A foreigner's journey

Chapter 957 Suspicious Target

Los Angeles, SSI Division.

The white-haired old man held a thick stack of documents in his hand and shouted with spittle:

"Cheer up! You are all SSI elites. Is it so difficult for you to collect intelligence?"

The sound of clicking fingers on the keyboard was heard one after another, and the men and women in the huge intelligence room wanted to put their heads into the computer monitor.

Even though it was already late at night, these SSI employees still tried to keep their confused eyes open, pouring coffee into their stomachs while retrieving relevant documents and records as required by their bosses.

The Soecerous Sacrilege Ligation is the most authoritative and largest magic society group in the United States. It is a government agency established to investigate magic and paranormal phenomena and to hide relevant intelligence.

The SSI Los Angeles branch is the largest organization in the United States, more famous than its headquarters in Washington.

This is all because the city of Los Angeles is very unusual. It is known as the devil city of the crime whirlpool, a metropolis where decadence and prosperity coexist and compete with each other.

In this chaotic city, there are people living in seclusion who deviate from the principles of the world. They are the supernatural beings who sell their ethics and conscience to the devil in order to obtain extraordinary magic power, that is, the sorcerers.

In North America, magicians are the mainstream, and good magicians and conjurers are a very small minority.

The reasons are the extremely rampant witch hunting incidents during the British colonial period, the suppression of the new Christian sect clergy who immigrated from Europe, the struggle and agreement with the indigenous elf faith, and many other events that are buried in the darkness of history.

This is also the reason why several other ancient God-Slayers were too lazy to recruit the forces of the North American Magic Association at the beginning. Even God-Slayers have to save face. Who wants to have a group of unworthy magicians under their command?

Even the relatively backward South American magic community is much stronger than North America.

The reason why magicians rush to Los Angeles is because they are looking for the 'Angel's Remains' that were buried here hundreds of years ago. This is a holy relic that can bestow huge magical power on its successors.

Just when the sorcerers turned the city upside down, their natural enemy appeared six years ago.

【Pluto】John Pluto Smith.

This masked hero who walks in the darkness spares no effort to fight against magicians and criminals, even if there are certain sacrifices in the process, that is because he needs various sacrifices when using his power.

There are sacrifices that cause obstacles to the lives of citizens, and there are sacrifices that are as bloody as living sacrifices. The people of Los Angeles endure these sacrifices to support the black heroes in their fight.

Just like paying taxes in order to be protected by the [King], the citizens also have to fulfill their tax obligations in order to surrender to his character and abilities.

SSI is also proud to be among its supporters. Just like the martial arts king ruled China and the sword king ruled southern Europe, Pluto also brought North America into his sphere of influence.

"BOSS, if you want us to search for all outsiders entering Los Angeles within three days, it will be difficult for us." Some employees couldn't help but complain.

"Yeah, Los Angeles is so big, and it doesn't give a specific sign to identify the target... Even if you tell us whether the other person is a boy or a girl, how about that?"

Listening to the complaints of the idiots below, the old man couldn't help but get angry and threw the folder at the nearest complainer: "What a bunch of bastards! It's rare that Pluto asked our SSI to cooperate in investigating something. This is a way to assist the dark man." This is a great opportunity for a hero, do you have any complaints? Huh?"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger at the male employee who was hit on the head by the folder: "You! Two years ago, your parents were blocked by a magician in an alley and were almost used as living sacrifices. Who saved them? ? And you, your sister was kidnapped to the sorcerer’s lair, who single-handedly broke in and saved everyone?"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. The old man banged the table and said, "Everyone is a idiot. I can tolerate that, but I can't bear to have white-eyed wolves under my command! If you bastards don't have this ability, get out of here!" , I shamelessly went to other departments to borrow people to continue the investigation! If you don’t want to do it now, just get out!"

No one left, even the clerk who was hit on the head by the folder just touched the hit area, then lowered his head and continued typing.

For the people of North America, the mysterious Pluto is neither a tyrant nor a coward, but a superhero worthy of respect and their full support.

The intelligence room fell into a strange silence. Apart from the sounds of keyboard typing and mouse clicks, there was only the sound of the old man's breathing.

After an unknown amount of time, someone suddenly raised their hand: "BOSS! Look at this!"

The old man immediately stood up, first moved his stiff legs and feet, and then limped over.

On the screen is a video recording. Judging from the clarity and the scene, it seems to be at the corner of a certain street. In the center of the video, a short girl with ponytails wearing a jacket and hot pants is walking through the street chewing gum.

Suddenly, she stopped, looked up in the direction of the camera, smiled and raised the envelope between her fingers.

The next moment, she took out a pistol from nowhere and pointed the muzzle at the camera.

The screen turned into a snowflake.

Envelope... The old man frowned: "Where is this?"

"Los Feliz, the rich area."

After hearing the location, the old man had no doubts anymore and immediately ordered: "It's her. Start tracing the source immediately."

The order was issued to everyone present. Now that they had the exact target, everyone acted several times faster.

But the conclusions they reached surprised, even horrified them.

"It's very strange. There were only three cameras in Los Angeles that captured footage of her. One was in the wealthy residential area of ​​Los Feliz just now, one was at the entrance of MELOMELO, a dessert shop in the city center, and the other was at the exit of Los Angeles International Airport. "

"What about inside the airport?"

"No camera information related to the target was found."

After hearing this strange summary, others gathered around to discuss it.

"Could it be a magician's spell? For example, covering the camera or transforming into someone else?"

"It's impossible. A magic barrier has been set up at Los Angeles International Airport. Once someone performs magic inside the airport, an alarm will sound."

"Could it be a ghost?"

“Have you ever seen a ghost go to a dessert shop and buy a bowl of coconut jelly?”

Regardless of the arguments among his men, the old man just carefully observed the appearance of the girl in the center of the screen.

He has a typical Caucasian appearance, but the wrong color of his pupils may be due to wearing contact lenses, or it may be due to the influence of a spell. There are no trademarks visible on the clothes you wear, which means the source cannot be traced.

Forget it, the suspicious target has been found, and the rest needs to be reported to Pluto for him to make his own judgment.

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