A foreigner's journey

Chapter 956 Masked Hero

According to the human calendar, starting about six years ago, new generations of god-killers began to be born one after another.

First it was Alexander Gascoigne, the feared [Black Prince Jarek] by the world, then it was [Pluto], the superhero who walked in the darkness who was born in the United States, and then [The Sword] a year ago. King] Salbatre Tony, and finally [Prince of Star Sea] Heather a month ago.

Everyone is a weirdo with a unique personality. But what really shines out is——

"Hades! It's Hades!"

The magicians were running around, screaming in terror, and there was no sign of their arrogance when they were torturing civilians for their own harm.

This is Los Angeles, and the flames are spreading deep down the alleys, threatening to spread to the entire neighborhood.

The nights in Los Angeles are not as beautiful and peaceful as Americans boast. In fact, once it gets dark here, there are dangers in the dark alleys and even the streets.

A group of sorcerers who are preying on innocent passers-by think they can run rampant in Los Angeles with the power of darkness and their own magic, but they are wrong, and they are dead wrong.

Step, step, step...

The sound of metal boot soles and cement pavement was transmitted to the ears of all the magicians present.

A tall, strong figure appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire, ignoring the flames that were enough to scorch the flesh, and walked out of the alley unhurriedly, towards the group of warlocks who had temporarily lost the ability to move due to excessive fear.

He wears a black iron mask that hides his appearance, a black cloak, a leather holster for firearms hanging on his waist, and long boots with iron nails on his feet.

Suddenly seeing this person's appearance, the magicians who were closer immediately let out screams and tried to crawl back on their hands and feet.

The leader of this group is a relatively famous magician named Anske. This man was once an outstanding magician in Northern Europe. He was expelled from the Nordic Magic Alliance a year ago and was listed as a wanted criminal because of his repeated blood sacrifices and living body research on civilians.

Anske fled to the United States and quickly recruited a group of villains with his superb spell skills. He established a small magic society called "Bait" and has been traveling to various cities in the United States to commit cruelty.

Today, at this moment, in this bustling city called Los Angeles, their evil deeds are finally coming to an end.

Ansker pointed at Hades and shouted in a frantic tone: "I, I know you! You are the most ferocious and evil monster in human skin! The incarnation of disaster that can kill even noble gods!"

"As a magician, are you really okay with saying that? Well, I am indeed the Devil. You can call me John Pluto Smith."

Pluto's clothes were licked by the flames, but there were no burn marks at all. A majestic tenor sounded:

"The fire you started didn't even make me feel the slightest heat."

As long as you concentrate a little to improve your magic resistance, the magic flames burning around you can be eliminated in an instant. This is the privilege of being the God Killer Campione.

But Smith deliberately didn't do that.

The black-clothed devil standing in the midst of the flames is a picturesque scene. John Pluto Smith had a duty to perform dramatically, even if the only audience was a few dying magicians.

He stepped through the sea of ​​flames step by step, and touched the holster with the gun on his waist: "As a self-defense policeman who has done my best to maintain the peace and stability of Los Angeles, let me send you here to where you should go. Bar."

As he spoke, Smith took out a pistol from his waist, which was a large-caliber six-shooter revolver.

The guns were pointed at the warlocks who were sitting on the ground, and Pluto's voice sounded in their ears:

"This is a magic bullet that can annihilate even gods. It can only be fired six times a month. It is a very expensive bullet. In addition, the opponent is neither a disobedient god nor a god-killing demon king, so I want to avoid abuse... "

Click, pull the trigger.

"Ahhhh!" Ansk and other magicians screamed out of excessive fear.

The magic bullet capable of killing gods was not fired from the muzzle, but was a blank bullet. But the strong shock wave released by the gun hit all the magicians present.

As a special weapon tailor-made for him by the dark elf forger of the Netherworld, it can produce good power just by hitting the air. Of course, if a god is used as an opponent, it is just a useless additional function.

The shock wave from the muzzle shattered the hearts of all the magicians at the same time, and also blew away the blazing magic flames around them, thus extinguishing the fire.

But the shock wave continued to spread uncontrollably, and dense sounds of glass shattering and screams were heard from nearby streets and houses.

In response, Smith just shrugged his shoulders. This was probably the so-called small sacrifice for victory.

John Pluto Smith, it is said that people who know him will call this masked hero "the gambler who only cares about the results". Whenever he performs charity vigilante activities, he will be accompanied by more or less sacrifices. Americans fear him, worship him, and call him the one who walks on the earth - [Pluto].

"So, you blow all the breakables in every building within a five-block radius into dust?"

At Charlton Mansion, the upright but sarcastic old butler Dennis stared at the person in front of him:

"Precision machines that usually don't break easily were also seriously damaged. All mobile phones and computers in the area were destroyed in an instant. They are indeed weapons from the fairy realm, my respected master."

In front of him was a red-haired girl about twenty-four years old. She was beautiful but full of aloof temperament. She was the kind of woman who never forgets to be calm no matter what difficulties she encounters, and is full of aristocratic taste.

Anne Charlton, the American god-killer Campione, John Pluto Smith is her cross-dressing male identity.

In the early days of cross-dressing, when asked about his name, he would answer "John Smith" or "John Doe" with pseudonyms that could be used even for unidentified corpses.

After learning about his legend, the citizens who saw his shadow gave him the name "Hades".

Thus was born John Pluto Smith.

All warlocks fear him. The people feared him and worshiped him.

Her initial power is also very extraordinary. It was usurped from the Aztec demon god [Tezcatlipoca], and its name is [Meta Morpho Seth].

Tezcatlipoca, also known as the Smoke Mirror, is one of the most important gods in Aztec mythology and rules over the first sun in Aztec mythology and legend. He is the supreme divine power and the manipulator of human destiny. He represents the hurricane, the night wind, the night sky, the land, the north, the occult, beauty, leadership, war, quarrels, all interpersonal conflicts, as well as obsidian and divination.

The power taken from the Smoke Mirror gives her the powerful ability to transform into various postures, which is enough to deal with any enemy and any battle situation. Its diversity and versatility are self-evident.

Regarding the serious report from her old housekeeper, Anne just nodded:

"Smith did go too far. Although I think it was a necessary price for victory, I will tell him not to forget to have as little impact on citizens' lives as possible."

"My master, you said you were conveying something to Smith, aren't you yourself Smith?"

"That's true." When the most fundamental fact was pointed out, Anne still said as if it had nothing to do with her:

"But it is true that his philosophy of action and ethics are completely different from mine. There are many things that I agree with, and there are many things that I disagree with. As expected, it is more appropriate to distinguish him from Anne Charlton. I believe Smith You will definitely agree with my opinion.”

The old housekeeper casually chimed in with a "haha" and then closed his mouth. This exchange has been repeated many times over the past few years, but the old housekeeper still cannot understand what Anne and Smith meant.

"By the way, Master, someone sent this letter." The old housekeeper handed over an envelope.

"Is there someone? Who?" Annie took the envelope casually.

"I don't know. The letter just appeared on the table in the living room. The door was not knocked, and there were no footprints on the floor or blanket. It was like a gust of wind blew through the house and brought the letter with it."

The old housekeeper had a serious expression: "You'd better take a look."

Anne turned over the envelope and saw the printed English written on the envelope as if printed on a typewriter——

[Yours sincerely, Anne Charlton and John Pluto Smith. 】

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