Lin Feng persuaded: "How about going for a puncture biopsy?" "

Lin Feng wanted to see if it was a sarcoma.

The middle-aged man is still very firm: "Just get a painkiller... I don't cut it, I don't have this money, I still have to save money for my children's education. "

Lin Feng was helpless.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light.

Have small children? And still very poor? Want to save money?

There is a way for this.

Change your strategy right away.

"This uncle, if you want to save money, you can try water and the like, there is no need to hold up such a large sarcoma, it may be fatal at any time, and if you die, won't your child have no father as a pillar?"

(Lin Feng: emmm~~ I also have to be a part-time neighborhood committee aunt, I'm too difficult!) )

The word "pillar" touched his heart. His child is a daughter, now 15 years old, innocent and romantic.

If there is no herself, then in the days to come, who will shield her from the wind and rain?

The middle-aged man was a little moved.

"Well, thank you doctor!"

Lin Feng was happy: "I'll bill you right away!" "

Brush brush brush ~~~~

"Rapid needle biopsy", "CT scan", "MRI examination", "bone scan"...

Several checklists were typed out.

"Thank you, I'll go now..."

The middle-aged man took the list and went to the laboratory department.

·「 Needle biopsy: there is a rapid, routine distinction. A quick biopsy can produce an examination report within 2 hours; A routine biopsy takes 4 working days.


The next patient...

It is a fever symptom, influenza.

Lin Feng thought about the middle-aged couple while giving medicine to the patient.

Save money for a son, hey... Have pity on the hearts of the parents of the world!



After 2 hours,

When Lin Feng was about to receive the next patient, he happened to see the middle-aged couple coming to the door.

"Come in."

"Doctor, this is the test report..."

Lin Feng took it and looked at it one by one.

Biopsy: confirms sarcoma.

Abdominal Ct: sarcoma size is 23 cm X 14 cm


Bone scan: ...

This result is obviously exactly the same as the patient's complaint.

At this time, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask curiously: "When I was diagnosed before, why didn't I cut it off?" Drag until now? "

The middle-aged man said with a simple smile: "There was no money back then, of course, there is no money now, so I have been dragging it down." "

The middle-aged woman smiled: "After so many years, people are fine, they still make money, so we think that it is okay to drag on like this, there should be no problem." "

Lin Feng sighed in his heart, although they smiled, Lin Feng felt the difficulty and strength of life.

Lin Feng: "Now you have two choices!" "

"The first option was surgery, but surgery was very risky because I had never seen such a large tumor, and I didn't know what it looked like."

"The second choice, continue to wait, maybe one day, the body will not be able to carry it."

"Which one do you choose?"

Lin Feng said.

As a doctor, you generally do not persuade patients to undergo surgery, because you are afraid of the risks of surgery, even simple appendicitis, there is a risk of death.

In case the patient is persuaded to do surgery, and then the operation has an accident, or the prognosis is not good, then it will be a conflict between doctors and patients!

Moreover, this tumor is too dangerous!

It is located in the pelvic cavity, the blood supply is abundant, it is hard in texture, like a boulder tightly stuck in the pelvis, without the slightest gap. Once the blood vessel is broken, the hemorrhage is profuse, and it is easy to die if the surgical field cannot be revealed (too large and hard).

Ordinary doctors will be deterred from this tumor, and they can't catch up, let alone take the initiative to take the operation.


Faced with these two simple patients and families, Lin Feng still couldn't help but persuade.

"As a doctor, I want you to choose the first one and do the surgery."

"Because your sarcoma is so big, you now have one foot in the ghost door every moment."

Perhaps moved by Lin Feng's persistence,

Or maybe it is to support the future of my 15-year-old daughter.

"I agree!"

The middle-aged patient's gaze became firm at this moment.


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's prepare for the operation next..."

Lin Feng signed the admission slip and handed it to him.

"Pay the bills, check in for admission... Then I'll ask the nurse to help you handle the water drop fundraising thing..."

"Thank you doctor."

The next step is to handle admission, deal with various examinations and so on.

The surgery can't be done now, at least four days later.



The certification of the water drop chip was quickly passed, and when the provincial city TV news program heard the news, they all came over to interview, and after some publicity, the similar topic of "father's love is like a mountain, saving money for his daughter, and the father endures 20cm giant malignant tumor for 10 years" has attracted widespread attention.

Donations soared to more than 50,000, greatly reducing the burden on the migrant couple.

Everything seemed so smooth.


Five days later...

Surgery can begin.

The patient's daughter came, 15 years old, high school, dressed in inferior fashion cards, Huli fancy, estimated to be in the rebellious period.

But she was sitting on a chair at this time, holding her head, burying her head in it with her head down, and her expression was down.

Lin Feng is explaining the risks of surgery to the patient's wife.

"This tumor is too big and the location is not good, so the risk of surgery is high..."

Draw on paper ~~~

The structure of the abdomen, pelvis, blood vessels, organs, location of sarcomas...

In a stroke of the stroke, it is shown to the patient's wife. (In this case, there is a video recording of the whole process to avoid medical disputes afterwards)

The image data of this patient, Lin Feng has repeatedly watched dozens of times in the past few days, and it is already considered to be ripe, so in the process of explanation, the patient's wife also felt Lin Feng's seriousness.

The more the patient's wife was explained, the more she understood, and then the more she regretted that she had listened to others, all kinds of money-saving, all kinds of earth-based remedies, and finally dragged the tumor to this point.

"Doctor, thank you..."

"Don't thank me now, because I can't guarantee that the operation will be successful, so you must prepare for the worst."

"Please rest assured that I have discussed with him several times in the past few days and decided to fight to the death for the last chance."

"Good! This is the "Consent Form for Surgery", you take a look! "

The patient's wife glanced at it, and the "Consent Form for Surgery" listed 24 conditions that could lead to accidental death.

At this moment, she hesitated.

At this time, the middle-aged patient shook her hand and expressed firmness.


The patient's wife gritted her teeth and wrote her name on the "Consent Form for Surgery" one by one.

At this moment,

The pressure of the operation began to transfer to Lin Feng's body!


"Let's start preparing for surgery..."

With Lin Feng's order, the surgical staff in the emergency room began to mobilize.

Intern A screamed: "Wow, there should be no other departments to grab our onlooker seats this time, right?" "

Intern B hehe: "20cm super giant tumor, I can send it to the group of classmates later, show it off." "

Just then...


Many footsteps poured into the emergency room.

A group of white coats rushed in.

"Has the operation begun?"

"I heard that it is a 20cm large tumor, let me take it!"

"Or Dr. Lin is powerful enough to dare to operate this operation, but Dr. Lin's technique is the best, he dare not do it, I'm afraid that no one in our surgery will dare to do it."

"Strong onlookers to learn!"

"The last liver surgery in vivo, I still feel unfulfilled, and every time I rewatch the video, I have gained something."

"Yes, yes, after reading it a few times, I feel like I can do it again!"

These white-coat doctors, the youngest are the main doctors, and the deputy director level, ran over one by one, and then squeezed out the interns.

While crowding, don't forget to despise the interns.

Emergency Interns: "...................................."

Flip table(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻!

Stepping on a horse!

This group of dogs came to grab our surgical onlooker seat again than the seniors.

Qiji cold,

Are interns really unable to stand up?

Angry bald ·jpg



Half an hour later, all preoperative preparations are complete.

Patients wash, shave, disinfect...

Intubation under general anesthesia...

Surgical goals: Removal of tumor, replacement of pelvis.

"Anesthesia is ready..."

The anesthesiologist made an OK gesture to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had already put on his clothes, hat, and gloves, and stood on the operating table.

It was still Zhang Yuan who snatched the seat of the first assistant, and Huang Ziqian snatched the seat of the second assistant.

Song Ziming cried and didn't grab it, miserable...

Disinfection, towel, open abdomen...

Lin Feng gestured, and then went down,

An arc-shaped incision was cut ...

Cut the dermal muscle, external oblique muscle, internal oblique muscle, transverse abdominis muscle and its fascia in layers...

In the case of blood vessels, it is directly double ligated...

Cut the peritoneum again...


The surgical field of view is stretched...

And then

Hissing ~~~~~~

At this moment, the entire operating room gasped for air!

The eyes, at this moment, are wide!

Because, instead of getting stuck in the pelvis, this giant tumor almost fuses to the pelvis.

From every direction!

Up, down, left, right, front and back, closely conform to the surrounding tissues and stick together.

This is glued with 502 glue, right?

"Oh my God!"

"This operation, big trouble!"

"Can this operation really be done?"

"The adhesion is very tight, I'm afraid that the free is a big trouble!"

Doctors are shocked!

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart.

Even though he has seen the video data thousands of times, even though he has outlined the internal situation of the pelvis again and again in his heart.


This scene still surprises him!!


At this time, intern Wu Haoming secretly squeezed into a bunch of bigwigs, masks, hats, clothes, tightly wrapped.

Anyway, a bunch of people from other departments here should not recognize my appearance that only exposes my eyes, right?


Then, he saw the huge sarcoma in the live video inside the operation.

I'm a!

Can this surgery be done?

Quickly took out his mobile phone, took a photo, and sent it to the classmate group.

"I'm watching an operation, a 20cm long malignant tumor, have you seen it?"

Tumor Field of Vision·JPG!

As soon as the picture came out, the group of classmates fried the pan on the spot.

"Groove, 20cm!"

"Is this a tumor? This is a big rock! "

"Long insight!"

"Pictures are already collected!"

"@吴浩明, Xiaoming, is your city's First Court so awesome now? Do you dare to do this surgery? "

"yes, it's so perverted this operation!"

"This operation is done by a director-level doctor, right?"

Wu Haoming replied: "Director level? No, no... His rank will make you hang yourself in shame! "

"Deputy director level?"

"It's not."

"Is it the main level?"

"It's not."


This time, Wu Haoming did not respond, because the director of the emergency department clearly said that the video should not be exposed to other hospitals, nor could the protagonist be exposed to the operation, because he was afraid of making trouble. If you want to be exposed, you must wait until Lin Feng obtains the "Licensed Medical Qualification Certificate".

"Impossible, right?"

"Residents are hanging like this?"

"I don't believe it!"

"Wu Minghao, when did you become so bragging, haha~~"

Wu Minghao chuckled.

Residency is bragging?

If you knew that the person who performed the surgery was an intern, I am afraid that you would be even more surprised.


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