In the end, the patient was conveniently placed in bed with the help of his wife.

Pose for giving birth to a baby with a quilt over it.

But embarrassed the patient to death.

After the convenience, the patient's abdominal pain seems to be relieved and less painful.

I also talked a little more.

When the patient's wife walked past Lin Feng with a basin.

Lin Feng saw the excrement in the basin and immediately stopped her.

The patient's wife who was stopped and looked at Lin Feng with a blank expression.

However, Lin Feng did not speak.

Just focused on the poop in the basin.

The shape is normal, but this eye color cannot enter the eyes, and it is dark.

In general, normal people's stools should be yellow.

Black stools mean that the patient may have bleeding from the digestive tract.

The blood is red, but it will turn black after metabolism in the digestive tract....

Come to think of it.

Lin Feng's thoughts began to enrich.

Gastrointestinal bleeding, it is likely that the patient's abdominal pain is caused by gastrointestinal bleeding.

After all, gastrointestinal bleeding can also cause nausea, abdominal pain and other manifestations.

But there are still many doubts.

Even if the patient received a punch in the abdomen a few hours ago, even if the impact damaged the digestive tract and caused bleeding, it should not have black stool so quickly!

It's only been a few hours, and the hemoglobin has not had time to oxidize to black!


"Doctor Lin, what's wrong?" The patient's wife was holding the wash basin, and seeing that Lin Feng had been staring at the basin without speaking, she couldn't help but ask.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng looked up at her and asked, "Did the patient have chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other diseases before?" Have you ever said about abdominal pain, bloating, belching, acid reflux, etc.? "

Hearing this question, the patient's wife shook her head and said, "No! I haven't heard him say it's uncomfortable! We also did a gastroscopy last year and didn't find these problems! "

Lin Feng nodded and did not speak.

Although the patient's wife has not heard of it, he still needs to confirm with the patient.

After all, it is black stool, indicating that abdominal pain is likely to have a lot to do with gastrointestinal bleeding.

The same answer was again received from the sick population.

There is no disease as he claims.

This had to make Lin Feng wonder, could it really be the gastrointestinal bleeding caused by the trauma just now? Black poop too!!

Although I did a gastroscopy last year, it does not mean that there are no problems with the digestive tract this year.

When considering whether to give a patient a gastroscope.

The patient on the bed suddenly wowed and vomited a pool of blood!

The sudden vomiting of blood immediately stained the sheets red.

It frightened the patient himself, and also frightened his wife.

It also surprised Lin Feng.

Considering whether to go to gastroscopy, the patient will vomit blood!

Rough estimates, there are 200ml of hematemesis.

A bowl of blood so much.

Lin Feng immediately asked Xiaoru to speed up the rehydration, and at the same time contacted the blood bank to replenish blood.

Observation is then taken to confirm whether the patient is vomiting blood or hemoptysis.

It is difficult to distinguish between the two.

Lin Feng determined that he would vomit blood through the food residues contained in his blood.

That is to say, the patient is bleeding from the digestive tract and did not run.

At this moment, the patient is also nervous, and the heart rate soars to 130 beats per minute.

Lin Feng immediately opened his mouth and comforted: "If you get some blood, you won't die, you don't have to worry!" I have arranged for someone to give you a blood transfusion, as for the reason for your bleeding, it should be related to your trauma, of course, it cannot be ruled out that you have stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer! "

Of course, there is another possibility!

That's stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer also often causes bleeding.

It is very likely that the patient himself has stomach cancer, and after being punched, he hit the stomach, damaging the stomach tumor body, resulting in bleeding.

This logic makes sense.

However, Lin Feng did not want to increase the patient's mental burden, so he did not say these words.

Instead, he called the patient's wife out and spoke separately.

The patient has no ideological pressure, and the pressure all comes to the patient's wife!

When I heard this, I was stunned.

Just got punched, how did stomach cancer come out again.

Immediately asked Lin Feng nervously, "Doctor Lin, what should we do then?" You must save my husband! "

"Don't be so nervous! This is just my guess, not a diagnosis! We will definitely do our best to treat patients! Lin Feng said softly.


According to Lin Feng's arrangement, Xiaoru took 100ml of frozen saline with 2 sticks of norepinephrine, and let the patient drink it in a few sips.

Norepinephrine is a commonly used resuscitation to raise blood pressure.

In the hospital, the blood pressure is lifted, and peripheral blood vessels are constricted.

In other words, norepinephrine is a drug that constricts blood vessels.

The patient has gastrointestinal bleeding, with hematemesis, which is obviously upper gastrointestinal bleeding, that is, gastric bleeding or duodenal bleeding, of course, including esophageal bleeding.

Drink frozen saline and norepinephrine, on the one hand, use frozen saline to shrink blood vessels, on the other hand, norepinephrine can also constrict blood vessels, and achieve the purpose of stopping bleeding under the dual effect.

The effect is also obvious, the drug works.

The patient also did not vomit blood again.

At this time, the results of the blood routine and others came out.

Hemoglobin 90g/L

According to the patient's wife, when the physical examination last year, there was still 100g/L of hemoglobin, so this means that the patient is bleeding from the digestive tract, so the hemoglobin count is reduced.

Got that.

Then Lin Feng decided to give the patient a gastroscope!

Let's not talk about why the patient has gastrointestinal bleeding, what is needed now is to find where the patient is bleeding and stop the bleeding for the patient.

For this decision, the patient's wife and the patient naturally agree.

Soon the patient was sent to the endoscopy room.

In order to reduce the patient's discomfort, Lin Feng gave him a painless gastroscope.

That is, first inject a little shock anesthetic intravenously, wait for the patient to sleep, and then put the gastroscope into the patient's digestive tract, so as to reduce the inconsistency and resistance.

The results were expected and unexpected.

It is indeed gastrointestinal bleeding.

However, the patient did not have a stomach ulcer, nor a duodenal ulcer, nor stomach cancer.

The site of bleeding is in the cardia, where the mucosa is torn.

The cardia is located at the junction between the lower esophagus and the stomach.

It's like a level.

Separating the esophagus from the stomach, its role is to prevent food from refluxing into the esophagus.

Only food is allowed to enter the stomach from the esophagus, not from the stomach back into the esophagus.

Because the cardia has relatively strong muscles and mucous membranes.

If you see the bleeding site, it's good to solve it.

After injecting some vasoconstrictor drugs into the cardia mucosa and observing that no further bleeding continued, the gastroscopy was withdrawn.

After the patient woke up, he no longer vomited blood, and the abdominal pain was gradually relieved.

Now I figured it out.

The patient's abdominal pain, pallor, and bleeding were all caused by tears in the cardia mucosa, including symptoms of chest tightness.


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