A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the nine-tailed fox (46)

But to his words, the white fox in the cage didn't react at all.

Shen Jue was silent for a while, raised his hand to enchant the courtyard, and opened the cage. After he opened the cage, the white fox inside did not move. Shen Jue thought about it, got up and stepped back several steps, and saw the white fox quickly emerge from the cage.

Fu Jiuyin wanted to escape when he got out of the cage, but he was walking around in the yard, unable to find a place to go out, dragging a lame leg, and wanted to climb the tree in the yard.

Shen Jue watched him crawling, and at the same time he used Fu Jiuyin to perform the purification technique. This spell was so scared that Fu Jiuyin fell directly from the tree, turning his head and screaming at Shen Jue.

The fox's voice is not very nice, even if it is a fox like Fu Jiuyin, it sounds a bit painful in the ears.

Shen Jue didn't care about Fu Jiuyin. With the enchantment, the opponent couldn't climb out even with wings on, so he was relieved to go out to the drugstore. The doctor in the town treats people and does not treat animals. Fortunately, Shen Jue knows a little bit of medical skills. As long as he grabs the medicine, he goes back to Fu Jiuyin.

But the drug application is much harder than Shen Jue imagined.

It was true that Fu Jiuyin could not get out, but as soon as Shen Jue approached, the guy dragged his lame around and crawled around, preventing him from approaching at all. In the end, Shen Jue had no choice but to perform a fixation technique on Fu Jiuyin. .

Now that Fu Jiuyin was chopped by the sky thunder into what it is now, I am afraid that all the past events have been forgotten, and it is almost no different from other ordinary foxes. He suddenly realized that he couldn't move, his eyes went round in fright, and his ears that had been erected were folded.

Shen Jue walked over, a little helpless in his tone, "Fu Jiuyin, you are too naughty, so I gave you the fixation technique. After applying the medicine, I will let you go." After he finished, he bowed his head to the other party. When applying the medicine, it was a bit too painful, Fu Jiuyin kept screaming, making Shen Jue's ear hurt.

He couldn't help but twisted his eyebrows, but still carefully treated the wound for the other party. If that leg is really lame in the future, Fu Jiuyin will be lame when he becomes a human form.

After applying the medicine, I wrapped it with gauze several times and tied a beautiful bow. Only then did Shen Jue untie Fu Jiuyin's body fixation technique. Once untie it, the other party ran away with a "swish". Said that although it was a lame fox, the speed was really fast enough, and I don't know how he was caught by a mortal.

Shen Jue checked Fu Jiuyin's body, and his inner alchemy was still there, but it was almost destroyed, just like nothing. Now Fu Jiuyin is an ordinary fox. He wants to eat and drink Lazar and still can't understand human words. Shen Jue can only think of a way to take care of him.

Fu Jiuyin was afraid of going into the house and only wanted to sleep in the yard. Shen Jue prepared a big water bowl for Fu Jiuyin and let him drink water, but Fu Jiuyin was so naughty that he would grab the bowl with his paw every time. That bowl would be knocked over. After being knocked over, the water fell on the ground and mixed with the mud. When Fu Jiuyin saw it, he stuck out his tongue to lick it.

After Shen Jue saw it, she couldn't bear it anymore, walked over and grabbed Fu Jiuyin by the back of his neck, and lifted it up, "The water is too dirty, don't drink it, I'll pour new one for you."

But the other party did not understand.

Now Shen Jue has been with the other party for a few days, and I know a little bit how to deal with Fu Jiuyin. Grab the nape of the neck and lift it up so that the other party will not struggle. If she wants to hold it up, Shen Jue’s hand is afraid that Fu Jiu will be caught. Yin bite through.

Because Fu Jiuyin liked to play with water too much, Shen Jue replaced the water bowl with a basin and fixed it to the ground so that Fu Jiuyin could not overturn it. In this way, the problem of drinking water was barely solved.

Fu Jiuyin only eats chicken, so Shen Jue goes out every day to buy chicken for him. Because he doesn't want Fu Jiuyin to eat raw meat, he deliberately goes to the restaurant to buy it every day, so that the back chef will put less seasoning and go there more often. , Xiao Er in the restaurant remembered him. When he went to the back, he prepared Shen Jue in advance every day, but couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Guest, you buy chicken every day. Does your family like chicken very much?"

"Well, I like it very much. I only eat chicken." Shen Jue whispered, paying for the food box and turning away.

But this guy ate a lot of chicken and started to pick his mouth. Today, I saw Shen Jue coming back with a food box. He leaned in and sniffed and turned away. Shen Jue has been raising him for almost a month. Although he still can’t get too close, Fu Jiuyin now runs away without seeing him. When he eats, he will be a little more enthusiastic about Shen Jue and will come to him. .

Shen Jue put the chicken into Fu Jiuyin's bowl, and saw the other party still curled up asleep under the tree, and couldn't help saying, "Aren't you hungry?"

Fu Jiuyin lazily opened one eye and closed it again. Although it was a hairy face, Shen Jue still saw the disgust revealed by the other party.

This guy really doesn't change his nature.

Shen Jue took the bowl and walked towards Fu Jiuyin, but when the other party heard the sound, she would flee. Shen Jue quickly drew over, grabbed Fu Jiuyin's nape and put the bowl to the other party's mouth. , "Be obedient, you have to heal up early."

But Fu Jiuyin only took a perfunctory bite and refused to eat it, no matter how Shen Jue put the chicken to his mouth.

When Shen Jue saw this, he simply let go of his hand and put the bowl under the tree. No matter what, he went straight back to the house. When night fell, Shen Jue did not come out. He heard two fox calls outside. When not heard.

He didn't want to get used to Fu Jiuyin.

It wasn't until late at night that Shen Jue opened the door and went out, only to find that Fu Jiuyin was not sleeping under the tree, but in the previous cage, curled up into a ball, and Shen Jue was placed under the tree. In the bowl, the chicken in it was bitten a few more times, but only a few more bites.

Shen Jue couldn't help sighing, even if Fu Jiuyin's servant fell to this point, he would still be so picky.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Jue went out to the market and bought a chicken that had been slaughtered and lost its hair. He brought it back and prepared it for himself. While cooking the chicken, Fu Jiuyin slipped to the door of the kitchen. He didn't dare to come in. He just probed his head at the door. The fragrance of the chicken behind became stronger and stronger, and he was still drooling.

This time, Fu Jiuyin finished the chicken and stared at Shen Jue's hand with big eyes, as if asking if there were any more.

"No, I'll do something else for you tomorrow." Shen Jue said softly. Seeing the white fox in front of him still staring at his hand, he hesitated, and slowly reached out to touch the opponent's head, but just moved in, Fu Jiu Yin barked his teeth, and there was a low growl in his throat.

Shen Jue had to put his hand back again.

On the second day, Shen Jue cooked fish, and on the third day, he cooked beef...

In the next month, it was hardly repeated. Even the same ingredients can make different flavors. Fu Jiuyin stayed at the kitchen door from the beginning, then turned into a squat sitting next to Shen Jue’s legs in the back. Sometimes Shen Jue cooked too long, he could not help but stretch out his paws and pull down Shen Jue’s trousers. It's just that he can't control his strength well, and often catches blood marks one after another on Shen Jue's leg.

Shen Jue was often caught and took a breath, but he looked down at the other person, Fu Jiuyin didn't know what he had done, just looked at Shen Jue with fox eyes and licked his mouth from time to time.

"Forget it." Shen Jue turned his head and persuaded himself, "Forget it."

This is what Shen Jue said the most to himself after raising a fox.

After a long time, it is inevitable to have negligence. One day Shen Jue neglected to clothe the enchantment, so he went out to buy vegetables. When he came back, Fu Jiuyin was gone.

Shen Jue immediately left the food in his hand and turned to find Fu Jiuyin. He used the breath-seeking technique to find Fu Jiuyin's breath, but Fu Jiuyin has now become an ordinary fox, whose breath is far stronger than before. There are so many people here, and the breath is easily covered.

Shen Jue almost turned the whole town over before finally seeing Fu Jiuyin.

Fu Jiuyin was hiding under a rotten table on the corner of the street, and a group of young children stood in front of him. Those young children surrounded Fu Jiuyin with stones in their hands. They smashed Fu Jiuyin with a rock, grinning, "It's fun, this white dog is stupid."

The stone smashed Fu Jiuyin's newly healed leg again. Wherever he went, he couldn't avoid the stones. In the end, he could only hide under the table and evade in a hurry.

Shen Jue watched this scene and hurriedly stepped forward, "Don't smash it, this is my fox. If you want to smash it again, I will find your parents."

The child is most afraid of hearing about finding parents. Hearing this sentence, he quickly dispersed like a bird and an animal.

After the group of children ran away, Shen Jue walked to the rotten table and squatted down.

The corner of the table was rotten, and it was difficult for people to get in, so he just squatted in front of the table and whispered: "Fu Jiuyin, it's okay, come out."

He stretched out his hand to Fu Jiuyin.

After a long time, he saw the white fox hiding inside crawling out.

Fu Jiuyin rubbed Shen Jue's palm with his smashed and bleeding head, and a grieved sob sounded in his throat.


good night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: your cat and 1 sake from the bottom of the tree;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of shredded carrots; 10 bottles of kkkkkkk; a long rabbit's tail, Nian'an, 363216005 bottles; 3 bottles of Qucai; 1 bottle of Jueer Shenweihehe, Dumplings, Youdao Shi, and Rhubarb is a dog;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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