The next day.

The first patient was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Taken to hospital by ambulance.

Lin Feng had just arrived at the consultation room when he was called over.

By the time he arrived at the emergency room, the patient had been connected to ECG monitoring.

All data indicators are normal.

The heart rate is slightly faster, reaching 110 beats per minute, which should be related to nervousness.

Then he began to carefully examine the patient's body.

It was found that he did not find any major problems except for some anxiety and nervousness.

"Doctor, how is my husband?" Seeing Lin Feng put away the stethoscope, the patient's wife immediately stepped forward and asked.

Lin Feng said softly: "I checked the patient, and there is no problem!" Tell me more about the patient! "

Hearing this, the patient's family relaxed a little.

Then began to tell the story.

It turned out that this morning the patient woke up and felt that something was wrong with him.

The left corner of the mouth is always drooling, and the pillow is still wet.

Especially when eating breakfast in the morning, I was obviously grumbling with hunger, but I could only barely open my mouth to take a bite, but I couldn't swallow it hard.

It was easy to choke on drinking water, and I didn't drink two sips of a glass of water, and I vomited it all.

At that time, he tried several times without believing in evil, and he was even choked into his trachea, and he couldn't stop coughing violently, and tears flowed out.

Obviously, seeing that the patient was not pretending, he was quickly sent to the hospital.

After understanding the situation, Lin Feng immediately thought of a disease "stroke" in his mind.

Immediately said to the patient on the bed: "Stick your tongue out and take a look!" "

Hearing this, the patient's wife hurriedly said: "Doctor, my husband has always had a thick tongue, and I have given him a lot of anti-dampness recipes!" "

"I'm not looking at tongue moss!" Lin Feng shook his head, and then continued to explain: "I see if his tongue sticks out in the middle, and whether he can move left and right!" If it is a stroke, then the patient's tongue may stick out to one side, rather than centered, and the tongue of a normal person is centered when it sticks out! "


The patient obediently stuck his tongue out.

This frightened the patient's wife, because his tongue was indeed not centered, but biased to the right.

It's exactly the same as Lin Feng said.

Immediately nervously asked Lin Feng: "Doctor, is my husband sure that he has had a stroke?" "


The patient on the hospital bed was also extremely anxious, and asked: "Doctor.... Raw, I am... Middle... Is the wind blowing? "

It's not good to speak.

Seeing this, the patient's wife hurriedly said: "Doctor, he was very sharp in his speech before, and he never lost in a normal quarrel!" "

Lin Feng nodded.

Then he said: "The patient is likely to have a cerebrovascular accident and needs a head CT examination. "

Immediately worried that they would not understand, he continued: "Cerebrovascular accident, that is, stroke!" "

Lin Feng's concern was not without reason.

The patient has had high blood pressure for 4-5 years, and the usual blood pressure control is not very good.

Now it becomes unfavorable to speak, drooling at the corners of the mouth, choking on drinking water, and sticking out the tongue is not yet centered.

All indications are that there is a high probability of a stroke.

Stroke, that is, the occurrence of cerebrovascular accident, whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, brain function will be impaired, and all skeletal muscle function in the human body may be affected.

The most common are paralysis of one limb, paralysis of tongue muscles, etc.

The expression muscles will also be affected, such as one side of the frontal line becoming shallow and darker or disappearing, the corners of the mouth are skewed, the nasolabial folds become lighter or disappear, and so on.

More severely, there will be respiratory muscle disorders, and obvious breathing difficulties will occur.

However, the patient still has some situations that Lin Feng did not understand for a while, that is, the patient is awake from beginning to end, the muscle strength of the limbs is normal, there is no hemiplegia, the limbs do not even appear fatigue, the limbs are still normal, and the physical examination finds that some neurological signs are negative, unlike typical cerebrovascular accidents.

Of course.

In any case, you still need to do a head CT first.

Naturally, the patient and his wife did not have any objections.

After the order was opened, the patient was sent to the CT room.

The results also came out quickly.

There was no intracerebral hemorrhage.

This result surprised Lin Feng slightly, which was also expected.

After all, the patient's signs are not typical, and it is not surprising that it is not a cerebral hemorrhage.

Patients with general cerebral hemorrhage often have vomiting, positive meningeal irritation, coma and other manifestations.

The most important thing is that the patient's blood pressure is normal from beginning to end.

Learned the news.

The patient's wife asked a little happily: "Doctor, my husband does not have a cerebral hemorrhage, does it mean that he has no problem!" "

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and said softly: "Not necessarily!" It is possible that it is a cerebral infarction! "

Cerebral infarction?

The patient immediately asked: "Doctor, is cerebral infarction also a stroke?" "

"That's right! Cerebral hemorrhage is that the blood vessels of the brain burst, and the blood flows out to apply to the brain tissue, which produces compression and stimulation of the brain tissue, etc., and the brain tissue will also be ischemic and hypoxic, rapid necrosis, resulting in a series of dysfunctions! "

"And cerebral infarction, is the narrowing and blockage of the blood vessels of the brain, the blood can not pass, and the oxygen is gone, then this part of the brain tissue will be necrotic due to ischemia and lack of oxygen." Of course, this process is slower, slower than cerebral hemorrhage, so now the head CT can not see obvious cerebral infarction, you need to wait until 24-48 hours later, you can see it! "

Lin Feng explained to them seriously.

Originally, when he learned that he was not cerebral hemorrhage, the patient was still a little happy.

But after hearing such words again, he suddenly felt sad.

It feels like today is my doom.

Then Lin Feng led the patient back to the emergency room and carefully watched the patient's film.

The patient was found to have some lacunar cerebral infarction, but it was less severe.

The possibility of a large-scale infarction cannot be ruled out, which cannot be seen from this film alone.

But Lin Feng had a great suspicion in his heart that the patient was a cerebral infarction.

At this time, the patient's wife found Lin Feng and asked, "Doctor, what should I do now?" What else does my husband need to check, we all do it! "

"Don't worry! Now CT or MRI is useless, you need to wait for time, my advice is to be hospitalized for observation first, and then arrange for examination! Lin Feng said to the patient's wife.

For this suggestion, the patient's wife naturally did not refuse.

After all, the doctor has already said that there is no effect in doing the examination now, and she does not understand what the situation is, so she still has to listen to the doctor's arrangement.


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