Tong Meng'er has been in charge of the government for many years, how could he not know Shi Zhou?

The three generations of the Shifu family are all the children of Humen. The grandfather Shi Tongru is a veteran of the three dynasties. He has now returned home, but he still has a certain degree of prestige in the dynasty. His father Shi Haoran is the general of the dynasty and has outstanding military achievements. His son, Shi Ji and Shi Zhou have followed him on the battlefield since childhood.

Especially Shi Zhou, his young age has made enemy generals frightened.

Kill Shizhou?

When Tong Meng'er heard this request, she couldn't help but was stunned, but when she saw the determination in Shen Jue's eyes, she still nodded, "The teacher's house is not moving, you should think about how to proceed with this matter."

If it's someone else, just go down with the imperial decree, but because it's a teacher, it's always a long-term plan.


Although Shen Jue was awake, she still couldn't get out of bed, and even fell asleep for seven or eight hours a day. During the few waking hours, she could barely sit on the side of the bed, panting for a word.

The decoction was delivered to the temple of Chengde in the sun. Shen Jue almost took the decoction as a meal, but the effect was not high. Tong Meng'er was so anxious that her tongue became soaked, and her intent to kill Shizhou gradually became stronger.

In her mind, there is nothing more important than her son. If a teacher dies, Wei Jiangshan will not die, and if her son dies, what meaning will Wei Jiangshan mean to her.

When Shen Jue got better and was able to get out of bed and walk around, Tong Menger hosted a palace banquet and invited all civil and military officials to have fun.

She was going to poison Shi Zhou at the banquet. It took a while for the poison to happen. It happened when Shi Zhou was away from the banquet. At that time, she was dead and there was no evidence, and the poison would make people look like sudden heart palpitations. Died.

The emperor Shen Jue was naturally present at the banquet, but Tong Meng'er was not going to tell Shen Jue her plan, and these filthy things should not stain her son's ears.

At the banquet, Shen Jue was frail. It was midsummer, but he was wearing a thick fur. In other words, Shen Jue’s face is inherited from the strengths of Tong Meng'er and Emperor Xiandi, but because of his weakness, the color of ten points has changed to five points. In addition to the shady bird between his eyebrows, the color of five points has changed again. Three points.

The face is white as paper, and the lips are like spring pears. At first glance, it looks like a short-lived ghost.

He didn't have the strength to sit upright, so he could only lean on the dragon chair. The civil and military officials underneath had long been accustomed to drinking and eating. A palace banquet was like a pantomime.

Tong Meng'er didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with this atmosphere. She sat behind the bead curtain behind Shen Jue's long chair, staring straight at the desk where Shi Haoran was sitting.

His two sons were sitting next to him.


Shen Jue is also looking at people. Tonight, Wen Yurong, the new champion of the new discipline, is also here. Because he does not have an official position, he is sitting at the back. Shen Jue can't even see his face, but can only vaguely see a personal shadow.

His body is not good anywhere, not even his eyes.

"You send this to the table of the champion man." Shen Jue called the little **** next to him, and looked at the grapes on the table.

The little **** immediately understood and walked down with the grapes. After a while, the person came back, "Wen Zhuangyuan said, thank your Majesty for the reward, you will enjoy it."

When Shen Jue heard this, he brushed his hand expressionlessly and signaled the **** to retreat. He gave Wen Yurong grapes only a habit in previous lives.

He had really liked Wen Yurong in previous lives because Wen Yurong was different from everyone else in his mind. Others always persuade him to pay attention to his body, don't do this, don't do that, but Wen Yurong can't. He always smiles and says, "If your Royal Highness is happy, you can give it a try."

Shen Jue originally thought it was a liking, but only when he died did he realize that Wen Yurong was different, just because he hated him.

Wen Yurong hated Shen Jue to cut off his future and made him a forbidden in the deep palace. It sounds good to be Fengjun, but in fact it is just the emperor's male favorite.

Shen Jue’s imperial decree humiliated the Wen family. How could Wen Yurong not hate it? But the original Shen Jue was used to being a superior, unable to empathize, and felt that this was a reward to the Wen family.

In Shen Jue's heart, although he did not give the position of the queen to Wen Yurong, there was no other person in the harem, which was no different from the position of the queen. What's more, after Wen Yurong entered the palace, he gave almost all the good things to Wen Yurong. A hundred obedience, the grace of heaven, is the best thing in the world.

Is it more comfortable to be a sixth-rank official in the court?

Now that he had the memory to come back again, he didn't want to get Wen Yurong into the palace anymore, so he had to try another way, so as to get it right.

It is a habit for Shen Jue to give grapes, but this message falls into the eyes of others, and that is not the case.

Tong Meng'er naturally noticed Shen Jue's actions. Shen Jue paid little attention to outsiders, let alone a newly elected champion. After thinking for a while, she sent the two plates of melons and fruits on her table to Bangyan and Tanhualang respectively.

Unbiased, to show that Tianjia treats equally.

Halfway through the banquet, Shen Jue couldn't hold it anymore, so he could only rest with the help of the eunuch. When he took a bath, he almost fainted, and when he returned to the dragon couch, he was already groggy.

The next day, when he woke up, Tong Meng'er was already sitting on the side of the bed. When he saw him waking up, she smiled softly and touched Shen Jue's somewhat sleepy hair, "My dear, the thing is done, you will never Don't worry about it."

Shen Jue paused before realizing what Tong Meng'er was talking about.

"Shi Zhou is dead?"

"Dead!" Tong Meng'er's tone was a bit of joy, "I was in mourning last night, and the empress sent an imperial doctor over there. The imperial doctor has already seen it, and it's completely dead. The teacher's mansion has now hung a white cloth, waiting for the seventh. After the day, it will be buried."

Is it so easy?

Shen Jue was a little stunned, but he still showed a smile, "The queen is really amazing."

After being praised by Shen Jue, Tong Meng'er couldn't hide the smile on his face, and even stepped forward and kissed Shen Jue's left and right cheeks.

The plastered lips left two distinct lip marks on Shen Jue's pale and bloodless cheeks.

Shen Jue: "..."

Tong Meng'er is good everywhere, but he is about 30 years old, and she still treats him as a child.

Shen Jue frowned, raised his hand and wiped it, but the more he wiped his face, the more it was spent. Tong Meng'er snorted, and stopped Shen Jue's movement, "Later, mother, you rub so hard, don't rub the tender skin."

At breakfast, Tong Meng'er would be prepared to feed it himself if Shen Jue hadn't insisted on eating it by himself. And the palace man on the side was already used to the behavior of the mother and son, and he didn't dare to take another look.

Shen Jue’s broken body will cause trouble if he eats one more bite, so Tong Meng'er always strictly controls Shen Jue’s diet and never makes him greedy. During the meal, Tong Meng'er had time to ask about the banquet last night.

"My dear, how did you send grapes to the champion man last night? Do you remember him?"

At the time of the election, Shen Jueke did not even raise his eyes. She chose it all.

"I heard that he is very talented. Erchen thought that such a person might become a pillar of the country in the future, so he rewarded him with a plate of grapes." Shen Jue put down the jade chopsticks and wiped his mouth after receiving the silk paw that the **** had handed over. , "It's just that the sons and ministers were not thinking well, and they didn't appreciate the second place and explore the flowers, but the mother was still thinking thoroughly.

Tong Meng'er smiled when she heard the words, "You have enough thoughts. The affairs of the government are trivial, so my son shouldn't be too tired." After a pause, her eyes moved slightly, "My dear, are you a People are too boring in the palace, do you want the queen to find someone to come in with you?"

Tong Meng'er also asked this sentence in previous lives. At that time, Shen Jue listened to Tong Meng'er's words very much, so he didn't think much about it, and nodded directly, and then Wen Yurong happened.

Now it seems that Tong Meng'er still found Sitian Supervisor.

"With a mother, why would your son feel tired?" Shen Jue replied faintly, "There is one more person dangling in front of the son, and the son is still annoying. There are enough slaves in this palace."

For example, Shen Jue, wherever he goes, he hugs a large area, and Tong Meng'er is often in his palace, and Tong Meng'er is served by many palace people.

Tong Meng'er smiled, "This person who relieves boredom is not a slave, dear boy, the queen thought about it, you are about to pass the year now, it's not good that you don't have an individual by your side, or..."

"Mother's queen." Shen Jue interrupted Tong Meng'er, "I only want to spend time with the mother's queen, no one else is needed."

Tong Meng'er was interrupted. Not only was she not angry, but happier because of Shen Jue's words. He looked at Shen Jue with relief, his eyes full of love.

But Shen Jue was worried that Tong Meng'er would still follow the old path of previous lives, and repeated it again, "Mother, the son, the minister does not need other people, as long as the mother is fine."

"The queen mother knows." Tong Meng'er smiled.

But a few days later, Shen Jue still saw Wen Yurong, but in addition to Wen Yurong, there were other Houmen children, including the second-hand and Tanhua.

Tong Meng'er organized a group of heroes and invited all the young talents in Beijing. Tong Meng'er didn't show up, just sat on the water pavilion and smiled at the group of young boys. After a while, she looked at Shen Jue who was sitting behind.

"My dear, you don't want to play with them?"

Shen Jue lifted his eyelids and shook his head.

He didn't expect that in this life he didn't directly agree, and Tong Meng'er also made a so-called look at each other.

Why didn't Tong Meng'er choose a woman? There is no other reason, but Sitian Supervisor's order said that Shen Jue's body is weak, because the yin qi in the harem is too heavy and he needs yang qi to complement it.

When she heard it, she felt that it made sense. In this palace, apart from women, she is the eunuch. It can be said that Shen Jue is the only man. This yin spirit is too heavy and will always harm Shen Jue. That's why Tong Meng'er did this scene. See the meeting.

And Wen Yurong is the one Tong Meng'er wants to get into the palace the most. After all, his eight-character Wang Shenjue, but she must respect Shen Jue's meaning, but she has already seen Wen Yurong, she has nothing to say about her appearance and character, just wait for Shen Jue herself Fancy.

"Hey, boy, look, who got the pot in the pot?" Tong Meng'er exaggerated suddenly.

Tong Meng'er was born not high and did not read much. Even if she was a queen mother for fifteen years, she did not look much like a queen mother. Sometimes she behaves a little bit rudely. But when you are a senior, why bother about these subsections.

Shen Jue didn't even lift his eyelids this time, "Who?"

"Xinke champion Wen Yurong." Tong Meng'er smiled. "The queen can hear that the folks call him Yulang now. That day, the champion was parading the streets. The street was crowded with people and couldn't walk."

Having said this, Tong Meng'er suddenly fell silent. She looked at the son in front of her and couldn't help thinking that if her son was not born in the royal family, he would have a healthy body. When he walked over the street, how could there be any Wen boy? Thing.

Her son is the real Yulang.

Tong Meng'er hurriedly turned her face away, and closed the tears in her eyes. After a while, she asked the palace clerk beside her to invite Wen Yurong up. Of course, in order not to be so obvious, she invited several others.

Shi Zhou's elder brother Shi Ji was among them.


The update is late, and 20 small red envelopes in this chapter make up for it~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Jue'er God Weihehe, Crane, 25015719, Donggu Yingkan, and Zhanuanhuanhan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Think about 40 bottles; 14 bottles of long legs; 10 bottles of bala, ah, me, Qiyueqi, Yueyue; 6 bottles of pistachio; Hundred Ghost Pills., Pretend, Jin Yuan Ru Ge, Xiao Suo × 5 bottles; 24852409, 2 bottles of Dianfeng, Xiali, Dream; 1 bottle of cocoa, dumplings, and love you;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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