A foreigner's journey

Chapter 955 Actions of all parties

Heather was not surprised when she heard the news that the "Seven Sisters" of the Southern European Magic Alliance had declared war on the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee.

It seems there are smart people over there in Italy.

Heather deliberately sent Su Zhan to Florence, Italy to disrupt the covenant meeting. He did not expect that the Southern European Magic Alliance would break their oath and switch to his side.

Even if we send troops to fight in modern times, we must find a reasonable "name for sending troops." After all, most war initiators from ancient times to the present have to say that they are the righteous troops.

Let Su Zhan put the Southern European Magic Alliance and the King of Swords into disgrace. This is to give the opponent a prestige first. If the Southern European Magic Alliance insisted on claiming that it was an envoy sent by Heather to carry out the attack, then Heather would directly blame the other party for framing her, and then justifiably turn over the table and crush the entire Southern European Magic Alliance to death.

After all, no one can associate Quick Slash with Heather. Heather has never shown similar power and has never killed related gods of disobedience.

If the Southern European Magic Alliance is smarter and finds a scapegoat, it means they have indirectly surrendered to Heather. Knowing what Heather wanted, they would naturally hand it over obediently.

Now it seems that the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee has been chosen as the scapegoat. The Southern European Magic Alliance is smart.

It was Qi Shi's idea to use her superior strength to openly bully the weak. Well, it was in line with her usual style.

Alas, if it weren't for the [Hera Pillar] in the hands of the Southern European Magic Alliance and the [Gorgon Stone] that will be unearthed in the future, Heather would really be too lazy to spend so much effort.

Grab it right away? Heather's consistent tenet is 'don't grab it if you can, and be in style', so he secretly gave the Southern European Magic Alliance a chance to make a choice, and the other side cleverly seized this opportunity to give them a chance to breathe.

Very good, very good. In this way, Heather doesn't have to really break out and grab it. She can wait peacefully for the Southern European Magic Alliance to finish the Japanese side and then send the Pillar of Hera over.

The Pillars of Hera can echo each other with the Gorgon Stone and revive the latter to store up the magic power. The fully revived Gorgon Stone is the key for Athena to achieve the Trinity of Athena.

Heather didn't know where and when the Gorgon Stone was unearthed in the original book, but he was certain that it was obtained by the "Seven Sisters" in the original work.

If you don't obey Athena, your power can only be taken away by me.


Italy, Copper Black Cross Headquarters.

In the white and spacious ward, the window screens were fluttering gently in the wind. Salbatre Tony sat on the white cloth-covered hospital bed, looking in the direction of the window screens, and remained silent for a long time.

"Tony, are you okay?"

Andre, the 'King's Butler' sitting aside, asked worriedly.

He had never seen his friend and master show such an attitude. Even when he faced the disobedient god as a mortal, Salbatre Tony would smile and wave his sword to fight.

In Andre's impression, Tony was always so optimistic and cheerful and very focused on fighting.

But now Tony looks as calm as waking up from a big dream, which makes Andre even more worried.

"Don't worry about me, Andre. I'm just figuring something out."

Tony touched the bandage on his shoulder. Even the God Killer's high-speed self-healing ability could not quickly recover the wounds caused by the quick slash, because it was a compound attack that mixed chakra and the power of Zeus.

Andre frowned: "Your wound hasn't healed yet? It's such a weird and terrifying power..."

"Shouldn't you ask me what I want to know at this time?" Tony's face fell.

Andre ignored him at all, just took an apple from the bedside table and started peeling it.

"I have always believed that the [Tearing Silver Hand] can deal with all battles and enemies. I just need to concentrate on training this power and use it like a third arm. But, I am facing that I deeply felt that my power was not enough when I summoned the guy called Quick Cut."

Tony clenched his fist tightly, then slowly released it:

"I want to kill more gods of disobedience, seize more and stronger powers, make myself unparalleledly powerful, and then go find Su Zhan for another fight. This time, I will never lose again. "

Andre handed the peeled apple to Tony: "That man named Suzhan... do you think he is a messenger sent by King Heather, or is he the Japanese god of disobedience, Susanoo?"

"It doesn't matter which one it is, what is certain is that he will not appear just this once. I look forward to meeting him again, but the premise is that I need to become stronger!"

Tony ate up the apple in a few bites, then jumped down from the hospital bed with a hiss, and pulled off the bandage to reveal the scabbed wound on his shoulder.

"Become stronger? Please, please don't take the initiative to cause trouble, okay? The Southern European Magic Alliance is already nervous just to deal with the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee."

Andre said helplessly:

"Until we confirm that 'Quick Slash' is the messenger sent by King Heather, we'd better not mess with the new king."

"Who said I was going to cause trouble for the Heather brothers?" Tony looked strange.

Andre was also stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of relief: "Great, it seems that I misunderstood you Tony, you still know how to take the overall situation into consideration..."

"What I'm looking for is 'Black Prince Alek'!"

Tony's next words made Andre's rare compliment no longer able to be uttered. The loyal butler of the king covered his face in pain: "...I knew it."

Tony was still planning the next route with great interest: "I heard that among the many compatriots, only the Black Prince Alek has the power of divine speed. I want to go find him to 'make friends'. I think I can train myself to adapt to the divine speed." Of course, it would be better if we could kill one or two powerful gods of disobedience and seize power along the way."

"In addition to making enemies with King Heather and the Wolf King, are you planning to provoke the Black Prince and the Wangli Factory now? Not only the Wangli Factory but also the Greenwich Council of Sages exist in the UK. Please don't continue to make enemies, my king."

"Don't worry, I went to England to make friends, not to cause trouble."

"The only way you can make friends is to greet them with a sword. I know you too well."

"Oh! As expected of you, Andre!"

"I'm not complimenting you!"

The two people's noisy voices almost overturned the entire ward.

At the same time, seemingly affected by the accidental attack on the God Killer, several other God Killers also began to take action.

PS: My throat is swollen and sore due to coughing, and I am a bit dumb. I am not in good condition.

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