A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Traveling Squirrel Diary (Part 2)

Later, I stayed in Tianshui Sect for some time, but I never saw the legendary female squirrel. Mr. Xie Shen told me that he would take me there in a few days, saying that the female squirrel was rather shy and didn’t want to see me. I waited and waited. I didn’t know if I waited for a few days, the blind date hadn’t been arranged for me. Come down.

So I got angry and ran away again.

The escape this time was much harder than going out of the forbidden area. I came down from the Tianshui Sect and was almost tired and paralyzed. When I reached the mountain gate, I was almost unable to move, so I could only hide in the grass and pant.

Jie Shen was called by his master to give lessons to the juniors today, so I had a chance to escape. Of course, I don’t think I’m an escape, and I have nothing to do with Jie Shen. At best, it’s a goodbye.

Where should I go next?

I didn't think about this problem clearly, so I dropped a big hand from the sky.

That big hand grabbed me directly from the grass, "So it's you, the chic little mouse."

It was the fancy man again, I looked at each other, a little angry, "Did you not see me resting? Why did you lift me up?"

"Sorry, but you can continue to rest."

As his voice fell, I lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, I found myself lying on a big bed. That bed could hold hundreds of me. I hadn't slept in such a soft bed before, so I couldn't help but roll on it.

In the forbidden ground, I either slept on a stone bed or on a stinky fox. In Tianshui Sect, Jie Shen always asked me to sleep with him and asked me to sleep next to his pillow, but Tianshui Sect seemed to be a harsh disciple. The pillows and mattresses are hard, but the body is still a little softer.

This is the first time I slept in such a soft and fragrant bed. I could not help but squint when I looked at the veil that floated slightly in the wind.


The sudden sound frightened me, and I immediately sat up and looked at where the sound was coming from.

Only then did I realize that there was a person standing beside the bed, and that person was standing behind the veil. I hadn't noticed him before.

"Who are you? Why did you tie me over? I warn you, you'd better let me go earlier, or else my uncle and the Tianshui Sect will not let you go. Do you know who my uncle is? He is The only nine-tailed fox in the world! I don’t need to introduce the Tianshui Sect, the first in the world, and the relief is very powerful in their sect!"

What I said was just to frighten the other party. Fu Jiuyin spent so long in the forbidden area, he probably wouldn't be willing to come out, and to relieve the sinking, I just met him in peace, and we had some fate.

"Oh, is it so?"

The man seemed to chuckle, then raised his hand and lifted the veil.

I saw the other person's face, a very pale face, like an ink painting, with gloomy eyebrows and red lips, making it difficult to get along with. I also noticed that one of his long hair was almost drooping. I hadn't seen anyone with such long hair, so I couldn't help but step back, "You...what do you want to do?"

The smile on the corner of the man’s lips did not fade, but in the next instant, I reached his hand, scared my hind legs limp and unable to move, just holding my tail pitifully, "Squirrel meat is not tasty at all. , Really, I don’t have much meat on my body, you...you can eat my uncle, my uncle is fat."

That person turned a deaf ear, but forcibly pulled my tail away with his fingers, and touched my belly. After touching my belly, he scratched my chin, "Are you hungry? I'll take you for delicious food?"

"...Okay." I am not bowing my head to the food, but retreating strategically. Whenever I have a chance, I still have to run away.

That person took me to a hall that looked very gloomy and there were many people inside. When those people saw the person holding me, they all knelt down and shouted: "Congratulations, Elder Hexi, finally Got what you wanted."

One of them said that these words were not enough, and continued to flatter, "Elder, do you want us to prepare a one-month running water table to tell the whole world that we have a plush in the dark soul door?"


I was a little bit stunned, does Fluffy mean me?

The man called the elder curled his lips, then cursed mercilessly: "Fool, get out."

The man rolled numbly.

And I was taken to the top of the hall, and the man put me on the desk and said, "Eat whatever you want."

I glanced at the desk, and they were all eaten that I hadn't seen before, and they smelled pretty good. I looked back at the man hesitantly, "Why are you asking me to eat?"

When the man heard this, he blinked slightly, and stretched out his hand to touch my tail, "Because I want to know if I raised you with good food and drink, would you..."

I didn't finish saying this, but I heard it in a cloud.

"Do we know each other?" I noticed the word "in the beginning" in his words.

"Forget it, but you were more fierce than you are now." He touched my tail again. This guy always took the opportunity to do something with me, it was too much. I couldn't help but moved aside, but the hand also moved.

Even when I was eating, the hand was still on my tail.

I was a little angry, but the other party was not easy to provoke. Fu Jiuyin told me that men with long hair are bad guys, and the longer the hair, the worse.

I have stayed at the Gate of Dark Soul for more than ten days, and the food in front of me is almost the same every day. I don't know how that man got so many delicious foods. He would also make juice for me to drink, which made me lose myself for a while and gained weight.

The man told me that his name is Xue Wenchun, he has not been married, has been single for hundreds of years, and is looking for a beautiful partner.

I am a little sad when I hear these words. Why are so many males in this world not married?

"What kind of couple are you looking for? Tell me, maybe I can introduce one or two for you in the future." I think I will definitely leave here. If I meet a girl who loves to eat on the road, I can introduce him to the Dark Soul Gate. The food here is really good.

Xue Wenchun heard this question and looked at me with a low voice, "Small, loves to eat, and chubby. By the way, it's best to have hair all over the body."

"???" I was a little stunned, "Is there a girl with a hairy body?"

Xue Wenchun snorted softly, stretched out his fingers and squeezed the soft flesh on my stomach, and said casually: "There should be."

Seeing his dispirited look, it's no wonder that he can't find a spouse. Finding a spouse requires a lot of energy from a male, who can't be like him.

But I continued to ask kindly: "What about my temper? Are there any demands?"

This question seemed extremely ordinary to me, but the expression of the person in front of him changed. He looked at me and kept silent for a long time until I was a little hairy when he was staring at me. Then he finally spoke, "No request." The sentence was so light that I almost couldn't hear it, "As long as it is him."

Yes, it is a master who cannot love.

What do I say, someone like Xue Wenchun, who has a family at a young age, can't find a partner? He was just like Fu Jiuyin, who had someone who couldn't love him, which was really pitiful.

Speaking of Fu Jiuyin, I did not expect that Fu Jiuyin would kill me the next day.

After he rushed in, he first glared at me who was lying on the bed enjoying Xue Wenchun's massage, and then he started fighting with Xue Wenchun.

The fighting between these two people was almost dim, the sun and the moon were dark, and they hit from the room to the outside, except for the bed I was lying on. The rest was broken.

I really want to rush to them and tell them not to fight, but I still think my life is important, so I can only sit on the bed and watch them fight.

In the end, the few-thousand-year-old fox won. Fu Jiu's yin toes was high, and he walked in front of me covered in blood. He seemed to want to scold me a bit, but his mouth moved and he held back.

Fu Jiuyin took me back to the forbidden area. Before I went back, I looked at Xue Wenchun, who was lying in the ruins. My head was hot, and I shouted to him, "Xue Wenchun, you will definitely find a spouse, so you must live. Go down."

As soon as the voice fell, my beard was tugged.

Fu Jiuyin's voice was yin and yang strange, "You say one more thing, I will go back and kill that guy."

At this time, I heard Xue Wenchun's voice again.

Xue Wenchun's voice was weak, but it still passed into my ears, "I will live, wait for me."

I secretly glanced at Fu Jiuyin, he didn't seem to hear it.


After returning to the forbidden area, Fu Jiuyin closed my confinement and prevented the silly snake from coming to see me. As a result, I could only face Fu Jiuyin’s yin and yang face all day long. Since I went out, he always took it. This evening lady's face is facing me.

"Uncle, don't be angry, can't I go out?" I can only put down my body to coax Fu Jiuyin.

Fu Jiuyin's fox narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

"Really, I won't go out." Of course it is false. I will go out if I find opportunities in the future.

Fu Jiuyin seemed to believe my words and was very happy to catch me and lick my fur.


But I am not very happy.

After licking the hair, I sat at the entrance of the cave with him and watched the clouds slowly wandering in the sky. Such days are boring, but Fu Jiuyin sometimes tells me stories, which makes it less boring.

"The story you told me last time hasn't been finished yet. Go ahead. Has that fox resurrected?"

Fu Jiuyin told me the story of a fox. In the story, the fox was quite miserable. The inner alchemy was dug up. I really don’t know how much the person who digs the inner alchemy hates it before digging it. Its inner alchemy, our monster, the most important thing is the inner alchemy.

"Dead, completely dead." Fu Jiuyin said calmly.

Suddenly I heard such a tragic ending. I was stunned for a moment and grabbed a handful of fox fur. "No, I don't like this ending. You can change it for me. It must come alive."

I caught Fu Jiuyin and took a breath, his eyes a little helpless, "Okay, change, change, that fox, fortunately resurrected, and then lived with a squirrel for a long time."

I think Fu Jiuyin is becoming more and more perfunctory to me, because I can't think of a good ending, so I just change the ending of the story to me and his present.

I dissatisfiedly grabbed a handful of Fu Jiuyin's fox fur, ran out, and ran two or three steps, then stopped and looked at Fu Jiuyin.

Fu Jiuyin did not catch up, but sat on the ground, gently covering his abdomen with his paws.

"Does your stomach hurt again?" I ran back. Fu Jiuyin always had stomach pains from time to time. I think it was because of his bad food. "How many times have I told you, let you go hunting," Although those monsters will run away when they smell your breath, I can give you bait. When they catch me, you will rush out. Isn’t this simple? You always pick up some fruits to eat. I will die one day."

Fu Jiuyin's fox eyes completed Crescent Moon, "It's okay, I won't die, I'm Fu Jiuyin."

"The only nine-tailed fox in the world." I took the next half sentence and changed the subject again. "Uncle, when do you say Huihui will like me?"

The fox of Fu Jiuyin Crescent Moon disappeared, and he snorted softly, "When you go out, Huihui is already a mother, so don't think about it."

I was a little sad, but after thinking about it, Fu Jiuyin was still single at a few thousand years old. He could only see and think about people. It was worse than me. Before I was several thousand years old, I would definitely find a spouse.

I don't ask for wealth or beauty, but for being kind to me.


In fact, I still wrote a lot in my diary, but Fu Jiuyin and the others said there was a problem with my presentation. Fu Jiuyin said that he was not as lazy as it was written in the diary, and Xie Chen said that he was not a stingy, as for Xue Wenchun...

He didn't say anything at all, he just tore off the paper from my diary and folded it into a thousand paper cranes, and asked me if it looked good.

What a big-headed ghost.

Forget it, just write it down in the diary. If there is a chance in the future, I will tell you my story.


Good night~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: Fei Lingdu, Meow Ji 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 3 sauerkraut in Luoyang; Shanhe Chengyun, Zhou Lang, Chexia, Azhang grow very long, I want Ri Ao Bing, Abu Wen Yan, Lian Jing, cold type, bones everywhere" , Wall corner green vine, Young Master Ye Family, 1 locksmith for mangosteen seeds;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

98 bottles of Qin Baizhu; 75 bottles of shirley; 70 bottles of resurrection; limited to ten 60 bottles for the nickname of dried shrimp; 50 bottles of Blingbling and Anzhi Tinglan; 46 bottles of Luoyang sauerkraut; 45 bottles of Double Speed ​​Zhaocai Bottles; 40 bottles of cat's claw mangosteen; 33 bottles of phoebe monsters; 32 bottles of Mu Qisheng; 30 bottles of Cathy??, cloud, smile killing, disappearing shadow, KOI, laziness and laziness; Humming, Marguerite is particularly sleepy, 3503283929 Bottles; JOJO Brando 24 bottles; Luo Su 23 bottles; Tu Hua 22 bottles; Meowing a rabbit, knocked on the medicine, I heard that I am very beautiful, Shuangmu, Chu, lighter handsome break the sky, change the nickname, Moshang Zhuohua, 20 bottles of Andokie; _(:з)∠)_, Naixi 19 bottles; Lazy Da, 15 bottles of joy; Han Yiyi 14 bottles of hanny; 13 bottles of difficult to draw; Momo little mosquito, oh oh hello, Ling, Azhe, disease name Qiu, Qiran, salted fish raccoon, Zizi, Rongyou, 30727601, bouncing jelly beans, 31163848, 29728827, 37534976, Zhenxiu Luo Baixue, xylvictory, baldness, ling Lingge, Shiwan Silver Rukawa Maple, Forgetfulness, Du. , Ephraim, Chinese cabbage, KimHyunA?, you are one-third of me, 10 bottles; Lualu, Cilang, Blue Bird, Mountain River 9 bottles; Abu Wenyan, Sleep Don’t Wear Fat Times, 8 bottles of Witch from the Wild ;Ah, these 7 bottles; zheng goose, chestnut, nine obsidian black, whale incarnate in an isolated island, flower bottom wishing longevity, crow 6 bottles; fish meal without coriander thank you, Luan Nu (?▼×▼?), Fu Yuxuan, is fruit It’s not a dog, ah, the dark green real sauce, Yan Qian, Yun Shuo, young, night tide looking for sand, not working, and decadent true love powder?? 5 bottles; luazhua, black screen 4 bottles; white crane, rabbit tails, long, Broadcasting and Television Zongju, Ye Ran, Tao Le Xixi, 3 bottles of IAMUZUZ; Youyou then, let me find., Know Shi Binqiu, 2 bottles of Fox Dog; Yuanfang, 7, Jueer Shenweihehe, wearing a bag, dumplings, spicy chicken It is a kind of chicken, Ahriman, Anzhi, beautiful woman, no cat in the Zen palace, fireflies, no wind and moon, a dumpling, a good way, buy a small orange, star and moon, long night, see through, don't tell me, 360917211 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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