Shao Ge understood what the person in charge meant by the young master, and it was the young master who said something nice, but in fact it was a duck.

Shao Ge didn't know he had to enter this base. He turned his head and left when he heard these words. He didn't expect Shen Jue next to him to speak.

"Can you pick your own guests?"

Shao Ge turned his eyes and looked at Shen Jue incredulously. He saw Shen Jue looking at the person in charge with a serious expression. He couldn't help pulling Shen Jue a few steps aside, "Are you crazy?" He lowered his voice, as if afraid. Others heard, "I know you want to live, but when you are a master, you are ruining yourself."

Shen Jue looked at Shao Ge with calm eyes, "I have nothing to do, I will follow you, it will only hurt you, maybe staying here is the safest way, you should leave me alone, these months, you Has helped me many times."

When he finished speaking, he broke away from Shao Ge's hand and walked to the person in charge.

The person in charge laughed happily when he heard that Shen Jue wanted to come in as a young master, and immediately took out a form to fill out Shen Jue, “We are very humane here. If you want to receive guests, you will receive them. The monthly salary will be linked to performance."

As soon as his words fell, Shao Ge walked over.

Shao Ge stared at Shen Jue, "Are you serious?"

Shen Jue didn't look at Shao Ge, but gave a hmm.

Shao Ge turned around and left. He sat back in the car, but couldn't help turning his eyes to look at Shen Jue who was bending over to fill out the form. They were teammates for eight years, and spent a few months together day and night.

He knew why Shen Jue chose this path, because Shen Jue wanted to live and didn't want to hurt him, but Shao Ge couldn't understand why the other party chose to be a young master.

Forget it, the ways are different.

Shao Ge simply started the car and left.

Shen Jue heard the sound of the engine behind, and the action of filling in the form paused. The person in charge kept staring at Shao Ge, and when he saw the person leaving, he touched his nose with some regret, but fortunately, there was a little beauty. .

"You just fill in all the required fields." The person in charge finished speaking, but saw Shen Jue raise his head.

"You said before that you can come in as long as you hand in all the supplies." Shen Jue asked.

The person in charge paused, then said, "Yes, but there are requirements for this material. At least one week's food or ten top-grade crystal nuclei are required, not inferior. After you come in, you have to work. Some jobs are dangerous. of."

After listening to the person in charge, Shen Jue took out ten fine crystal nuclei from his pocket.

In previous lives, both he and Shao Ge came here. The difference is that he and Shao Ge left after listening to the person in charge, but in this life he wants to stay in this base for a while.

These days he has been thinking about what to do. He relies on Shao Ge as he did in his previous life. It does not seem to be a good way. It will only be a moral kidnapping. Even if Shao Ge is willing to be responsible, his feelings for him will is love.

So Shen Jue can only advance by retreating, and more importantly, the boss in this base is Shao Ge's future lover. It's just that they haven't seen it yet. Shen Jue has only heard this person's name from others in the past few lives, and has never seen it before, so this time he wants to see it.

Shen Jue was even wondering whether he would reduce the risk if he killed the base boss in advance. After all, he heard that Shao Ge and the base boss fell in love at first sight.

Shao Ge was a straight man for the first twenty-seven years. When he saw this man, he directly changed his sexuality. Shen Jue felt that he had to meet the opponent first. If the opponent is too strong, he may have to find a way to kill the opponent in advance. .


The person in charge saw Shen Jue’s ten superior crystal nuclei, his expression was obviously stiff, but he had to say everything, and he couldn’t go back. He could only take out another form for Shen Jue to fill in, and then his attitude towards Shen Jue was obvious. It's much worse, but when he asked people to enter Shenjue, he couldn't help but say, "If you can't make it, you can still come to me."

He hinted that Shen Jue would go back and be a young master.

Shen Jue was not interested in being a young master at all, and automatically ignored the person in charge.

After he entered the base, he was assigned to a four-person bed. The three people who slept with us all went out to do the task. The person who brought him in gave Shen Jue a bedding and some necessary toiletries, and then told Shen Jue. "Although it’s about egalitarianism, everyone has to give out tasks. If they don’t give out tasks, they will be driven out. The place to lead the tasks is in the lobby on the second floor of the building next to you. Now, the easier tasks will be robbed. The cafeteria is on the third floor. You must have a task completion card before you can eat."

"Thank you." Shen Jue said.

After the man left, Shen Jue went to make the bed. The remaining three beds were full, and the one near the toilet was empty, with some sundries on it.

Shen Jue removed the debris and wiped the bedboard with a towel before spreading the bedding. After finishing all this, he wanted to take a bath, but found that the faucet that had water just now runs out.

He frowned and walked out of the door, only to notice that there was a piece of paper pasted at the door, which stated the daily water and electricity time.

He can only give up.

The three roommates didn't come back until it was getting dark. When they saw Shen Jue, they were taken aback for a while before they said hello.

The tallest of the three people is called Lao Song, who is in his forties this year. After the end of the world, he survived the whole family alone. The other two are brothers. One is called Wang Jingyi and the other is called Wang Jingming, who is in his early twenties. .

They had come back from the cafeteria after eating, and when they saw a new roommate, they always had to say a few words. After understanding that Shen Jue had only arrived in City B today, they asked him how he was outside.

"It's okay." Shen Jue is not a person who likes to greet each other, answering questions is just a few words and words.

There was a lot of talk, and the other three didn't know what to say, so they had to take turns to take a bath. The younger brother Wang Jingming knew Shen Jue's face and knew that Shen Jue was a star, so he divided half of the bread he had left with Shen Jue.

"This is what I usually eat when I am hungry. You didn't do the task today. I didn't eat anything. I'll give you half." Wang Jingming said.

Shen Jue did not evade, but took it over, "Thank you, I will pay you back tomorrow."

When Wang Jingming heard these words, he showed a weird smile.

That night, Shen Jue didn’t sleep well. Lao Song in the upper bunk snorted loudly and kicked the bedboard. The whole night was a symphony, and the two brothers on the next bed seemed to be accustomed to sleep well. Sometimes he cooperated with Lao Song to say a few sleep talks.

The next morning, the dark circles under Shen Jue's eyes were a bit obvious. It was only 6:30 when he heard Lao Song getting out of bed. Then the two brothers in the bed next door also got up.

Hearing the movement, Shen Jue looked up at the clock and found that it was only 6:40. He was taken aback.

Yesterday the man said that it was eight o'clock to take the task, it is still early.

But the three people seemed to be very anxious. They finished washing in less than five minutes and walked out in a hurry. No one called Shen Jue.

Shen Jue sat up when he saw this, and it was seven o'clock when he finished washing and going out. He walked all the way to the corridor of the dormitory, only to find that most of the dormitory was empty.

When Shen Jue arrived at the lobby on the second floor of the building next door, it was already overcrowded and there was a long line. When it was Shen Jue’s turn, it was already nine o’clock in the morning, but the person saw Shen Jue and hung up one. brand.

It says that today's task is finished.

There were a few people standing behind Shen Jue, who saw the sign and walked away silently.

Shen Jue stared at the sign for a while and asked the other person, "When do they usually line up?"

The man glanced at Shen Jue. Maybe Shen Jue was born well. He usually didn’t bother to answer this kind of question. “Usually the door will be queued at 7 o’clock. Although the task is sent at 8 o’clock, the tasks are limited. Those in the back have no tasks to do."

No wonder Wang Jingming looked at him with that look yesterday. He knew he would not receive the task.

Shen Jue only ate half a loaf of bread yesterday afternoon until night, and now she has a flat stomach. He thought for a while, then said to the man: "Can I go out by myself?"

The man shook his head when he heard the words, "We are all going out with the car and returning with the car here, and we have to get the sign every time, or maybe someone from outside will come in."

When Shen Jue heard this, he could only give up. He returned to the dormitory, but there was nothing to eat. He could only lie in a daze in bed. By noon, Shen Jue couldn't stay there anymore. He left the dormitory and wandered around.

There are only two buildings on this base. The dormitory is relatively tall, with about a dozen floors, while the building next door has only the fifth floor. It was noon, and the third and fourth floors of the building next door were in smoke.

It seems that in addition to the canteen on the third floor, the fourth floor should also be, but the fourth floor should not be open to ordinary people, perhaps the base management is qualified to enter.

At this time of noon, some people had already returned from the outside. They rushed to the cafeteria when they came back. Shen Jue, who was standing in the middle of the two buildings and wandering back and forth, looked a little abrupt.

Shen Jue was observing the dormitory building. He found that the six floors below were covered with clothes, while the clothes on the seventh floor were greatly reduced. He even saw brightly colored dresses.

A woman lives on the seventh floor.

Shen Jue looked up for a while, and suddenly saw a face exposed from the window in the corridor on the seventh floor.

Because of the distance, Shen Jue couldn't see his face clearly, but he saw the long hair of the other party.


Shen Jue was about to turn his face away when he suddenly found that the person stretched out his hand.

The hand hooked his finger in his direction.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Six, nine, fifty, four and 10 bottles; one bottle of his little rose and dumplings;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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