When the pain passed, the sky outside was already dark. Shen Jue was lying on the bed with long hair flowing down like water on the couch. He relaxed for a long time before propping up his body and sitting up, but when he sat up, there was unspeakable pain in a certain part. Suddenly, Shen Jue's face became even more ugly.

Even though he is a ghost now, ghosts and people do that kind of thing, ghosts will also feel pain, especially his painting ghosts.

Shen Jue's eyes darkened, and his hands that turned from blue to snow brushed the long hair behind him. He put on his shoes and walked silently to the bronze mirror. He stole this bronze mirror from the palace. This mirror is much better than folk mirrors. It also looks beautiful and clearer, so he liked to take this bronze mirror before.

The person in the mirror has long hair up to waist, beautiful features, and white skin. It can be described by the words Qingjunli, but the eyes look so deep and terrible at this time, the eye sockets are extremely deep, and the eyes are hard to bruise. Cover, the lip color on the snow-white skin is also strangely red, as if painted with flower juice, and as if drinking blood.

This is Chu Yan's face, but because of Shen Jue's ghostly air, this pure and beautiful face also looks gloomy at this time.

Chu Yan is just the words of Xie Zhi’s sweetheart. His name is Lin Mian. People who are close to him usually call him Lin Chuyan. More intimate, naturally, remove the surname, and only call the words——

"Chu Yan."

For example, Xie Zhi.

Shen Jue's previous life and this life have been greedy for beauty, so he was confused as Lin Chuyan's stand-in. Xie Zhili was obsessed with his heart, but he didn't realize that the one he loved was a ghost, and he was just as fascinated by him. , I was fascinated by the beauty of the other party, even if it hurts again, I would endure it again and again.

To be honest, Shen Jue didn't like Xie Zhi at all, and even disliked it, because although the other person looked like a good girl, but the job was really... and he was a tossing master in bed.

Fortunately, the realm master of this realm was not Xie Zhi who he hated, but Lin Chuyan, Xie Zhi's sweetheart.

In this situation, everyone advocates fair skin and beauty. Even if it is a erlang, Fu powder must be painted with grease. Lin Chuyan is a typical representative of this aesthetic. He does not need Fu powder to apply grease, and he has skin like winter snow and lips like Dan. Zhu, with picturesque eyebrows and a modest gentleman, can be described as the dream girl of countless noble ladies in Beijing, and even the sons and men in the capital imitated his clothes.

Although Xie Zhi was born beautiful, he has a somewhat demon-like beauty compared to Lin Chuyan. The demon-like beauty is offensive. In the eyes of everyone, it is not as good as Lin Chuyan's faintly alienated beauty. Of course the most important thing is that Xie Zhi has a hot personality, and he always fights and kills, which is very difficult to get close to, so everyone still prefers Lin Chuyan.

Shen Jue picked up the paintbrush on the table in front of the bronze mirror, concealing the blue marks under his eyes little by little, hiding all the ghosts on his face. Although he was not feeling well, he still had to go out.

He needs to meet Lin Chuyan.

Before, he had been in contact with Xie Zhi more, and most of the contact places were on the bed. He knew very little about Lin Chuyan.

Lin Chuyan's mansion is located in the south of the city. Shen Jue avoids the crowd and uses invisibility all the way to the gate of Lin Chuyan's mansion. He looked around first. Lin Chuyan's father was Zongzheng Temple Shaoqing, and he was regarded as an official who stepped on the tip of a knife, so he was also punished for offending the emperor.

The three generations from the Lin Mansion were all scholars. Lin Chuyan grew up in a scholarly family, so he is more knowledgeable than ordinary people. When Shen Jue entered through the wall, Lin Chuyan was sitting at the desk reading.

Shen Jue disappeared and stood quietly next to Lin Chuyan. Lin Chuyan really had a good-looking life. When he lowered his head to read, his eyelashes were like a fan, and a small shadow fell in his eyes. Because he was in his own house, he dressed casually, wearing a moon-white old dress, embroidered with green bamboo patterns on the sleeves, and a section of the wrist that exposed the sleeves was as white as jade under the candle.

He had been reading this book for a long time. The young man came in midway to change his tea. When the candlelight faded, he raised his head and gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Shen Jue sat on the corner of Lin Chuyan's table, quietly looking at the other person rubbing his eyebrows.

After Lin Chuyan got up and put the book back on the shelf, he did not rush to leave the study, but turned and walked back and took out a painting from the locked cabinet below.

His expression when he took out the painting was almost indescribable, his eyes were very complicated, and his lips were tight. Shen Jue looked at this scene and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. After a full tea time, he saw Lin Chuyan unfolding the painting on the table.

The picture shows a young girl, dressed in a brocade robe and red cape, her face under the curtain is beautiful and lovely, but she is far from the beauty of Xie Zhi, but Lin Chuyan can see God in the painting. Up.

Upon seeing this, Shen Jue couldn't help but looked up at the painting seriously. The look in his eyes changed.

He saw the person in this painting when he first entered the Lin Mansion. In order to find Lin Chuyan, Shen Jue walked almost every courtyard in the Lin Mansion, and he saw the person in the painting in one of the courtyards.

Compared with the painting, the person in the painting is obviously a few years older, and he also wears a woman's hair style. She sat on the promenade, leaning her head on the shoulder of the man next to her, smiling quietly, while the man next to her gently hugged her waist and said something softly, the two looked very affectionate.

When Shen Jue thought of this, he quickly floated out, and he found the woman's yard again. The woman and the man had already returned to the house. Shen Jue stood outside the window without daring to go in. He heard the maid inside shouting "Young Master, Young Lady".

Lin Chuyan has an elder brother. The maid shouted "Young Master, Young Lady". Doesn't it mean that these two people, one is Lin Chuyan's elder brother, and the other person painted on the painting is Lin Chuyan's sister-in-law?

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of her lips twitched.

He just saw it really, Lin Chuyan's eyes were obviously longing when he looked at the person in the painting.


It is short but day.

I feel like I need to clear mine first. This small copy is very horrible. Really, when I was conceiving the outline in my mind today, I was almost mad by myself, and I also made up a lot of "Man Han Feast".

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 Zhang kk;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 A Jing;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 25015719, change yourself, 28094107, is the son to learn sauce, cold type, Wenyan, Yuluo, 桜, Ailium, Jueer God Weihehe, steamed buns, Tianzi, I love Shurachang, 1 cheese control;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

75 bottles of biscuits and hot water, rice porridge; 50 bottles of peeing against the wind; 30 bottles in July of that year; 22 bottles of the King of Wanyao; 20 bottles of Messiah, Yun, Anzhi Ruoxu, Yui, and Super Happy; Snapshot 17 bottles; 14 bottles of Mu Qisheng; 20449251, Green Lulululu, Moonlight Hitting the Fence, Achen Bacteria, Luo Ming, Huang Liang Yi Meng, Fu Yun Ban Shu, Zui Sheng Meng Do not Lian Lian 10 bottles; chop bar, chop bar, 280941076 bottles; la la la, shaju, guess, 5 bottles about gods; believers in the world. 3 bottles of Qu Cai; 2 bottles of potatoes; look for 2 bottles of potatoes; success is not bamboo, bamboo and bamboo, daily suffering, etc. Shen Jue’s old man, greatly quick change, if, ~·~, Jue’er Shen Weihehe, 22689712, Alice, 1 bottle of Ink Moji~~~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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