As soon as Shao Ge's words came out, Shen Jue frowned. Although he doesn't pay much attention to skin appearance, he also knows that Shao Ge's face has been ranked as the top three most handsome faces in the world.

Similar to him, is it possible that he wants to find the other two? Whether those two are still alive is a second word.

When they were talking here, the man hesitated and walked over. He smiled flatteringly, "Let's go together and take care of each other."

Shao Ge looked colder than before by three points, "No need."

Hearing this, the man reluctantly glanced at Shao Ge's face a few more times, and then walked back a few steps.

Shao Ge watched the man go, slightly relieved, but when he turned his head, he saw Shen Jue looking at the man's leaving back with the same eyes of a man.

Shao Ge: "..."

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to block Shen Jue's eyes, "Don't look, everyone is gone."

Shen Jue was blocked by a hand, so he could only withdraw his eyes, turned and walked into the room. He was still thinking about that man's space power. They set off, but he still hadn't come back.

Shen Jue leaned on his seat thinking about something, but in the eyes of Shao Ge, it was Shen Jue who was unhappy because of the man this morning.

He pursed his lips and said, "If you want to go with that man that much, wait until you get to City B and see him again, you can just follow him."

Shen Jue shook his head when he heard the words, "I won't go with him."

Shao Ge glanced at Shen Jue, "Well then."

Today they were not so lucky. They couldn't find a place to live. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Shao Ge got off the highway and found a place to park.

They can only sleep in the car today. Fortunately, Shao Ge has a water ability, and they can use water everywhere.

Shao Ge posted the newspaper on the car window and adjusted the seat back, but even so, he couldn't put down his a bit too long leg. He put his leg on the steering wheel for a while, but then he could only retract it, and Shen Jue next to him was different from him, the whole person shrank into a ball.

The night was getting darker, if it were not the end of the world, Shao Ge would rather sit on the roof of the car and watch the moon. The days under the spotlight seemed to be far away from him, it was only a few months.

Now he has no family or friends, only Shen Jue. Thinking of this, Shao Ge couldn't help but glance at Shen Jue, who turned his back to him and couldn't see his face clearly.

I still dream about getting pregnant every day.

Shao Ge slept this night and was suddenly awakened by heavy footsteps. He suddenly opened his eyes and immediately touched the gun under the seat with his hand.

He listened attentively to the movement outside. There was more than one zombie, at least three or four. Now he can only hope that the other party did not find them, otherwise he shot it, it might attract more zombies.

While Shao Ge was listening to the movement outside, Shen Jue seemed to wake up, his body moved slightly, although he raised his head, he had not spoken yet, Shao Ge leaned forward first and covered Shen Jue's lips.

His fingers were a little cold, pressed against Shen Jue's warm lips.

The two were so close, they were almost pasted together.

Shao Ge's chin was just above Shen Jue's head, and he smelled the refreshing scent of shower cream on his body.

Strangely speaking, he and Shen Jue hadn't taken a bath carefully for a few days. They flushed with water every day, but there was still a faint scent of shower gel on each other's body, as if they were going to become deodorant.

Shen Jue's lips were suddenly covered, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to push Shao Ge away. Shao Ge pressed harder when he saw that, his hand still pressed Shen Jue's shoulder. He still didn't cooperate when he saw people, so he could only lower his head to stick to Shen Jue's. He said: "There are zombies."

These three characters are almost air sounds.

These zombies not only have good eyesight, but also good hearing, and they may be attracted by speaking louder.

In the darkness, Shen Jue's eyes seemed a little bright. Hearing Shao Ge's words, he stopped his struggling movements and let Shao Ge cover his lips, but the heavy footsteps gradually approached.

When the car window was slapped, Shao Ge couldn't help cursing in a low voice, let go of Shen Jue, tore off the newspaper on the car window, and then opened the car door forcefully, hitting the zombies stuck outside to the ground, several shots Drove up.

The other hand uses electricity to scorch the zombie next to it.

Upon seeing this, Shen Jue also took out his slingshot and pebbles from his pocket. Naturally, Xiao Shizi can't get a headshot, but he can hit the zombie's eyes and close the opponent's eyesight.

It's just that the light at night is not good. Those zombies will move. Shen Jue missed his eyes a few times, either on the nose or on the forehead. Those zombies didn't care about this understatement.

However, Shao Ge took several hits on the back of his head, and he said dumbly: "You put away your broken slingshot."

Fortunately, there were only six or seven zombies. Shao Ge didn't have to work hard to solve it. The only thing that annoyed him was that those zombies seemed to like to run to Shen Jue.

After solving these zombies, Shao Ge dug out the crystal nuclei from their heads, washed them with water, and returned to the car.

Can't stay here anymore, maybe their fighting sounds have already attracted other zombies.

Shao Ge threw the crystal nuclei to Shen Jue and started the car. They returned to the highway again, and met a few zombies on the highway. Shao Ge did not slow down, bypassing the zombies and drove forward.

He didn't get off the high speed again until it was dark, and stopped to rest.

After driving the car in the middle of the night, Shao Ge is now a little tired, and he can't even pay attention to cleanliness. He took a coat and put it on his body, and hurriedly threw a sentence to Shen Jue, "I will sleep for a while. Call me" and fell asleep tired.

When he woke up again, it was noon, and he woke up after smelling the scent of food. He pulled off his jacket, sat up, and saw that Shen Jue's car door was wide open and no one was in the car.

Shao Ge stretched out before getting out of the car. He found Shen Jue not far away. Shen Jue didn't know where he got some hay and firewood, lit it, and was cooking noodles. He cooks instant noodles. The noodles in the small pot look delicious, delicious, and the soup is red, which makes people appetite when they see it.

As soon as Shao Ge approached, Shen Jue raised his head. Seeing that the person woke up, he took the small bowl next to him and filled Shao Ge with a bowl. Shao Ge didn't be polite to Shen Jue either, and he was relieved after eating it all.

After eating, Shao Ge sat in the car and studied the map. They are now very close to City B, only tens of kilometers, and they should be there in two hours.

Shen Jue went to wash the pots and bowls. Shao Ge waited in the car for a while, but did not see anyone coming back, so he got out of the car, locked the car and went to find Shen Jue in the direction where Shen Jue left.

Shen Jue said that there was a water pool nearby, so Shao Ge asked him to wash the pots and bowls. Shao Ge walked for seven or eight minutes before seeing the pool Shen Jue said.

There are not many water pools. They were originally used to irrigate paddy fields, but now no one is farming, and the fields next to them are barren.

The person he was looking for was standing by the water at this time, and a zombie was standing not far from Shen Jue. The zombie pounced on Shen Jue several times, but fortunately, Shen Jue avoided him, and Shen Jue had only a piece of wood in his hand. Stick, he hits the zombie's head every time, but the damage is too low.

The zombie's whole body was bathed in the sun, and his skin was so smoky that he was still trying to catch Shen Jue persistently, but his mouth was dragging long saliva.

When Shao Ge saw it, he rushed over. He killed the zombie in a few strokes before turning around to look at Shen Jue, "Are you okay?"

Shen Jue's expression was still calm, he nodded to Shao Ge.

Shao Ge went to check the zombie. The zombie he saw now hasn't dared to walk in the sun. Why is this zombie different?

He took out the crystal nucleus from the zombie's head and found that it was a very ordinary crystal nucleus, which was even more strange.

Reminiscing about the strange performance of the zombies last night, Shao Ge couldn't help but focus on Shen Jue's body.

Those zombies also seemed to be very interested in Shen Jue last night, and she had to pounce on Shen Jue several times.

It turned out that the zombies he met were all attacking indiscriminately. Why was it different this time?

Shen Jue met Shao Ge's eyes, already knowing what the other person was thinking, he pursed his lips and said: "It has something to do with my physique. I told you that I can attract zombies now, unless...unless pregnant, The attraction to zombies will decrease."

In the original, Shao Ge would not believe Shen Jue’s words, he would only think Shen Jue was crazy, but now... he met a man who would become pregnant the day before yesterday, and Shen Jue had told him several times. It's not like a joke every time.

Shao Ge stood up and walked back and forth a few steps before looking at Shen Jue, "Then what are you going to do?"

If Shen Jue had such a physique, it would be difficult to survive in the last days, and he himself had no abilities. If he still recruits zombies, it would be almost a dead end.

No wonder he would say that he would die if he didn't get pregnant.

Shen Jue lowered her head slightly, "I'm going to ask someone for help."

Shao Ge and Shen Jue both knew what this help meant.

When Shao Ge heard this, his expression was a little unnatural. After a while, he said: "Let's go first, let's go to City B first."

Shen Jue let out a hum, and went back with Shao Ge when he mentioned the previously washed pots and bowls. During the two-hour journey, both of them were silent. Because Shao Ge drove for almost a day yesterday, he changed to Shen Jue today.

Shen Jue kept looking ahead, his expression unchanged, while Shao Ge kept turning his head to look at the scenery along the way, he didn't know what to say.

Shao Ge doesn't like men, at least he doesn't like it until now, and Shen Jue is his teammate. He doesn't do that to his teammates, which makes him feel a little sick.

There is no emotional bond. What is the difference between a bond and an animal?

So even if Shao Ge felt a little guilty, he would not sacrifice himself and go to a man unless he was crazy.

Two hours later, they entered City B safely.

Sure enough, there is a small base in City B, but if you want to enter the base, you must hand over all the materials you have, including crystal cores, confiscated, and later distributed.

What is adopted here is equalitarianism.

After Shao Ge heard the request, he was not ready to go in. He could accept part of it, but it was too risky to give it all.

The person in charge of reviewing the information saw that Shao Ge was about to leave, thinking that Shao Ge and Shen Jue were empty, and suddenly said: "It's not impossible for you to stay here. We have a position here. You can come in without supplies."

Shao Ge stopped and turned to look at the person in charge. Even though he was in the dust all the way, it did not affect his beauty in the slightest, "Position?"

The person in charge looked at Shao Ge and then at Shen Jue next to him. He had recognized these two stars a long time ago. They also lived in a few stars here some time ago.

These two grow better, especially this one who looks a few years older.

The person in charge rubbed his hands with a deep smile on his face, "We also recruit princesses and young masters here. It is free to live in, as long as you work a few times a week."


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: patriotic, smile and kill 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Shizi Xijiang, Cangcun 20 bottles; Shen Qingyan 13 bottles; Mu Xixi 12 bottles; Gouhouling, Jiang Xie, Liugua Sananpian, Chijing, Wai, 2501571910 bottles; 7 bottles of Witch from the Wilderness; Cute Xiaolin classmate, 5 bottles of Zui Sheng Meng Wu Lian Lian Lian; his little rose, I love Shurachang, 1 bottle of dumplings

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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