Lin Feng was about to sleep.

It's a pity ~~ suddenly the inpatient department called.

A night nurse hurriedly said, "Emergency department! Is the doctor there? "

Lin Feng listened to her and spoke quickly, it should be that there was a problem with the inpatient department.

"What's wrong?"

"We are in the respiratory medicine inpatient department! Here, suddenly, there was a patient who had something abnormal. Shocked! Our resident here had already come to the rescue, but he asked me to call the emergency department for help. Can you come right away? "

Lin Feng snorted.

This is also a common occurrence in hospitals.

The outpatient inpatient department is equipped with resident doctors in the department, and there are also night shifts.

After all, this inpatient department is full of patients, and at night they may also have an onset of illness and need emergency treatment.

Under normal circumstances, the outpatient inpatient department can deal with some situations by itself, and it is not the turn of the emergency doctor to intervene.

But there are special cases.

For example, this ~~

Outpatient inpatient with sudden acute shock.

Rescue is needed.

At this point, time is of the essence.

Residents may be young and bottomless, and it is often too late to call the big bulls in the department to support. Maybe when the directors and deputy directors arrived, the yellow cauliflower was cold, so they called the emergency doctor to help while rescuing them.

Lin Feng didn't say anything, grabbed his coat and ran.

At this time, it is a race against time!

Race against death!

Lin Feng took only 1 minute and 21 seconds to rush from the emergency ward to the inpatient department of another building.

Elevator, up to the 17th floor, respiratory medicine inpatient department.

A nurse is anxiously waiting at the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Dr. Lin, go here!"

The nurse quickly guided Lin Feng towards ward 1709. Lin Feng saw that the surrounding wards had been alarmed, and many patients were probing their brains to see what happened in 1709?

Entering ward 1709, Lin Feng saw a terrifying scene!

A big, tall patient, wearing a hospital gown, lying on a hospital bed, still receiving intravenous fluids, but...

People, it's almost dead.

Next to it, an 8- or 9-year-old boy was crying loudly...

A young respiratory medicine resident is scrambling to organize rescue.

This back?

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little familiar?

Isn't this Liu Junwei, who is still swearing during the day to give himself a good look?

How do you find yourself for help?

It seems that Liu Junwei is in a big mess, like a headless fly, and the nurses can't scratch their heads.

Seeing that the rescuer sent by the monkey came, Liu Junwei turned his head ~~

"Are you coming? Huh~~ is that you? "

Liu Junwei's eyes narrowed: "..."

Lin Feng: "..."

The two looked at each other!

Don't mention how embarrassing this is!

I am most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet ~~

Liu Junwei's face was blue for a while, white for a while~~

What to do?

How can it be that Lin Feng Emergency Department is on duty?

He has the heart and backbone to let Lin Feng go back ~~


Next to him, his patient is going to hang up, hey.

Cephalosporin did a skin test, why is it still allergic? Expired medicines? Loose operation? Or is there something wrong with his prescription?

Why? Why? Why is that?

Whatever the reason, it's a big deal!

Liu Junwei: I was very scared ·JPG


He was more honest in his body than his brain, as if grasping a life-saving straw and grabbing Lin Feng: "Doctor Lin! You're coming! Fast! Help with the rescue. "

Lin Feng: "..."

Didn't you say in the afternoon, you want to show me the color?

How did it become a real fragrance now?

However, human lives are at stake.

Lin Feng didn't have the heart to tease him at this time, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?" Simply put! "

"That's right! This patient is a truck driver, no previous history of penicillin, cephalosporin allergy, hospitalized for pneumonia three days ago, daily infusion of cefotaxime sodium, good efficacy, but today on the fourth day of infusion, the patient suddenly called a child to call me: "Doctor, the bed is not comfortable", I ran over, the patient said: doctor, save me, and then the personnel is unconscious, blood pressure 0, no rash! "

"Is this a cefotaxime infusion?"

Lin Feng looked up: "To consider allergies, immediately replace the medicine!" "


The nurses immediately moved.

There was a little nurse who wanted to extubate, but was seen by Lin Feng and stopped it categorically!

"Don't pull out the needle! Keep the venous passage! In case of rescue medicine. "

The resident was amazed ~~

I rub, this younger and junior Dr. Lin, why is he so calm?

Once the intravenous channel is removed, when the patient needs to be rescued, the intravenous channel will be built, and the rescue opportunity will be missed.

I also heard this idea during training, but why can he be so calm?

Liu Junwei was just qualified to be on duty alone, and after seeing the patient's dying appearance, what he had learned for eight years before was returned to the teacher!

He belongs to the typical doctor with low eye masters and knowledge and ability.

Mi thought of bumping into this kind of patient shock and needed to be rescued!

Fortunately, at a critical moment, he suddenly remembered Lin Feng, who was still thinking in the afternoon...

Lin Feng is "someone else's child".

Liu Junwei, usually mentioned to Lin Feng, gritted his teeth ~~

But the critical moment when rescue is needed becomes - go and call the emergency doctor Lin!

What a kaye!

Lin Feng didn't care about Liu Junwei, who had a blank mind, and quickly commanded the nurse: "Normal saline rapid intravenous drip, epinephrine 0.5mg subcutaneously, dexamethasone 10mg intravenous injection, calcium gluconate intravenous drip!" "


The nurses were running around quickly.

There was no nurse who took care of Liu Junwei anymore, and didn't even ask him for advice.

Dr. Liu Junwei turned into a cloud of air and was completely ignored.

This is the hospital!

There is ability, here is the authority!

Don't look at Liu Junwei is a resident doctor, and Lin Feng is just an intern in the emergency department.

But in the nurse's heart, Lin Feng is more authoritative than Liu Junwei!

Lin Feng was methodical and directed many nurses to carry out rescue.

Saline rapid intravenous drip!

Epinephrine 0.5mg subcutaneous static push!

Dexamethasone 10mg intravenously!

10% calcium gluconate intravenously...

The nurses are busy and not chaotic, and all kinds of means go up ~~

The patient's near-death state has greatly improved ~~

Breathe and begin to settle down normally.

The pink foam on the side of the mouth, no longer squirting.

In response to light, it begins to react.

In a word~~ come to life!

Seeing Lin Feng's means, the results were great, and the nurses admired even more, and their eyes lit up.

"This is ... The strength of the Great God? "

"This intern is simply many times stronger than Liu Junwei!"

"Following Dr. Lin's rescue, it seems to be like the head of the department, which makes people feel very confident."

"Yes, Dr. Liu is like a fool tonight!"

"I did everything I said just now, right?"

Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "At the same time, give the patient oxygen inhalation, ECG monitoring, and vitamin C injection intravenous drip." Begin! "

The nurses continued to busy, and the second round of rescue measures began.

The patient's consciousness gradually clears, and the blood pressure gradually rises......·

The blood pressure that could not be measured before can already be measured!

"Low pressure restored to 60, 70!"

"The heartbeat returned to normal."

"The patient reacted to light."

The patient was saved!

Liu Junwei wiped a cold sweat~~

This time, I was lucky!

The patient is located in a single ward, and there are no family members, and there are children playing, which happens to be ~~

It's Lin Feng on duty!

Linfeng Ken came to help!


Baby sweating!

Liu Junwei was very sure that if Lin Feng hadn't taken action and commanded the rescue on his behalf, with his mind at that time, the patient would almost be able to tell his family to sign the death notice...

The patient is in shock, if you can't find a rescue method, it can basically be equated with death.

Liu Junwei, who escaped the disaster, held Lin Feng's hand in embarrassment and shame and thanked him repeatedly, while rejoicing in his heart ~~

Or Lao Tzu wise!

Thanks to me saying bad things about this kid behind my back, but I didn't let him hear it!

Do things and leave a line, see you in the future!

Cute face ·jpg

(Lin Feng: Oh, I heard it, boy!) )

"Dr. Lin, thank you so much this time. I was a little confused just now, or you have rich clinical experience. "

Liu Junwei gradually eased up, tsundere cancer committed again, only Quarin Feng "clinical" experience, implicitly means that there is still unconvinced...

At the theoretical level, I am a genius!

At this time ~~

"Patient! What happened to the rescue? "

Director Kang Yi of the Department of Respiratory Medicine ran over with a large number of deputy directors and attending physicians panting.

Although it was still night, the shock of the patients in the inpatient department was tantamount to a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and Director Kang Yi did not dare to be careless, not worried about Liu Junwei, and called someone to rush back overnight for rescue.

Director Kang Yi saw Lin Feng and Liu Junwei, and was stunned at that time: "??? "

Liu Junwei's eyes turned, eager to perform, get rid of his mistake, and rushed to step forward: "Director, it's okay!" The patient has been rescued. "

Director Kang glanced at Lin Feng behind him, and instantly understood.

The doctor of the emergency department, who came to his ward in the middle of the night, must have been called for reinforcements.


He glared at Liu Junwei: "That patient, why is he in shock?" Has the cause been found? "


Liu Junwei was suddenly speechless.

This touches on his intellectual blind spot!


Director Kang glared at him fiercely: "You don't even know the cause of the patient's shock, how did you rescue it?" "

Liu Junwei cried ~~


I'm in a hurry to perform, but it's even more humiliating?

A respiratory medicine nurse couldn't help but say: "Director, the patient is actually an emergency Colin doctor who rushed to command the rescue successfully!" "

Liu Junwei's heart was pierced by ten thousand arrows: poof~~ piercing the heart!

The face is red like a monkey's butt.

I can't wait to find a seam to get into.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Feng's body.

Director Kang stepped forward gratefully and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder:

"I knew it must have been you. Thanks to you. Otherwise, our respiratory medicine department will be in big trouble this time! "

Lin Feng smiled: "The director is polite." This patient, I judged was anaphylactic shock. "

"Anaphylactic shock?"

Director Kang is also an old doctor, and his polite words immediately turned to the discussion of medicine, and he muttered: "So, the question is, what is the reason for his allergy?" "


Lin Feng smiled: "There are three main sources of anaphylactic shock in the ward: one is related to the impure drug, expiration and excessive impurities, and the formation of allergens. The second is related to the patient's body changes in a hypersensitive state. But this one~~"

He pointed to a half-drunk bottle of white wine under the bed: "I see, it's related to this thing!" "

"What? Do you still drink alcohol for infusions? "

Liu Junwei was so angry that he almost fainted and roared: "This will happen to the disulfiram reaction!" You're me off! "

Lin Feng snickered ~~

Cephalosporin is wine, just go!

In fact, not only cephalosporin, drinking or drinking alcoholic beverages after using certain drugs, after a series of reactions, resulting in the "accumulation of acetaldehyde" in the body, resulting in poisoning reactions, can be called the terrible "disulfiram reaction"! Severe cases can lead to myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, acute liver injury, convulsions (convulsions) and death. The elderly, children, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and people with alcohol allergies are at greater risk.

In a word, after infusion, injection, and medicine, you can't drink alcohol for a period of time, the secret to saving your life! Knock on the blackboard!

The truck driver who was rescued by Lin Feng looked embarrassed: "I'm sorry, doctor, I love this mouthful." After being hospitalized for three days and not allowed to drink, I couldn't bear it, so I secretly ran out and bought a bottle of Niuer in the small store. I was wrong! I was really wrong! "

Lin Feng didn't care how the director of the respiratory medicine department and the doctors angrily disciplined this gluttonous driver, and turned around and left.

Go to bed!



A new day.


Lin Feng stepped on the time to work.


This time, Lin Fengming obviously saw that Song Ziming was almost late, why didn't Xiaoli blame him this time?

Wait a minute......

Xiaoli: "Come, breakfast!" "

Song Ziming: "Thank you, Momoda ~~~"


Lin Feng understood.

These two are really getting better.

However, Lin Feng sent blessings to this pair, because doctors and nurses are usually quite busy, and the circle is small, so it is difficult to find boyfriend and girlfriend. If it can be solved internally, it seems to be good.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Dr. Lin!"

Another energetic day.

Come to the consultation room and turn on the call machine.

First patient.

Male, 45 years old.

"Doctor, I hurt here..."

He pointed to his upper left abdomen and said.

Lin Feng: "What kind of pain method?" "

Patient: "It hurts like my body is pumping, and it spreads to my chest and back." "

abdominal pain,

Lin Feng skillfully asked about his condition.

Hiccups last for almost two months and last about half an hour at a time.

Diet: Have drunk raw water.

Measured heart rate, blood pressure, normal,

Press the abdomen, no tenderness, rebound pain, muscle tension...

Brush brush brush ~~~

Lin Feng opened a few orders.

"Let's go for an abdominal ultrasound, draw blood, take a urine test..."

These are very routine checks.

After doing this, see if you need further checking.

"Yes, Doctor."


Half an hour later...

The patient returned with the examination report.

Lin Feng saw the results of the B ultrasound and immediately understood the cause.

· Ultrasound result: A tubular echo structure with a curled motion was seen inside the stomach cavity (in layman's terms, there is something bent like a rope inside).

Lin Feng took a look at this B ultrasound.


Definitely roundworms, leeches ... and so on.

And the patient also said that after drinking cold water, it is estimated that there are pollutants in the water, and then he was hit.

Patient: "Doctor, how's it going?" Is there a result? "

Lin Feng pointed to the B ultrasound result and smiled: "There are bugs, but it's okay, just take some medicine and pull it out." "

The patient looked relaxed: "Oh, it turned out to be a bug, I've seen a lot!" "

Lin Feng: ".................."

No, what's wrong with your pride?

Lin Feng brushes brushes and prescribes medicine.

Albendazole tablets (aka: SmithKline)!

This is an intestinal worm drug, has been included in the World Health Organization's standard list of essential drugs, is one of the most important basic health drugs, clinically can be used to repel roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms...

Patients are taken orally quickly.


Next patient.


A middle-aged woman, holding a middle-aged man, walked in.

Migrant workers.

Lin Feng's hometown is in the countryside, and his parents used to go out of the city to work, and the migrant workers in the village have exactly the same mental state as the couple, with early gray hair and facial spots and lines.

"What's wrong?"

"Doctor, my husband has a sarcoma in his stomach, he has a little stomachache in the past two days, can you prescribe some medicine to relieve the pain..."

The word sarcoma, in the mouth of women, is particularly relaxed.

But it aroused Lin Feng's vigilance!

As long as it involves tumors, it is not a minor disease!

Lin Feng asked: "Sarcoma? How do you know it's a sarcoma? "

The male patient chuckled: "Hey, how can I not know this, I have checked several times before, they are all sarcomas, the doctor also advised me to cut, I didn't cut ..."

Lin Feng: ".................."

I'm Nima!

These two are humble!

If it's really a sarcoma, it's definitely a big trouble!

Sarcoma is an extremely dangerous malignant tumor!

There are currently no good drugs, and treatment mainly relies on surgical removal. Early tumor hours, treatment difficulty is small, and the effect of surgery is good; When the advanced tumor is large, the risk of surgery is high, and whether it can be cut clean is a big problem.


What did these two people say? A relaxed look? Also said that the doctor persuaded the removal in the first two years, and then did not remove it?

Isn't the sooner sarcoma is cut, the better?

Lin Feng looked at the middle-aged couple with a strange expression.

Middle-aged wife: "Doctor, it's okay, you just give some painkillers, cut it and don't cut it..."

Lin Feng: "........."

There was silence.

"Let me see..."

Lin Feng wore gloves and gave the middle-aged man a physical examination.

Touching the painful area of the abdomen.


Hard state, like a stone!

Moreover, the volume is huge!

The sarcoma near the belly that Lin Feng touched alone was up to 20cm long!

Fill your pelvis and abdomen!

20cm ah!

This is the largest sarcoma that Lin Feng has seen based on countless world experiences!

Unprecedented enormity!

Live for a long time series!


ps: Today temporarily these three chapters, 3700 + 4700 + 5400 = 13800 words, there are more than 7 chapters in the calculation, the saved manuscript is gone, miserable ~~

In addition, what is that water, now it is no longer the kind of helping patients before, hey...

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