A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the champion man (3)

When Wen Yurong and others came to Shuige on the way, Shen Jue's spirit was already a bit weak.

There is a carved beauty couch in the water pavilion, and Shen Jue was helped to lie on it. Because of the face of the heavenly family, a bead curtain was hung in front of the beauty couch, hiding Shen Jue's figure behind.

When the few people came up, Shen Jue was feeling dizzy and could only barely lie on the bed. He couldn't even hear what Tong Meng'er said to the few people.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly felt his calf being touched. Shen Jue frowned and turned back, but bumped into a very familiar face.

Wen Yurong, worthy of the name, gave birth to a jade face, such as cuts, ice muscles and jade bones, really a beauty made of jade, and there is no femininity at all. It is a kind of beauty and handsomeness of a man. .

Regardless of men and women, the first sight of Wen Yurong would be stunned, because they would wonder if they were dazzled, or else how would they see the fairy in the sky.

However, Shen Jue looked at this face too much, and now he has recovered his memory. There is no turbulence in his heart. He just curled his eyebrows and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wen Yurong withdrew his hand and knelt on the ground in no hurry, "The Queen Mother asked the Weichen to press his feet, saying that his legs are lacking, but the Weichen is stupid. On the contrary, he awakens his Majesty and hopes that he will forgive him."

He was wearing a sky blue summer shirt, and he was fresh and elegant, but Shen Jue was not in the mood to look more.

Shen Jue sat up with his elbows and looked out from behind the bead curtain. He seemed to see a figure outside, so he struggled to get out of bed. He wants to talk to Tong Meng'er.

But Shen Jue really overestimated his body, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, his body fell weakly. Wen Yurong raised his eyes and immediately stretched out his hand to help Shenjue, but Wen Yurong was kneeling, and it was difficult to use force. This stretched out his hand to help, not only failed to stabilize, but also brought himself down.

It's just that he always remembers that the other party is the emperor, and he has to act as a mat underneath.

So Shen Jue fell on Wen Yurong's body, and knocked his head on the opponent's chest. After being hit by this groggy head, he started to stare at Venus and couldn't move for a long time.

He did not move, Wen Yurong naturally did not dare to move.

People outside heard the movement inside, and quickly walked in. When they saw the scene inside, they took a breath and said, "My dear, why did you fall down?"

Shen Jue was lifted back to the bed with hands and feet, and his face was lost. The first time he met Wen Yurong in this life was not as good as previous lives.

Shen Jue has a strong temper in his heart, otherwise he would have almost killed the Tiandi Yaoer. Now that he fell embarrassingly on Wen Yurong, he didn't even have the strength to get up, making him really annoying, and even Tong Meng'er was bothered with it.

At that time, I didn't know how many people were outside Zhulian. I'm afraid they all knew that he, the emperor, was a useless disease.

"My dear, don't be angry, this time the queen was wrong." Tong Meng'er knew that Shen Jue was angry and kept apologizing. Seeing that Shen Jue had been reluctant to look back at her, she paused, "The queen killed all the people in Shui Pavilion yesterday, okay?"

Shen Jue opened his eyes and finally turned back to look at Tong Meng'er, "It's not enough to kill the water pavilion. The queen is afraid that she will kill everyone in this world."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Meng'er knew that Shen Jue was relieved, and she hurriedly laughed, "As long as the mother's queen Jue'er is happy, you can kill as many times as you want. Don't be angry, the number one champion yesterday is really not a good thing. Dejueer is embarrassed, do you want to get an operation on him first?"

Shen Jue pursed her lips, "Queen, if you have something to say straight."

When Tong Meng'er heard the words, she changed her smile again. She raised her hand and gently touched Shen Jue’s face, "My dear, Sitian Superintendent said that Wen Yurong’s eight characters are the most prosperous for you. If you can accompany you, maybe your body He will gradually get better. The queen sees that there is no caring person by your side. He was regarded as a **** yesterday, so it can be seen that he is still smart. The queen sent someone to follow him, and did not hear him talk to outsiders about the palace. , It must be a stern mouth, otherwise..."

She didn't finish her words, but the meaning was already obvious. Tong Meng'er wanted to get Wen Yurong into the palace.

She looked at Shen Jue’s expression and saw that the person had no intention of moving. She changed her conversation and mentioned another person, “If you don’t like Wen Yurong, it’s okay. If you are in the palace, you can cultivate and cultivate your feelings.” After a pause, "If you don’t like him, you can also stay in the palace. When the emperor is originally the harem with three thousand beauties, the mother's queen also met other people yesterday. They looked good, and they could get into the palace. One of them was called Shi Ji, It is Shizhou’s elder brother. His brother is dead, and he seems to be sad. His eyelids are all swollen. Although he has just killed his brother, it is his blessing that he can enter the palace to serve the good boy."

In fact, compared with Wen Yurong, Tong Meng'er caught Shi Ji at first sight.

Shi Ji is tall and handsome, and he is also a beautiful man who can be ranked in the capital. Wen Yurong is a bit too good-looking, and his body is not strong. How can he serve her dear boy in the future?

But Shi Ji is different. Tong Meng'er looks at men's eyes, unlike those little girls who only look at the face, she looks at the figure.

Shi Ji's waist was barely picky, it was powerful at first glance, and he would definitely stand the toss on the bed.

Moreover, if Shi Ji was brought into the palace, it would be a handle to the Shi’s family. After all, Shi Zhou’s death was too coincidental. Maybe the Shi’s had some doubts. If Shi Ji was in the palace, his life would be pinched. In the hands of their mother and son, how dare the teacher's residence then?

Shen Jue didn't expect that Tong Meng'er would even want to get Shi Ji into the palace, and her eyebrows jumped, "Mother, let's forget about this matter, my son doesn't need those people to wait on her side."

Tong Meng'er sighed, "Why? The queen looks happy when they are young and healthy. You are not happy about it? Can we get along for a while?"

Tong Meng'er was really determined to get Wen Yurong into the palace, no matter how Shen Jue refused, she did not change her mind, and the two finally took a step back.

Wen Yurong entered the palace, but his status was accompanied by the emperor, staying in the palace for fifteen days a month and at home for fifteen days.

Shi Ji, who was particularly loved by Tong Meng'er, was also taken into the palace. He was the emperor's master of riding and shooting, who specially taught Shen Jue to ride and shoot, but Shen Jue could not even ride a horse with this broken body.

Like Wen Yurong, Shi Ji lived in the palace for 15 days a month, and stayed at home for the remaining 15 days.

The few young talents whom Tong Meng'er still fancy finally failed to enter the palace, because Shen Jue's face was already so stinky, Tong Meng'er accepted it as soon as he saw it, and made people hurried to draw up the imperial decree.

Shen Jue agreed with Shi Ji to enter the palace, and he also had his own considerations. He always felt that Shi Zhou died too easily, so he needed to inquire from people close to Shi Zhou to see if Shi Zhou was really dead.

One can pretend for a while, but there is no way to pretend all the time. If Shi Zhou is not dead, Shi Ji will always show his feet.


So, the two imperial edicts went down, and the two famous men in the capital became companions.

However, in this life, Wen Yurong's identity is a companion. Although others find it strange, they did not expect to go in other ways, and privately praise Wen Yurong's good luck. The emperor's companion is the person closest to the emperor. Although the companion is like a companion tiger, if the tiger can be tamed, the future will be bright.

As for Shi Ji, everyone thought that this was the grace that the heavenly family pityed for the loss of her young son, and he deliberately rewarded it, letting everyone know that even if the Shifu lost a young general, it would be different in the eyes of the heavenly family.

But those are the ideas of stupid people, and smart people have long discovered that these two imperial edicts are wrong.

The ministers in the DPRK all know that Shen Jue is not in good health. It is a miracle to be able to go to the early court seven times a month. What kind of accompaniment is needed for such a body, and what kind of rider?

The face is grace, but I don’t actually know what it is.

They don't have any good feelings for the Demon Empress and the tyrant.

However, Shen Jue was not in the mood to care about what others thought. He was tired enough just to eat by himself, and if he took two more steps, it would be even more distressed.

He is tired enough just to live. In this situation, it is not so much that he tries hard to make Wen Yurong fall in love with him, it is better that he tries to live first.

On the second day of the imperial decree, Wen Yurong and Shi Ji entered the palace.

Tong Meng'er personally chose the palace for the two of them. They are on the left and right of the Shenjue Chengde Hall. If you want to enter the harem, you must pass through the Chengde Hall first. This also avoids the possibility of harassment between Wen and Shi.

Although Shen Jue does not have a concubine, there are still several concubines living in the harem.

Wen and Shi naturally came to thank Tianen when they entered the palace the first day. When they came, Shen Jue had just woke up from a nap while the **** was still combing his hair.

When Wen Yurong heard that the emperor was just waking up, he silently glanced at the sun that was going west. Shi Ji was accompanied by his face, with no expression.

When the door was opened from the inside, the two of them were led in by the eunuch, and into the side hall, they opened their robes and knelt on the ground.

"Weichen pays homage to your majesty."

Shen Jue leaned on the dragon chair and looked at the two young men kneeling underneath with his eyes down. Young, indeed young, his shell is about thirty, and Wen Yurong has just reached the championship, and Shi Ji is only twenty-two this year.

It's no wonder that Tong Meng'er said that he would be happy to see them, and the youthful and vivid breath seemed out of tune with this lifeless palace.

"Get up," he said wearily.

Wen and Shi got up, but Shen Jue thought for a while, but didn't know what to say, so they had to withdraw.

He hasn't figured out how to treat Wen Yurong. The Wen Yurong he has seen in previous lives is fake, and his understanding of preferences may also be fake. This life can be regarded as starting from the beginning, let him think about it.

The next day, Wen and Shi will take office.

Tong Meng'er gave Wen Yurong a row in the morning, Shi Ji in the afternoon, so Wen Yurong came to Chengde Hall early in the morning.

The chief **** of Chengde Hall hewed his waist when he saw Wen Yurong, "Master Wen, your Majesty is still asleep this time, should you go to the partial hall for a cup of tea?"

Wen Yurong nodded gently, "Thousands of years are troublesome."

"Don't bother, my lord, please."

As a result, Wen Yurong waited until the sun rose and changed a few cups of tea, but did not wait for Shen Jue to get up.

When it was almost noon, the **** hurried to invite Wen Yurong, saying that Shen Jue had already risen.

Wen Yurong's expression remained unchanged, and he followed the **** to the main hall to face the saint. When he went there, he just heard Shen Jue talking.

Because of his physical weakness, Shen Jue's voice was a little weak. He was obviously an adult man, but it sounded like a child's voice.

"Gutoday doesn't want to wear that thick, change to a thinner one."

The minions under his hands are a little embarrassed. Shen Jue is not in good health. If he wears less, and catches a cold after the wind blows, the heads of these minions will not be able to keep.

When they were embarrassed, they heard a melodious male voice.

"It's hot at noon. Why don't you change it to something lighter and wait until the daylight fades before changing it back?"

Shen Jue heard the voice and already recognized the person. He didn't look at the other person, but at the minion in front of him, "Did you hear it? Don't do it?"

Wen Yurong saw this scene, was stunned, a conjecture appeared in his heart, and then, this conjecture gradually manifested.

Tong Meng'er went to worship the Buddha today and didn’t have time to take care of this son. So the son had a trouble at home. He was either clamoring to wear a few fewer items, or clamoring to eat a few more mouthfuls. If the minions disagree, the son will look at him. Wen Yurong on the side.

The meaning in the eyes is obvious--

"You tell me, hurry up!"

In previous lives, the servants who served by Shen Jue heard Wen Yurong's words inexplicably. What Shen Jue asked Wen Yurong to say became very reasonable. Therefore, in this life, Shen Jue is not going to waste Wen Yurong's specialty.

Therefore, Wen Yurong just watched Shen Jue's eyes and talked to the minion during the one and a half hours when the imperial court was serving.

And relying on Wen Yurong's eloquence, Shen Jue got an unprecedented small bowl of red bean smoothie.

This thing, Tong Meng'er basically not let Shen Jue touch.

After Shen Jue ate the smoothie, she fell ill in the afternoon. After Tong Meng'er rushed back from the temple and learned the news, she was so angry that Wen Yurong immediately went to the Chengde Temple and knelt for punishment.


Wen Yurong knelt outside, and the day the chief **** saw his pity, and walked over to raise Wen Yurong's attention while no one was paying attention. He had received the grace of the prime minister.

"Master Wen, your majesty's temperament is actually a child's temperament. You can't get used to him. It's all our slaves who are used to accidents." His voice was low, for fear that others might hear him.

Wen Yurong hung his head and nodded a moment later, "Xie Qiansui raised a point, I will remember it later."


In the inner temple.

Tong Meng'er looked at Shen Jue's ailing appearance, and couldn't get angry, but couldn't bear to train him. He only whispered softly: "Who did you eat that smoothie for? Who teased you? Took his skin off."

Shen Jue shook his head, "My son wants to eat it himself, no wonder the others, the queen, let the little **** with smoothie."

Tong Meng'er's eyes widened, "Let him continue to carry it, and see if he dares to bring any messy things to you in the future."

The little **** who brought Shen Jue smoothie at noon was kneeling outside with a large bowl of smoothie.

After Tong Meng'er finished speaking, her eyes changed slightly, "Why don't you say a few words for Wen Ban?"

"Erchen said, the queen wouldn't let go, so what else did the minister say?" Shen Jue said.

"Hmph, I think your little slippery head is deliberate, I don't usually hear you clamoring for any smoothies, but today it is upset." Tong Meng'er nodded Shen Jue's nose, "I don't want your country's pillar Be a little companion? Next time you deliberately toss your body, the queen will simply give him medicine and throw it in front of you."

Tong Meng'er of previous lives also gave Wen Yurong medicine because she knew that her son was not healthy, but she couldn't let people hold Wen Yurong and let Shen Jue go up again. In this case, Shen Jue would not be the first one, because she was too It's shameful, and it hurts too much.

Therefore, Tong Meng'er gave Wen Yurong the medicine of tiger and wolf. She thought simple. When the two of them get close in bed, the feelings under the bed will naturally heat up.

It's just that Shi Zhou finally solved the medicine on Wen Yurong's body.


Because Tong Meng'er had done this kind of thing, Shen Jue could only look serious, "Mother, if you give Wen Yurong medicine, then... Erchen will let him touch his son."

Tong Meng'er's eyes widened suddenly, and her lips trembled with anger. It took him a long time to say: "You bastard, dare you!"

Anxious, she got up and went out, caught a minion and hit it twice, turning her palms red, then turned and walked back, looking at Shen Jue on the bed, and sighed again and again.

Shen Jue couldn't talk to Tong Meng'er for long, and people fell asleep again, but the next day he woke up to know that Tong Meng'er was really angry yesterday, Wen Yurong knelt until the sky turned pale and passed out, and was helped back.

Therefore, Wen Yurong failed to come this morning. In the afternoon, Shen Jue met Shi Ji.

Shi Ji is different from Wen Yurong. He doesn't talk casually. What Shen Jue says, he is in the audience, Shen Jue does not speak, he just stands beside him.

Shen Jue is not in good health, and can't even go to the shooting range. Shi Ji didn't mention it, but stood beside Shen Jue with a blank face.

Shen Jue looked closely at Shiji, and saw that the opponent's eyes were still a little red, his heart moved, and he slowly said, "Is your brother buried?"

When Shi Ji heard his brother's name, his expression changed obviously, his eyes could not hide his grief. He lowered his head and replied in a deep voice, "It has been buried."

"Gu is not in good health, so I can't come to condolences." Shen Jue's eyes turned slightly and asked someone to bring a closed lotus plant in front of the window. "This is a gift to your brother. You put this in his Grave head."

Shi Ji took Fu Yao and could only kneel on the ground to thank you.

Isn't the flower that was picked before it bloomed deliberately mirroring Shizhou?

Shen Jue's intentions made people think deeply, Shi Ji's expression was a bit unstretched, but Shen Jue was a monarch and he was a minister.

After Shen Jue gave the flowers and let Shi Ji retreat, he was satisfied with the initial trial, but he couldn't take it lightly.

In the following days, Shen Jue saw the two men and sent them away. Tong Meng'er saw it in her eyes, and was anxious in her heart. When she gradually entered the autumn, she took Shen Jue to a hot spring in another hospital in Beijing. Of course, she did not forget to bring Wen and Shi.

The other courtyard was heavily guarded on a mountain on the outskirts of the capital.

It was in the afternoon when they arrived. The temperature on the mountain was colder than that at the bottom. Shen Jue was already cold. When he arrived on the mountain, he felt cold no matter how much he dressed.

Tong Meng'er hurriedly sent him to go to the hot springs, but also let Wen Yurong and Shi Ji go to soak together.

Shen Jue wore a thin shirt and soaked in the pool, Wen Yurong and Shi Ji sat on each side, and the three were far away.

Without Tong Meng'er's instructions, the two of them dared not go into the water, but now that they are in the water, it is inevitable to be embarrassed.

Who would dare to take a bath with the emperor?

The hot spring water was misty, covering half of the body, reducing the embarrassment a bit. Shen Jue was lying on the edge of the pool. The hot spring was a medicinal bath, which made him feel comfortable. This was a rare time when his body was comfortable, so Shen Jue didn't bother those two people either.

Only after soaking for a long time, the hands and feet started to feel soft. Shen Jue straightened his head and yelled, but all the palace servants who were waiting there were gone.

Shen Jue frowned and heard voices coming from behind.

"Does your majesty want to go up? The Weichen will help your majesty go up." It was Wen Yurong's voice.

The bottom of the pool is covered with pebbles, and there is no place to support it. Shen Jue is really unable to get up, so he can only turn his head and look at Wen Yurong, whose face is mostly covered by the mist, "Come here." ."

The sound of water gradually approached.

Wen Yurong was soaked in the hot spring water, and the clothes were almost stuck to her body. Shen Jue took a look, then turned her face away, and reached out to Wen Yurong.

Wen Yurong supported Shen Jue's arm, and the other hand carefully supported Shen Jue's back waist, trying to gently push Shen Jue up, but he really overestimated Shen Jue's broken body.

The person didn't push up, but fell off again. Wen Yurong quickly caught it, this time because he was standing, he held the person firmly, but Shen Jue still hit him.

His head hit Wen Yurong's chin.

Wen Yurong hissed softly, his chin was hit red, but Shen Jue was worse than him. He slammed his eyes and got gold stars. He couldn't stand still, and his body kept sliding down.

Wen Yurong could only increase his strength a little, forcibly hugged the person, and said in his mouth: "Your Majesty, Shuchen is offended."

After a while, Shen Jue barely managed to stabilize his body. He put his hand on Wen Yurong's shoulder, and suddenly felt that a gaze fell on them.

Apart from the two of them, there is only Shi Ji.

Everyone understands that you cannot look directly at the emperor's holy face, but why does Shi Ji look over it so blatantly?

Shen Jue frowned, and for a while, he patted Wen Yurong on the shoulder, "You hug the lonely person and go up."

Wen Yurong was taken aback, but he didn't say anything. He carried Shen Jue up obediently, but after going up, Shen Jue was still unwilling to get off Wen Yurong, "You can go back to the palace with the lonely person."

He paused and looked at Shi Ji who was still soaking in the water, "Shi Ji, bring Gu's cloak."

It took a while for Shi Ji to get out of the water. When he came out, Shen Jue paused and quickly turned his eyes away.

Shi Ji's clothes seemed to be very close to the body. When the water was soaked, everything was revealed, especially three inches below the abdomen. He straightened up and walked to this side with his legs, making it impossible to ignore his heavy presence.

Shen Jue could only turn his face away, when he didn't see it.

It's so popular.

Shi Ji easily landed ashore, picked up the cloak on the red lacquered wooden plate and walked over. He looked at Shen Jue, who was held in his arms by Wen Yurong, and pressed his lower lip before putting the cloak on Shen Jue's body.

Then took Wen Yurong's cloak and put it on Wen Yurong's body.

After Wen Yurong said thank you, he was ready to walk forward holding Shen Jue, but before he left, Shi Ji just said to the side, "Your Majesty, it's better to hold your Majesty and return to the palace."


The red envelope in the previous chapter has been issued~

The babies over there in Sichuan should be good

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Ji Xia two pick one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

A chrysanthemum of the motherland, natural rolls, 10 bottles of studious; 6 bottles of the king of the waist; 5 bottles of the pampered cat, Millennium and Anjiu; 4 bottles of pistachio; question wine. , 1 bottle of dumplings;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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