A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the nine-tailed fox (47)

After raising Fu Jiuyin for more than two months, Shen Jue was able to hold each other in his arms for the first time.

Fu Jiuyin was injured by a group of children. Now, after being held in his arms by Shen Jue, he put his bleeding head softly on Shen Jue's arm, and whimpered from time to time.

Shen Jue took him home. Fortunately, the medicine left last time. After returning home, he couldn't take care of the vegetables still on the ground for the time being. First put Fu Jiuyin down and turned around to get the medicine in the house.

I don't know if Fu Jiuyin knew that he was saving him. This time when he was taking the medicine, the other party didn't struggle for an unprecedented time, but the pain was tight, so he wailed pitifully.

"Deserve it." Shen Jue said calmly, "Next time I run, I won't care about you."

Fu Jiuyin didn't know if he understood, but he even groaned back. Shen Jue looked down at his overly bright fox eyes, and the corners of his lips were pursed, and he stopped talking.

The most serious injury of Fu Jiuyin was the previous hind leg injury. It was almost healed, but now he was injured again. When Shen Jue sprayed the powder, Fu Jiuyin turned his head in pain and bit Shen Jue’s hand in one bite. .

Shen Jue took a deep breath, didn't rush to withdraw his hand, but yelled at Fu Jiuyin: "Lose mouth!"

Fu Jiuyin opened his mouth, his eyes rolled around, and then slowly let go. Even so, Shen Jue's hand was still bitten out of blood, and his teeth were sharp.

Shen Jue was about to take a handkerchief and wipe the blood off it casually, but Fu Jiuyin got close again. He glanced at Shen Jue before tentatively sticking out his tongue.

When the rough tongue licked up, Shen Jue couldn't help but frowned, but still resisted the urge to push the fox's head away.

After dealing with Fu Jiuyin’s wound, Shen Jue picked up the vegetables on the ground to cook, but one hand was bitten and he could only cook with one hand as much as possible, so this meal was made for a long time. .

After being bullied outside, Fu Jiuyin is now a lot better-behaved and lay down at the door of the kitchen honestly.

Shen Jue didn't eat, so he put the cooked meat in Fu Jiuyin's bowl, then turned around and went into the room, ready to take a shower, but he closed the door, and Fu Jiuyin outside suddenly screamed with a miserable cry. As if someone was beating him, Shen Jue quickly opened the door and found that Fu Jiuyin didn't know when he had climbed to his door. When he opened the door, Fu Jiuyin was still pulling the door with his claws.

Shen Jue was taken aback for a while, before he knelt down, "You don't want me to close the door?"

Fu Jiuyin could not speak, just yelled.

Shen Jue's heart suddenly beat faster at that moment, "Fu Jiuyin, can you understand me? Can you understand two calls."

But after these words, Fu Jiuyin didn't scream, just tilted his head and looked at him.

Shen Jue gave a vacant smile, stood up and couldn't help shaking his head. How could he feel that Fu Jiuyin could understand him now? It's just that you can understand some of the tones, loudly means fierce, and lowly means not fierce.

He was about to close the door again, but as soon as he closed it, Fu Jiuyin screamed, and he didn't even eat the meat. Shen Jue had no choice but to open the door to take a shower. Fortunately, there was a screen to block it.

Shen Jue is now a dragon, so he can't control time when he soaks in water. He puts his hands on the edge of the bathtub, a little drowsy. Today, he looked for Fu Jiuyin for a day, and then he stood in the kitchen cooking all the time, really tired.

But suddenly, he opened his eyes and turned his head to meet a pair of fox eyes.

Fu Jiuyin didn't know when he got in. Two paws were on the top of the bath tub, and his eyes looked curiously. He seemed to notice the dragon tail in Shen Jue's bath tub, and his pupils became significantly larger.

Shen Jue frowned and said coldly, "Fu Jiuyin, go out!"

The white fox in front of him seemed to have not heard it, and even kicked on his hind legs. He arched and climbed up. This movement was really dangerous. Shen Jue immediately tried to stop him, but Fu Jiuyin had already crawled half of his body. He came up, and then his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell into the tub with an inverted onion.

The splashing water made Shen Jue's face, and it was not this that made Shen Jue angry, but that he had just taken the medicine, and now it was in vain.

As soon as Fu Jiuyin fell into the water, he was overwhelmed and struggling hard. Then, he suddenly saw Shen Jue and quickly swam over. The whole fox crawled on Shen Jue. After finally climbing up, he had two front paws. Holding Shen Jue's shoulder tightly, the sharp nails were almost embedded in the flesh.

Upon seeing this, Shen Jue had to completely transform into a human form, holding the fox hanging on him with one hand, while coming out of the tub.

The bath was gone and the medicine was gone, Shen Jue cast a spell in a hurry to dry the hair on Fu Jiuyin, and went to the drugstore. Fortunately, the pharmacy has not yet closed. When Shen Jue returns to give Fu Jiuyin a good medicine, it is already very late.

He lost the mood of taking a bath, used a bidet technique, and went back to sleep, but he was awakened by a fluffy head again in the middle of the night.

Shen Jueshang opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a white mass. He paused and reached out and touched it. It was Fu Jiuyin.

He actually crawled in from the open window, and now climbed onto Shen Jue's bed, with a hairy head arching around. Shen Jue was annoying being stepped on by him, and was about to push him down, but Fu Jiuyin had already found a good posture. He squeezed the fox's **** into Shen Jue's arms and pressed his body on Shen Jue's neck, with his head sleeping beside Shen Jue's pillow.

Shen Jue's eyebrows beat, and he stretched out his hand to push Fu Jiuyin, but as soon as he pushed twice, Fu Jiuyin sobbed twice, sounding very pitiful.

As a result, Shen Jue was a little unable to do anything. The fox was bullied during the day, and now he dare not sleep by himself at night. Shen Jue thought for a while, but put his hand back.

This time, Shen Jue was not sleeping well. Fu Jiuyin would change his posture after a while, and then fell asleep on his head again, almost suffocating him.

It was not until the sky was bright that Fu Jiuyin jumped off the bed and limped back down the same road.

Shen Jue closed his eyes and applied a purification technique to himself before finally being able to sleep for a while. It's just that he can't sleep for too long and has to go out to buy vegetables. Only the early morning meat is fresher in the market.


Since Fu Jiuyin escaped and was injured, he has been extremely clingy for several days. He would crawl in from the window in the middle of the night every day. Shen Jue had tried to close the window, but the end of the closing was that Fu Jiuyin kept scratching the door. The sound of nails scratching the door panel was almost magical, and Shen Jue had no choice but to get up and open the door.

Shen Jue was asleep, the dragon’s tail would come out unconsciously, and one night, he was awakened by an abnormal movement, half straightened up, and saw a white fox holding his dragon’s tail and licking there. He tried to bite again with his teeth. Fortunately, the dragon scales were still hard, so they were not directly bitten.

Shen Jue quickly put the dragon's tail away, sat up, grabbed Fu Jiuyin's nape, and forcibly lifted the opponent.

"Don't bite, bite again and I'll beat you."

Fu Jiuyin roared back, as if he was a little angry at Shen Jue's obstruction. When Shen Jue saw this, he simply pressed the white fox on his lap, pressing one hand on his neck, and hitting the fox's **** with the other hand.

The spanked fox immediately struggled, and Shen Jue almost couldn't hold him.

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows, picked up the fox on his legs, and stretched out his hand to hit the opponent's nose heavily, "Fu Jiuyin!"

This bullet finally calmed Fu Jiuyin.

Shen Jue hadn't slept well for several days, and now he was awakened by Fu Jiuyin again. He was very tired. He simply hugged the other party and lay down without knowing it became asleep on his pillow.

Then Shen Jue found that he was sleeping with Fu Jiuyin, so the other party would not move around in the middle of the night. Before going to bed every day, he gave Fu Jiuyin a body cleaning technique, changed the dressing, and then put him in bed.

More than ten days later, Fu Jiuyin’s legs were complete, and Shen Jue’s silver was almost spent. He took shark beads from the storage ring and prepared to exchange for money, but saw the pain he put in the storage ring. .

This thing was originally to be exchanged for the Extreme Spirit Pill, but after discovering that Xue Wenchun was the treasurer of All Things, he did not take it out.

Shen Jue had heard that this painstaking effort could increase the life span of the monk, and it seemed to be beneficial to the monster beast. He didn't know the specific benefits. Thinking of this, he left the door and grabbed Fu Jiuyin who was climbing a tree in the yard to play.

His blood was precious, and Shen Jue was afraid that it would be spilled if it was poured into the bowl, so he forcibly opened the mouth of the opponent and poured the blood in.

Fu Jiuyin didn’t respond as soon as he finished drinking. In the afternoon, he became drowsy. Shen Jue was afraid that he would have an accident, so he put Fu Jiuyin on the bed and stayed beside him. In the middle of the night, Fu Jiuyin’s Four more tails suddenly appeared behind him.

This surprised Shen Jue. He also stretched out his hand and touched the other party's tail to see if he was dazzling, but he counted it several times, and Fu Jiuyin's tail changed from one to five.

It turns out that dragon blood is useful for Fu Jiuyin. Although Shen Jue can't take the blood of the heart again, he can take the blood of the dragon, but the effect is not equal to the blood of the heart. For the next few months, he would take blood from himself every day for Fu Jiuyin to drink. Fu Jiuyin seemed to be interested in his blood. As long as Shen Jue put a bowl in front of him, he would come forward. Drink cleanly.

After raising for a few months, Fu Jiuyin's tail changed from five to seven, and he was able to phantom.

On the day that Fu Jiuyin was transformed into a phantom, Shen Jue was taken aback, because he woke up and saw a five or six-year-old boy sitting naked next to him.

"Who are you?" As soon as Shen Jue said these words, he found that the little boy in front of him looked like the original Fu Jiuyin. The flame pattern on the center of the eyebrows, the slender and beautiful fox eyes, the tall nose, and the red lips like begonias, all look like Fu Jiuyin. If Shen Jue hadn't known that Fu Jiuyin had no son, he would have thought that the little boy in front of him was Fu Jiuyin's son.

Shen Jue hesitated, then said softly, "Fu Jiuyin?"

The little boy tilted his head when he heard the words, and the fox blinked slightly, "Who are you to me?"

The voice was clear and clear, and it didn't seem like a monster that had just turned into a successful monster.

Is this the legendary lineage advantage? Even if Fu Jiuyin was chopped into that shape by the sky thunder, he could still change back to the original shape, even without learning some things.

But Fu Jiuyin now looks like this, how can he start?

How long will it take for Fu Jiuyin to grow up?

When Shen Jue was depressed, Fu Jiuyin seemed impatient, climbed over, sat down on Shen Jue's lap, and said gratifyingly, "You haven't told me, who are you?"

Shen Jue looked at the delicate face in front of him, thought about it, and said, "I am your uncle."

Fu Jiuyin blinked. He didn't know if he believed it or not. After a while, he stretched out his slightly rounded arm and hugged Shen Jue's neck, "Uncle, I'm hungry."


I said on WB that this copy would be finished within 50 chapters, I can! 【Do not

Dregs of: being hit by the attack ass, you are not the first?

Fox: ...you are looking for death!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: One smile;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: One smile;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 pro-qing, yuf, and chun; Bucheng, 25585705, 25015719, Bai Congee Restaurant, Zhou Lang, Ebony, Fanxing Yingzai, and Momo's bun

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1790463365 bottles; A zhang grows very long 20 bottles; 2063415714 bottles; only I am normal, cold bones X long miss, early to bed and early to rise, half a gloomy day, formalin dream, solstice~? 10 bottles; think about 8 ; 7 bottles of grapefruit tea every day; 6 bottles of departure; 5 bottles of sake, Weiwei, Moshang Yuhan, Suqiu, third-class disabled Chaofenger and lopp; 3 bottles of Liuyun not staying; 2 bottles of Miao Xiangjun; Folk, Li Xiaoyao, Lulululu, Qingzhi, Dumplings, Jiarenzhusu, Lemon, Luannu (?▼×▼?), Jueer Shenweihehe, Yuyuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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