep contemplation, Saya Gongxin had no choice but to remind him: "Mr. Yu, what should we do? What attitude should the Japan Official History Compilation Committee adopt to welcome the new king?"


As if waking up from a big dream, Mr. Yu raised his head and waved his hand:

"Welcome the new king as a minister, do your duty as a minister, and don't test or make small moves. I don't want to see the Japanese island sink to the bottom of the sea. Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll take the first step."

Having said that, the veteran of the Japan Official History Compilation Committee acted like a whirlwind and completely dissipated from the study, leaving only Sayaka Miyazaki sitting there in a daze.

To make the royal husband so fearful, does the [Prince of Xinghai] whom the new king killed first have some unknown secrets?

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