Shen Jue stood at the window for a while, and unexpectedly learned an important news--

In a few days, Lin Chuyan's elder brother will go to the place to take office. Although he still has a concubine in the room, this time he only plans to take his wife, who is the person in Lin Chuyan's painting.

Shen Jue also heard Lin Chuyan's elder brother call him Jinghe, thinking it should be the girl's name.

Lin Chuyan's elder brother wants to take his wife to take the post, which means that for at least several years, Lin Chuyan will not be able to see the woman named Jinghe again.


After leaving Lin Mansion, Shen Jue returned to his mansion and rested for half a month.

The mansion is located on a barren mountain outside the city. The mountain is not barren, but a road that went up the mountain collapsed. In addition, the road up the mountain is very steep. Gradually, fewer and fewer people go, the mountain becomes a barren mountain. The predecessor of his mansion was a temple. There were fewer and fewer pilgrims going up the mountain, and the monks in it all fled, so the temple became the ghost house of Shen Jue, the ghost painting ghost.

The previous Shen Jue had taken care of the temple. The murals on the walls and ceiling were all repainted by him. The furniture was stolen from the homes of the wealthy merchants in the city. As for the Buddha statues in the temple, he was guilty. Bao Tian buried all the Buddha statues in the soil for no other reason. He was scared when he saw the Buddha statues, so he simply buried all the Buddha statues so that he could not see them.

In the past half month, he did not do nothing, but concentrated on painting his skin in the house. He wants to paint this skin as it was during the Jinghe girl period.

Having been a ghost painter for more than 100 years, he has always remembered the appearance of people extremely clearly, as long as he wanted to remember. Just remember, it takes him a lot of effort to draw exactly the same.

After finally drawing a piece of young girl skin, this sub-body shape should be changed accordingly. Fortunately, after the skin is put on, his bones will change with the skin. The only flaw is that he has a Ma Pingchuan on his chest, which may be easily seen through.

Shen Jue thought for a long time, went to pick two small peaches from the peach tree in the yard, sewed an inner bag on the inside of the clothes, and stuffed the peaches in.

Now, the person in the mirror seems to have become the person in the painting. Shen Jue looked at the delicate and lovely face in the mirror, with an ironic smile on his lips.

Pi has been painted, then it's time to take the stage and sing.

Shen Jue, as a ghost, has the ability to dream. Lin Chuyan knows the book well beforehand, and the queen longs for his sister-in-law. When he wakes up, he can deny himself and return to courtesy. What about the dream? So Shen Jue drew the appearance of Jinghe, ready to enter Lin Chuyan's dream, to disturb the other party's mind.

When Shen Jue first fell into a dream, she deliberately wore a dress similar to the Jinghe painting. He drifted to the Lin Mansion late at night, when Lin Chuyan was already asleep, he directly fell into the other party's dream.

I saw that Shen Jue's foot had touched the ground.

He raised his eyes and looked around and found that this seemed to be the back garden of Lin Mansion. The back garden of the Lin Mansion is well maintained, with beautiful flowers and even the fragrance of flowers.

But these are all fake, just because the dream master turned out. If Shen Jue reaches out to pick the flowers, the flowers will disappear in his hands.

Shen Jue searched the back garden and found Lin Chuyan. Lin Chuyan was sitting on the red lacquered promenade of the pavilion, dressed in an old bamboo-blue dress. His long hair like Mo was simply tied with a hair band, and there was a book spread across his lap, but his eyes were not on the book. But looking outside the pavilion, it seemed to be in a trance.

He didn't even notice Shen Jue approaching.

Upon seeing this, Shen Jue had to cough twice.

These two coughs finally attracted Lin Chuyan's attention. When Lin Chuyan saw Shen Jue, he was obviously stunned. He stared at Shen Jue without blinking, and he did not speak for a long time.

Shen Jue knew that he was surprised now. After all, in Lin Chuyan's eyes, his current dream was reality. He would always be surprised when he saw his sister-in-law look several years younger.

"You are here, let me find it." Shen Jue pretended to be a girl's voice, and gently sat down on a stool by the pavilion. During these days, he adjusted his movements in the mirror, trying to avoid being discovered by Lin Chuyan.

"Big...sister-in-law, why are you..." Lin Chuyan was really surprised, and even stammered.

Shen Jue raised her eyebrows and glanced at him lightly, "Why do you call me sister-in-law? You didn't call me that way."

Lin Chuyan pursed his lower lip when he heard the words. He sat up straight and closed the book on his lap. Although his expression returned to normal, his surprise and tension could still be seen in his eyes.

"Sister-in-law said that she laughed." Lin Chuyan said softly, with alienation in her tone.

"Lin Yan, take a good look at what I am now. When did I become your sister-in-law?" Shen Jue knew that Lin Chuyan couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality at this time, so he had already figured out how to deceive each other. He wanted Lin Chuyan to think that what happened before was a dream, and now the Jinghe he played was not married to his brother. In this way, Lin Chuyan in the dream would do things that might not be possible in reality.

He needs to find Lin Chuyan's flaws.

Anyway, he was acting as a stand-in. It turned out that he was Lin Chuyan's stand-in, but he was finally killed by Xie Zhi. Now he comes to be Jinghe's stand-in. I don't know how Lin Chuyan will react when he knows it.

Shen Jue's words really broke Lin Chuyan's calm expression. He looked at Shen Jue with some uncertainty. After a while, he got up and walked to Shen Jue's, "You...have you not married my elder brother yet?"

"What are you talking about? When did I marry your eldest brother? Chu Yan, are you dreaming? Or are you sick?" Shen Jue stood up, trying to reach out to Lin Chuyan's forehead, but he hadn't touched it yet. The other party avoided it.

"No, I'm not sick." Lin Chuyan even turned his back, "Sister-in-law, I have something to do, go ahead."

Lin Chuyan hurriedly left the back garden of the Lin Mansion, but as the owner left, everything here slowly dissipated, and finally Shen Jue was driven out.

Being kicked out meant that Lin Chuyan was about to wake up. Shen Jue frowned, but he could only leave first, and then come back to dream tomorrow night.

It's just that Lin Chuyan is also very difficult to deal with in his dream. Shen Jue has been in his dream for more than ten nights. Now the relationship between the two in the dream is just sitting together and talking. Although Lin Chuyan showed joy in his eyes when he talked to him, the whole person was still stubborn and there was nothing to go beyond, making Shen Jue doubt that he had misunderstood Lin Chuyan's love for Jinghe.

Time dragged on, and Shen Jue had no patience. He was going to give Lin Chuyan a strong dose.

That night, he still appeared in Lin Mansion in his dream. Now Lin Chuyan likes to chat with him in the pavilion, but Shen Jue doesn't like it.

Shen Jue thought about it for a moment, and used his hand to make a blindfold. He changed the Lin Mansion in front of him into his barren mountain, and let the sky rain at this time, and the rain was not small.

And his mansion became a ruined temple.

Shen Jue stood in the ruined temple and waited for a while, and sure enough, he heard footsteps coming here.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Shen Jue heard the voice of Lin Chuyan's young man, "Second Young Master, there is a ruined temple here, let's go in and hide from the rain."

Shen Jue hid after hearing this sentence.

Lin Chuyan and his young man soon pushed open the door of the ruined temple and entered. Lin Chuyan's hair and clothes were wet by the rain outside. Now that white face is still wet, and a few filaments hanging from his cheeks are stuck to the skin, and most of his clothes are wet, showing the curve of the waist. A bit embarrassed.

It's just that the beauty is embarrassed, but it adds a bit of beauty.


I wanted to finish writing the hard material, but I'm too sleepy. I'll write it tomorrow, good night

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Shen Yao, Qi Er, A Jing 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: hum 2; Lang Li Xiao Bai Lei, Yu Luo, Jing Ah Jing, _Yi Zhou, Jue Er Shen Wei He He 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

43 bottles of rice porridge; 20 bottles of hanging science; Mi Jue, I attack, so I am, Lost Ghost, Ci Lang, One-Tailed Goldfish, Qi Er, Nescafe 10 bottles; Dream, 360269015 bottles; Qing can sleep 3 bottles; yaoyaoyao, if, Anna , Ye Yusheng is exquisite, believer in the world. , Ah, this, Miamour, 180972801 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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