A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (5)

When these words came out, even Qiao Jiangyuan was stunned.

Because even if he can't give his neck to a half-blood casually, everyone knows that a half-blood has no control. If the opponent's fangs bite his neck, it is possible to be sucked dry.

He sat up slightly and looked at Shen Jue, "Shen Jue, don't mess around."

Shen Jue just said: "I haven't been fooling around. I haven't been blood-sucked by a half-blood. I'm a little interested. I want to try it." He turned his head and looked at Qiao Jiangyuan, "Or, together?"

He and Qiao Jiangyuan had been a teenager for a few lifetimes, not to mention anything else, he still knew one thing very well. Qiao Jiangyuan is very cautious, he is an exquisite self-interested race, he will never give his life to others.

Sure enough, Qiao Jiangyuan immediately declined Shen Jue's suggestion.

Shen Jue had a look of regret on his face, "Well, then only I will try."

When Yuqing heard this, he was even more flustered. He didn't know what to do, and given him a hundred courage, he didn't dare to **** Shen Jue's blood.

Although Shen Jue is now letting him **** blood, maybe he will turn his face like last time later, sucking his master's blood is far more terrible than committing theft. After thinking about it, he simply knelt down and looked at Shen Jue imploringly, but at this time, his fangs had not been recovered yet.

Shen Jue seemed amused to see Yuqing's appearance, and reached out to touch Yuqing's fangs.

The fangs are the most precious thing the blood race sees. Yuqing was stiffened by the touch, and he did not dare to move, for fear that his fangs would accidentally cut a small wound on the opponent's finger.

"It's so small, can you **** blood?" Shen Jue whispered, "By the way, have you ever drunk the blood of the blood family?"

"No, no." Yuqing said nervously.

"Then I am not your first?" Shen Jue smiled, and suddenly turned to look at Qiao Jiangyuan, "Qiao Jiangyuan, I remember I sucked your blood when I was young?"

Although it was a problem, his tone was very determined.

Qiao Jiangyuan nodded, "You drank it. When you were young, when you said you wanted to taste the blood of the blood race, if it tasted good for humans, you had to let me drink it for you, and the result..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Jue had already accepted it, "It seems to have fainted you. Sorry, I was too young at that time and I had no self-control."

Qiao Jiangyuan's expression remained unchanged, "So I don't think you should do such a dangerous thing now." He glanced at Yuqing, "He can **** more blood than you did when you were young."

"But I found something interesting, how can I not do it? Then, no matter how long life is, it will be boring." Shen Jue closed his gaze back, he looked at Yuqing in front of him, and turned his face slightly, "Come on. , Take a bite."

He showed his pale neck.

Yuqing saw the faint green color under the skin, and the fangs that had been about to be retracted began to move around again. He stared at the neck in front of him, his eyes gradually ecstatic, as if he could only see the neck in front of him, and could not see the rest, and he could not hear the outside voice, only felt the sweet smell of blood in his nose.

No, it's the **** smell he imagined.

But he really wanted to drink it, to the point of going crazy.

Yuqing's body trembled lightly. After a while, he slowly moved closer to Shen Jue, getting closer, and he couldn't help taking a sip of water. For some reason, he felt that the person in front of him was more attractive to him than the human blood he had drunk before, probably because of the fresh life. No matter how fresh the blood in the cup was, it was taken out of the body for a while. , It was dead blood, and now it's different. He can drink the freshest blood with just one bite, the blood surging in his veins.

And the other party is still a nobleman whose status far exceeds him, and is his master.

The blood clan is a blood clan who lives by drinking blood. They are very blood-sucking, and sometimes they also **** the blood of the same kind, but most of them are the blood of the lower ones. This is a sovereign oath, just like the powerful blood .When you love, you often bite the neck of the person under you.

However, it is very rare for the lower-ranked to **** the blood of the upper-ranked person, let alone a half-blood slave to **** the blood of his master.

This is taboo, but the more taboo, the more exciting and fascinating.

Yuqing licked her teeth nervously, and then moved her head over.

At this time, Shen Jue's neck was very close to him, as long as he opened his mouth, he could bite it.

To bite, or not to bite?

Yuqing stared at Shen Jue's neck fixedly, and licked her fangs again. He was fighting with himself here, but Shen Jue lost his patience. He glanced at Yuqing, reached out his hand to touch the back of the opponent's head, and pushed the opponent towards him.

The fangs touched the cold skin and couldn't wait to pierce in.

Shen Jue frowned with some discomfort, he let go of his hand, because Yuqing no longer needed him to press it.

Yuqing took the initiative to press Shen Jue's neck, and even his hands began to be presumptuous. He hugged Shen Jue's neck, as if he was afraid that this noble prey would escape from under his mouth.

Xiang Wen's teeth on the side were almost broken, and he resisted not rushing forward and tore the humble thing from his Lord Duke.

The Lord Duke is too kind, and he actually drinks his own blood for this dirty half-blood. In fact, he has never tasted the blood of Lord Duke. If he can drink, it must be very good.

Yuqing drank too fiercely, and the **** smell gradually spread in the air.

Xiang Wen licked his teeth unconsciously, because he was afraid of showing ugliness, he could only move back. The smell of this fresh blood really smelled wonderful.

Of those present, I am afraid that only Qiao Jiangyuan is still sober, he watched Yuqing hug Shen Jue sucking blood.

Regardless of its demeanor or posture, all revealed the happiness of this half-blood race at this time.

After sitting for a while, he couldn't help but stand up. He walked quickly to the two of them, stretched out his hand and pulled Yuqing away directly, "Enough, do you want to **** up your master?"

When Yuqing was torn apart, there was still blood on his fangs, his eyes were a little blank, and he hadn't recovered.

Qiao Jiangyuan glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Shen Jue's body.

Shen Jue looked tired and pale, he raised his hand to cover the place where he was bitten.

He looked down on Yuqing a little, this guy was biting and sucking blood, and his neck was bitten by several holes.

"Are you okay?" Qiao Jiangyuan leaned down slightly, wanting to see Shen Jue's wound, but Shen Jue avoided. Qiao Jiangyuan did not miss the disgust in the other's eyes when he avoided him. His body stiffened slightly, and his outstretched hand moved weakly in midair, and finally dropped to one side of his body.

"Can't die." Shen Jue said lightly.

He put his hand down and found that there was blood on the palm of his hand. He was about to let Xiang Wen come over with a handkerchief, but one person was faster than Xiang Wen.

It's Yuqing.

He rushed over quickly and quickly and greedily licked all the blood in Shen Jue's palm.

After licking, he glanced at Shen Jue timidly, then retracted to his previous position and knelt down.

Xiang Wen, who witnessed all this, is really going crazy. This **** half-blood has a set of methods to seduce people, and it is impossible to guard against. Now he puts on such a pitiful and innocent appearance, who wants to deceive. ?

He gritted his teeth severely, and immediately took his handkerchief to the pool to get wet, and when he came back, he wiped Shen Jue's licked hand carefully, not even letting go of his fingers. When he wiped it, his expression was so fierce that Shen Jue couldn't help but glance at him.

"Why is this expression?" Shen Jue asked.

Xiang Wen’s face was distorted, and then Yuqing’s pitiful little expression was revealed, “Duke, you were sucked so much blood, you were injured before, and you almost couldn’t wake up. Now I don’t know how many supplements to take. In order to make up for the body." But after all, Xiang Wen was still Xiang Wen. He looked back at Yuqing and stomped the other's foot with words. "Some people really don't feel sorry for the adult's body. Let him take a breath. He actually sucked so much."

Yuqing was scolded, so she didn't dare to say anything, she could only lower her head.

Shen Jue was sucked too much blood, and now a little tired, so he is not in the mood to manage the struggle between Xiangwen and Yuqing. He stood up, put on the bathrobe next to him, and said to Qiao Jiangyuan as he put it on, "I'm a little tired, so I'm going to go back to the room to sleep, you..."

Before he finished speaking this time, Qiao Jiangyuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I will see you again in a few days."

Shen Jue nodded, then turned and left. Upon seeing this, Xiang Wen quickly followed.

After Qiao Jiangyuan saw Shen Jue left, his expression was a bit complicated, but when he saw Yuqing who was still kneeling on the ground, he gave a gentle smile and stretched out his hand by the way, "He's gone, get up."

Yuqing did not dare to ask Qiao Jiangyuan to help him. He knew that Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan had a good relationship, and Qiao Jiangyuan’s status was so distinguished that he should not help him. He was a little afraid that Xiang Wen was still staring at him in the dark, ready to sue him at any time, so he He stood up and said to Qiao Jiangyuan somewhat cautiously: "Duke Qiao, I am going back to the kitchen to continue working."

After Shen Jue left, the smell of blood in the air disappeared, and his fangs were also retracted, but his lips were very bright red, like a rose that is still brilliant in winter.

"Don't worry." Qiao Jiangyuan glanced back at the blood tea on the table, "I have always been curious about how you make such a delicious blood tea. Can you teach me?"

Yuqing took a look at the blood tea that was obviously untouched, and felt that Qiao Jiangyuan's words were really strange, so he evaded: "I didn't make it."

"Who made that?" Qiao Jiangyuan knew that the little beauty in front of him was very vigilant, but he had always been very patient. "Can you take me to find him?"

Yuqing opened her mouth, and when she didn't know how to answer, Xiang Wen suddenly appeared.

Xiang Wen looked at the two people by the pool blankly, and then shouted in a cold voice: "Yuqing, the Duke is looking for you."

"Okay." Yuqing nodded apologetically to Qiao Jiangyuan, and immediately ran to Xiang Wen's side.

After they walked for a while, Yuqing asked, "What is the Duke looking for?"

Will he be punished again?

Xiang Wen looked at him and suddenly smiled sarcastically, "You are very powerful, the Duke is worried that you will be bullied by Duke Joe, and specifically asked me to call you out."

Yuqing was stunned, "Bullied? Why?"

Xiang Wen thought for a while, and lied without changing his face: "Don't you know? Duke Qiao is a..." He leaned to Yuqing's ear and lowered his voice, "Perverted, he especially likes eating bat meat, Duke It’s because Duke Joe was eating a scorched bat that I didn’t like to pay attention to him recently. You can continue to stay with Duke Joe without fear of death. When the time comes, you will be eaten. Don’t cry."


Another fairy tale before going to bed tonight:

A long time ago, there was a princess named Yuqing who was rushed to the forest because she was jealous of her beauty. In the forest, he met a dwarf, so he asked the dwarf: Dwarf, dwarf, I can go to you Do you play at home? When the little man heard this, he suddenly bit the princess's leg. Only then did the princess realize that it was not a little man, but a poodle wearing clothes. Finally, the princess got rabies and died.

Xiang Wen:? ? ?

Yuqing: ...what kind of fairy tale is this?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: The girl's heart exploded 3;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 drunk life, dream of death, do not love and laugh;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

The girl’s heart exploded 20 bottles; Shui Luoying 10 bottles; 4 bottles of drunken life and dreams, don’t love and laugh; Dongfang is white, I love Shurachang, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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